What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 152 Monkey Brother Nezha on the platform

Chapter 152 Monkey Brother Nezha on the platform

When Jiang Qi heard this, he blinked and said righteously: "What did uncle say? Since there is good cause and effect here, my nephew will naturally not violate etiquette."

After saying that, he bowed his hands and sang "Nai" and said: "My nephew Jiang Qi, I have met my uncle."


Brother Monkey smiled and scolded: "You naughty boy, I don't know if you have learned Erlang's upright style, but with this slippery temper, you will climb up the pole when you see the benefits."

Having said this, Brother Monkey couldn't hold himself any longer and laughed loudly: "You are quite like my old grandson! Hahahaha!"

"In the future, I will rely on my uncle to come and give me advice."

Jiang Qi also smiled.

Yang Chan looked on with a smile. Seeing Jiang Qi like this, she didn't stop him, but was happy to see it happen.

Under the premise of being kind, being shameless and being a jerk is not a bad thing at all. In these three realms, the more you have such a temper, the more you can tolerate it.

Don't you see, Sun Wukong, the biggest bastard in the three realms, is a first-class man in heaven, a Buddhist monk, high in rank and powerful. Although he has a generous temper, he has friends all over the three realms.

Even Jiang Qi's master Yang Jian, in the eyes of most people, is an evil star who cannot be messed with. Who can't give face to him?
Therefore, Jiang Qi is not a bad learner, but is following the fine traditions of his teachers.

Sun Wukong has many friends, but he has no power. His second brother Yang Jian has power, but he is not easy to socialize with and does not have many friends.

It would also be a good thing if Qi'er combined the two.

Yang Chan was thinking this in her heart and said with a smile: "Brother Sun wants to teach Qi'er how to do it. He has plenty of time, but if he doesn't come to the table, all the kilograms of fine wine will probably end up in the third brother's stomach."

After hearing this, Brother Monkey immediately let out an ouch, hurriedly raised his hands to Yang Chan, jumped around the screen wall, passed through the flower door, and went straight to the living room.

You can vaguely hear Brother Monkey shouting there.

"Hey, you three-inch little Nezha! We agreed to have a drink together, but why did you sneak away first!"

The words didn't sound nice, but the smile in them was unmistakable.

From a distance, Jiang Qi also heard Nezha's laughter and curses.

"I'll beat you like a dead monkey that's suffering from the plague. Don't show off your words. Do you dare to have a drink with me?"

"Come on, come on, I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Jiang Qi listened to the two bickering, smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Nezha and Brother Monkey are both well-known figures in the three realms, but at this moment they are as vindictive as immature children in the world.

In the final analysis, although these two people have great cultivation, they still have an innocent heart at their core.

"Qi'er, you did a good job. My second brother asked me to tell you that he took advantage of you this time, so don't complain."

Yang Chan said with a smile while pulling Jiang Qi towards the living room.

"Auntie said this because she didn't want to shame me to death."

Jiang Qi smiled bitterly and complained: "Master, too, why do you say such harsh words?"

"You still don't know about your master?"

Yang Chan smiled and said: "He has always wanted to be strong since he was a child, but now he got promoted because of his uncle's performance in a scene with you. Uncle is just that. According to the second brother, he has received too many favors from his uncle. I already have too much debt, so don’t worry.”

"But you are a junior. He took advantage of you this time and was worried that you would be awkward."

"That's what's bad about Master."

Jiang Qi muttered and started chatting with his aunt.

While chatting, Jiang Qi walked into the living room. As soon as he entered, he heard the noise of Brother Monkey and Nezha.

I saw Brother Monkey throwing off his cassock and Nezha taking off his lotus root robe. They were all dressed up in shorts, and they opened the fine wine that the Great Heavenly Lord had given to Jiang Qi, and had a great time drinking wine.

Taibai Jinxing did not participate and looked on with a smile.

Opposite the three bosses, there was a figure that surprised Jiang Qi.

Not Wonderful Sound, but the Seventh Princess.

I saw the seventh princess sitting there, holding a chicken leg in one hand and a steamed bun in the other. While watching the show, she took a bite on the left and a piece on the right, eating with relish.

Jiang Qi was happy when he saw it.

Brother Monkey and Nezha used each other's wine to drink, but they didn't even bother to take a bite of the food, but the Seventh Princess was even more powerful and used these two to eat.

