Chapter 187 On the Art of Acting


Jin Zha's roar came from within the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier, with a hint of disbelief.

"You actually intend to kill your brother!!"

As we all know, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield is the treasure of the Golden Light Cave in Qianyuan Mountain, and this treasure has basically always been in Nezha's hands.

From this, we can also see that Taiyi Zhenren really doted on Nezha. After becoming a god, most of the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao took back the treasures they originally gave to their disciples. After all, they were the bottom of the box.

But only Master Taiyi really focused on doting. Not only did he not take it back, he also added several more.

As for the real person Yuding

Well, Jiang Qi has a say in this point. The only one that can be considered the best in his family is the Immortal Killing Sword. It’s not that he doesn’t give it to Yang Jian, but he is too poor.

Sword cultivators all clamored that one sword could defeat all kinds of magic, but how could it be that they were helpless because their wallets were empty?

Jiang Qi sighed in his heart and looked at the sky.

The boy Baihe controlled the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield with ease. After listening to Jin Zha's words, he sneered: "Are you worthy of mentioning Nezha?"

"Are you worthy of calling yourself brother?"

"Where were you when Nezha committed suicide?!"

"Where were you when Li Jing was going to dig up Nezha's temple and end his hope of resurrection?!"

"It's ridiculous that everyone says that Nezha is the rebellious son of the Li family, but after he became a god, he stayed by Li Jing's side every day. Who is the person he visits morning and night?!"

"You have followed your teacher and rebelled against Christianity. In these many years, have you ever gone home to visit your father once?!"

"You are unfilial to your father, unfaithful to your king, and you are an elder brother but you have not fulfilled your responsibilities as an elder brother. How dare you, an unfilial, unfaithful, unkind and unjust person like you, dare to say such nonsense!"

"You are a wolf-hearted person, a servile person! I am ashamed to have been the same as you!"

Bai Hetongzi showed no mercy at all. This was no longer a quarrel, it was simply a slap on Jin Zha's face repeatedly.

From this scene, Jiang Qi also learned a lot.

Is the White Crane boy ignorant? Are you inexperienced?

The third generation senior brother of Chanjiao, who has been serving the master all year round, how could he be a fool?

It's impossible for Baihe Tongzi to not understand the principle of keeping a thin line in life.

But since he has done this now, it can only explain one point.

Someone told Baihe Boy to go big.

"Bai He! If you dare, kill me!!"

Within the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier, Jin Zha's voice sounded again.

This was also Jin Zha's final confidence.

He lost the opportunity and was trapped in the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier. He had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

He was betting that Baihe would not dare to kill him.

Because that means that the Taoist and Buddhist families are completely at war, and there is no reason to explain.

Even the Buddha within Buddhism who is hostile to Manjushri Bodhisattva will also share the same hatred against Tai.


Baihe Boy blinked in confusion and asked, "Why should I kill you?"

"But it's up to you whether you can hold on."

After all, Jin Zha didn't have a chance to speak at all, and the seal on his hand changed.


Suddenly, the flames of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover were much more intense, but they no longer burned Jin Zha himself, but instead melted his Dharma.

"What are you doing!"


Jin Zha's horrified voice sounded from within the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier.

Jiang Qi narrowed his eyes. He could vaguely see that Uncle Bai He's purpose was not to kill Jin Zha, but it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

Because Uncle Baihe is using the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield to melt Jin Zha's Dharma and relics.

This is Duan Jinzha’s path of cultivation!


Jin Zha's voice sounded, but it had no effect.

It can be vaguely seen from the outside world that the originally majestic and angry Dharma Appearance is like snow in spring, slowly melting in the flames.

About a quarter of an hour later, Bai He cast a spell to remove the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield.

And Jin Zha's figure also appeared again.

But now, Jin Zha no longer had the power he had just now, his whole energy was sluggish, and he fell helplessly from a high altitude. It fell to the ground with a muffled thud. “Taiyi True Immortal?”

Jiang Qi clicked his tongue in surprise.

The Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Barrier refined Jin Zha's natal dharma, and also his cultivation level.

The original Taiyi Golden Immortal has now become the Taiyi True Immortal. It seems that there is still room for further decline?

Because Jin Zha’s natal relic was also refined.

I saw two beads in front of Baihe boy.

A stone with irregular pits and cracks was on the verge of collapse.

This is Jin Zha's natal sign. If he could take it back now, he would be able to recover after a hundred years of good health and warmth.


The next moment, the boy Baihe swung his sword and chopped the dharma image into pieces.

Well, let alone a hundred years, it is more cost-effective to rebuild it as soon as possible.

Then, Baihe Boyzi looked at the other bead in front of him.

Compared to the previous one, which was bumpy and bumpy, this one appears to be much rounder, with a very obvious Qi that belongs exclusively to Jin Zha.

This is Jin Zha's natal relic, which was directly forced out under the smelting of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier.

The boy Baihe raised his hand without hesitation, and the Yanling Saber in his hand was about to slash at the relic.

Jin Zha looked at it in despair. If this attack was confirmed, it was unclear whether he could keep the cultivation of Taiyi True Immortal.

What's more, if the life relic is destroyed, it's hard to say whether he can continue on the path in the future.

The Wild Goose Feather Sword of Baihe Boy is not a simple object, but is forged from his natal feather.

Before the blade came, the light of the blade had already fallen on Jin Zha's natal relic.


There was only an imperceptible muffled sound, and there was a gap in the relic.


Jin Zha spurted out an uncontrollable mouthful of blood, and the Qi around his body trembled, almost unable to maintain the realm of Taiyi True Immortal.

All this is said to be slow, but in fact it is a matter of lightning.

At the critical moment, Baihe Boy's Yanling Saber stopped.

A red gold stick as thick as a bowl blocked the Yan Ling knife.

The boy Bai He raised his head and saw the monkey in front of him. He immediately put away his sword, nodded with a smile, and said, "What does the Great Sage mean by this?"

Seeing this, Brother Monkey also removed the golden cudgel and said, "Can you give me some face? That's the end of it?"

"Since it is the Great Sage who speaks, it is natural."

Bai Hetongzi agreed without even stumbling.

And with a happy wave of his hand, the broken but not broken relics flew in front of Jin Zha.

Jiang Qi looked at the scene in front of him with a strange expression.

Hmm. How should I put it?

The acting skills of these two are better than those of Tianshu Academy, but not much better.

Obviously, this was also agreed upon.

Some big bosses have a good grasp of a certain degree of control and have limited the dispute to the "Manjusri lineage".

And Brother Monkey's move this time was also a favor, and it would be impossible even if Manjusri didn't recognize him.

If White Crane Boy really destroyed Jin Zha's relics, it would be basically the same as killing him, and it would still cause a war between Taoism and Buddhism.

But there are no ifs. The fact is that Brother Hou used his own face to save Jin Zha and eliminate the possibility of a war between Taoism and Buddhism.

Even if Manjushri Bodhisattva does not recognize this favor, there are still some Buddhists who will force him to recognize it.

No one wants to see the Taoist and Buddhist families completely at odds.

Including the disciples of Taoism and Buddhism, but what if it is a single Manjushri lineage?

To hell with you.

The current internal strife in Buddhism is even more serious than that in Taoism.

Not to mention, the Ancient Buddha of Lantern, the Tathagata Buddha, the Medicine Master Light King Buddha, and the future Maitreya Buddha, these four represent the four "Buddha clans".

And underneath each one, countless factions spawned.

In a word: chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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