New York 2006

Chapter 195 Children

Chapter 195 Children
Katie's expression looked complicated, as if something was really going on.After all, she is Robin's sister. Although the two have not been in contact for a long time, they have had a "close" relationship after all, so she still has to give her some face.

Luo Ji then separated from Harvey and went to a secluded place with her.

Luo Ji had a very good attitude, like an elder treating a junior, chatting with her with a smile on his face.

But as they chatted, Luo Ji's expression gradually became serious, and then he became a little scared and even uneasy.

"When we were camping in Canada, I saw Robin walking out of your tent that morning."

"I asked her who the father of the two children was, but she didn't tell me at all. But I think it should be yours. The time is right."

"She lives alone in Toronto now. If I hadn't often visited her to play, she would have never even told me. My sister has a boyish stubbornness. She handles everything by herself and doesn't like to tell others. .”

"Those two children look very much like you. They have some of your characteristics, especially their mouths and eyes. They are very similar to you. Look, these are some photos I took secretly."

"If you want to see them, just contact me. I'll take you there. I'll be in Los Angeles these two days."

The news was so shocking that Luo Ji was not prepared at all.He listened to Katie alone the whole time and didn't say a few words.

At this moment, Luo Ji's mind felt like a storm was blowing, and he was feeling dizzy.After Katie left for a while, he calmed down and walked towards the swimming pool.

Harvey stepped forward and asked with concern: "Who was that girl just now and what happened?"

"It's okay, thank you for your concern."

Luo Ji replied casually.He ignored Harvey after he finished speaking.I casually took a glass of wine from the waiter's tray and walked to the pool to sit down without drinking it.

In the swimming pool, young men and women were playing in the water, and music was playing next to them.They swam up to Luo Ji and asked him to come down and play, but Luo Ji refused.

Luo Ji felt very complicated at this moment, looking at his reflection in the water.

He thought of the instructions given to him by his previous agent Braun, thought of Taylor, thought of his deceased father David, thought of his mother Sammy, and thought of Robin whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Feili, don't drink. There are many reporters here today. Be careful of being photographed."

Fiona was not polite at all, she sat directly next to Luo Ji, snatched the wine glass away, and took a comfortable sip.

"Aren't you going to meet people? Why are you sitting here alone? You have to know that you are the host of the party."

"I'm going right now..."

Although Luo Ji said this, his body did not move.

At this time, he was thinking about the photos Katie showed him just now, including a photo of mother and son, which was very heartwarming.

In the photo, Robin is sitting on the sofa, wearing pajamas and a red hat on her head.She was holding two children, a boy and a girl, in her arms and seemed to be in a good mood.

It's a pity that the pixels of the mobile phone are too poor to see clearly.However, in the photo, you can vaguely see the shadow of Luo Ji on the child's appearance.

At this moment, Luo Ji's views on the Chinese-American family gained the upper hand. He suddenly stood up and said, "Fiona, let's go to Canada."

"Why did you suddenly go to Canada? Wasn't there an announcement in Los Angeles in the past two days?" Fiona asked in confusion.

Luo Ji said directly: "We'll talk about it on the way. You need to contact the plane first. It's best to rent a private plane. If you want to get to Canada the fastest, don't care about the price."

"All right!"

Fiona said helplessly: "Who calls you the Boss? It seems that I can't enjoy the party anymore."

Fiona picked up the phone and went to call the plane. Luo Ji also stood up and walked towards the room, but within a few steps, Harvey walked over with a smile on his fat belly.

"Logic, good news. Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Sophia Loren and the extra singer Fergie are willing to meet you tomorrow if they are free. Fergie is also participating in my movie "Nine"."

"I'm really sorry. Something unexpected happened here. I may not have time recently."

Luo Ji's mind was now occupied with thinking about his two children in Canada, so where could he find time to meet these female stars?

Harvey walked up to Luo Ji and said, "Can you tell me something? Maybe I can help you."

Luo Ji politely said, "No, I can handle it here. Let's talk when we have time later. You can have fun at the party."


"Then I have something to do here, so I'll leave first."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, without waiting for Harvey's answer, he hurriedly walked into the house.

After only a few steps, he was stopped by an old white man from Warner's distribution department: "Logic, remember to go to bed early today, there are still movies to promote tomorrow."

