What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 86 Li Xiuyuan, I have never failed you

Chapter 86 Li Xiuyuan, I have never failed you


Yang Jian chewed on the name. In front of him, he only had half his life left and was flying slowly into the distance.

In the end, Yang Jian chose to let the Peng Demon King go, not because of Yang Jian's kindness, but to give a signal to the person behind the scenes.

It's very simple. The fate of Peng Demon King is actually a choice given to Yang Jian.

Or, killing the Peng Demon King here would also mean that Yang Jian had "let out his anger".

"If you kill it, you can no longer pursue me. This matter ends here."

This is roughly what it means.

But Yang Jian obviously would not do this.

So the Peng Demon King survived as a signal to the people behind the scenes.

This matter is endless.

"Master, is it really Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva?"

Jiang Qi asked in a low voice.

He still doesn't see clearly what the series of events at the wedding have to do with his aunt, but since Yang Jian is here, it means there must be a connection.

But the question is, is the person behind this really Guanyin Bodhisattva?

You know, this big boss was one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao at the beginning, so it is impossible for him to not understand Yang Jian's temperament.

If it were Guanyin Bodhisattva, the choice just now would not have occurred at all.

"After all, he is his former master who taught under him. Although he apostatized and left, he still has the dignity due to teaching."

Yang Jian glanced at Jiang Qi and said, "When you meet that person in the future, remember to call him uncle."

Jiang Qi nodded silently, but said in his heart: Master, are you really not afraid that your disciple will be beaten to death?

He's a decent person, but from other people's perspective, isn't he just a disgusting person?

The matter of apostasy is a black history for Chanjiao, and it is also a black history for those who apostatize.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen if you do this."

Yang Jian naturally knew what Jiang Qi was thinking. After giving his disciple a guarantee, he returned to the topic.

"This is fake news."

Yang Jian said firmly.

“How come you see?”

Hearing this, Jiang Qi was a little confused as to why his master was so sure, and he was just doubtful.

"Because that is Guanyin Bodhisattva."

Yang Jian had a sarcastic smile on his lips and said, "This Bodhisattva cherishes feathers the most since he became a god."

"He even hesitates to reverse the yin and yang to win over believers."

"He is very compassionate and rescues those in distress. He has such a great reputation."

Yang Jian sarcastically said: "It seems that a person who wants to build a memorial arch unless he is a bitch would not do such a thing."

"Because once it is exposed, it may damage her reputation."

"Although, if he did it, the possibility of failure is very small, and the possibility of being exposed after failure is even smaller."

"But as long as he exists, he won't take any chances."

Just as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who was once one of the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, knew Yang Jian very well, Yang Jian also knew his former master uncle very well.

"Then why does the real mastermind want to put Guanyin Bodhisattva on stage?"

Jiang Qi frowned and said, "Isn't he afraid of this Bodhisattva's counterattack? After all, according to your Master, this situation is already tarnishing this Bodhisattva's reputation."

"Then you have to ask her."

Yang Jian looked at Rouge behind the mad monk and asked with a cold expression: "Who has been in contact with you?"

"Why do you want to hold such a wedding here?"

"Why is Huang Tianjue like this?"

Yang Jian pointed at Huang Tianjue, who was lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, and said: "If you are just picking up supplements, you, a little immortal, cannot pick up a flawless golden immortal."

"Not to mention, supplementing it to this extent."

The crazy monk also raised his head and took a seemingly random step, but it was this step that made him stand in front of Rouge.

Yang Jian frowned and said: "Don't worry, Yang Jian is not a person who kills indiscriminately. She is at best a chess piece. For your sake, Yang Jian will not do anything to her."

The promise from Erlang Zhenjun made the crazy monk's expression soothed a little.

Rouge looked at the crazy monk mockingly, then raised her leg and crossed him, standing in front of Yang Jian.

"Zhenjun, you also said that I am just a pawn."

"I don't know much more than the Peng Demon King."


Yang Jian just said one word coldly.

"The Shura clan is now not just in the deepest sea of ​​blood in the underworld."

Rouge's words made the mad monk clenched his fists involuntarily, and Yang Jian also frowned slightly.

Jiang Qi was confused at first, and then suddenly realized.

As we all know, Patriarch Styx, the leader who created the Blood Sea Shura clan, is famous for his non-stick pans.

Taking a detailed look at the history of the Three Realms, this big boss only appeared three times in the ancient times, that is, he attended the Zixiao Palace to listen to sermons three times.

Apart from this, there is no cause and effect.

Including the Shura clan he created, after discovering that the Shura clan could not bring him any help, the ancestor of Styx decisively made a "division".

In short, whether you love me or not has nothing to do with me.

Then, the Shura tribe began to grow wildly.

Up to now, the Shura clan has actually been divided into two branches.

One of them is naturally in the blood sea at the beginning and the foundation of the underworld now. It is also the most orthodox Shura clan and one of the upper three paths in the six paths of reincarnation.

