New York 2006

Chapter 165 2008 years

Chapter 165 2008 years
On January 2008, 1, Holi Game Company, Luo Ji logged into his Facebook and came to the New Feed, which is the third-party application page. The top one was Texas Hold'em, a game developed by their game company.

Luo Ji entered friend's purchase and sale in the search bar, and then opened the home page. A lot of news appeared in the game updates in the lower right corner.

It has been four hours since you last logged in, and you have earned 2000 meters.

Your friend Carrie Underwood sold you for NT$25000, and you received NT$[-].

Your friend Avril bought you as her pet for [-] yuan.

Your friend Avril Lavigne gave you a sad panda.

Your friend Avril kicked you in the air.

Your friend Avril Lavigne asked you to work delivering pizza and earned $2000.

Your friend Avril Lavigne gave you the nickname Liar.


Luo Ji couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw these game dynamics. This game was so fun.He also played for a while, buying Taylor, Avril, Carrie Underwood, Max, Blake, Yang Jian and others as his pets, and then let them work to make money for himself.

At this moment, Avril, who was resting in Los Angeles, logged into Friends Trading and saw the news.

Your friend Logic bought you as her pet for [-] yuan.

Your friend Logic gave you a delicious cake.

Your friend Logic gave you the nickname French Beauty.

Your friend Logic has set you as his personal pet.

Avril couldn't help but smile when she saw this.

She thought for a while and sent a private message to Luo Ji: "Sell me quickly. My value will only increase if you buy and sell me many times. You set it as a personal pet and you have to spend money every day. My value will still increase." No."

Luo Ji spent an hour, mainly interacting intimately with Taylor, before ending the game.This game was reported to Luo Ji by the company, saying that the number of users has grown rapidly during this period.Luo Ji then invited some friends to try it out.

"The effect of the game is very good! It is a tactful expression of friendship or goodwill."

Luo Ji thought about it. Compared with his company's games, the interaction between players in this game was more powerful than 01:30, and it truly realized the concept of social game interaction.

Luo Ji searched the Internet for news about this game. There seemed to be no media reports for the time being, but there were already a lot of discussions on friends' buying and selling forums.

"We seek to buy and sell each other and improve each other's values. It is true and effective and will never lie."

"Any kind person who wants to buy me, please mess with me."

"Whoever can buy me, I will take private nude photos. Female, 16 years old."

Dong-dong-dong, there was a knock on the door.Luo Ji closed the Reddit website on the screen and said, "Come in."

The person who walked in was Yang Jian, the president of the company. He was holding a document in his hand and a smile on his face: "Logic, Tencent, Bill Lee and people from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers KPCB are here."


Luo Ji adjusted his suit a little and then came to the conference room, which was already full of people.Luo Ji stepped forward and took the initiative to say hello to several people.

"Hi, Bill, hi, Sarah. I happened to be on a global tour when you were getting married. I'm sorry that I didn't attend. Did you receive the gift I gave you?"

Sarah Gore smiled and said: "Received, we are very satisfied, thank you."

When Bill Lee and Sarah Gore got married, he sent an invitation to Luo Ji, but he didn't have time to go and just sent a gift.But later Luo Ji heard that many celebrities were there, including Ms. Clinton, New York real estate businessman Turner, Tesla’s Musk, and so on.

Luo Ji looked at Bill and said, "Congratulations, happy wedding!"

"Thank you for your good words!" Bill Li said politely in Chinese.

The newlyweds looked very much in love, with Sarah hanging on Bill Lee's arm wherever she went.Luo Ji spent about 20 minutes chatting with others before starting the road show.

"Since everyone can come here during the holiday after receiving the invitation, they must be very interested in my game company's Series A financing, so I won't go into details. Yang, please open the PPT."


After Luo Ji finished speaking, he then said to the people present: "During the explanation, if you have any questions, there is a financing plan on the table. You can look it up, or you can ask me directly."

