New York 2006

Chapter 100 The Apocalypse brought by Christine

Chapter 100 The Apocalypse brought by Christine

At night, on the streets of Los Angeles, cameras record everything.

Taylor and a group of people walked out of the restaurant. After the friends gathered for dinner, everyone stood at the door to say goodbye to each other.

Taylor and an Asian man hugged each other and whispered. The hug lasted about five seconds before Taylor finally left.

The Asian man was left alone, standing on the street, looking lonely and looking around blankly.

"OK!" Francis said.

"Come on, let's go to the next location."

Ten minutes later, Luo Ji and a Latina girl also hugged on the street. The Latina girl smiled very happily, but Luo Ji looked a little gloomy.

He said sorry to the girl, then separated from the girl and left alone, leaving the girl alone on the street.

The Latina girl looked at Luo Ji's leaving figure with a look of loneliness and sadness.

"OK, it's perfect."

Francis smiled broadly and the crew cheered loudly. The filming of the MV for "We don't talk anymore" is already over for most people.Only a few people will follow up for the rest of the shoot.

The Asian actor approached Luo Ji and said, "Logic, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Luo Ji looked at the Asian actor and blinked: "Take care of each other."

"Thank you."

The Asian actor stretched out his hand and shook Luo Ji's hand, then smiled and left.Leave a shadow behind.

Taylor walked up to Luo Ji and looked at the Asian actor's back: "He's so handsome!"

"What do you mean? Do you like him?"

Taylor looked at his back and said calmly: "I'm afraid that you will be seduced by him. You have a criminal record."

Luo Ji lowered his voice and said, "What kind of criminal record do I have? Didn't I make a fuss that day? Don't you know who I am? Why do you always doubt my orientation?"

Taylor said flatly: "How do I know if you have another orientation? Let's go, the director asked you to come over and take a look at the footage."

"I can't cure you yet." Luo Ji slapped Taylor's buttocks and said viciously, "Just wait for me tonight."


The two cameras were put together and started playing video at the same time, and Francis spoke.

"Logic, look, when the time comes we just need to cut and paste the scene a little bit, just like you and Taylor kissing."

In the original MV, there is a scene where the male and female protagonists find a partner in a nightclub, and then the two couples kiss each other.

Luo Ji always felt weird when a man and woman who had just broken up would kiss someone they just met, so he changed it to a hug.

Then through editing, it looked like Taylor and Luo Ji were hugging each other and kissing.

Luo Ji said, "Taylor and I's postures are very coordinated, and the expressions of the two special actors are also on point."

"Then the filming is over tonight, we'll see you tomorrow."


At noon the next day, Luo Ji stood in his room and put on his formal clothes in front of the mirror, trying to look as mature as possible.Taylor watched the whole process and stood aside and said, "I'm going to audition for the MV too."

Luo Ji continued to look in the mirror, straighten his collar and said, "You said you wouldn't go a few days ago."

Taylor said pitifully: "Now the lawyer has gone to communicate with the big machine on my behalf. I really don't want to stay alone in the hotel. This feeling of uncertainty is really uncomfortable."

Luo Ji guessed what Taylor was thinking, but didn't reveal it, so he said, "Okay, this feeling of uncertainty is really uncomfortable. But you have to promise that when you go, you just stand aside and don't say anything."

Taylor raised his right hand and nodded quickly: "I promise!"

With an hour left before the official audition started, Luo Ji and Taylor, accompanied by their bodyguards, arrived at the door of Director Francis's studio.

As soon as he got off the car, Luo Ji saw that the door of the studio was crowded with young and beautiful girls, from all ethnic groups.

When they saw Luo Ji arriving, they immediately put on their best behavior to show him off.

When Taylor saw this scene, she immediately grabbed Luo Ji's arm tightly, raised her head, straightened her chest, and declared her sovereignty to the surroundings.

When the girls saw this scene, they all stopped wanting to strike up a conversation.Luo Ji led Taylor towards the studio and said as he walked, "Are you satisfied?"

Taylor pretended to be innocent: "Are you satisfied? You don't know what you are talking about?"

"Do you have to let me explain?" Luo Ji gave Taylor a look that she understood.

Taylor wanted to retort, but Francis stepped forward and interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Logic, Taylor, good morning!"


Francis smiled and said: "Logic, your music videos for "We are young" and "Secrets" have attracted many young girls in Hollywood to apply for jobs. Many of them have very good acting experience and have produced films. So many movies.”

Luo Ji asked in confusion: "The price we gave the heroine is only [-] yuan. How can it attract so many people? There are also movie stars."

Francis said: "Your "Viva la Vida" MV has been played more than 4000 million times on YouTube. Your album is also selling so well, and everyone wants to seize this opportunity. This is a good opportunity to increase exposure. "

"Okay." Luo Ji asked about the topic of concern: "Francis, how are the group performances going?"

Francis said: "Don't worry, it will definitely meet your diversity standards. Come on, I'll take you to see their resumes. CAA sent them over this morning."

Luo Ji and Taylor followed the director to a small room. He took out two stacks of resumes and handed them to Luo Ji, who flipped through them.The resume includes Latinos, blacks, whites, and Asians.There are sixteen people in total, enough for the filming of two MVs.

"Excellent, it fully meets our requirements, Francis."

