What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 150 Great-uncle is in the atmosphere

Chapter 150 Great-uncle is in the atmosphere

After the Great Heavenly Lord patted the armrest of the throne, a stream of qi energy escaped, along with the divine status information recognized by Heavenly Dao.

This is a first-grade divine throne!
Almost instantly, everyone present understood this information.

What followed was a variety of different reactions.

There are surprises, shocks, doubts, puzzlements, and horrors.

Because, the priesthood of this first-grade god is very simple, there is only one: Shepherding and guarding the five directions!

Therefore, the name of this divine position is: the nine-day golden tower holding the talisman of the five directions Xuanhe Zhengshen!

The so-called five directions refer to the southeast, northwest, and center.

Originally, this was not something that was difficult to understand. After all, this was a first-grade divine position, and the priesthood of Mu Shou Wufang was definitely qualified to bear this grade.

But the problem is that since this so-called Nine Heavens Golden Tower Holding Talisman and Five Directions Xuanhe Zhengsheng has the priesthood of pastoral guardian of the five directions, it means that he is the immediate boss of the five elders of the five directions.

The Five Directions and Five Elders are second-grade priests. No matter how you look at it, it makes sense, and it is reasonable, legal and compliant.



Who are the five elders from the five directions?

The central yellow pole and the yellow horn of the Great Immortal.

The North Pole Xuanling Immortal Lord.

The Eastern Emperor of Enthusiasm.

Apart from these three, it was the remaining two that attracted the attention of the gods.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the South Pole!
There are also Western Tathagata Buddhas!
Yes, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Tathagata Buddha have priestly positions in heaven, and they are also among the five elders of the five directions.

Although neither Avalokitesvara nor Tathagata has performed any duties, the priestly duties of the five elders of the five directions are very vague. In theory, as long as they guard one party, they are fulfilling their duties.

Although the current Three Realms, whether Buddhist or Taoist, have higher qualifications than Heaven, in the end it is Heaven that governs the Three Realms.

The positions of Avalokitesvara and Tathagata Buddha in the five directions and the five elders are more like a casual chess move made by the Great God.

The reason is none other than disgusting Buddhism. It’s because your Buddhist background and qualifications are older than those of Heaven, but so what? Don't you want to be a vassal to heaven?
Even in name only, he is still a minister!
Originally, this arrangement was more about conforming to a name. From the Buddhist point of view, it was just to give face to the heaven.

But now, with the birth of the Nine Heavens Golden Tower Holding Talisman and the Five Directions Xuanhe Zhengshen, a position was created above the Five Directions and Five Elders to restrain the Mu Shou Five Directions.

Is it leisure chess or leisure chess?
I will first give you a vague priesthood. Following your thoughts, I make a seemingly humble plea: Just take this priesthood. It is just a name. We in heaven are very pitiful and all we want is a name.

After deciding on the name, the Buddhists almost forgot about it. Many years later, the Great Goddess tore off the pitiful disguise and created a carrot position out of hand!

This first-grade priesthood was born to suppress Buddhism!

The original priests of the five directions and five elders had vague duties. It could even be said that they were extremely high-level loose immortals who did not care about anything at all.

But that's because the five parties and the five elders each work in their own way and have no unified authority.

But now, the five elders of the five directions have an immediate boss, and they are recognized by Heaven!

So, if your immediate superior gives you an order, do you obey it or not?
If you obey, then you are a member of heaven, not a member of Buddhism.

Don’t comply?

Very good, the current Heaven is not the Heaven that only had big cats and kittens before becoming a god, but an absolute rule and violent organization that overwhelms the Three Realms!

And don’t forget, because of the original Battle of the Gods, most of the mainstays in Heaven were members of the Taoist sect!

