What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 175 There is only killing in the world!

Chapter 175 There is only killing in the world!

Jiang Qi frowned and looked into the distance, which was also the direction from which the strange roar came.


The roar came again, but this time it did not spread, but contracted.

Existences that are not protected by the Great Wall, whether they are practitioners of the Three Realms or Chaos Demons, are uncontrollably gathering towards the place where the sound wave shrinks.

Then it turns into food!

It's difficult for Jiang Qi to describe the process. It doesn't look like swallowing, nor does it look like fusion, but it is like countless beings merging into one.

In the end only one remained.

The ten-thousand-foot-tall purple existence is not a living thing, and has no spirituality. It only has an indescribable and strange appearance, and the senses that make people feel that their emotions are fluctuating violently at a glance.

It cannot be described, but it can be glimpsed.

Jiang Qi's brows were raised and his eyes were shining brightly, helping him stare at the strange existence. Jiang Qi was also the only practitioner present who dared to look directly at the strange existence.

"This is a third-class heavenly demon. By analogy, it is equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal among practitioners, but it is stronger, much stronger. It can almost be said that it is stepping on the threshold of Da Luo, half a step away!"

Bai Suzhen said solemnly: "According to the records I have obtained, every time a practitioner fights with the Chaos Demon, he is accumulating and releasing emotions, and emotion is an extension of God."

"This is excellent food for high-level chaos demons."

"The one in front of us, if I admit it correctly, is a soul-eating demon."

"Even among third-class demons, they are extremely difficult to deal with. Many times they require the help of Daluo magical powers to eliminate them!"

Jiang Qi understood what Bai Suzhen meant.

The existence of this kind of demon has a great influence on the high-end combat power of the three realms. It exceeds the peak combat power of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but it has not touched the realm of Daluo.

Not as good as above but better than below, but for the Three Realms, if Taiyi Golden Immortal is sent to fight this demon, it is likely that there will be no return.

But if Da Luo takes action, it will be another overkill.

But it’s impossible not to take action.

"Is it intentional or a coincidence?"

Jiang Qi muttered to himself.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang?"

Bai Suzhen looked at him doubtfully.

"It's nothing, I just felt it."

Jiang Qi came back to his senses, shook his head and chuckled.

It is said that the Chaos Demon has no wisdom, only instinct, but does it really have no wisdom?

If not, then how do you explain the current product that exhausts the high-end combat forces of the three realms and makes you sick to death if it can't kill you?

He completely grasped the huge gap in combat power between Taiyi Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal, and created such a level of Chaos Demon.

Taiyi Jinxian is no match. When Da Luo comes, it’s just a matter of waving his hand, but he has to come.

At the very least, several Taiyi Golden Immortals can be involved.

It is simply a candy.

Is it really a coincidence?

Or is there a "brain" behind these chaotic demons who have no intelligence but only instinct?

Jiang Qi didn't think too deeply. Since he could see it, it was impossible for the big guys who had been hanging around here all year round to miss it.

Is there a solution?

Jiang Qi thought, his expression suddenly changed, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously grinned.



A strange cry that sounded like a phoenix or a luan suddenly sounded from the dark sky.

But what came was not a golden phoenix or a green luan, but a pair of wheels with blazing flames and scorching sparks.

The pair of wheels intertwined with each other, pulling out a long line of fire, like an infinitely extending spear made of fire vines.

On this wheel, there is a Qi that Jiang Qi can never forget in his dreams.

The true fire of samadhi, the samadhi fire that has been tempered to the extreme and smelted to the extreme!

Taking a detailed look at the Three Realms, even the Southern Yinghuo Sanqi Fire Virtue True Lord in the whole world does not have such a peak Samadhi Fire. Only one person has this talent, this leisure time, and this capital.

The Great God of Santan Haihui, the Marshal of Zhongtan, the Grand Master Tongtian, and the Third Prince Nezha!


In the void, a young boy shouted loudly.


Suddenly, the wind and fire wheel bloomed to its peak, and the blazing fire light was like a pillar of fire reaching the sky, directly covering the body of the ten thousand feet demon.

With the light of the fire, the two wheels entered from the top of the demon's head and came out from under his feet. The flames burned from the inside out and exploded.

But in just a few breaths, the demon turned into a meaningless purple substance.

It was only then that Nezha's figure appeared in the void, raised his hand to recall the Hot Wheels, turned into a bracelet and buckled it on his wrist.

Jiang Qi's guess was correct. He could see things at a glance, so it was impossible for the big guys to have no countermeasures.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal can't beat the over-limited third-level demons who step on the line like this, and it would be too wasteful to go to Daluo, so it would be better to send the geniuses from the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Whether it's Nezha or Brother Monkey, it doesn't take much effort to kill this kind of demon, but if you want to fight against the Daluo demon, it's a little bit worse, so it's just right.

At this time, Nezha was not the lotus root robe that Jiang Qi had imagined in the past, but a gold-steel armor with a red cloak, carrying an evil spirit that poured out the sky.

There was some blood on Nezha's face, and the armor on his body was also somewhat mottled, but his eyes were frighteningly bright.

Obviously, Nezha is not far away from being killed even if he is not crazy now.

Only in this kind of realm can all the evil and murderous aura of the former Xiqi Pioneer be released.

Nowadays, the Three Realms are still too comfortable for a being like Nezha who rolled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

From a distance, Jiang Qi saw Nezha's eyes scanning the Great Wall, as if he was looking for something. Finally, his eyes lit up and he focused on Jiang Qi.

Nezha raised his hand, and the hot wheel that had just been placed flew out again, and arrived in front of Jiang Qi in the blink of an eye.

Before Jiang Qi could react, the Fire Wheel burst into flames and enveloped Jiang Qi and Bai Suzhen respectively.

After doing all this, Nezha took off and rushed to the next battlefield.

He doesn't have much time now.

After successively cutting down one hundred and three third-level super-limited demons, Nezha finally stopped and landed directly on a section of the Great Wall. He released the Hot Wheels and released Jiang Qi and Bai Suzhen.

Then he took out a gourd and ate the golden elixir as beans.

On the outer battlefield, you never have to worry about running out of supplies.

"I have seen Uncle Master."

"I have seen my brother."

Jiang Qi and Bai Suzhen bowed their hands.

Nezha did not turn around, but his voice was cold and full of evil aura: "Go down and fight until you reach the peak of Taiyi Celestial Immortal and then rest."

After saying that, Nezha turned around with a cold look in his eyes.

"I don't care how your elders agree to you, killing as many as you want is enough, I don't want to hear it."

"Kill on, you will either die or break through."

"In the outer world, there is no reason to tell you."

Jiang Qi and Bai Suzhen both hesitated unnaturally.

Jiang Qi was a little uncomfortable with the bright iron-blooded aura.

He was in a daze for a moment before suddenly remembering.

Yes, this is the largest killing place in the Three Realms, Shura Field. There is no reason to explain.

Only by killing until there is no demon left in front of us, and until the riot stops, can we temporarily stop fighting!

Jiang Qi took a deep breath and raised his hand. The red sword was already in his hand.


Wrapped in the extremely violent hurricane, Jiang Qi jumped off the Great Wall and merged into the killing field again!

(End of this chapter)

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