What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 4: What about just doing temple blessings as promised?

Chapter 4: What about just doing temple blessings as promised?

Huashan Mountain, as one of the Five Mountains, naturally has more than one temple, which currently only has the name of the Three Holy Mothers.

There shouldn’t be too many great gods in this world.

First of all, at its most fundamental level, Huashan Mountain is the fiefdom of Shaohao, one of the ancient emperors of the human race. Although this big boss has lived in seclusion in Fire Cloud Cave for countless years and does not care about anything at all, no one dares to touch this bad luck.

Because it is not necessary.

After the Three Realms entered the supervision of the Heavenly Court, the de facto most powerful god in Huashan was named Xiyue Huashan Jin Tianyuan Holy Emperor. He was ranked third level above Tiancao and was undoubtedly the official of the border.

This great god is the mountain god of Huashan Mountain. He rose up during the conferment of gods and was in charge of hardware, smelting, and feathering and flying birds.

As mentioned before, the position of Yang Chan, the goddess of Huashan Mountain, essentially belongs to the mountain god, but if it is placed in Huashan Mountain, it belongs to the deputy position of Zuoerguan, because the great mountain god of Huashan Mountain is the Huashan Emperor.

Of course, there are many similar Zuoerguan mountain gods in Huashan.

You must know that the Xiyue Emperor, who is of the third rank, has the right to establish a palace. He can form his own shogunate and recruit his subordinates. At most, Tianshu Yuan will review it.

However, Yang Chan was not in the shogunate of Emperor Xiyue. Instead, the Great Heavenly Lord personally signed and wrote to the Tianshu Academy, and then the Tianshu Academy Ambassador at the Nine Heavens Golden Palace judged the matters of the Tianshu Academy. This Tianshu Academy was the second-rank master. He personally followed Heaven's decree and went directly to the mouth of Guanjiang River.

Generally speaking, this is the treatment only available to Immortal Lords of Grade [-] or above.

This shows Yang Chan's special identity.


Just when Jiang Qi was paying attention to Huashan, a dragon roar suddenly came from the top of Huashan.

I saw a white dragon rising out of Mount Hua, dragging a carriage. Behind the carriage, there were 100 fairies and officials.


Before the carriage even came close, a burst of heroic laughter could be heard.

I saw a tall and tall man walking out of the carriage, wearing a white robe with a divine eye, a crown of Taichu's Nine Stars on his head, and a Seal of Kaishan Tongzhen on his waist.

He is none other than the third-rank mountain god in heaven, the Jintian Yuansheng Emperor of Huashan Mountain in Xiyue.

"Hahahaha! But the third sister is here?"

The emperor showed no airs at all. He left behind his attendants and came to Yang Chan alone. He smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Erlang sent me a letter earlier, asking me to take good care of the third sister. It's really unnecessary. The third sister is here." Huashan is my family, Erlang is really too polite."

"I've met Brother Jiang."

Yang Chan also smiled and said hello.

The great emperor of Huashan, whose real name is Jiang Xiong, was a general of the Western Zhou Dynasty in the past. He once served with Yang Jian in Jiang Ziya's tent. They were not close friends, but they were both generals, so they were no strangers to each other.

"Well, who is this?"

Jiang Xiong saw Jiang Qi behind Yang Chan and asked with a smile.

"Jiang Qi, a disciple of Zhenjun Qingyuan Miao Dao at Guanjiangkou, has met the emperor."

Jiang Qi cupped his hands and saluted with a meticulous gesture.

"He's actually Erlang's apprentice?"

Jiang Xiong was a little surprised, looked up and down, and sighed: "Erlang really hides himself tightly. When did he accept such a talented disciple?"

After saying that, he praised: "In the past when he was a god, Erlang was so charming and graceful that he was a rare talent in the three realms. Now you, my disciple, also have a third of his charm."

"The great emperor praises me so much that I, the younger generation, can't live up to it."

Jiang Qi handed over his hand again, with a hint of shame in his expression.

It can be said that the perfect appearance should not be too perfect.

"If Brother Jiang praises you again, this kid will be extremely proud."

Yang Chan said with a smile.


Jiang Xiong laughed, flicked his sleeves, and said, "Third sister is still a little strict with her children."