When it comes to applying eye drops to Buddhism, if a Taoist sect is a little softer, it will be a disservice to the Patriarch!
Okay, even if the two Buddhist elders of the five directions withstand the pressure of Heaven, Heaven will not send out the army to Lingshan just because of this, but don't forget, there is still the will of Heaven here!
Why, are you Buddhists dissatisfied with the priesthood arranged by Master Tiandao? Don’t forget, your Buddhist debt to Master Tiandao has not yet been repaid!

At this moment, everyone understood.

The Great Heavenly Lord is playing a wonderful move, and he has hidden this move for an entire era!

This move of chess cannot be said to be bad, nor can it be said that it is not "bearing the humiliation".

Today, Buddhism is already riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off.

Even if Tathagata and Avalokitesvara want to resign from the position of the Five Elders of the Five Directions, God of Heaven will not agree if nothing else is said.

You must know that second-grade gods such as the Five Directions and the Five Elders are all engraved on the list of gods. Although they do not have as cruel and complete control as the true spirits on the list, they are also recorded in the way of heaven.

Basically, immortals in heaven are either demoted or promoted. Want to resign?


In the eyes of ordinary gods, this rule is a golden rice bowl and an iron sign.

But it is disgusting for Tathagata and Guanyin. Now there is only one way to get rid of the heavenly priesthood without arousing the resentment of heaven.

Make mistakes, take the initiative to make them, and then "take the blame and resign."

But here comes the problem, the priesthood of the Five Directions and Five Elders is already vague, so how can it be considered a mistake?
Even if he really made a big mistake, let’s not talk about the blow to his own reputation and luck, but only to the Great Heavenly Lord.

"The Tathagata and Guanyin Bodhisattva are gods of great virtue. A few mistakes will not deprive them of their duties."

In one sentence, it not only demonstrates the kindness of the Great God, but also blocks the only escape route for Buddhism, and on the surface there are no problems!

This is conspiracy.

Buddhism has fallen into a pit.

None of the great masters present were stupid, and they figured out this logic almost instantly.

Then everyone's eyes were on Jiang Qi.

This arrangement of the Great Heavenly Lord is neither subtle nor vicious.

But the question is, can Jiang Qi afford this position?
A Taiyi Celestial Immortal, even if he has the faint momentum to be the first among the new generation in the Three Realms, even if he has walked the perfect path of Hunyuan Qi, even if he is the third-generation Golden Immortal Protector of Chanjiao who is almost certain in the future.

Even with so many names, in the eyes of true supernatural powers, the most they can say is that the future is promising.

The reason why Tianjiao is called Tianjiao is because his potential is potential and has not yet turned into strength!
This is Jiang Qi's biggest pain.

It is true that the future can be expected, but what the Great God needs now is a great god who can be used as soon as he comes, not a genius.

What's more, even the Great Heavenly Lord has to pay attention to the basic laws. Before this, Jiang Qi was just a seventh-rank official in the Heavenly Court, still on a temporary basis, and he came through the back door.

Now he has reached the sky in one step and been granted the title of a first-class great god?
Well, the last person to do this was Sun Wukong, but Brother Monkey was originally the center of the three realms, and he was treated properly as a son of heaven, so he was the one who deserved the disaster.

Can Jiang Qi compare?
What's more, the Great Sage Qitian sounds nice, but he is just a casual official and has no rights. However, this Nine Heavens Golden Tower Holding Talisman Five Directions Xuanhe Zhengshen is different. This is a proper and powerful priesthood!
All in all, Jiang Qi is unworthy and inappropriate.

Why did the Great Heavenly Lord arrange it like this?
All the gods were confused, but Yang Jian looked at his disciple with a hint of guilt and embarrassment in his eyes.

"Not satisfied?"

Seeing that Jiang Qi was silent, the Great Heavenly Venerate asked with a smile. It could be seen that the Great Heavenly Venerate was in a good mood.

Hearing this, Jiang Qi seemed to have just come back to his senses. He frowned and knelt down in front of the Great Heavenly Lord again. He lowered his head and said softly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. It is difficult for me to take on this position."

