What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 172 Shura Field, a place of fighting

Chapter 172 Shura Field, a place of fighting

Jiang Qi listened to the charming tone and nodded slowly.

"It's okay."

"How are you doing, Fellow Daoist Bai?"

Jiang Qi asked.

That's right, the person who was Jiang Qi's "inmate" was none other than Bai Suzhen.

Jiang Qi didn't understand why Bai Suzhen appeared here.

Logically speaking, after the Haotian trial, Bai Suzhen should have returned to Lishan to practice cultivation.

Is it because of Xuxuxian?

But it shouldn't be. Even if Bai Suzhen settled her love-hate relationship with Xu Xian in such a short period of time, she should have been suppressed under the Leifeng Pagoda instead of going to the prison of Tianwaitian.

The time doesn't match, and neither does the logic.

So, why does Bai Suzhen appear here?

"Not bad either."

Bai Suzhen answered with a smile, and then asked, "How come Fellow Daoist Jiang appears here?"

"Xiaodao also wants to ask fellow Taoist Bai like this."

Jiang Qi smiled bitterly and said, "Why does Fellow Daoist Bai appear here?"

The scene fell silent for a while.

Obviously, both sides have some unspeakable secrets.

In the final analysis, the two of them just met by chance, with Xiao Qing intervening in the middle, but Jiang Qi and Xiao Qing were just acquaintances.

"The two of you are in such good spirits that we can start chatting in this world."

At this time, a hoarse voice broke the silence.

Jiang Qi and Bai Suzhen looked over at the same time.

There were three people in this prison. Bai Suzhen only had her hands and feet bound by chains, while Jiang Qi had his whole body tied up. He thought he was miserable, but he didn't expect there was a master.

The man on the third wall is wearing a black robe, with disheveled hair. He can't see clearly whether he is a man or a woman, let alone his appearance.

This man was deeply restrained by countless chains as thick as his thumb. Two more chains went vertically down and passed through the pipa bone. There were two more chains, one on the left and one on the right, locking the Cun Guan Ruler on his wrist.

It can be said that neither Jiang Qi nor Bai Suzhen pales in comparison to this one.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Jiang Qi blinked. Because his magic power was locked, he couldn't see this person's cultivation strength.

"Me? Hehe. Hahahahaha."

The man was smiling crazily, and his mouth smelled like a demon cultivator.

"It's just an innocent soul that wanders around the world and doesn't want to be reincarnated!"

Jiang Qi blinked silently.

Well, it tastes more right.

These demon cultivators will always give themselves a fancy life experience and experience, making them feel as if they are wronged.

However, except for a few, most demonic cultivators use past tragedies as an excuse to unleash their desires to satisfy their selfish desires after becoming possessed.

The horror of the devil's path lies here. You enter the path through negative emotions such as hatred, misery, etc. After the initial release, you step out and there is a bottomless abyss behind you.

Unable to stop himself any longer, he fell step by step.

When I looked back and saw the original version of myself who was obsessed with revenge, I could only sneer.

Jiang Qi and Bai Suzhen looked at each other, and they both had a tacit understanding and stopped talking to that guy.

The demon cultivator opened his chatterbox and muttered to himself, but his words were messy and the preface and the follower were inconsistent.

This is also a typical problem of demon cultivators. A mind filled with too many negative emotions will become mentally ill.

Jiang Qi closed his eyes and rested his mind, doing some mental calculations.

After an hour or so.


With a vibration, the heavy door of the cell was opened.

"From Room A to Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Three, bring forward all the prisoners!"

A voice that seemed a bit ethereal because it was too far away sounded outside the cell.

Almost the next moment, a tall man in black clothes, with slim eyes and strong muscles walked in. Without any communication, he didn't even care who was tied up. The big man just took out three chains and shook them casually.

The chains were like poisonous snakes, "biting" on the wrists of Jiang Qi and others.

Then, the chains on Jiang Qi's body fell apart, leaving only one on his wrist, which was held by the big man.

Just like that, the big man grabbed the chains and took Jiang Qi, Bai Suzhen, and the unknown demon cultivator out of the cell.

After leaving the cell, it was still so dark. Jiang Qi looked around and found that there were many people and cells around him.

The doors were opened, and the uniformly dressed "jailers" each held three chains, and there was a prisoner tied to the other end of each chain.

There are countless such configurations here, and there is no end in sight.

Jiang Qi's group is in the middle.

Among the three people, Jiang Qi was in the middle, with Bai Suzhen and the demon cultivator on both sides.


At the front, orders came from afar.

The next moment, the clatter of countless chains colliding resounded through the passage, and the bloated team began to advance slowly.

Jiang Qi and others also followed the trend and walked for more than half an hour.

After following the jailer out of this huge prison, there was no sunshine outside, but giant butter candles, each one as thick as two people holding each other.

This seems to be the base of the city wall. Hundreds of thousands of people are walking along the base of the city wall, but it is like a line of ants next to the building.

"Prisoner in the first cell of prison No. Xuan, come in!"

The mighty voice came from the front again, and Jiang Qi always felt that it sounded familiar.

But he didn't let him think too much. The jailer who dragged him skillfully opened a gap somewhere in the city wall. It was a passage. It was dark inside. There were dark blood and scattered bones on both sides of the wall and on the ground.

The jailer pushed Jiang Qi and the others in. More than one jailer did this, and fifty or sixty people were crammed into this small passage.

"Crack, click, click."

As the passage closed, the chains that blocked mana in everyone's hands disappeared, leaving only a certain jailer staying here with everyone.

"Go ahead and kill everything you see."


After the words fell, the passage was completely blocked. If you don't want to be trapped here, the only way is to move forward.

What's ahead?

Jiang Qi lowered his eyes, already knowing the answer in his heart.

This is a Shura field, a fighting cave.

Jiang Qi knew clearly that where he was now was probably somewhere on the Great Wall of Heaven, and the exits of these rows of holes were at the forefront of the Great Wall of Heaven.

That is where the Chaos Demon is!

In other words, these cave entrances are one of the battlefields between the Three Realms and the Chaos Demon.

The Three Realms need the "orderly" attack of the Chaos Demon, but obviously the Chaos Demon will not act according to the expectations of the Three Realms.

So "bait" is needed. These holes opened on the Great Wall, and the prisoners in the holes, are the bait to attract the chaos demon.

It is also "duizi".

Even if all the prisoners in every cave entrance die, as long as they can get the death of a Chaos Demon, it is still worth it.

For the Three Realms, this is a business without capital.

These prisoners should be dead.

However, you should be the only one who violated the rules of heaven here, right?

Jiang Qi thought silently, then suddenly put his hand behind his back and clamped a dagger as thin as a cicada's wing between his fingers.

Looking back, I met a pair of crazy eyes.

Jiang Qi suddenly realized.

Yes, kill everything you see, including "teammates" of course.

Don't expect the prisoners thrown here to have conscience and selfless devotion.

In the flash of lightning, Jiang Qi looked at Bai Suzhen, and the other party also looked over.

Their eyes met, and both understood what the other was thinking.

Clear the place first!

Jiang Qi closed his eyes slightly, opened his brows, and a bright divine light suddenly burst out.


(End of this chapter)

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