New York 2006

Chapter 168 Recruitment from multiple universities

Chapter 168 Recruitment from multiple universities

In the principal's office of Brooklyn High School in New York, mother Sammy and grandmother Queenie were chatting with people from the school's external relations department, while Luo Ji was having fun with the principal in the office.

Although Luo Ji came to school only a handful of times, this middle-aged white woman had a very good attitude.

After all, my mother, Sami, donated a total of US$50 to the school last year from the Long Live Life Charity Fund. She also established a long-term David Rowe Scholarship in the school, named after her late father, with an annual US$30 David Rowe Scholarship.

The headmistress smiled and said, "Logic, which language did you apply for when you took the SAT test?"


Luo Ji spoke seriously: "After all, I studied Spanish in school. There is also a Latino employee beside me who often communicates with me in Spanish."

The headmistress smiled and complimented: "Then you have learned the three most spoken languages ​​in the world."

"At best, we can communicate on a daily basis." Luo Ji said, "It's too far to be proficient."

"By the way, Logic, what were your SAT and ACT scores?"

Luo Ji said: "1566 and 35."

"Whoa whoa whoa."

The headmistress shouted in surprise: "Logic, you are really a genius. You can still get such high scores while taking care of your music career. Have you ever had your IQ tested? I think it should be very high."

"No," Luo Ji said, "But my father is very smart, and I think I should have inherited his IQ."

The headmistress then said, "By the way, who wrote your letter of recommendation?"

"Xu Youyu."

"Who is he?"

"Ph.D. from Princeton." Luo Ji said with a smile, "But no one's resume is more convincing than my own."

The female principal smiled and said: "Hahaha, yes. With your grades and your reputation, you can choose from the top universities in the United States. Which universities have you applied for?"

Luo Ji said, "They are all universities in New York, Columbia University, Cornell University and New York University."

"Why not go to Harvard? This is the top university in the world."

Sure enough, it is discrimination in the school. Where does this put Princeton and Yale?Luo Ji thought to himself.

The female principal said seriously: "I graduated from Harvard. Harvard is the best. There are still a few days left for the last round of applications this year, so you still have time. I believe Harvard will not reject you, Natalie." Portman, you know, she is also in the entertainment industry, and she entered Harvard University. If you are busy with work, Harvard University will take special care of you. I will say hello to the admissions office."

"Principal, I don't want to be too far away from New York." Luo Ji explained: "Several of my companies are in New York. While I am taking care of my studies, I also have to manage the company."

"Forget it, career is more important..." the female principal continued: "The admission notice should arrive in the next few days. You should pay attention."

"Yeah." Luo Ji replied.

The headmistress continued: "So will you come to the high school graduation ceremony in May? I can let you speak as a student representative. I will give you a stage to show off."

This is a relatively good public relations opportunity. When the news comes out that you can go to college with him, it can please some mainstream people.

Luo Ji tentatively said, "If I come, some media should come. Wouldn't this be bad and affect the daily life of the high school?"

"Absolutely not!" the headmistress said, "We are eager to increase the school's reputation."

Luo Ji continued: "I haven't been at school for a few days. Will the media gossip about me?"

The headmistress said seriously: "I will let the school endorse you. You have taken all the school's exams and passed them all, and your test scores are very good. You don't have to worry at all."

"Then there will be no problem on my side." Luo Ji said with a smile.

Next, some senior officials from the school, including the headmistress, mother Sammy, grandmother Queenie and Luo Ji, came to the library to visit.

The headmistress introduced: "Logic, Sammy, Queenie, you see, this is a computer purchased by the school with your donations. It can be used in the library for students to check information. It is also free for students to use."

At a glance, Luo Ji saw that there were about a dozen of them.There is also the logo of the Long Live Life Fund on the computer case.Luo Ji spoke with satisfaction and commented very officially: "Very good, not bad, not bad. The Internet is the future. Let students get access to computers as early as possible and learn computers. Maybe we can cultivate several talents in the Internet industry in the future."

Several people came to the school's music room again, where there were still students taking classes.The headmistress said hello to the teacher, and then led a group of people into the classroom.

The students inside immediately became excited when they saw Luo Ji. They were all very excited. Luo Ji smiled at everyone.

The headmistress introduced: "This is an instrument purchased with your donations, which greatly enriches the school's variety of musical instruments. There is also a small recording studio at the back where students can learn recording knowledge, and maybe it can cultivate some top musical talents. .”