"Your Majesty, please take back your order."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the reactions of the gods, the Great Heavenly Lord already frowned.

Just a small movement attracted the attention of all the immortals and interrupted their thoughts.

Just listen to the Great Heavenly Lord speak, and ask without sadness or joy: "Are you not satisfied?"

Anyone could tell that the Great Heavenly Lord was angry.

Thinking about it, the Great Heavenly Lord's plan has only the last step left. As long as Jiang Qi nods, not only will the Great Heavenly Lord's layout be successful, but Jiang Qi himself will reach the sky in one step.

Although it is against the rules, no one dares to say otherwise with the Great Heavenly Lord on his platform. Even if Jiang Qi cannot convince the public and cannot target Buddhism in a short period of time, the Great Heavenly Lord can afford to wait.

Now, it's just a matter of letting the dust settle.

This is a great thing for both Jiang Qi and the Great Heavenly Lord.

But Jiang Qi refused.

A seventh-grade immortal, a junior who even wanted to call the Great Heavenly Lord his uncle and grandpa in private, violated the Great Heavenly Lord and his elders!

All loyalty and filial piety are lost!

"It's not dissatisfaction, but fear."

Jiang Qi responded slightly panicked, with a rush in his voice. He raised his head and said without caring about etiquette, "Your Majesty, please be aware that the teacher of the lower official is also serving in the heaven, and he is the second-grade immortal king and great god!"

"If a subordinate accepts this priesthood, he will be above my master. This is against human ethics!"

"Not obeying your majesty's orders is disloyal, and being above my master is unfilial!" "I know that loyalty and filial piety cannot have both ends, but thinking of my master's kindness in raising me and keeping me alive for 20 years, I can only do this today. Be this unfaithful person!”

"Your Majesty please punish!"

A few words, pleading, every word is precious.

All the gods knew that Jiang Qi was an orphan who was picked up and raised by Yang Jian when he was still an infant. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a member of the Yang family.

And what Jiang Qi said does make sense. As a disciple and son, how can he dare to be above the master?
However, in front of the Great Heavenly Lord, he said that he was filial but not loyal.
"Get up."

Unexpectedly, the Great Heavenly Lord was not angry because Jiang Qi put Yang Jian's importance above him, but instead extinguished his anger.


The gods realized that since Jiang Qi was Yang Jian's disciple or even his own son, he was naturally the nephew of the Great Heavenly Lord.

Loyalty and filial piety are integral to Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi chose the former between his master and the Great Heavenly Master, but don’t forget that his great-uncle is someone Jiang Qi’s master must also be filial to.

Then it will be postponed to Jiang Qi.
Double filial piety!
Combined with Jiang Qi's own situation of loyalty and filial piety, and substituting this formula, we can also draw the conclusion: double loyalty!
Mahadeva won four times.

No wonder the Great Heavenly Lord calmed down his anger.

From the perspective of uncles and grandparents, who doesn’t want a filial nephew?
Especially based on the fact that this great-uncle only has seven daughters, and the seven daughters not only have no descendants at present, but also probably will not have descendants in the future.

It can be said that Jiang Qi is the only third-generation descendant of the Yang family and the Zhang family combined.

Isn't this other's mother the emperor's grandson?

After figuring this out, the eyes of many geniuses looking at Jiang Qi changed.

It’s so good to be born from a fetus!
"For the sake of your filial piety, I will forgive you for your crime of disloyalty and disrespect."

The Great Heavenly Lord spoke calmly, and just when Jiang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the Great Heavenly Lord speak again.

"But my golden mouth has been opened, and there will be no change."

"Jiang Qi, what do you think?"

When Jiang Qi heard this, his body stiffened again and he lowered his head deeply. After a long time, he raised his head hesitantly.

"Your Majesty, I have a perfect plan. Please give it a try."


Jiang Qi got the approval, stood up in a hurry, looked in the direction of his master Yang Jian, and then cupped his hands and said: "I have a humble position, and I would never dare to occupy this high-ranking position, but your majesty's golden words cannot be changed at all. .”

