What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 164 Multiple choice question? No, sorting question!

Chapter 164 Multiple choice question? No, sorting question!
  The Three Realms, or the universe, all exist based on chaos.

If chaos is a sea, then all the heavens and all realms, including the Three Realms, are ships or bubbles on the sea.

In the face of the size of chaos, the Three Realms is at best a small sampan. It's just that the predecessor of this small sampan was an aircraft carrier and was destroyed by the big bosses above.

And even the small sampan of the Three Realms is already the largest existence in the world. Most of the other worlds are no longer ships, but bubbles that may be destroyed by chaos in the next moment.

Then new bubbles will be born in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Ever since, the Three Realms have been targeted.

Above the three realms is the sky, and above the sky is the outer sky, which is directly bordered by chaos.

And in this outer sky, it is the battlefield between the Three Realms and Chaos.

There are many enemies, and most of them are "great supernatural beings" who have crossed over from other worlds. They are often peerless beings in one world. Their hearts are higher than the sky, they think they are unparalleled in the world, and they want to occupy the three realms as their own dojo.

He entered Tianwaitian ambitiously, and was shot to pieces by the big guys stationed in Xuandu City.

In addition to these "great supernatural powers" who are basically no threat, the biggest, or the real threat to the Three Realms, is the Chaos Demon.

Demons have no reason, no spirituality, no superiority or inferiority, and have only one purpose of existence: to destroy all impurities in chaos.

The Three Realms are the "biggest impurities" in the cognition of all chaotic demons.

If the current Three Realms were still the prehistoric realms of the past, even the most powerful Chaos Demon wouldn't dare to take a look at it if Buzhou Mountain were to attack it.

But things are not as good as they used to be.

The saint could not be born, and the ancient world was broken into three realms.

The sky cleared and the rain stopped, and the Chaos Demon felt that he was doing well again.

But it is obvious that there are too many big guys on this small sampan in the Three Realms who do not meet this size.

Great Heavenly Lord is a ruthless person, and Master Xuandu is also a ruthless person.

One said nothing but troops pressed down on the territory, while the other simply stayed in the sky.

One built Xuandu City and took charge of it personally, while the other used his family wealth to build a Great Wall directly around Xuandu City.

So the Chaos Demons also learned to be smart, and their instinct to clean up told them that there was no future in fighting alone, and if they wanted to clean up the magazine of Three Realms, they had to study hard.

Then it became the current situation.

The Chaos Demon no longer invades all the time, but instead, after accumulating a large amount, they directly attack.

This is what the gods of the three realms call a chaotic riot.

The situation now is very clear. The Chaos Demons launched a new round of riots. The Great Heavenly Lord dispatched troops and generals, and Laojun also started logistics.

It's just that Laojun's logistics is a bit high-end.


Jiang Qi sighed sincerely, not that the Chaos Demon is scary, but that the big guys in the Three Realms are scary.

Not to mention the group of big guys sent by the Great Heavenly Lord, even the King of Tota, who seems to be the most incompetent and the most incompetent among them, is also a powerful general in the three realms. His personal strength may be low, but he is definitely the leader of the three realms in leading troops. Some are good at it.

Needless to say about the others, anyone named at random is a magical person.

Let’s not talk about these, let’s just talk about the big guys in Xuandu City.

Xuandu Archmage will not take action unless Xuandu City and Tianwai Great Wall collapse together.

He is the last insurance for the Three Realms in the outer world.

In addition, there are also the big bosses of the three Taoist and Buddhist Heavenly Clan families in Xuandu City.

For example, Master Yuding, who didn't even attend Yuxu's party some time ago, just ran to Xuandu City.

There is also a Medicine Buddha on the Buddhist side who is stationed in Xuandu City, and the Heavenly Court is guarded by several first-level gods in rotation.

Just this lineup, isn’t it scary?
  The three realms are all small fights. For the big guys, Tianwai Genius is the biggest battlefield today.

"But it has nothing to do with us."

Jiang Qi said with a smile: "Is it possible that they will throw us into the outer world?"

the next day.

