What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 167 Self-strategy, the most deadly

Chapter 167 Self-strategy, the most deadly

"What does the fairy mean by this?"

Jiang Qi's brows furrowed, not because he was angry, but because he really didn't know how to express his emotions at the moment.

Because, if Jiang Qi thought it right, the fact is probably like this.

Baihua Fairy also smiled bitterly and said: "The True Lord should also know something. Your master is very loved by some fairies in heaven."

"Although Erlang Zhenjun... no, Shenjun is not pretentious towards those fairies, but after all, his grace is too great, which attracts the reverie of those fairies."

"To be honest with the True Lord, if you ask the fairies in Yaochi who is the most beautiful, eight out of ten will say it is the Divine Lord."

"Among them, it seems that Weaver Girl is included."

Knew it.

Jiang Qi smiled bitterly and rubbed his forehead, but still refused to give up and asked: "Master and Weaver Girl, shouldn't they have any communication? Why?"

Why are you still thinking about Yang Jian when you have already thought of Fan in the lower world?

"If I remember correctly, it should be the time when the gods in heaven have just returned to their throne after becoming a god."

Baihua Fairy looked thoughtful as she said: "At that time, everything in heaven was in ruins and many gods and gods had just ascended to heaven. No one was convinced or convinced by each other, and they did not abide by the rules."

"At that time, almost all fairy clothes had to be made by the weaving bureau. Some of them were unruly and couldn't wait to come directly to ask for them."

"Because there were too many materials required at that time, the silkworms spun silk almost in a squeezing style. The further back, the worse the quality became."

"At that time, the Great Heavenly Lord had just returned from the tribulation, and the Weaving Girl had just ascended to heaven. No one dared to offend her. Over time, the Weaving Department became like a person who could step on her."

"Then the Lord God came."

Having said this, Baihua Fairy smiled bitterly and continued: "If I remember correctly, at that time the Lord God also went to urge the Princess Xianyi of the Goddess of Huashan Mountain. Unexpectedly, after he went there, he happened to see the Weaver Girl being killed by several immortals who were born in the sect. God surrounded and questioned.”

"So, the Lord Shen directly took action to suppress it, and those unruly gods and gods only thought that the Lord Shen was here to make decisions for the Weaver Girl. Once this misunderstanding spread, no one from the Weaving Department came to look for trouble anymore, and the Lord Shen's temperament would naturally not Go explain these, so..."

Having said this, Baihua Fairy did not continue.

Because Jiang Qi has already understood.

Good guy, Jiang Qi can only say good guy.

This is all a mistake, right?

As we all know, Yang Jian will do anything for his sister. If he goes to buy some fairy clothes, it is probably because Yang Chan's wardrobe is not full.

As for the few Jiejiao immortals who clashed with each other, Yang Jian was probably just unhappy with them.

After all, it’s all about “friendship”.

So, from Yang Jian's point of view, this is just simple: helping girls dress, beating up those who don't have eyesight, it's that simple.

As for the pretty reddish face of the Weaver Girl after the beating, and the fairy clothes that were hastily made using the precious silk in stock, they were not within the scope of Yang Jian's thinking.

Jiang Qi can guarantee that the master at that time had absolutely no intention to think about this, let alone care about the loving look in Zhinv's eyes when she gave him the fairy clothes.

This guy was definitely thinking: Hey, I got the fairy clothes, will my girl praise me when I get back? It will definitely happen, right? After all, her second brother is so reliable and caring!

What? Weaver Girl? Who? do not know.

However, it is different from Zhinu's perspective.

Let me ask you, when you have just stepped into a new environment, surrounded by people who are malicious to you, and you are helpless, a hunk who ranks first on the list of male gods in the three realms falls from the sky.

If there is such a list.

Then, this tough guy not only solves your troubles, but also solves your future troubles.

and! He always kept a cold face, only did things and never said unnecessary words!

At first, you were a little disappointed when this macho man asked you for a women's fairy dress, but when you learned that he wanted it for your own sister, it became a bonus.

Then you know that this hunk is your nominal, unrelated cousin! Although you know that this cousin has a conflict with your adoptive father, you have never heard that he has any grudges with the other sisters. Instead, they are very respectful to each other.

It makes it hard not to think about it.

Could it be that the fact that he came to urge my sister Xianyi was just a pretense, and he was actually here to relieve me of my difficulties?

It’s just that he’s embarrassed to say it openly, because after all, you’re just his cousin he’s never met before, and you still did it.

Let me ask, who calls a girl not to be pregnant?

This wave, this wave is the first time we met at Tianhe Ferry, but we met Yang Jian and lost our lives.

But this doesn’t even mean that the concubine has a lover unintentionally, but that the concubine didn’t think so much about it at all!

Ever since, many years have passed, and under the guidance of Zhinu's own brain strategy, the budding goodwill for Yang Jian gradually took root and sprouted, and then it became more and more crooked in her heart.

Then it became what it is now.

Since I can't get Yang Jian, then I will give birth to a "Yang Jian"!

Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right?

For the label of human-god hybrid, you just went down to the next world to find mortals as tools, right?

After understanding all this, Jiang Qi's mouth was full of helplessness and shame.

It also made Jiang Qi couldn't help but reflect on whether he has been guarded by others recently. Why do all the people he meets are love brains?

Forget about Kui Mulang, in the end it was just a fake created by Jie Qi.

But Weaver Girl is different!

This is a "tragic" love brain that "put aside the facts, the responsibility lies entirely with your master"!


It’s still the kind of relationship!

How should Jiang Qi deal with this?

Jiang Qi rubbed his forehead and suddenly looked at Fairy Baihua beside him.

Then, in Baihua Fairy's puzzled eyes, Jiang Qi took out the Immortal Trap Sword and drew a circle around the two of them, using the evil spirit and aura of the Immortal Trap Sword to isolate the outside world from prying eyes as much as possible.

"True Lord, what is this?"

Baihua Fairy was puzzled, but she saw Jiang Qi looking at her seriously.


Jiang Qi said seriously: "It's just you and me here. If you don't listen, let's talk behind closed doors."

Fairy Baihua was stunned when she heard this, then subconsciously lowered her head slightly and said softly: "Please tell me, my true lord, my maid is listening."

Jiang Qi ignored the change in Baihua Fairy's expression and said directly: "What did my uncle and grandma give the fairy?"

"If the empress did not give orders, I can only act according to the rules of heaven at this time. Weaver Girl will have to go to the Immortal Killing Platform!"

It's not that Jiang Qi is being alarmist, Yao Ji's original handling method cannot be replicated at all.

Does Zhinu have the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortal? Do her two children have natural supernatural powers?

Also, let alone whether her husband named Gong Ji is as responsible as Yang Tianyou, even if he has that ambition, what is his strength?

Even Yao Ji had to pay the price of the death of her husband's eldest son, the nearly death of her second son and three daughters, and her own suppression under Taoshan, so she reluctantly ended the matter.

Later, thanks to Yang Jian's efforts to show his strength, explain his teaching background, and defeat the invincible opponents at the same level, the rumors that were rampant in the Three Realms disappeared.

Otherwise, it will definitely still be criticized until now.

Which of these conditions does Zhinu occupy?

When Baihua Fairy heard this, she seemed a little disappointed, but she disappeared in an instant, looked at Jiang Qi, and nodded seriously.

"Your Majesty has orders."

With that said, she once again held out the flying phoenix hairpin.

(End of this chapter)

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