New York 2006

Chapter 155

Chapter 155
In a huge dance studio in Burbank, Hollywood, a lot of actors are rehearsing. There are three top-notch Sony cameras inside to record everything. These were purchased separately by Logic Pictures and then rented to the crew at market prices. in use.

Later, it can be used in record company song MVs, YouTube videos, and film shootings.Luo Ji agreed after Zhu Haowei proposed the purchase.

When the cast and crew finished their rehearsal for the day, director Catherine gave Luo Ji a distant look.Luo Ji walked aside dejectedly.Fiona immediately took out a bottle of water and handed it to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji drank a bottle of [-] ml of purified water in one gulp. He wiped his mouth casually, his face full of trouble.

Christine was wearing a Xiyin dress with short sleeves and jeans, exposing her sexy waist. She casually walked to Luo Ji and sat down. She patted Luo Ji's shoulder comfortingly.

"Logic, you don't have to be disappointed. You have made obvious progress in the past few days. You have done a good job in how to move, how to talk, and how not to look directly at the camera. In the past two days, you haven't noticed that Catherine has said a lot less to criticize you. Really? You don’t have to be disappointed.”

Luo Ji raised his head and said, "Thank you, Christine, but it has nothing to do with this."

Christine looked directly into Luo Ji's eyes: "Can you tell me your troubles? Maybe I can help you."

"'s still not necessary."

"Logic, let's go home together!"

Austin Swift ran over waving from a distance, then he looked at Kristen with a smile: "Want to go to my house together?"

Kristen smoothed her hair around her ears and smiled awkwardly: "No, you two go back first! I'll just go back to the hotel with the other actors."

When Christine walked away, 15-year-old Austin snorted coldly: "I think she has been interested in you for a long time and comes to chat with you every day. Why don't you reject her?"

Luo Ji said confidently: "She is the heroine, do you want me to completely fall out with her?"

"Okay!" Austin then said seriously: "You can't be sorry to my sister."

Unexpectedly, a spy was recruited. Luo Ji patted him on the shoulder: "Mind yourself, and be careful that I report to your parents that you have been pestering your sister who is two years older than you recently."

"No, no, no, I was wrong, Logic." Austin then said with a playful smile: "Let's go back and play "Halo 3"."

On September 2007, 9, Microsoft released "Halo 25", and sales in one week reached 3 million US dollars.This is simply a money grab. The production cost plus publicity costs are 3 million U.S. dollars, and Microsoft earns 9000 million U.S. dollars a week, not to mention boosting Xbox sales.It's a huge profit. Microsoft's stock price has risen by 2.1% in the past two days.

Luo Ji thought about his Holi game company again.The social gaming strategy is very successful, and there is now revenue. However, the company is still losing money on purchasing servers, staff salaries, and renting new office space.

Loss is actually nothing, as long as the strategy is successful.

But what made Luo Ji unhappy was that after the company's game designers completed the social game strategy, a small number of them left to continue developing other social games, and most of them returned to the development of stand-alone games. During this time, After investing 300 million yuan, the company's cash flow was a little tight.

Many of them were industry giants, and it was hard for Luo Ji to criticize them directly.However, they assured Luo Ji that the stand-alone game would be successful, and Luo Ji would always give them a chance to try.

Luo Ji put aside his worries: "Okay, let's go home, but I can't play games today. I have something to do!"

Austin was immediately curious about the baby and asked, "What's going on?"

"Don't ask so many questions." Luo Ji patted Austin on the shoulder.

Two bodyguards, Fiona and Austin, took a Logic Films commercial vehicle and headed to a community near Burbank.

Since he often came to Los Angeles for work, Luo Ji simply bought a house near the company.The home here is similar to the home in New York. It is close to the company and has many rooms, which is enough for Luo Ji's team to rest.

This place has been renovated a long time ago and you can move in directly with your bags. The furniture and electrical appliances were changed for a total cost of 500 million, which is 40 dollars cheaper than a house in New York.Everything was taken care of by Fiona, and it felt pretty good to stay here for the past few days.

Luo Ji praised: "Fiona, you did a good job!"

Fiona smiled and gave her a proud look.

Blake, who was in the room, heard the sound of the car and ran out quickly. He walked up to Luo Ji and whispered in Luo Ji's ear, "Jen Psaki has arrived."


When they got inside the house, the Latina nanny was pouring tea for Jen Psaki. When Jen saw Luo Ji, she quickly stood up and stepped forward to shake hands: "Logic, hello!"

