New York 2006

Chapter 151 Media frenzy with sales of [-]

Chapter 151 Media frenzy with tens of millions of sales

On TV, the CNN host shouted loudly: "Just last month, six nuclear warheads flew over the entire United States without control. As long as the pilot has a thought, he can carry out a nuclear attack on the United States at any time. ! This matter has been concealed by the Pentagon. If it weren't for the insider's revelation to the media, the American people would still not know about it. It's time to make these military organizations transparent.

"The rigid constitution of the U.S. military, funding that is not subject to congressional audit, overseas business, contractors bribing generals, and a dozen goats costing millions of dollars are an insult to the U.S. government. The Republican Party cannot allow the military to be like this. It has expanded. The U.S. military-industrial complex has kidnapped the U.S. and turned it into a war machine!"

The incident was called the U.S. Air Force nuclear weapons incident.

From August 2007 to 8, 29, a bomber flew from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. The B-30H bomber was mistakenly loaded with 52 W6s. The AGM-80 stealth cruise missile with a variable yield nuclear warhead flew across the entire United States from north to south. Within 1 hours, these six nuclear warheads broke away from the mandatory security measures of various nuclear weapons. No one has ever discovered that these missiles equipped with nuclear warheads were missing.

This incident was only recently revealed, and it instantly made headlines around the world.Including allies of the United States, people all over the world have begun to be angry with the U.S. government.

Fiona cursed loudly: "The U.S. government is a bunch of trash. If something as important as a nuclear weapon can go wrong, what can we expect them to do! The world is laughing at us."

On the contrary, his best friend Black was very calm, with an indifferent expression: "Anyway, the United States has a lot of jokes, so they can laugh at them. But as we are the only superpower in the world, they just laugh at us. They haven't watched our movies, and used Our internet, listen to our music.”

Best friend Black has the same view as most ordinary white people in the United States. As the only superpower in the world, the United States not only has an advantage in military, but also in culture, media, and technology.

From ordinary people to politicians, they have strong psychological advantages over people from other countries in the world.So white people in the United States are very arrogant.When discussing with people from other countries, I naturally feel superior.

Luo Ji reminded: "Okay, stop complaining. Let's go."

Suddenly, the landline phone in the hotel room rang, maybe it was something about the hotel.

Luo Ji picked it up casually: "Logic, this is Rolling Stone magazine. Can we arrange an interview with you? Your photo will be on the cover of the next issue of the magazine, and the first article will be your interview."

This was Rolling Stone magazine. Luo Ji immediately said, "Of course, when will it be published?"

"How about tomorrow? We'll send reporters to find you."

"Okay, I'm in Los Angeles now." Luo Ji then said sarcastically: "Since you can all find the phone number of my hotel room, I believe it won't be difficult for you to find me."

While Luo Ji was talking to the other end of the phone, Luo Ji's work phone, which was usually held by Fiona, also rang. She walked aside and picked it up.

Ten minutes later, Fiona looked at Luo Ji. She covered her phone and said, "This is the Wall Street Journal. They want to conduct an exclusive interview with you. Do you agree?"

Luo Ji suddenly became excited: "Of course I agree, this is a top newspaper, the time will be the day after tomorrow!"

"OK, Logic agreed. How about setting the time the day after tomorrow?"

Three minutes later, Fiona hung up the phone and gave a sign that it was done.

Luo Ji said happily: "Hahaha, it seems that my investment genius persona has attracted the attention of top newspapers."

Fiona was also very happy, but she couldn't stand Luo Ji's arrogance and said, "Stop bragging, let's go! We have to go to the film company today."

At this moment, Luo Ji's work cell phone, personal cell phone, Fiona's cell phone, and the hotel phone rang rapidly at the same time.Only then did Luo Ji realize something was wrong.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was agent Braun.His tone was very urgent: "Logic, watch all the major TV networks!"

The last time something like this happened, it was because Universal Music caused a crisis of public opinion in order to make him surrender. Then the major media launched an overwhelming attack on Luo Ji.

Luo Ji quickly turned on his computer and browsed major news websites.

Fox, CNN, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, NBC, MSNBC and other mainstream television stations and newspapers all used different pages to report on Luo Ji's news.

CNN: "After three years, the record industry once again saw an album selling more than 16 million copies. Logic's album "1070" took six months to achieve global record sales of 2004 million. The last time it was sold in one year The album that reached tens of millions of sales was Usher's 1200 album "Confessions of Love," which was the last glory of the record industry in recent years. It sold 16 million copies that year. In the past two months, Logic's album sales have dropped to one million Below Zhang, some professionals predict that Logic’s “1300” will sell between 1400 million and [-] million copies this year.”