Luo Ji thought for a while and said directly: "I'm afraid I have to say sorry. Something urgent happened here and I may not be able to participate in the promotion." The old white man from Warner was stunned: "This..."

Luo Ji said bluntly: "I really have something to do, it's very urgent. Just take Christine and the others with you."

"But what the promoter wants to see most is you!"

Luo Ji didn't want to get into too much trouble with him, so he directly ordered: "Push it for me! I think I can also exercise this right in my role."

Without waiting for the white man from Warner Bros. to reply, Luo Ji hurriedly disappeared.

Arriving at the study, Luo Ji did not pack his luggage immediately, and his overheated mind slowly calmed down.This matter is still somewhat complicated.

He paced back and forth in the study, thought about it and locked the door, then called his lawyer Jamie and his agent Braun, organized a conference call, and informed them of the current situation.

After hearing this, agent Braun said sarcastically: "I have told you to be careful. You used to think I was verbose, but now you are in trouble."

"Robin is not that kind of person," Luo Ji explained.

"Then what kind of person is she? How long have you known her?"

Manager Braun said angrily: "She gave birth to the child without telling you. Everyone in the entertainment industry knows what she wants to do."

"Think about Eddie Murphy, how embarrassed he is by that woman now, scolding him on TV all day long. What is it for? Isn't it just for money? Your experience in the entertainment industry is still too short. You You think people are too kind, and those women will do anything for money."

"Robin, isn't she short of money?" Luo Ji asked.

Agent Braun said: "Having money and being rich are two different things. How rich can she be? You were on the Forbes Celebrity List at the beginning of June last year, but she came to find you at the end of June."

"What about the safety measures? Didn't I ask you to take safety measures?"

"I..." Luo Ji didn't want to talk about the details of that time.

Braun continued: "She was a reporter and host before, and she knows everything about the entertainment industry. She must know that you don't want to make things big, and she will most likely threaten you by exposing this."

Luo Ji remained silent and did not speak.

Lawyer Jamie said: "Logic, I don't think you need to be so anxious. Since she asked her sister to come over, she definitely doesn't want to make the matter a big deal. She also wants to maintain a better relationship with you."

"Robin didn't ask her sister to come, it was her sister who guessed it."

Luo Ji said angrily: "She doesn't even want to contact me. She hasn't taken the initiative to call me in almost a year."

Braun had a bad impression of Robin and said directly: "Can't you see it in such a simple way? It makes you think that it was her sister who secretly photographed her without her knowledge. This will make her look very innocent, which is not the case at all. Do not covet your wealth.”

"Men don't like scheming girls, and she must know this. When you take the initiative to find her, she will definitely have many reasons to block it. For example, Christianity does not allow abortion, and she won't bear it until it is too late to find out. She estimates I still want to marry you."

Lawyer Jamie added: "Isn't she trying to pretend she doesn't care and just wants to raise the child alone? Why don't you just not go to her and just pretend you haven't received the news."

"But they two are probably my children." Luo Ji said loudly.

Lawyer Jamie asked in surprise: "Is it possible that you still want to raise the child?"

"Of course!"

Luo Ji said seriously: "If he is really my child, I will definitely fulfill my obligation to raise him. Do you still want me to be like those black people, who know that he may be their child but don't recognize it?"

"That's fine, but I don't recommend you go directly to her."

Braun's tone became much better after hearing these words: "Now we must first find out whether those two children are yours. Didn't you help her friend Lily before? You asked her to find Robin and pull out a few Take the hair of those two children and do a paternity test first, and then we’ll talk about it after it’s done.”

Lawyer Jamie said: "I also recommend doing this."

"I have seen the photos, and the two children have my shadow in their appearance. Of course, I will also do a paternity test."

Luo Ji then said: "I still decided to go see her tomorrow. You just want to do things well in terms of law and public opinion."

Luo Ji had an inexplicable liking for Robin very early on. After getting along with her for a long time, Luo Ji felt that she was indeed a bit stubborn like a boy. She would take care of everything by herself. She was the kind of person who could raise children independently. .

"Why don't you think about it again? This will make you lose the initiative." Braun said.

"Those who have the initiative and those who don't have the initiative, they are probably my children! I don't want to involve too many interests in it. If they are my children, I will give them what I should give."

Luo Ji continued, "Children are the most important thing. We Chinese, like Italians and Jews, attach great importance to family!"

(End of this chapter)

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