Luo Ji said, "Can I say a few words?"

"of course can."

Luo Ji looked at the students below and said, "The reason why I became a singer is because I learned various musical instruments under the urging of my family when I was a child, and I have a good understanding of music knowledge. The reason why I donated money to the school to buy musical instruments, Recording equipment, music production equipment and software are all designed to provide a link for everyone to learn music knowledge. The music industry needs many talents, not only front-end singers, but also soundtracks, accompanists, tuners, music post-production engineers, etc. These talents require professional skills.”

After Luo Ji said this, he smiled and said, "The annual salaries of these positions are not low! They may exceed those of your parents."

"Hahaha." Everyone present laughed.

"So, learning these is not only a hobby, but also represents a possibility of future career. Everyone study hard, maybe one day you will be in the record company. In this way, you can work with your favorite singers ,come on!"

Bang bang bang, everyone applauded!
After visiting these, it was already noon, and everyone went to the school cafeteria to have a casual lunch.In the afternoon, a David Rowe Scholarship Award Ceremony was held in the school auditorium.There were also many parents present.

Luo Ji also saw Blake's girlfriend Hailey below. She was waving her hands to say hello to Luo Ji, showing his relationship with Luo Ji to the little sisters beside him.Luo Ji, who was standing on the stage, waved back to her.

The school host said: "Alicia Smith, please come on stage to accept the award."

An 18-year-old white girl wearing glasses walked up from the stage. This girl had very good grades in school, and her teachers spoke very highly of her.

The girl walked up to Luo Ji, and Luo Ji handed a well-made certificate into the girl's hands. It said Alicia Smith had excellent academic performance in the second semester and was named an outstanding student. She was awarded the David Luo Scholarship. A reward of 5000 meters of knife will be given as an encouragement.

The girl was very excited. 5000 meters of knife was not a small sum.

This scholarship totals 30 US dollars a year. The selection is divided into the first half and the second half. Thirty outstanding students are selected in each half-year. In theory, one person can receive [-] US dollars a year.The list is entirely determined by academic performance, and there is no such thing as pork.

Luo Ji shook hands and encouraged, "Come on, Alicia."

"Thank you, Logic."

The girl shook hands with Sammy, Queenie and the headmistress.There are reporters below who are recording all this. It is not Luo Ji's style to do good deeds without leaving names.There will be media coverage at that time.

After shaking hands, the girl stood in the middle and opened the certificate. Luo Ji and the headmistress stood on the right, and mother Sammy and grandmother Queenie stood on the left. The five of them took a photo together, and one of the photos would be given to the girl.

After taking a group photo, the girl walked happily to the bottom of the stage and hurriedly showed off to her classmates and her mother.At best, Luo Ji would only attend the first session to increase his media favorability and increase the visibility of the scholarship, but he probably won't appear again in the future.

The award ceremony continued, and basically everything went smoothly. But towards the end, after a Chinese girl won the award, she kissed Luo Ji directly on the face when Luo Ji was handing out the certificate.The whole place was boiling.

"Hahaha, thank you for her love for me." Luo Ji smiled into the microphone and said to resolve the embarrassment.

At the end of the award ceremony, among the thirty people, the largest number were white people, followed by East Asians, and only one black person and Latino person won the award.

According to the racial ratio of the school, East Asians have the highest proportion of awards, followed by whites, and unsurprisingly, blacks are at the bottom.

Luo Ji then went to his former high school and the Chinese community in Flushing to award the David Luo Scholarship. This scholarship cost a total of almost 100 million U.S. dollars a year and was paid for by the Long Live Life Charity Fund. Compared with Those who sell dog meat on sheep's head are truly doing charity.

Three days later, my mother Sammy looked at the admission notices from Columbia University, Cornell University and New York University, with joy on her face.

"These universities are willing to provide you with full scholarships, and the admissions offices have personally called you. Which university do you want to go to? Maybe Cornell University, where your father went to school."

Luo Ji said: "I have consulted relevant people. Although Columbia University and Cornell University are ranked high, their academic atmosphere is too strong, and the school management is too strict. It is difficult to pass too many leave requests. So I’m going to NYU.”


Luo Ji explained: "This university itself is geared towards the entertainment industry, including film, television and music-related industries. Therefore, the management of this university is relatively flexible. They will understand if I don't have time to attend classes, and their admissions office agrees. If you know me, you will cooperate with me."

"Okay." Mother said with some regret.

(End of this chapter)

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