The New York Times: "Logic's album '16' has sold 1070 million copies in six months. According to people familiar with the matter, the reason for the rapid increase is because sales of Logic's rigs in East and Southeast Asia are taken into account. In fact, The situation is that at the beginning of August, Logic's record sales reached [-] million."

The Wall Street Journal: "I received news this morning that after three years, the record industry's annual sales volume has once again exceeded 16 million albums. The one who achieved this achievement was Logic's "3". Today's stock market opened, and record industry-related concept stocks, on average It rose more than 5%. Vivendi, the parent company of Universal Music, rose more than [-]%."

At this moment, the bodyguard came in hurriedly with several newspapers. He said eagerly: "Have you received the news? Logic, your record sales have exceeded [-] million!"

"What a panic!"

Luo Ji casually closed his laptop and said calmly: "Universal Music is really useless. It's only now that the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry has been solved!"

Blake, Fiona and the bodyguards didn't care about Luo Ji's pretense, they all looked at him with admiration.

Avril Lavigne, who had just attended the 2007 Fashion Rock Concert at Radio City Music Hall in New York, had just finished partying last night and didn't wake up until noon.

She rubbed her eyes, picked up her phone and took a look.It contained text messages from her husband, Derek, asking about her trip.

She has been traveling around as a singer since she was a child. She was controlled by her parents when she was young, by her record company after she turned 16, and by her husband after she turned 19.

She was a little tired of her current life.She felt like a bird in a cage, longing for the outside but a little scared.

Avril's assistant walked in with more than ten newspapers, breakfast, and coffee as usual.She flipped through a few pages and suddenly saw news about Logic.

"Logic said that no one knows streaming media better than him!"

"A few days ago, after Logic invested 5% of Netflix's stock, the market was generally not optimistic about him and the stock price fell. Afterwards, he made a speech and said that streaming media is the future, and the stock soared by 10% after the opening. Logic's kind of It’s a testament to his influence.”

"However, a few days ago, he boasted in the media again, saying that no one understands streaming media better than him. As a result, the market suddenly reversed again, and Netflix's stock price fell by 5%. It returned to the initial level of the stock price when Logic purchased it. .”

"So far, Netflix has not issued a statement. This newspaper consulted relevant personnel at Netflix, and they had nothing to say. However, internal sources revealed that Netflix President Reed Hastings privately cursed Logic as a Big mouth and said he would never be admitted to the board of directors!”

"Hahahaha! Logic is a big mouth!"

After Avril Lavigne saw the news, she burst out laughing, and then she said angrily: "Logic also tricked me into singing the Chinese version of "Girlfriend" in China, but everyone laughed at me!"

The female assistant didn't know the relationship between the two, and said from the side: "He is a big troll, Joe Cecchini, Silverman was so trolled by him that he dared not speak out. He also likes intersex people, Avril Lavigne, you are a thousand Don’t mess with him.”

Avril hurriedly explained: "I'm just joking. I have a good relationship with him. I have been in contact with him and he is very nice. As long as you don't mess with him, he is very kind to people." Avril continued to read the newspaper and waited. After seeing the news about Logic in the music industry, my eyes widened immediately. I was stunned on the spot and couldn't believe it.

"Logic's album "16" has sold more than 1070 million copies, actually reaching 1400 million copies! It is likely to reach more than [-] million copies by the end of this year. As mentioned above, after Logic's album sales exceeded [-] million copies, media exposure increased significantly. This month Record sales are likely to buck the trend.”

Avril's debut album "Spread Your Wings" also achieved sales of over [-] million, but she knew that it took her three years to achieve sales of over [-] million.

So she immediately understood that it was not easy for Logic to achieve such sales, especially when sales in the record industry dropped sharply.

The female assistant said: "So, if Logic's "16" sales can reach 1400 million copies by the end of the year, he can make history and reach the second place before and after the new year?"

After the new millennium, there are some albums that have sold tens of millions of albums worldwide a year. In 2002, Emmy Naem's "The Eminem Show" sold 1390 million copies. In 2003, Norah Jones's "Get Away" sold 1800 million copies. In 2004, Arthur Xiaozi's "Confession of Love" has 1200 million copies.


Avril was a little jealous for a moment. She had worked hard for four months on her album, and only sold 430 million copies worldwide during this period. Now it is basically unsaleable, and it will only reach 550 million copies at the end of the year.Being surpassed by a new singer is indeed a bit uncomfortable.