"Hello." Luo Ji nodded casually: "Follow me!"

The two came to the study, and Luo Ji got straight to the point: "You called me mysteriously this morning. What's going on?"

Jen Psaki didn’t mince words either: “You should know that Senator Barack is coming to Los Angeles today and he wants to meet you!”

Luo Ji decisively pretended to be stupid: "I saw on the news yesterday that he met with grassroots Democrats in a county under North Carolina. What is he doing in Los Angeles today?"

Jen Psaki was stunned: "Oprah didn't invite you? She is in Hollywood today, hosting a fundraising dinner for Senator Barack."

Of course she had to invite her. She also wanted Luo Ji to sing for free.However, Luo Ji heard from Braun that after Oprah complained about him privately, he no longer wanted to deal with this woman.

Luo Ji looked at Psaki, wondering whether the red-haired woman really didn't understand or was pretending not to understand.So he made up a lie casually.

"I have something to do today, so I directly rejected Oprah. I followed William Daley's instructions and donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Senate of Barack. What else does he want to see me for today?"

"Maybe I just want to thank you."

Jen Psaki finished.He was keenly aware of Luo Ji's mood. "Is there something I don't know about? I am your political consultant and I receive your salary every month. You can trust me completely."

Although Jen Psaki last came to New York with William Daley, she now holds no position and does not serve anyone.When he learned that William Daly was coming to see Luo Ji, he offered to follow him to try his luck.

However, she served as Democratic Election Committee Chairman Rahm Emanuel's press secretary for the Midwest and Northeast regions in 2006, and she has some connections within the Democratic Party.


Luo Ji decided to trust her and told her the truth about Oprah's sudden attack on Luo Ji in the media at that time.She pondered for a while and said.

"No, it doesn't matter even if you can influence some Chinese Americans. The only ones that can influence the majority of Chinese Americans to vote are political organizations formed by Chinese Americans. John Liu and Judy Zhao are the core of Chinese Americans in New York and California. members, unless you can influence them to change their strategy!”

Luo Ji immediately said: "How can I have such a big reputation? Although I am rich, there are many rich Chinese people who are richer than me. And you don't understand the subtle psychology of Chinese and East Asians, unless Ms. Clinton withdraws from the election , they will support Democratic Senator Barack. These also include Latinos, Indians and other minorities."

"I understand, why don't I understand."

Jen Psaki gave Luo Ji a serious look, and then continued: "Then why did she suddenly attack you in the media? Is it to create a rift to make you lose Ms. Clinton's trust? Or for some other reason."

Luo Ji complained: "How do I know that you are my political advisor! I need you to tell me the answer."

Jen Psaki wandered back and forth for a while, and finally said: "I don't know, but I'm sure you have what Senator Barack wants, otherwise he wouldn't ask to see you. If you go tonight, you probably won't." There will be an answer." Luo Ji immediately said, "You made me panic. Can I not go?"

"I'm not advising you to do that, it's on the advice of a political consultant."

Jen Psaki looked around, then whispered: "I am [-]% sure that it will be more difficult for Ms. Clinton to defeat Senator Barack. I once worked under the chairman of the previous Democratic National Campaign Committee, so I have the news Source, this year’s chairman, supports Senator Barack. This position is very critical and can influence some of the party’s super representative votes. And..."

"And what?"

Jen Psaki spoke even more quietly: "And Senator Barack's mother is Jewish. Although in the eyes of the public, he is a black man. But in a sense, he is one of his own in the eyes of the Jews. So the Jews in the United States Most support Senator Barack for president."

Luo Ji was surprised and said, "Is there still something like this?"

"Of course, this is not a secret, but few media report it. Jews control the media. You should have seen that Ms. Clinton has been in a very bad situation in the media these past two days. It is the result of the operation of the Jewish media. Therefore, next time The person sitting in the White House may be Senator Barack, and you cannot but give him face."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

After Luo Ji scolded Silverman on MTV some time ago, Ms. Clinton also spoke in support of him.This is not because Luo Ji has such a great reputation, but because she is also helping herself by speaking, because she is also a woman.

As we enter October, we are getting closer and closer to the primaries of the two parties.Some insulting remarks about her gradually appeared in the media.

Ms. Creighton's voice was said to have a high-pitched voice and her laugh was described as a giggle. The news media reshaped the various meanings and values ​​associated with 'Clinton' and 'giggle' characteristics, creating and reinforcing a sense of her. Sexist, misogynistic ideas.

