New York 2006

Chapter 14 Upload

Chapter 14 Upload
It was already ten o'clock the next day when her mother, Sami, came home. The two had another argument. Luo Ji asked her not to go to that man in the future, but Sami refused to agree.

Luo Ji was very angry. He grabbed his belongings and went straight to the secret base, where he devoted himself to editing.Sure enough, all worries will be forgotten when people get busy, and the unhappiness caused by Sammy disappeared.

Click to send!After a busy day, Luo Ji finally uploaded his first video on his computer.

Blake jumped up and high-fived Luo Ji: "Yeah!"

Luo Ji responded happily: "Dude, you have contributed to this!"

"Should we celebrate? Have a party or something." Blake said.

"Forget it, I'm really too busy, and there are still many platforms where I haven't uploaded it yet!"

Blake was helpless: "Okay, originally I wanted to invite Hailey."

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and when Blake looked at the caller ID, he smiled instantly.

"Hailey, hello!"

"Are you near the school?"

"Want to go see a movie together? What do you want to see?"

"No problem! Just wait for me. I'll go find you right away."

After Blake answered the phone, he looked smug: "Brother, I'm going on a date. You can work alone!"

Luo Ji laughed and scolded: "Get out of here! Look at how sexy you are. Remember, wear a condom!"

Once Blake left, Luo Ji felt much more comfortable. In fact, he still liked to be alone quietly. Blake was sometimes too noisy, so Luo Ji continued to upload a second video on YouTube.

YouTube, the largest personal video sharing website in the United States, has become famous in recent days, occupying the headlines of major newspapers.

In 2000, the Nasdaq Internet bubble burst, and the Internet industry has been in a downturn since then.It wasn't until Gugou went public on August 2004, 8, with an increase of more than 19% that day, and Huaguo's Tencent also went public smoothly, that the Internet industry gradually came out of trouble.

Last year in 2005, Gugou and Yahoo took frequent actions, and these Internet giants seemed to have returned to their glory days.Yahoo invested $10 billion in Alibaba.Gugou announced that it will spend 10 billion US dollars to acquire 5% of the equity of Internet service provider "America Online".Even traditional media are jumping in. Murdoch's News Corp. won the bidding war with Redstone's Viacom and acquired MySpace for $5.8 million in cash.

Everyone knows how fast the Internet industry grew in the 90s. The information from last year has impacted people's brains, as if telling people that the Internet wave is rising again, so hurry up and get in!
Until this year, YouTube, an Internet company that had only been established for 15 months, had surpassed Gugou Video of the same type. A few days ago, it was acquired by Gugou, a competitor, for US$16.5 billion.Gugou can't compete, but he can make up for it with money.

This news completely detonated public opinion. The Internet bubble was only temporary, and the myth of Internet wealth creation began again.

The founders of YouTube, Chinese engineers Steven Chen and Chad Hurley instantly became Internet heroes. Countless media rushed to report on them. Time Magazine, Fortune Magazine, and the Oprah Talk Show all issued interview invitations. The growing popularity has also made the Internet industry boom again.

The first video Luo Ji uploaded on YouTube was nothing special. It was a self-introduction of more than 40 seconds.

The scene begins with Luo Ji and the kitten standing on his shoulders standing in a room. One person and one cat look very harmonious, followed by Luo Ji's introduction to the camera.

"Hello everyone, my name is Felix Luo, my friends call me Logic, and everyone can call me that. I am a street singer, and standing on my shoulders is my adopted stray cat Bob. Cat Bob and I will perform and sing in a small square in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on weekends from now on. We will also upload videos of Bob and I performing songs here. I hope everyone can subscribe to my account."

The scene is followed by a five-second clip of Luo Ji being cool and handsome, and Kitty being cute.Finally, there is a solo shot of Luo Ji, which ends with his heart-to-heart gesture.

The second video is titled Logic singing You're Beautiful by James Blunt.Luo Ji sings James Blunt's song You're Beautiful.

The scene begins with a close-up of Luo Ji's face standing on the street, with his back to the Brooklyn Bridge.

Then the screen changed to show a close-up of a hand playing a guitar.

The prelude sounds, Luo Ji's back is against the wall, he and the kitten appear in the picture together, he lowers his head, slowly walks towards the camera, raises his head with a sad expression, and then starts to sing.

The following video clips are all about this street performance.Among the scenes are passers-by putting money into a guitar bag, close-ups of beautiful women watching Luo Ji's performance with adoring expressions, clips of Luo Ji singing live, close-ups of kittens, passers-by rushing up to take photos with him, and him and his best friends. Blake's interaction includes beautiful shots of Max, close-up clips of mother Sammy and Chucky's expressions, etc.

The most important thing is Bob the kitten. His appearance frequency is second only to Luo Ji himself, and he has facial expressions that many people admire and admire.

Although the overall picture is rough, the camera movement is also very monotonous, and the picture quality is not clear.But through editing, Luo Ji made a street performance much more interesting.It's much better than the simple street performance videos on video websites.

After Luo Ji uploaded the video to YouTube, he went to MSN Video, MySpace Video, and Gugou Video to follow the same pattern, not sparing any channels, and trying to expand the distribution channels of the video as much as possible.