"Haotian God, the true talisman's decree..."

"The mysterious light shines brightly, and the holes shine in all directions." "When you play the Tianshu of Dharma, all the ghosts and gods will be subdued."

"The sky and the earth are united, and the decree is made clear."

"On the jade scroll, the words fell,"

"The Three Realms of Xuanwei cannot be delayed."

"All heavens and all earth, all waters and mountains."

"Photographer obeys the order, and the story of Jinmayi is passed on."

"Honor the supreme Haotian, the Xuanqiong Jade Emperor, and the decree of Heaven!"

"The imperial title is: Jiutian Jinguan Yuling Mingwei Zhenjun!"

In the Lingxiao Hall, accompanied by the mighty pronouncement of the first-rank master of Tianshu Academy, Jiang Qi's third-rank True Lord title was settled, Nine Heavens Golden Guan Yuming Lingwei True Lord, referred to as Lingwei True Lord.

The four words "Nine Heavens Golden Gate" in the front are the convention. If you are a great god of the second grade or above, you will use "Nine Heavens Golden Gate" as your head. The word "Yu Ling" means: the quality is like mutton-fat jade, and the heart is as refreshing as the sky.

To put it bluntly, it is just a compliment, and the last two characters Mingwei are the real title.

After the order ceremony, the gods dispersed. It's not that the gods didn't want to deal with Jiang Qi and leave some incense and love, but that at this time, the gods were busy.

It is not that simple to send an army of [-] to the outer world. The so-called pulling one hair can move the whole body is exactly like this. What's more, now it is no longer just pulling one hair, but nearly one-fifth of the permanent troops in Heaven.

"Do you want to go to Tianwaitian first, or deal with the matter of Weaver Girl?"

The Great Heavenly Lord smiled and said to Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi: "."

At this moment, Jiang Qi was wearing the star robe of a third-grade true monarch, a cloud cloak, and holding a golden edict in his hand. Before he could be happy, he was knocked back by the words of the Great Heavenly Lord:

"Can this junior go back to Huashan?"

Jiang Qi asked cautiously.

"When you're done, you can go wherever you like."

The Great Heavenly Lord said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiang Qi said resignedly: "This junior chooses to go to Tianwai Tian to experience."

The Great Heavenly Lord had just told Jiang Qi about the disappearance of the Weaver Girl.

As for the disappearance, only a few people know the inside story, and Jiang Qi is one of them now.

Zhinu Sifan went down to the next world.
  Compared with dealing with this matter, Jiang Qi felt that Tianwaitian was more suitable for him.

"Did I let you choose?"

The Great Goddess blinked in confusion.

Jiang Qi's eyes widened and he looked at his great-uncle in front of him in disbelief.

"First go down to the realm and find the Weaver Girl. I will give you the right to do whatever you want."

The Great Heavenly Lord said without any doubt: "After handling this matter, go to the outer world and kill a thousand five-level demons before coming back."

The fifth-level Heavenly Demon, in terms of strength, is the Taiyi Heavenly Immortal. However, due to the characteristics of the Chaos Heavenly Demon, it is much more difficult to deal with than practitioners of the same level of cultivation.

A thousand heads is not a big problem, but...
  Jiang Qi looked around and saw that there was no one around. He quickly trotted to the throne, knelt down, and while beating the legs of the Great Heavenly Lord, he said flatteringly: "Uncle and grandpa, let's discuss it?"


The Great Heavenly Lord pretended to be deep in thought, and after a moment he said: "Then I will subtract two hundred heads if appropriate."

"That's not what my grandson said."

"Go and do some work."

The Great Heavenly Lord raised his eyelids, raised his hand, and flicked Jiang Qi's forehead with one finger. Jiang Qi disappeared without a trace, and he didn't know where he was bounced.

Jiang Qi spun in the air and flew out of the Lingxiao Palace like a top. He only heard the voice of the Great Heavenly Lord in his ears.

"Hundred Flowers will assist you."

(End of this chapter)

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