"Big nephew!" The seventh princess saw Jiang Qi, her eyes lit up, she put down the steamed bun, grabbed another chicken leg that had been prepared long ago, jumped to Jiang Qi, and raised her little hand.

"Here you eat! I worked so hard to hide it, and the monkey almost snatched it away!"

It can be seen that the seventh princess is very happy, and she unconsciously adds a tail tone when speaking.

"Thank you little aunt."

Jiang Qi took it with a smile, but found that the seventh princess's big eyes were staring straight at the chicken drumstick in his hand, which made her reluctant to part with it.

"But let's eat it, little aunt. It's not easy to snatch food from the hands of monkeys. You have to treat yourself well."

Jiang Qi changed his voice and took the gnawed chicken bones from the seventh princess's hand. He threw them away and burned them to ashes.

Thanks to Xiu Xian, there is no need for a trash can, just burn it and you're done.


The seventh princess suddenly narrowed her eyes in laughter, lowered her head and gnawed on the new chicken leg.

Jiang Qi couldn't help but looked at the cuteness and raised his hand to touch the seventh princess's head.

Under the temptation of the chicken legs, the seventh princess didn't care about Jiang Qi's "disrespectful" behavior. Instead, she shook her head and rubbed Jiang Qi's palm.

It's warm, hehe.
Jiang Qi laughed dumbly and pulled the seventh princess to sit next to Yang Chan.

It could be seen that Yang Chan was also very fond of this girl. He took the free hand of the seventh princess, took out a handkerchief and wiped it carefully for her.

"Thank you, cousin!"

The seventh princess looked up and thanked her in her busy schedule, smiling so sillyly that Yang Chan liked her even more.

After a while, the seventh princess finished eating the chicken legs, but she didn't want to stop talking. She looked at Jiang Qi, pointed at the flat peach on the platform and said, "Niece, I want some snacks!"

"it is good."

Naturally, Jiang Qi would not refuse. He stood up and picked out the two reddest and largest ones, giving one to each of his two aunts.

And in the eyes of Monkey Brother and Nezha, who said "a good boy forgets his uncle when he sees his aunt", they both gave one to each of them.

Jiang Qi also took one himself, and while eating, he watched Brother Monkey and Nezha fight for wine.

At this time, the seventh princess suddenly thought of something. She raised her head and said to Jiang Qi: "Eldest nephew, Sister Miaoyin came to the Goddess Temple yesterday and asked me to inform you of something."

"She returned to West Kunlun and said that Empress Jiutian Xuannv had a decree and she would come back after she paid the decree."


Jiang Qi was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He was in Jinxia Cave yesterday and happened to miss Miaoyin.

However, Jiang Qi didn't take it to heart. In any case, empress Xuannv's decree was more important, and this was business.

On the contrary, Taibai Jinxing raised his eyelids after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

the other side.

Brother Monkey and Nezha drank until the night. Of the hundred bottles of nectar in total, only two or three scattered bottles were left.

Jiang Qi didn't feel bad, because he knew very well that people like Brother Hou and Nezha, where could they go if they wanted to drink?
Even if you go directly to Lingxiao Hall and ask the Great Heavenly Lord to give you a few hundred kilograms of fine wine, the Great Heavenly Lord will not be stingy at all.

In this case, why did these two people "encounter" Taibai Jinxing again, and why did they not hesitate to "transgress the rules" and let Brother Monkey announce the decree to Jiang Qi?

Even staying in the Goddess Temple till now in the name of drinking together?
It was to give Jiang Qi a platform.

Yang Jian went into seclusion, and Jiang Qi temporarily lost his most intimate backstage, so Brother Monkey and Nezha came. Whether it was because of Yang Jian's entrustment before the retreat, or because these two master uncles spontaneously came to protect the calf, Jiang Qi had to accept this sentiment.

You know, Jiang Qi still has hatred behind his back.

Not to mention the distance, it was very inconvenient for Jiang Qi just to have a black evil marshal staring at him in the dark.

Now with these two platforms, anyone who wants to take advantage of Yang Jian's retreat to cause trouble to Jiang Qi must think carefully.

Although the Great Heavenly Lord is always there, he doesn't take much care of Jiang Qi. In the eyes of the Great Heavenly Lord, even if Marshal Heisha bullies the younger ones, it is still a test for Jiang Qi.

After eating and drinking, Brother Monkey burped, stood up unsteadily, and patted Jiang Qi on the shoulder.

"Good nephew, come with me, and I will teach you a skill."

"This method is Lao Sun's signature!"

(End of this chapter)
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