But Avril quickly shook off such thoughts, took out her cell phone with a smile, flipped through the address book, and dialed Logic's personal number.

"The user you dialed is busy, please leave a message after the beep. Hi, this is Logic, I am busy now, please leave a message after the beep. Beep!"

"Logic, first of all, congratulations, your album sales have exceeded [-] million."

Avril Lavigne then complained: "The tone of your answering machine is too formal and has no sense of humor at all. Change it quickly. Also, wait for me and trick me into singing the Chinese version of "Girlfriend"." Everyone is ridiculing, I want to settle this matter with you. Don’t let me catch you!"

Finally, Avril added: "Return my call when you have time."

"What's the matter with you? You took me back so late?"

Taylor said loudly on the other end of the phone. Luo Ji touched the hot phone and motioned to Fiona to bring over the power bank.

He explained: "I was just chatting with Doug Morris, the president of Universal Music. He asked me to be interviewed by two media. Maybe the media entrusted the relationship to drag it to him! I couldn't refuse at all, because of his face. I still want to give it to you. There are more than a dozen call recordings on my phone now, and the first one I reply to is you!"

"It's not bad!"

Taylor then smiled and said: "My dear, congratulations, your record sales have exceeded [-] million! You are the best singer!"

Luo Ji said with a straight face: "Don't be proud, there is also Norah Jones."

Taylor said seriously: "Her new record has been sold out, and you are the best one!"

Luo Ji wanted to laugh when he heard this, but he held it back.Norah Jones once had two million-selling albums and was the undisputed king of combining jazz and folk music.

As a result, the third album "It's Not Too Late" was released almost at the same time as Luo Ji. It has been six months since then, and it has only sold 280 million copies so far.

In fact, I don’t blame her, the tastes of the audience change too quickly.Jazz suddenly stopped being popular, and she was considered the last glory of jazz.

Luo Ji laughed and said, "Taylor, are you really not going to come over and accompany me? You must know that my movie "Twilight" will be casting for next week, and Hollywood beauties will come by then. You are not afraid of any beauties. Are you trying to seduce me? You have to know that I am now a singer with tens of millions of sales and a billionaire, and the number of women who want to have sex with me can fill the streets of Burbank!"

"you dare!"

Taylor finished speaking loudly and then spoke softly: "My dear, can you wait for me for a while? My EP will be finished soon!"


After Luo Ji finished speaking, he remembered the business: "By the way, let me tell you something. In order to appease you some time ago, I asked your brother to put in a good word for me. I agreed to him at that time and asked him to come to "Twilight". You won't be angry if you play a small role in "The City"!"

Taylor said arrogantly: "I want to see how long you can keep it from me. His swagger is as good as yours. He has already shown off to me."

"Hahaha, I asked him to keep it a secret at the time. Your parents didn't object, right? I originally wanted to find an opportunity to tell them in person."

"No, my parents are very liberal..."

The two talked about love for a long time before hanging up the phone.

Fiona looked disdainful: "Your love words are so boring to me."

"Hmph, be envious!" Luo Ji said proudly.

Fiona looked disgusted and made a gagging gesture.Then she said seriously: "MTV just called and they are willing to release your documentary. But they want you to shoot a few more scenes and do some interviews."

Luo Ji snorted coldly: "After the MTV awards ceremony, their program received a lot of bad reviews and the ratings dropped rapidly. It seems they have tried everything they can to save the ratings!"

Fiona said worriedly: "Feili, don't be so forceful, okay? This means they have given in. You have to know that MTV is where Redstone made his fortune. It's just a fight between you now. Don't let him know when the time comes. , which really pissed him off. I have been cramming my knowledge in the entertainment industry during this time, and he is not easy to mess with, he is very strong. Promise me, okay?"

Luo Ji frowned and tapped his fingers regularly on the table: "Ask Braun to talk to them. Then there won't be anything that slanders me in the documentary! It has to be reviewed by us before it can be released. Only then did I agree to them !”

"Aha, you're not worried about making the same mistake as Michael Jackson. Who promised that everything would be fine in the first place!" Fiona complained ruthlessly.

Luo Ji became angry and shouted: "Why have you become more and more venomous recently! Go do your thing quickly."

"It's not that you've been so wild lately, and you don't know how to restrain yourself at all, and you talk wildly in the media everywhere. I'm worried about you."

After Fiona muttered, she took her mobile phone and made a call.

"You don't understand. I'm just hyping myself up. Look at Turner..."

 add tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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