New York 2006

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
Williamsburg, Brooklyn is a very fashionable neighborhood, where ancient vicissitudes and modern and innovative architecture blend together to create a unique atmosphere.The streets here are not dominated by large chain stores, but are composed of many authentic restaurants, shops and cafes. There are many beautiful and unique graffiti art on the streets, and the literary atmosphere here is very strong.

"What's so great about this place? Why don't we go to Greenwich Village or Manhattan!"

"The literary and artistic atmosphere here is very strong, and the most important thing is that it is close to the RV campground. It only takes an hour to take a taxi. This will be the base for our street performances in the future."

Luo Ji had already told his best friend Blake about his plan and also played him the song he had composed. After all, his cooperation would be needed for the subsequent filming.The reaction of best friend Blake is a little different from Jamie and Max.He knew that he had been in a coma.

"I still can't believe that you actually composed that song. I've known you for so many years and I've never found you to have such an ability. Tell me the truth, did you meet God when you were in a coma?"

Luo Ji was speechless. The religious atmosphere in the United States was still very strong. Blake didn't believe it at all before, but since he found out that he was in a coma, he composed songs and his temperament has changed drastically these days.He started to become nagging.

Luo Ji knew that this kind of thing would become more confusing the more he explained it.Just admit it directly: "Yes, yes, I met God, God is A Girl."

Blake was speechless: "Don't think I don't know God is A Girl is a song."

"Since you know, get to work quickly!" Luo Ji urged.


Luo Ji and Blake took their equipment and found a small square in a commercial street. There were cafes and bars nearby, and there was a lot of people coming and going around.

The two took out the equipment, guitars, microphones, and speakers they bought a few days ago and installed them.This speaker is extremely expensive, costing a full $1800. Of course, there are more expensive ones.Luo Ji tried many speakers in the past few days, and finally chose this one based on cost-effectiveness.

Of course, there is also the most important prop, the little orange cat Bob that Luo Ji picked up a few days ago.He put a rope on the orange cat, tied it around his waist, and then put the kitten on his shoulder.

In an instant, the crowds coming and going were all looking at Luo Ji, attracting countless eyes!
Luo Ji slowly figured out these things after performing many times at RV campsites, schools and near schools.

A few days ago, after a performance at school, he chatted with his classmates in the choir and told them that he had an orange cat. He also showed them photos of the cat. At that time, both male and female classmates expressed their liking for it.This inspired him, why not perform with the little orange cat?

Later, he did this and took the little orange cat with him when performing near the school. At that time, everyone around him was shocked. They took out their mobile phones to take photos and took group photos. Of course, all this was recorded in detail by Blake on DV. .

This time in Brooklyn, Luo Ji planned to challenge a higher stage, where the flow of people is relatively large.

"Start the show now?" Blake asked.

"Don't worry, it's too early now. According to the original plan, we will start performing at four o'clock."

Luo Ji notified many people, and some of his classmates in the choir agreed to come.Mother Sami will be here at four o'clock. She is currently dating a new boyfriend she just met.Blake also made an appointment with Hailey, and Hailey also said she would come.Luo Ji also informed Jamie, but he was too busy to come.

Of course, there is Max. Luo Ji will call and harass Max whenever he has time these days, but Max has never been willing to block him.The two finally reconciled in the past two days, but Max said that he would only treat him as his younger brother from now on.She also promised to come over after get off work in the evening.

"Blake, let's shoot some footage on DV first. I'll put the kitten on my shoulder, and you'll shoot a few videos from different angles."

"Yeah, put me and the kitten in there with the Brooklyn Bridge."

"Remember to take more pictures of the expressions of passers-by. When they saw me walking with the little orange cat, their expressions were very interesting."

"There is a beautiful woman in front of you. I'm going to ask her if she wants to play with her cat. Blake, please pay attention to the shots. These shots are very important."

After filming for about half an hour, Luo Ji felt that he had almost accumulated the material, so he stopped.After feeding the kitten some cat food as a reward, Blake also bought two cups of coffee and said, "Tell me if you want to add some movements. Look at those hip-hop singers, they always make gestures with their hands, they are very cool. "

"Do I need to add any movements? After all, I want to play guitar and sing, and I've never seen any folk singers with extra movements on their hands." Luo Ji replied.

