What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 224 Open the door and check the water meter

Chapter 224 Open the door and check the water meter

After saying these two words, Yang Jiao's figure completely turned into a mottled ink-like existence, and disappeared into the environment, never to be seen again.

Jiang Qi silently bowed his hands and bowed, his eyes lowered, thinking in his heart.

The Baihua Fairy on the side didn't dare to disturb him when he saw this, and just stood aside quietly and warned.

Although the sudden appearance of Yang Jiao is a friend rather than an enemy, no one knows whether another being who is an enemy but not a friend will come next.


Jiang Qi murmured to himself.

This word is very familiar to Jiang Qi. After all, a drop of Xinghuo's original hard work is in Jiang Qi's body, and it has been completely integrated into it and turned into a part of his own heritage.

Especially after being promoted to Taiyi True Immortal, they have become indistinguishable from each other.

But now, Jiang Qi has figured out many of the key points of this hard work.

In short, this effort comes from the fusion of Yang Tianyou's seven-aperture exquisite heart and Yang Jiao's power to summon thousands of stars.

However, although the two are integrated, they are slightly focused.

The heart fire is based on Yang Tianyou's seven-orificed exquisite heart, while the star fire is based on Yang Jiao's terrifying power of summoning thousands of stars.

Jiang Qi is not very knowledgeable about the former. After all, he does not lack assistance such as meditation and enlightenment. His own understanding lies here.

On the contrary, Xinghuo played very skillfully.

As for which side the master and his aunt focus on, or whether the two are balanced, Jiang Qi doesn't know.

But since Yang Jiao said that the man behind the scenes came for Spark, Jiang Qi felt that he was more suitable to participate than his aunt.

Of course, even if his aunt is more suitable, Jiang Qi cannot let his aunt take the risk.

Now that he has determined what the mastermind behind the scenes wants, or that the purpose is Spark, Jiang Qi can finally confirm some information.

First of all, there is no getting around the uncle's point. The mastermind behind the scenes was able to kill his uncle personally, and even brought Jianghu Ke, one of the three corpses, with him. Of course, there may be more incarnations of the three corpses.

However, this does not mean that the other party's strength allows my uncle to be so cautious. It may also be because if something goes wrong, the consequences will be too serious, so my uncle will fight with the lion.

But no matter which one it is, Jiang Qi can rest assured now that his uncle and grandpa are supporting him from the front.

Secondly, the mastermind behind the scenes is waiting for Jiang Qi on the road ahead, and the target is naturally the spark on Jiang Qi.

Finally, to sum up, it has something to do with the underworld, and it requires a spark, which makes my great-uncle play chess in person.

To be honest, there are really not many people in the three realms who can achieve or need all three at the same time.

Who is it?

Jiang Qi squinted his eyes, and several famous beings from the Three Realms flashed through his mind, but he rejected them one by one.

Everyone seems to have no reason to do such a thing.


After thinking for a long time, Jiang Qi opened his eyes and exhaled heavily. Of course, this was a subconscious action for the current ghost body.


Seeing this, Fairy Baihua hurriedly stepped forward to ask, "Do you have a clue?"

"A few, but not much."

Jiang Qi said with a helpless smile: "It's a mess. Now I can only take one step at a time, but I also have some guesses."

Fairy Baihua nodded without any intention of asking any questions. She was a very smart person who knew what to do and what to ask, and vice versa.

For a moment, the two of them were speechless, and only the boat under their feet was slowly driving towards the other side of the Santu River.

"Stop the ship!"

"All ghosts come out!"

At this time, a shady voice suddenly came from the building, and it seemed that some secret method was used to reach the ears of every ghost.

Jiang Qi and Baihua Fairy looked at each other, then walked to the porthole and looked down.

Their upper room is an upper room in every sense of the word. You can see the deck through the window when you lower your head.

There were at least a thousand ghosts on the deck at the moment. They were wearing helmets, carrying armor, and holding weapons. Their scarlet eyes were full of evil. They were maintaining a formation of three and one, gathering all the passengers on the ship together. . It can be seen that the Yin soldiers on the building ship came forward obsequiously, and seemed to have something in the arms of the leader of the Yin soldiers, but he was immediately slapped into a spinning top by the latter.

"We are under the command of Luofu Mountain, how can we ask for your dirty money?!"

The leader looked arrogantly at the captain lying on the ground.

Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Luofu Mountain is the seat of Du Ziren, one of the Five Ghost Emperors of the South.

It is also interesting to say that among the five ghost emperors, the other four regions have two ghost emperors co-ruling one side, and only the southern ghost emperor has one.

I don’t know if it’s because there’s no one to work with that I ended up alone, or if there’s another hidden reason.

But no matter what, this little scene can't scare Jiang Qi and Baihua Fairy.

But since the two of them are just "ordinary Yin ghosts" with a little money now, they must cooperate with the Yin soldiers.

With this in mind, Jiang Qi gave Baihua Fairy a wink, and together they left the cabin and walked toward the deck.

I happened to encounter other ghosts coming out of the upper room, and they were mixed in a pile, not noticeable at all.

"Is everyone here?!"

The leader of the Luofu Mountain Yin soldiers glanced at him, and then looked at the captain.

"It's all here!"

The captain replied tremblingly, "Although they are all working for the underworld, it is obvious that those who play with boats cannot do as well as those who play with swords."


The next moment, he was a little short.

The leader sneered and said, "Is this your first day as a general?!"

"Where are the ghosts that you took dirty money to smuggle in?!"

When the captain heard this, he dared not speak out in anger, and could only wave his hands as if accepting his fate.

The Yin difference on the two boats walked tremblingly to the corner of the deck. There was a pile of debris there. The biggest thing was a broken millstone. I don't know how there was this on the Santuchuanlou boat.

Then, the two Yin differences began to push the millstone, and soon, a hole was exposed under the fluctuation of the Qi machine.

The ghosts filed out of it one by one. If you count them carefully, there are hundreds of them, and each one has karma. Logically speaking, they are "sinful souls" that are not allowed to board the ship.

However, based on what the leader just said, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion.

The deck has a mezzanine, and the key to opening it is the millstone.

Good guy, are you really rich enough to make a fool of yourself?

Jiang Qi was amazed when he saw it.


The leader of the Yin soldiers waved his hand.

Suddenly, hundreds of Yin soldiers rushed towards the stowaways like wolves and tigers, causing a huge commotion.

These soldiers in the underworld are not polite, they are all rough in their movements, and they all hold various magical instruments in their hands, including mirrors, compasses, porcelain bowls, and even ash hooks.

But no matter what kind of magic weapon it is, it has only one effect.

Able to detect ghosts from the ends of their hair to their toes, without missing a single trace.

Soon, all the stowaways were investigated, but the Yin soldier's answer was: "General, no!"

The leader narrowed his eyes and looked at the normal passengers.

"Check these people one by one!"

"Don't let anyone go!"

(End of this chapter)

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