What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 154 Visiting Friends in West Kunlun

Chapter 154 Visiting Friends in West Kunlun


Jiang Qi was excited by the extreme cloud speed. This was a speed that he had never been able to achieve before.

Although he has just mastered it and is far from reaching the state where a somersault or a cloud kick can reach a thousand miles, Jiang Qi dares to say that among the Taiyi Celestials, no one is faster than himself.

Moreover, Jiang Qi discovered that this somersault cloud has a very high threshold for understanding, but as long as the threshold is reached, it is very simple to practice.

To put it bluntly, this is a cloud-riding method that is exclusive to geniuses and monsters.

Patriarch Bodhi is really amazing at teaching students according to their aptitude.

Jiang Qi sighed in his heart and noticed that the speed was slightly slower, so he stamped his foot again, preparing to step on the "accelerator" again.

But this time, Jiang Qi seemed to be stuck in brown sugar, and his whole body was stuck in the air.

This made Jiang Qi stunned. He subconsciously looked down and his eyes widened.

Is this Kunlun? ?
Jiang Qi blinked and looked straight ahead, only to see the white jade palace half hidden in the clouds and mist, as if it were a white jade palace that day.

But Jiang Qi knew that these white jade palaces were of higher status than the so-called Bai Yujing.

Because that realm is called Yuxu Palace.

Did I step on the accelerator and run into my ancestral home?

After Jiang Qi was stunned for the first time, he quickly dispersed the fairy clouds under his feet, preparing to fall down first.

You can already see Yuxu from this realm. It would be disrespectful to move forward in the clouds. Not to mention Jiang Qi, a fourth-generation disciple, even if Master Yuding is here, he would not dare to ride on the clouds here.

But unexpectedly, after Jiang Qi dispersed the fairy clouds, he still did not fall. The whole person was like amber in mid-air, sealed in place.

Having no choice but to do so, Jiang Qi Fangsheng shouted: "I don't know which elder of the master's sect is here, please show up so that the younger generation can see you!"

Not long after he finished speaking, the clouds in front of Jiang Qi's eyes broke, and a strange beast stepped on the clouds. This strange beast looked like a lion, but it had nine heads. When he saw Jiang Qi, all nine heads grinned at him.

When Jiang Qi saw it, he smiled bitterly and said, "It turns out that Master Jiutou is here. Please ask Uncle Jiu to release the junior ban and allow me to see him."

These nine-headed lions are none other than Taiyi's mount to save Kutianzun, and Taiyi's rescuer to Kutianzun is also none other than Nezha's master, Jiang Qi's great-uncle Taiyi Zhenren. (This is the second setting of this book, which combines Taiyi Zhenren and Taiyi Jishu Tianzun into one).

As for Jiang Qi's name for the nine-headed lion, it is simpler. The nine-headed lion is said to be a mount, but in fact it is also a Daluo Jinxian. It can be regarded as a registered disciple of Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain. Compared with the mount, the more accurate name is Taiyi. The real person’s attendant immortal.

Based on this calculation, it is reasonable for Jiang Qi to call him uncle.

Hearing this, the nine-headed lion laughed and said, "Who am I to cross Kunlun with that monkey-head method? It turns out to be you, a young boy."

After saying that, the middle head took a breath, untied the shackles on Jiang Qi's body, and then said: "It's a coincidence that you are here, today is the day when Uncle Anji Xianweng gathers all the immortals to teach the Dharma."

"So I was the one guarding Kunlun. If it had been any other time, you would have been detained by the mountain guardian beasts and sent to Uncle Guangchengzi to receive ordination."

"I dare to ask my uncle, is my master here? If he is, I should go and see him."

Hearing this, Jiang Qi muttered to himself that he was lucky, and then asked with a salute.

"Uncle Yuding is not here. He and Uncle Yun Zhongzi went to the uncle's place in Tianwai Tianxuan City."

The nine-headed lion replied.