"Let's get down to business. Third sister has just taken office. She must not have a suitable person around her. There are 100 people in my shogunate today. Third sister can choose whoever she likes."

"After the handover is completed, we will go to Sanmei's goddess temple to do some work."

Hearing this, Yang Chan glanced at the immortal officials behind Jiang Xiong and said with a smile: "Brother Jiang, please don't bother me. Before I came, my second brother said that all the affairs of my goddess temple will be handed over to Qi'er, which can be regarded as a training for him." .”

"I see, then I can't do anything for you."

Jiang Xiong nodded, looked at Jiang Qi, and said with a smile: "If anything happens to you, little friend Jiang, feel free to come to me."

"Thank you, senior, for your favor."

Jiang Qi cupped his hands and thanked him.

"Good talk, good talk."

Jiang Xiong said with a smile: "In that case, I won't disturb Third Sister. I will celebrate again after Third Sister has chosen the location of the temple." "Thank you, Brother Jiang."

Yang Chan nodded with a smile.

When Jiang Xiong and his party left in a grand manner, Yang Chan narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Qi'er, do you see anything? You can speak freely without hearing anything."

Jiang Qi heard this and said: "This emperor is here to demonstrate."

Ever since he saw that Jiang Xiong didn't know about his existence before, Jiang Qi understood that the relationship between the emperor and the Yang brothers and sisters was not as close as he said.

At most, there is some incense.

That's all.

But this little bit of incense and love cannot make this emperor as dedicated as he says.

Almost every sentence in his words was related to Yang Jian. This was a test to see if Yang Jian had any intention of getting involved in Huashan through Yang Chan's hands.

It’s time to say it or not, but some young people are angry.

Yang Chan's answer is also very simple. The biggest role of the Huashan Goddess is to provide Jiang Qi with a platform to practice.

After arriving here, the emperor felt relieved.

If he really had a good relationship with Yang Jian, he wouldn't have come like this on a dragon and brought everyone in his shogunate with him.

They say they are providing manpower to Yang Chan, but they are actually demonstrating.

Tell Yang Chan, at least in this three-acre land in Huashan, I have the final say.


Yang Chan finally commented like this.

After saying that, he stopped paying attention to the Huashan Emperor and took Jiang Qi down from the clouds, landing on Huashan Mountain.

The aunt and nephew visited Huashan Mountain. At dusk, Yang Chan looked at Jiang Qi and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, Temple Minister, where do you think it is better to build my goddess temple?"

"Lotus Peak!"

Jiang Qi answered without hesitation.

Originally, according to the decree issued by the heaven, the temple of the Huashan Goddess should be in the side hall of the Xiyue Temple, which is also consistent with the status of Zuoerguan.

But, obviously, neither Great Heavenly Lord nor Yang Chan care about this.

"Why Lotus Peak?"

Yang Chan asked with a smile.

Jiang Qi said: "This disciple prefers the scenery of Lotus Peak."

There was no way, Jiang Qi couldn't say that in his memory of his previous life, the Goddess Temple was located in the side hall of Xiyue Temple. Since he had the opportunity to change the location, he naturally couldn't let it go.

After all, no one can say for sure. Maybe if the Goddess Temple changes its location, there won't be such trouble.

Anyway, it was something that was beneficial and cost-effective, so Jiang Qi had no reason not to do it.

However, the obvious reasons cannot be said like this. Jiang Qi gave full play to the child's advantages.

There is no other reason, I just like it.

"Okay, since Qi'er likes it, let's stay at Lotus Peak."

Yang Chan would not refuse, even if he decided.


At this point, Yang Chan changed her voice and said: "Since this is the place decided by Qi'er, the specific site selection and construction will be left to Qi'er."

"After all, you are the chief priest of my goddess temple."


Jiang Qi nodded helplessly and touched his private money sadly.

I have been saving for ten years.

Although he felt distressed, Jiang Qi would not be stingy.

"In addition, there is one more thing that you must do, Qi'er."

Seeing Jiang Qi nod, Yang Chan's smile became even brighter.

In his aunt's thrilling smile, Jiang Qi could only see her red lips parting slightly, but what she said made Jiang Qi a little dumbfounded.

Did you agree to just do temple blessings?
(End of this chapter)

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