A TV host also said: "There is something about her that makes people feel emasculated, domineering and scary. She is a woman with a testicular lockbox."

Some media also uncovered her husband Clinton's "zipper scandal" and insulted her personality, saying that she was a hypocritical character who was still independent as a woman and that her husband would not dare to divorce even after doing such a thing. She was a complete and utter fraud. Hypocritical Bichi.Such discussions also appeared on YouTube and Facebook.

Luo Ji complained: "Sure enough, it's like Mark Twain's novel "Running for Governor". No matter how well-respected a person you were before, once you run for office, all the bad things in your past and all kinds of slanderous remarks will be revealed. Pour it on you."

"Haha, it's good that you understand."

Jen Psaki continued: "So, the best way is to hide behind the media and be a funder. At least the Democratic Party will not touch you. And your career is in New York and California, which are the territory of the Democratic Party , the Republican Party can’t reach in.”

"Okay, let's go! By the way, should I say hello to Ms. Clinton and say I'm going to see Senator Barack?"

Jen Psaki asked seriously: "What do you think?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Then let's go!"

Psaki comforted: "Don't worry, they are all members of the Democratic Party, they will not do anything to you!"

"Is William Daly here?" Luo Ji suddenly missed the old white man. After the last transaction, the relationship between the two took a further step.With him around, Luo Ji could feel more at ease.

"No! He's in Chicago."

When we arrived at Oprah's Santa Barbara mansion, it was brightly lit and full of luxury cars parked nearby.

Luo Ji met many top stars and singers along the way, including Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, Halle Berry, Spielberg, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Will Smith, etc.

There were no rappers along the way. It seems that Oprah hates them because the lyrics are all about guns, money and women.Luo Ji didn't really like this type of song either.

There were so many celebrities, but Luo Ji had no intention of socializing. He and Jen Psaki went directly to the room where Senator Barack was.He was the only one in the room.

When he saw Luo Ji, he immediately greeted him and greeted him warmly: "Logic, thank you for your donation to me."

"Mr. Senator, I very much support your political views." Luo Ji smiled and walked forward, holding his hand with both hands and shaking it enthusiastically.

Senator Barack affectionately pulled Luo Ji to the sofa: "Come on, come on, sit down. Psaki, you too."


Luo Ji took a look and saw that he was taller than himself.

The chat between the two did not involve any secrets at all. He just wanted to be a gentle elder and cared about Luo Ji's career.It was very helpful to Luo Ji that his posture was much lower than that of Ms. Clinton.

Senator Barack laughed: "I heard you were making a movie in Hollywood recently?"

Luo Ji said with some shame, "They are all love stories between young men and women. I guess you won't be interested."

"Who says I'm not interested? I was young too, don't think of me as an old-fashioned person. Let me tell you a secret, I also smoked flying leaves when I was young!"

"haha, really?"

"Of course. It's not a secret." After Senator Barack finished speaking, he approached Luo Ji with a gentle look on his face: "Come on, tell me about your movie in detail."

The two chatted for more than ten minutes in total, which made Luo Ji very comfortable.

He patted Luo Ji on the shoulder and encouraged: "You are very good. You don't squander the money like most young singers. Instead, you start a company. Come on, minorities need outstanding talents like you to inject money into the Democratic Party. Fresh blood.”

"Thank you, Mr. Senator!"

Senator Barack looked at the watch on his wrist: "It's getting late. Go next door to find Philip Dorman. He has something to say to you. He said you know him, right?"

"Yes. I'll go find him right now."

Senator Barack stood up and walked Luo Ji and Jen Psaki out the door before waving goodbye.

Come to the corridor and walk towards the next room.Luo Ji said to Jen Psaki who was next to him: "He has such a good personality, it makes people feel like a spring breeze."

Jen Psaki said seriously: "There are very few people who have come into contact with him who don't like him. He is much more approachable to the people than Ms. Clinton. Ms. Clinton, have you ever seen her visit the grassroots like Senator Barack?"

Luo Ji nodded thoughtfully.

Jen Psaki then asked: "Philip Dauman, he's the president of Viacom, what do you think he would say to you?"

"I don't know. You'll find out when you go in."

After chatting with Senator Barack, Luo Ji felt much more relaxed and less nervous.He knocked on the door, then opened the door and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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