What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 75 3 Jiang Yu's Testimonials

Chapter 75 Sanjiang and the Testimonials
I originally didn’t want to write this because I really didn’t know what to write, but I saw that other authors had already written it, so I, a newbie, would definitely have to follow the crowd.

In other words, if other readers have it, you should have it too!
Back to the topic, this book has been stumbling for more than a month, and finally it has met the test of being put on the shelves.

When this book was first published, the results could not be said to be very good. I can only say that those who saw it were saddened and those who heard it shed tears.

That's bad.

But Meng Xin always has dreams, and he also holds back the energy to refuse to admit defeat, thinking that he will at least go to Sanjiang.

But after the third round, the editor told me that if I didn’t catch up enough to go to Sanjiang, I could go to the fourth round to give it a try.

The dramatic thing is that on the first day of the fourth round, it was enough to go to Sanjiang.
In any case, in the first book at the starting point, I got a small slam (there is still a small trumpet).

For the author, this is an encouragement and a source of confidence.

Thanks to editor Wu Tongda for his help along the way, and also to all readers for their support.

Without further ado, it will be on the shelves on time at [-] noon. I beg you for your support. I also ask the readers who keep the book to give it a first order and then keep it.

There is a saying that Qidian’s launch is called the first-day high-quality product, which means that there are more than 24 subscriptions in [-] hours on the first day.

To be honest, I want it.

There is always a dream in life, what if it comes true?

Well, when I wrote this, I asked the boss, and the boss said it would be best to add two more links.

One is to add more rules.

On the first day, [-] words were used as the bottom line, one hundred monthly votes plus one update, and two thousand recommended votes plus one update.

Finally, let me have a dream: one leader plus one update.

Another thing, the boss said it’s best to “sacrifice” the luck of a few books.
Ahem, next is the "sacrifice" list:
"Lingzhi: I have an entry panel"

"Please compile the Hongwu Grand Ceremony at the beginning, Lao Zhu Le collapsed"

"My Little Soldier in the Border Army"

"Tokyo celebrity girlfriend is a love brain, what should I do"

"My technology affects the whole world"

"The Road to Immortality, I Have Too Many Career Panels"

"What Bad Minds Can Batman Have"

These are either carefully crafted works by authors from the same group, or new books from big guys who are lucky enough to get to know each other, and the quality is guaranteed!

Finally, I kneel down and beg for a wave of first orders!
Great uncle bless you!
Aunt bless you!

Master bless you!

Bless your future wife!

Master, forget it.

that's all.

2023 10 Month 25 Day.

(End of this chapter)
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