The other lineage is in Lingshan and Buddhism.

It is for one of the eight tribes of Tianlong!

He even changed his name and added another word to the word "Shura" to become "Asura".

When Rouge mentioned the Shura clan, Jiang Qi subconsciously thought that the other party had transformed into the Blood Sea Shura clan.

But unexpectedly, the other party transformed into an Asura!
"Asura is a side sect of heretics. There are many methods in the ghost realm, and one of them is this method of collecting tonic."

Rouge looked at the mad monk's reaction, the corners of her eyes and brows filled with joy.

"This method of replenishing is completely based on strength until the cultivation level of both parties is equal. It is a good thing for the weak party, but it is different for the other party." "Shut up!"

The mad monk suddenly shouted, his voice so loud that it even sounded like a lion's roar.

"And, there is another side effect, that is"

"shut up!"

The mad monk spoke again.

Jiang Qi saw something was wrong, Rouge was disappearing!

In other words, Rouge's vitality is slowly dissipating!

"Oath of Secrecy"

Yang Jian frowned.

"Ha ha."

Yanzhi didn't care about his own situation at all, and said to himself: "The two sides have a deep love, and they are even bound by life and death."

"One side lives, both sides live, one side dies"

At this point, Rouge's aura was on the verge of death.


The crazy monk's expression was more formal than ever before, and a very bright Buddha's light bloomed from his heart, but it was of no use.

From the moment Rouge said her first words, the oath of secrecy had already begun to take effect!
The level of this oath is so high that even the Buddha in the heart of the insane monk cannot stop it.

"It's useless, this is Da Luo Weili."

Yang Jian spoke, his voice a little solemn.

It is precisely because he has one foot in Daluo that he can better feel the person who swears to keep secrets.

That is the great power possessed by Daluo Jinxian.

Not to mention the current crazy monk, even the original Arhat who subdued the dragon couldn't stop it!
Yanzhi fell to the ground at some point.

The mad monk immediately squatted down and helped his upper body up.

"Li Xiuyuan"

Yanzhi looked at the crazy monk in a daze, and said with anger: "I have never betrayed you. Asura has an illusion technique that can be used to gain nourishment."

"I am the daughter-in-law of the Li family and I will not commit myself to others."

The mad monk's body suddenly stiffened.

"What you owe me must be paid back and punished."

Rouge used her last strength to put a smile on her lips.

"I'm going to punish you by forgetting about me and the past, and I will end up being your crazy monk."

"Follow me, okay?"

"If you succeed in the future, build a monument for me."

"Just write, Li Xiuyuan's widow."

The crazy monk didn't respond and didn't answer. He was holding Yanzhi quietly.

After a long time, he raised his hand and wrapped Yanzhi's body in red silk.

Rouge is dead.

Under the oath of keeping secrets blessed by Daluo Weili, it is impossible for an immortal to have any hope of survival.

"Is this a threat, or a warning?"

The mad monk suddenly spoke, his voice as cold as ice.

Yang Jian didn't answer, just patted him on the shoulder.

Jiang Qi understood what the mad monk meant.

Why is this a warning?

Under the oath of keeping secrets, Rouge was supposed to die silently the moment she saw Yang Jian.

Rather than like now, after telling most of the information, he slowly lost his vitality.

This is a warning.

Warning to the crazy monk.

Stop meddling.

Why didn't the crazy monk agree to Rouge's last wish in the end?
Because Rouge knew that after understanding everything, it was impossible for Mad Monk not to avenge her.

But Rouge also knew that the existence that ordered him to swear an oath to keep secrets was not something that the crazy monk could contend with.

So she begged the crazy monk not to go further into this matter.

I will go to Hangzhou City, be his crazy monk, continue to play with the world, and continue to cultivate his mind.

Rouge is a very contradictory person. The crazy monk failed her, but she fell in love with Li Xiuyuan miserably.

On the one hand, she has always hated Mad Monk, on the other hand, she cannot let him go no matter what.

Rouge is like this, so why is the insane monk not the same?

"Okay, I agree with you."

The crazy monk suddenly said.

He carefully put away Yanzhi's body, stood up, and said to himself: "She loved the scenery of Hangzhou, especially the West Lake. There should be a tomb for her by the West Lake."

After saying that, the crazy monk turned around and looked at Master Yang Jian and Jiang Qi.

On his face, there was an expression that looked like a smile but not a smile, something like a cry but not a cry.

"Li Xiuyuan promised her not to step into this quagmire again."

"But what does Li Xiu Yuanying's matter have to do with me, Daoji?"

Yang Jian nodded silently and said, "There will be a chance."

The crazy monk didn't answer, just nodded.

"People have eight sufferings and eight difficulties, and the world has eight calamities and eight turmoils."

"It's better to go back, go back"

The voice was lazy and cynical.

The crazy monk that he was when Jiang Qi first met seems to have come back.

But Jiang Qi knew that the monk who played with the human world would never come back.

(End of this chapter)

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