The white man sent by KPCB said: "Okay."

Luo Ji was high-spirited and very confident, and began to introduce the current situation of the company to everyone.

"When Holi was first founded, it produced a music comparison software, which now generates more than 50 yuan in revenue every month. Later, it developed the stand-alone game "Twilight" and sold 500 million yuan. , I can still earn an income of about [-] meters per month."

"The company is currently developing a stand-alone game, "Vampire World War," which is much more sophisticated than "Twilight" and will be developed soon."

The person sent by Tencent frowned when he heard this, and he asked: "Logic, where is your social game strategy? This is what we care about."

"Please wait a moment, I will tell you next."

The projected PPT switched smoothly, and a picture of Facebook founder Zuckerberg giving a speech at the F8 conference in Los Angeles appeared on the screen.Luo Ji pointed at the screen and said.

"I believe everyone knows that in May last year, Facebook launched a social graph available to third-party developers. By October and November, other social networking sites followed Facebook's lead and launched their own third-party developer platform.”

The projected picture changed again, and a histogram of the number of users of some social networking sites appeared on the screen.

Luo Ji pointed at the projection and said: "This is the number of users of social networking sites that have opened third-party developer platforms. Myspace has 7600 million, Hi5 has 5600 million, Friendster has 5400 million, Facebook has 4400 million, and classmates have 3600 million. The total number of these users is approximately There are 2.66 million users. More than 2 million users provide broad prospects for social games."

Luo Ji said solemnly: "Right now, no game company has such a potentially large user base. EA doesn't have it, Microsoft doesn't have it, and Blizzard doesn't have it. Only social networks that connect people's social relationships can have such a number of users." . And social games naturally exist for social networks. One day, this industry will breed more game companies than EA."

Someone from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Investment Company said: "Logic, we understand this broad prospect, but whether free social games can be profitable is a huge question mark."

Luo Ji then spoke: "Next, this is what I want to show you, but you have to sign a confidentiality contract and cannot disclose it to others. Jamie, please handle it."

"OK." Jamie took a few documents and distributed them to everyone. After a few people looked at them and saw that they were OK, they all signed.

The PPT on the computer then changed, and the company's detailed data for the past five months appeared: "In the first four months, the total number of game users on all our platforms was only 300 million, but last month, our number of users Directly doubled to 630 million."

People from Tencent asked curiously: "Why is the number of users growing so rapidly?"

Luo Ji said: "Because the influence of social games is increasing step by step, this is an exponential growth process. 10 in the first month, 30 in the second month, 100 million in the third month, and 300 million in the fourth month." 630 million users per month, and reached [-] million users in the fifth month. Social games will inevitably see explosive growth in the future."

Someone from KPCB said: "What number do you expect the number of users to eventually reach? This determines the company's upper limit."

Luo Ji drew the pie: "Now these social platforms are expanding globally. There are 68 billion people in the world. If one-third of the people eventually join social networks, then the base will be more than 20 billion. If one-third If one person plays social free games, the number of users will eventually reach about [-] million users. So this is a super broad prospect, and no game company can reach such a user scale."

Several people below the conference room were obviously moved. Luo Ji saw Bill Lee and Sarah Gore's breathing became rapid.The people at Tencent were deep in thought.

KPCB is obviously much more professional. Their company often invests in the Internet industry: "Logic, I am not questioning your talent, but how can you guarantee that you will be the number one in the highly competitive social game market for a long time. You must know that now your There are many competitors, Playfish, Zynaga. They have several games in the top ten. Your company only accounts for five, Texas Hold'em, Tetris Rush, Pet Care, Scrabble with Friends, and Simulation Life."

When people from Tencent heard this, they couldn't help but twitch their lips. Isn't this a plagiarized QQ game?
He couldn't help but wonder if Logic had come up with this idea the last time he visited their company.

 Data refers to Zynga’s financing history
(End of this chapter)

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