What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 33 Investing money in marriage

Chapter 33 Investing money in marriage
Invest money in marriage?

Jiang Qi looked up in confusion after hearing this word.

I saw a student running over excitedly and saying to everyone in the school: "Beside Qingshan Lake, there is a peerless beauty!"

Peerless beauty?

For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted by this word, whether they were concerned or not.

Even Liang Shanbo, who was obsessed with books, raised his head slightly.

This made Zhu Yingtai on the side a little annoyed.

But no one paid attention to the little atmosphere between this pair of "best friends". Several people were already urging the man to elaborate.

The student who came from outside took a breath and explained: "On Qingshan Lake, there was a peerless beauty who made a vow to build a bridge on Qingshan Lake to make it easier for the people around the lake to go to Huashan."

"In order to raise funds to build the bridge, the beautiful woman sailed on the lake in a small boat. If anyone could hit her with something of gold or silver, she would marry that person!"

"Of course, if the shot fails, the gold and silver will be used to build the bridge!"

"Such a scene is so rare!"

The implication is, everyone, come and watch the fun!

After listening to this classmate's story, several young men from well-off families in the academy already had ideas.

If you win, you can marry a peerless beauty home. Even if you don't win, it will be used to build a bridge. This is a good thing.

People all have a herd mentality. Since someone has already made the move to take a look, others will naturally follow suit.

Liang Shanbo was pulled by Zhu Yingtai and followed the crowd watching the excitement.

This group of scholars also found a reason for themselves.

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so sweet!"

For a time, almost everyone in the school was gone.

The reason why I say almost is because Jiang Qi still sat in his seat and did not move.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

This is what Jiang Qi is currently thinking.

Investing money in marriage and so on, ordinary people regard it as a new thing to their death.

But in Jiang Qi's eyes, this so-called marriage with money was too strong of a hallmark in front of others.

You can tell at a glance that it is the work of gods and Buddhas.

Those idle bosses like to come up with fancy things like this when they have nothing to do.

Needless to say, the final result must be that those who originally wanted to have a romantic relationship were defeated.

As for the peerless beauty, after raising enough funds or having enough fun, she will show her true colors and accept the worship of mortals.

Of course, some chicken broth is a must.

Basically, this is: Although your starting point was not to build a bridge, under the guidance of this God, you successfully did a good deed.

Then the people who spent the money came to a realization, the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait also got the benefits of a bridge, and the big boss who showed the saints also gained faith.

Everyone is happy and has a bright future.


Kind of a coincidence.

Jiang Qi thought so.

He had just instructed Ma Wencai to go to the Goddess Temple, and immediately there was a story about investing money in marriage.

In addition, I haven't received a message from Yang Chan about Ma Wencai yet.

Coincidence, too coincidental.


Jiang Qi recited the incantation, and the green academy uniform on his body turned into the bright red Taoist robe after a flash of divine light.

Then, Jiang Qi's whole person became blurry, and only a shadow was left in place and slowly dissipated.

There is a large lake near Huashan Mountain, called Qingshan Lake. There are many people living on the shore, relying on the water for drinking.

But there are also some inconveniences. If people on the shore want to go to Huashan, they need to go around Qingshan Lake or spend money to take a boat.In this way, a bridge across Qingshan Lake has become a need for people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Today, there are obviously many more people than usual at Qingshan Lake.

Thick crowds of people occupied the river embankment on the east bank.

Everyone is looking at the lake.

A small black-topped boat was parked about ten feet away from the shore. It was the only boat on the entire lake.

On the river embankment not far away, wealthy households, members of the government, and young masters gathered together.

Without exception, they are all famous and wealthy people around Huashan, and under each of them, there are one or more baskets.

The basket was filled with copper coins, gold and silver, etc.

And the actions of these rich people were surprisingly consistent. They bent down, took the money, and threw it towards the awning boat.

Everyone was staring at the only ship. Of course, the ship was not the focus, the focus was the only passenger on the ship.

The passenger was a woman.

This woman was extremely beautiful and charming. She was about twenty-eight years old, with a pair of smart and clear eyes.

Coupled with the floor-length white dress, people can't take their eyes away from it.

Next to the girl in white, from time to time, copper coins, even silver dimes, gold coins, and even pearls and jades would pass by the girl.

But it couldn't hit the girl.

Moreover, some of them were thrown crookedly and were about to fall into the water, but when they were near the water, they turned a corner and jumped directly onto the boat.

This scene obviously goes against common sense, but no one sees the problem.

Those who watch the fun are still watching the fun, and those who throw money are still throwing money.

From time to time, some people would watch the excitement, take out a few copper coins, think about it for a long time, find an angle that they thought was perfect, and throw it away with all their strength.

Of course, the end result is often the opposite.

Jiang Qi stood at a high place and watched quietly. The unreasonable sight fell clearly in Jiang Qi's eyes.

That's a simple deception, and you can see through it with a little bit of cultivation.

But seeing through it doesn’t mean being able to tell it.

Jiang Qi tried to remind an obsessed scholar beside him, but when the words came to his lips, he could not open his mouth.

Sure enough, that girl was a being like a god or a Buddha.

Jiang Qi's eyes never fell on the girl from beginning to end, not even in his peripheral vision.

When you don't know who the other person is, it's better to be cautious.

Jiang Qi looked at Huashan Mountain behind Qingshan Lake.

Auntie, if someone shows up as a saint in your territory, you don’t want to take care of it?
Jiang Qi was sighing in his heart when he suddenly felt his shoulder being tapped.

"Boy, why don't you look at the beautiful woman instead of looking at a mountain that doesn't move?"

"The mountain won't be angry because you saw it, but the same can't be said for people."

As Jiang Qi spoke, he looked back at the person who asked him.

He was a middle-aged man. His appearance could not be said to be ugly, but he could not be described as handsome.

Wearing a somewhat shabby outfit, he looked like a down-and-out traveler.

At this moment, the man was staring at Jiang Qi with interest and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will be angry when you look at me now?"

"You shouldn't be angry at a little kid."

Jiang Qi smiled, raised his hands and saluted, and said: "Jiang Qi, a disciple of the Jade Cauldron lineage of Jinxia Cave, has met his senior."

Although he didn't know who the person dressed as a charlatan in front of him was, Jiang Qi was not stupid.

Sometimes, there are advantages to being a child, such as not being criticized by the boss for not having eyesight.

For another example, if you have any questions, you can ask directly.

"I also ask the senior to give me your honorable name so that the junior can pay my respects."

(End of this chapter)

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