After uploading it to the major video websites, he went to Myspace, the largest social platform at the time, to edit his Logic online blog. First, he uploaded his photo avatar on the homepage, and then edited his introduction.

Logic, real name: Felix Slott Rowe.Born: August 1990, 8.Currently lives in: New York City.I am a singer who often performs on the street near the small square in Williamsburg, New York City on weekends. I like to cover songs.I usually like to write songs and enjoy video games.Everyone is welcome to enjoy my pictures, music and videos.

After writing this, Luo Ji went to the music section of MySpace and uploaded several of his cover songs, as well as his own original song.Then I went to the video section, attached a link to MySpace Video, and introduced it with text.Finally, I went to the photo album section and uploaded photos of myself and Blake, my mother Sammy, and my brother Chucky. The most uploaded ones were the photos of Luo Ji with the kitten and passers-by.He went to several Myspace competitor platforms, such as Facebook, Friendster, Orkut, etc., followed the same process, and after some editing, he was finally done.Basically, Luo Ji, the current mainstream social video website, has visited it.

Of course, the rest was not just waiting. Luo Ji took out his cell phone address book and sent a group text message.

"Dear friends, my singing video has been uploaded to YouTube and Myspace. You can search the account Logic to see it. There are many interesting clips in it. Come and watch. If you find it interesting, please help subscribe to the account and forward it to Share with friends.”

Not long after the message was sent, Blake's text message came back: "Brother, I'm watching a movie with Hailey right now. Watch it later."

Luo Ji's mind immediately pictured Blake's stern look: "Take your time dating! Remember to ask Hailey to help promote it, she knows more people."

"no problem!"

Jamie’s text message came back: “Okay, I’ll take a look. When will your original song be produced!”

Luo Ji immediately returned: "I have uploaded a simple guitar playing version to Myspace, but to complete it, the accompaniment alone would require five or six people to record it. I want the production to be better. I will wait until I become more popular."

Jamie replied: "Okay!"

A text message from mother Sami also came back: "When will you go home tonight?"

The RV was too crowded, and his brother Chucky was still a little fat, not to mention that he was having trouble with Sammy: "I'm not going home tonight, I'm at a classmate's house."

It took her mother Sami a while to reply: "Okay, please be safe!"

Max: "I've finished watching it. My shots are so beautiful and you sing very well."

"I specially selected your most beautiful shots and edited them in. Isn't it very artistic!"

"Okay, good job this time."

More than half an hour later, classmates also sent him messages one after another, saying they would help promote it.The music teacher also sent a message praising him.Even my grandmother Queenie, who is far away in Chicago, said she would watch it.

After all, phone numbers are used to socialize with acquaintances, so what other ways of publicity are there? After Luo Ji thought about it, there is no doubt that it is the forum.

Luo Ji came to 4chan, a very popular forum website in the United States.

4chan was originally created as a site for posting pictures to discuss Japanese anime, doujins, and otaku culture.But by mistake, this forum became popular because it does not allow account registration, is anti-internet convention, and does not have signature documents, avatars and other common forum functions.

It also has a limit on the amount of content in the forum. Once the number of posts in the forum exceeds a certain number, old posts without replies will be deleted.Most posts on the website have a short lifespan. Only the content that people really care about and keep posting will be left on the website to be discovered. Be rigorous.

This mechanism follows the survival of the fittest, and posts that become popular must attract everyone's attention.Coupled with its anonymity and a positive cycle, this forum has become the largest forum in the United States today.

Luo Ji came to the B section, which accounts for 1/3 of the website's traffic. The users of this section call themselves "mental patients."

He thought for a while, and then wrote the title, I have the latest XX video of Paris Hilton and her new boyfriend. Come and watch it.

Then he searched online and found a photo of Paris and her new boyfriend. He made their photo the cover image of the post, and finally attached a link to his YouTube video and clicked to publish it.

After posting the post, he went to Reddit again. This website is very similar to China’s Tieba, and is composed of interest communities.However, this website requires registering an account. Luo Ji registered an account casually, without using a Logic account, so that others would not find out that he was diverting traffic to himself.

He first went to the most popular /r/funny bar, which is a comedy community. Luo Ji moved the posts from 4chan intact, which had the effect of entertaining the public.

"Hahaha, I'm so smart!" Luo Ji laughed.

He then went to /r/Music, the music community.Luo Ji is much more serious in this community. The title says that I found a video of a street singer playing and singing. It is very interesting. Come and watch.

The cover photo shows Luo Ji holding a guitar and the kitten squatting on his shoulder, and they are standing on the street.This photo was taken very artistically and should arouse everyone's interest. Then he attached the YouTube video link and clicked to post.

Although it is just a simple click on the Internet, there are so many platforms. During this period, I have to conceive titles, upload pictures and videos, and explore the platform processes. After finishing all these, more than six hours have passed, and the time has reached [-] p.m. point.

Luo Ji picked up his cell phone and sent Blake a text message: "Are you going back to the secret base tonight? Do you need me to make room for you and Hailey?"

Blake returned after 2 minutes: "No, we found a hotel outside."

After receiving this news, Luo Ji, who had been working hard for a week, could no longer hold on, silenced his cell phone, and fell asleep!

(End of this chapter)

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