Francis smiled and said: "Haha, as long as you have money, these Hollywood agencies can find you any actor you want."

An hour later, the audition began. Taylor and other staff members sat in the back and observed. Luo Ji and Francis sat at the table in front and spoke to the staff.

“Go get the first person to audition!”

The staff member standing at the door walked outside to inform the girl sitting in the aisle. After a while, a 20-year-old white girl came in.Luo Ji and Francis sat together and briefly asked about the girl's experience.Luo Ji stepped forward and stood with him, letting the photographer take pictures.

Francis said, "You can go out now. The results of the audition will be notified to you within three days."

"Thank you, Director Francis, thank you, Logic." The girl said goodbye and left.

Luo Ji returned to his seat and sat down: "How are you, director?"

Francis said: "This girl is quite beautiful, but you two don't feel sexy standing together."


The sense of CP, or the appearance of husband and wife, is real.

Many people unintentionally tend to choose to be with people who have similar facial features to themselves, because the two people have similar genes and the other person's appearance is more in line with their aesthetics.

Such two people standing together are more coordinated and look more beautiful.

"Next person!"

An hour passed like this, and there were more than ten girls behind.Francis asked the girl in front of him.

"Kristen Stewart, you are only 17 years old, but you have already appeared in more than ten movies. Can you tell me what types of movies those movies are?"

Christine smiled and said: "They are all low-cost movies, many of which have never been to theaters."

Francis said: "Okay, can you perform the expression of a girl who is disappointed and sad because of a broken love?"

"Can you give me a reference point?"

"Just use Logic."

Luo Ji then walked over to Kristen, who stared at Luo Ji for three seconds. Then she lowered her head and her eyes dimmed.The expression lasted five seconds.

Kristen said very confidently: "Director, I have finished my performance."

Francis nodded: "Very good, your performance is very layered. It's just that you don't use micro-expressions well..."

Hearing Francis's comment, Luo Ji almost laughed out loud. This girl was like a robot. Her expression didn't change at all. She had the same expression the whole time. Is this good?
But Luo Ji soon lost his happy mood. This girl with extremely poor acting skills appeared in his mind.

The apocalypse is coming, it seems like a scene from a movie.

This girl named Kristen was wearing a teenager's clothing and she seemed to be at school, near the parking lot after school.

She put her schoolbag on the front of a pickup truck, packed it, and listened to songs with a pair of headphones on her head.At this moment, an out-of-control car hit her sideways.She turned around and fell to the ground in fright.

Just when Luo Ji thought she was going to be hit and killed, suddenly an extremely pale man appeared next to her and blocked the car with his bare hands.But before the girl could react, the man left.The surrounding students immediately gathered around, and a huge palm dent appeared on the door of the out-of-control car.

In more than 30 seconds, the apocalypse is over.

"Logic, Logic, are you okay..."

Christine patted Luo Ji's shoulder, and Luo Ji finally recovered from his daze.She found that he was looking directly at her: "What's wrong?"

Kristen lowered her head and snickered, a little proud, and then pretended to be indifferent and said: "Well, the director asked us to take a photo."

"it is good."

Luo Ji didn't feel any embarrassment at all and immediately got into the mood and started taking photos with her.

Once the photos are taken, the audition session is over.She smiled, shook hands with Luo Ji, and left.

Francie said: "Logic, come back, the next auditionee will be coming up soon."

"it is good."

Luo Ji walked towards the interviewer's seat and found Taylor sitting behind and watching, glaring at him angrily.Luo Ji smiled at her, looking calm.

"Director, what do you think of Christine?"

Francis said: "Although her acting skills are a bit poor, the two of you standing together are harmonious and beautiful. They can be taken into consideration."


The audition process continued, and after another two hours, as the last actress left, today's audition was over.

Taylor walked up to Luo Ji and the director and said, "It's finally over."

"More than three hours. With more than 30 actresses, how can the two MVs be so competitive?"

Francis said: "You and Taylor have relied on your own talents to become famous early on. It is normal not to know the competition at the bottom. There are countless young men and women coming to Los Angeles every year, and actors are completely surplus. The competition for a good position is very fierce. "

"That's it."

Francis took five resumes and handed them to Luo Ji: "Logic, take a look. These five points have all gone through the preliminary selection process."

Taylor also took a look curiously. When she saw Kristen Stewart, the corner of her mouth twitched, but she quickly suppressed it.

"Director, which two of these five people do you think are better?"

Francis winked at Luo Ji and said, "Kristen Stewart is my first choice. She has good looks. She also has good acting skills and experience in making movies. She is completely qualified to be the heroine of the music video."

Taylor frowned, but said nothing in the end.

Luo Ji didn't notice her expression and said casually: "I have no objection."

Francis continued: "It seems we are on the same page. Let's settle on her. What about the other one?"

Luo Ji said: "Let's take Constance Wu. Although she is already 24, she still looks very young. Among my five MVs, there must be a Chinese heroine."

Francis did not refute: "Okay, it's settled. Later today, we will notify them of the success of the two auditions. As for the losers, we will notify them on the third day."

Luo Ji asked in confusion: "Why do you have to wait so long?"

Francis explained: "The main purpose of this is to prevent them from causing trouble. Three days is enough for them to calm down. Some people will break down and make trouble after failing many auditions."

"So it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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