"That's right. What about in the video? Do you need to add any action?"

Luo Ji suddenly had an idea. He raised his right thumb and crossed his index finger: "What do you think of this action?"

Blake was confused: "What action is this?"

"Show your heart! Express your love for others. For example, when I am performing on stage, and before I leave after the performance, I can use this action to show my fans that I love them. This action has probably never happened before, right?"

Blake said: "I have never seen any celebrity use this gesture."

The two were drinking coffee and chatting. After a while, the owner of the nearby coffee shop came out and said, "Are you going to perform here later?"

"Yes, it starts at about four o'clock and the performance ends at eight o'clock in the evening."

The coffee shop owner was very enthusiastic: "I welcome you to perform in the small square in front of our coffee shop. What does this little orange cat do? I see you have been carrying it with you."

"It's also part of the performance." Luo Ji replied.At this time, a beautiful passerby in her 20s also came up to her: "Can you give me a hug for your cat?"

"Of course, but you have to cooperate with me in recording videos. I will post these videos online for everyone to watch."

"No problem at all." The girl quickly picked up the little orange cat and started petting it: "What are you doing?"

"I'm a singer and I'll be performing later. This is my friend Blake. He's a photographer and I'll be recording the video later." Luo Ji replied.

"What time do you perform? I can bring my friends over. We all live near here." The girl replied.

"It starts at four o'clock!"

"Okay, I'll bring my friend over later."

"Blake, help me record a video again, using this square as the background."

Blake turned on the DV and Luo Ji spoke: "Hello everyone, my name is Felix Luo. My friends call me Logic. You can also call me that. I am a singer, and the person standing on my shoulders is my adopted son. Stray Cat Bob, I will perform and sing with my kitten two days a week every weekend in the small square on Williamsburg Street in Brooklyn, where I stand. I hope everyone will support me."

The cat stood on his shoulder, and Luo Ji then showed his heart sign.

Love heart
Recording ends.


The classmates came, including mother Sammy and her brother Chucky. Blake's beloved goddess Hailey also came. Luo Ji gathered with everyone to chat.He suddenly noticed Max's figure. She came over before getting off work. She was still wearing a waiter's clothes under her clothes, as if she was on leave.Luo Ji immediately greeted him.

"Thank you for coming to my show, Max!"

Max said harshly: "I have a day off today, so I came here early."

Luo Ji hugged him directly and gave him a kiss on the face: "I've missed you so much these days!"

Max immediately backed away: "No, no, no, no, what did we say on the phone?"

"We'll just be friends from now on!"

Max looked serious: "Then how did you do it?"

"Can't friends just say they miss me?"

Max's expression did not change: "Huh?"

Luo Ji was a little irritated: "Okay, okay. We're just friends from now on. I'm going to perform first!"

Turning on the microphone and speakers, connecting the guitar, Blake came over and said, "Would you like to perform Hey, Judy for the first song?"

"I'm going to sing You're Beautiful."


Luo Ji put the little orange cat on his shoulder and sang You're Beautiful, a song by British singer James Blunt.

The quality of the speakers is really good, and the sound quality is also good.Luo Ji noticed the people around him and began to gather here.Blake worked very hard, adjusting the angle of the DV from time to time to record the reactions of people in the crowd.

Luo Ji noticed that most of the people who had just gathered were looking at the kitten on his shoulder.But with his sincere and emotional singing, more and more people are paying attention to him!

His eyes swept around and saw his classmates, his mother, Sammy, his brother, Chucky, and the passers-by who stopped for him. Finally, his eyes fell on Max, who quietly changed the lyrics.

You're beautiful it's true
You're so beautiful, it's absolutely true
There must be an angel with a smile on your face
Your face is like a smiling angel

When you thought up that you should be with me
When you also think that we should be together
But it's time to face the truth
It's time to face the facts
i will never be with you
we are not together

After the song ended, there was warm applause from the surroundings. It seemed that they recognized themselves.This feeling is truly captivating and enjoyable, transcending all other emotional experiences.The little emotion caused by Max just now has completely disappeared.

"Now I will perform my original song Viva La Vida for everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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