"Uncle Master, I wonder what kind of Dharma I'm teaching the many elders and what kind of Tao I'm preaching? Will the younger generation be able to listen to it?"

Jiang Qi was not disappointed either. He trotted forward and combed the mane of the nine lions hard.

"I climbed up in a hurry."

The nine-headed lion smiled and scolded: "You can't listen. What many elders are talking about this time is Daluo's method of killing corpses. Even if I listen to it, I will be confused for a long time. You kid, you will understand the Tao after just one sentence."


Jiang Qi sighed with some disappointment. The nine-headed lion smiled and said: "Wherever you want to go, I will use my magical power to send you there. Now Yuxu Palace is full of Taoist rhyme, which is harmful to you now, so don't stay close to it."

Jiang Qi was about to say that he could just be sent to Huashan, but out of the corner of his eye he saw the west of Kunlun and his eyes lit up.

"Uncle, could you please move on and send this junior to the empress Xuannv of the West Kunlun Mountains? Is that possible?"

"Huh? What are you doing there?"

The nine-headed lion asked with some confusion.

"To be honest, Uncle Master, this junior is a good friend of a goddess from West Kunlun. Since you are here, you should pay her a visit."

Jiang Qi said openly.


The nine-headed lion laughed loudly, swayed, and rose to more than three feet tall, and said: "Come up, I will let you have a good time this time, uncle, I will take you to meet your friends!"

"Thank you, uncle."

Jiang Qi was not polite and flew up to sit on the back of the nine-headed lion.

There were clouds at the feet of this giant alien beast, with nine heads roaring, and it was moving between the clouds and mist, and it was full of momentum.

It's just that the momentum is too much. It doesn't look like visiting friends, but more like going to play.
In the Holy Land of West Kunlun, in the Palace of the Nine-Tian Xuannv Empress.

Many goddesses were walking through the palace, some were practicing, some were chatting, some were laughing and playing, and every one of them was charming and charming.

At this moment, a lion roared from the other side. Many goddesses looked up in confusion and saw nine mountain-like lion heads sticking out of the clouds, followed by an even bigger male body.

Before the goddesses could recover, Lu Wu, the God of West Kunlun Mountain, stepped forward. Some of the goddesses had sharp eyes and saw what seemed to be a human figure on the nine lions. The man didn't know what he said, but Master Lu Wu let him go.

The nine-headed lion stepped on the clouds and descended. In the next step, its body shrank a little, but when it arrived in front of Xuannv Palace, it was still a hundred feet tall.

The goddesses also knew that this was Taiyi's mount for rescuing the suffering gods. They thought that this real person had arrived and stepped forward to greet him.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the nine lions landed, they rose into the air and disappeared.

Only a handsome Taoist priest wearing a simple linen robe got off the lion and stood in front of Xuannv's palace. When he saw a group of goddesses coming, he sat down and bowed in all directions.

"Dear ladies, please be polite. I am a poor Taoist, Jiang Qi. I am here to visit my friends. Please forgive me for causing any disturbance."

When the goddesses saw the Taoist priest standing tall, like a green pine or an orchid tree, and listened to him announcing his family status, they all laughed.

The brave ones laughed and said, "It turns out that Jiang Miaozhu from Huashan is here."

"But you came to see my Miaoyin?"

Hearing this, Jiang Qi smiled and said, "That's right. May I ask if Fairy Miaoyin is in the palace?"

The person who just spoke to me was a goddess in red. She was born graceful and noble. After hearing this, she shook her head and said, "I am in the palace, but you can't see her."


Jiang Qi asked suspiciously.

"Empress Xuannv has been talking to Miaoyin for a whole day. We have received the order and are not allowed to enter."

Jiang Qi nodded suddenly and said, "In that case, I'll just wait."


Before he finished speaking, a divine light flew out of Xuannv's palace and fell directly on Jiang Qi. With an involuntary shot, Jiang Qi's figure flew into the palace.

Many goddesses looked at each other, and they all recognized that the divine light just now was the empress's method.

(End of this chapter)
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