Chapter 38

From this Hunyuan Yiqi Taiyi Golden Immortal, Jiang Qi did not feel any Qi of Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, let alone any wisdom as deep as the sea.

She is just a simple little girl with a clear distinction between love and hate.

Of course, it may also be possible that the other party is pretending. If so, Jiang Qi really can't tell.

But the problem is that Jiang Qi is not fighting alone. Behind him is a great-uncle who is the Supreme of the Three Realms.

Jiang Qi didn't think anyone could pretend in front of his uncle and grandpa.

Thanks to my uncle.

"Boy, what did you just say?"

At this time, a calm voice sounded in Jiang Qi's ears.

Jiang Qi didn't show any caution and answered very honestly: "The guy just now seemed a bit unsmart."

After saying that, Jiang Qi was horrified.

who is it? !
Only then did Jiang Qi realize that he was not wary of the voice just now. His first reaction was trust!

This is not right!

Jiang Qi tensed up, but relaxed the next moment.

Because there are two more people in the cabin.

One of them is the Jianghu guest who just let Jiang Qi get involved.

That is.
"My nephew Jiang Qi worships my great uncle! My great uncle has great merits!"

Jiang Qima smoothly knelt down and knelt down in a formal manner, but when he came back to his senses, he looked awkward.

Why did I shout out what was on my mind?

The Great Heavenly Lord said he was his great-uncle, but Jiang Qi thought to himself that it would be somewhat inappropriate to say it in front of him.

But Jiang Qi didn't know what happened just now, so he just said it with a bald mouth.

This is not normal, Jiang Qi is not such a straightforward person.

This situation is exactly the same as when I just replied.

Jiang Qi raised his head slightly and looked at the person sitting opposite Jiang Hu Ke.

He is also an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with a short beard and only a thin layer of hair sticking to his scalp.

As soon as he saw him, Jiang Qi had an inexplicable feeling of immense trust, the kind of trust that he wished he could share his heart with.

This made Jiang Qi horrified.

"Let me just say, this little guy is much more pleasing to the eye than Yang Jian."

The Jianghu guest spoke with a smile, which also woke up Jiang Qi, who was still in a state of shock.

"Get up, this is a good title, keep using it from now on."

After saying that, Jianghu Ke waved his hand, signaling Jiang Qi to stand up, and then looked at the man opposite him with an unchanging smile on his face.

"You're doing something to my children and grandchildren just after we met. Bo Xun, you're very good."

Jiang Huke said with a smile, and also revealed the identity of this man!
The peak magical power of Daluo Jinxian, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, the Lord of the Great Freedom Heaven, Buddha and Demon Bo Xun!
"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I did not mean any harm."

Bo Xun looked like he was explaining as usual, but the haste in his words was obvious.

"I love my daughter so much, and I understand that this guy deserves to be punished for talking behind her back."

Jianghu Ke waved his hand, took advantage of the situation and pointed at Jiang Qi's forehead, which was regarded as a penalty.

"My uncle and grandpa's teachings will be remembered by the younger generation."

Jiang Qi didn't even look at Bo Xun, and bowed to the Jianghu guest.

Jianghu Ke stopped paying attention to Jiang Qi, but looked at Bo Xun and said, "With this move, I'm afraid you will feel a little disgusted in the eyes of your daughter."

"No matter what, she must learn to stand alone."

Bo Xun said with a wry smile: "Over the years, I have been too strict with her and too doting on her. The majestic Hunyuan Yiqi Taiyi Golden Immortal still has no palace, and she looks like a child of fifteen or sixteen."

Jiang Qi: "."

Hearing this, Jiang Hu Ke said: "Children and grandchildren will be blessed, so don't be too persistent."

"After this incident, the Great Freedom was transferred to Heaven and became independent for 33 days."

"Thank you Supreme."

Bo Xun bowed his hands in salute, but didn't say much.

Jiang Qi stood nearby without saying a word, perfectly playing the role of a mute.

The conversation between the two bosses contains a lot of information.It was my uncle and grandfather who was behind all of this.

Bo Xun is most likely an Infernal Affairs practitioner.

On the surface, he is cooperating with Buddhism in emergency public relations, looking like a Buddha and a demon repenting.

But in fact, he has already attached himself to the Great Heavenly Lord, and everything he does is under the instruction of the Great Heavenly Lord, including the matter of "cooperating with Buddhism".

My great-uncle is obviously using Bo Xun as a knife, using Bo Xun to play games with Buddhism.

As for why Bo Xun was willing to be used as a knife, I'm afraid it has something to do with what my uncle said just now, "The Great Freedom merges into the Heaven."

It seems that Buddhism has already made a plan to deal with Bo Xun, the Buddhist demon, after turning the Great Freedom Heaven where Bo Xun is located from an external enemy into an internal struggle.

At least Bo Xun felt a fatal threat.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so willing to be used as a knife.

Not to mention he would not be so thorough as to openly put his intention to cultivate a successor in front of the Great Heavenly Lord.

An heir who, at best, is called a pure-hearted person, but at worst, is not good enough to join the top circles of the Three Realms.

Even if you put it out there, isn't this just showing your loyalty to the Great Heavenly Lord?

Only the Great Heavenly Lord thought that he could easily control Bo Xun's successor.

Of course, this is also a retreat that Bo Xun found for his descendants.

Being controlled by the Great Heavenly Lord, on the other hand, he can be considered a member of the Great Heavenly Lord's camp.

Jiang Qi lowered his eyes, thinking a lot in his heart.

When Jiang Qi raised his head, Bo Xun's figure was no longer in front of him, leaving only Jianghu Ketuan sitting on one side of the table.


Seeing Jiang Qi looking over, Jianghu Ke smiled and pointed to the opposite side of him.

Jiang Qi first bowed his hands in salute, and then sat down opposite Jianghu Guest in a proper manner.

"I'm curious."

Jiang Qi couldn't help but raise his head as he called himself a charlatan, quietly waiting for the next words.

The Jianghu guest looked at Jiang Qi with a smile and said, "Everything you have done since you left Guanjiangkou seems to be very purposeful."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Qi's heart skipped a beat, but he still didn't speak.

Jiang Hu Ke didn't care and continued: "But it doesn't matter. I believe you can see that I am laying out the overall situation."

"The core of this bureau is Chan'er."

"Some people want to make things happen that shouldn't happen, and that's what I don't want to see."

"In this game, Yang Jian is a chess piece, Master Yuding is also a chess piece, and Bo Xun and Po Sua just now are also chess pieces."

"Of course, including you."

Jiang Qi finally raised his head and said inexplicably: "Actually, this junior doesn't want to see those things happen, not even to death."

He touched his heart, and there was a heart beating loudly.

"This body and fate only belong to the two elders of my family."

"Frankly, you don't have to be involved."

Jianghu Ke looked at Jiang Qi and said, "Even if it happens, it will be handled by Yang Jian and it has nothing to do with you."

"You are still a disciple of Chanjiao, you are still a genius of the three realms, and you still have an infinitely bright future."

"He is still my nephew."

Jiang Qi smiled when he heard this and said: "But in that case, my aunt will be unhappy, and the master will suffer undue pain."

"You just said that juniors are also chess pieces, so..."

Jiang Qi stood up and saluted meticulously.

"Juniors can serve as pawns by being driven."

The charlatan finally smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"How did Yang Jian, this evil beast, get such good luck? He has a pair of extremely responsible parents, an older brother who is willing to die for him, and a younger sister who silently supports him in everything."

"Now we have another disciple who is willing to risk his life to fight."


(End of this chapter)

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