"But as the saying goes, once a teacher is always a father, I have no father since I was a child, but my teacher is my father. Since ancient times, father and son are one, and master and disciple are of the same mind."

"I don't dare to covet such a high position, but my teacher Yang Jian is a second-grade god, and he has the title of king, so it is natural for him to be promoted to this first-grade god!"

"I am brave enough to recommend my master Yang Jian to occupy this first-class god position on my behalf!"

"In this way, I don't have to choose between loyalty and filial piety, Your Majesty will be able to use it as a righteous and capable minister, and my teacher will be promoted. In this way, everyone is happy!"

After saying these words, the gods were stunned. Why did they suddenly turn to Yang Jian?
But when I think about it carefully, it seems really appropriate.

Promoting a seventh-grade idle official to a first-grade powerful god is really shocking, but if Yang Jian, who is already in charge of the rules of heaven and is a second-grade law enforcement god, is promoted to the first grade, it would be reasonable and compliant.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Yang Jian has a rank, which is the king title that Jiang Qi just mentioned.

As the son of the eldest princess of the Heavenly Court and the nephew of the Great Heavenly Lord, Yang Jian has a title of king: Zhaohui Lingxianrenyouwang, and his position is higher than that of the first rank.

However, this is an internal matter of the Tian family, and it is natural, so no one cares.

But now, with this title of a higher ranking king, Yang Jian's promotion seems more logical.

Strictly speaking, this is not a promotion from the second rank to the first rank, but a transfer from a first rank casual official to a first rank real power.

There seems to be no problem
and many more! !
The quick-thinking among the gods suddenly raised his head and looked at where Yang Jian was.


"Remove Yang Jian's position as the Immortal Lord of Law Enforcement and Palm, and transfer it to the Nine Heavens Golden Tower Holding Talisman and the Five Directions Xuanhe Zhengshen!"

But at this moment, when no one could react, the Great Heavenly Lord had already agreed to Jiang Qi’s request!
He even directly announced the order!
The golden mouth of the Emperor of Heaven has been opened, and there will be no changes!
Moreover, at this moment, when the gods were overwhelmed, Taibai Jinxing appeared out of nowhere, holding a jade edict in his hand, and came to Yang Jian with a smile!

"Master Shen, please accept the order."

As is the custom in heaven, those who are ranked in the first rank are called divine kings.

"Sir, accept the order."

But Yang Jian didn't have any unnecessary reaction, as if he had known it for a long time, he quietly raised his hand and accepted the decree!
At this point, the dust has settled, God has witnessed it, and there is no room for change!
This series of actions is completed in just a few breaths!

As soon as Yang Jian said those three words, all the gods understood!

This is the original arrangement of the Great Heavenly Lord!

The Great Heavenly Lord didn't want Jiang Qi to win this level of divine position. From beginning to end, this was just a show!

Yang Jian is the most suitable candidate that Great Heavenly Lord likes!
In terms of qualifications, Yang Jian's promotion to the divine position in heaven is clear and followable.

In terms of strength, he is only one retreat away from Daluo Jinxian!
In terms of background, the Great Heavenly Lord is a nephew. Although there was some estrangement before, they have reconciled. He himself is the Golden Immortal Protector of the Three Taoist Sects. The senior brothers and seniors standing behind him can be regarded as the best in the three realms!

On the wrist.
Needless to say this.

With his brilliant performance in the Battle of the Gods, he carried his human-god hybrid background and silenced the three realms with his strength. After being promoted to the God of Law Enforcement, he even presided over the cleanup of Luzhou in Beiju!

One after another, they are all achievements and qualifications.

Although generally speaking, only those who have reached the Great Luo Jinxian are qualified to be promoted to the first level of Heavenly Court, this is only an unspoken rule, and Yang Jian's own brilliance can more than make up for it.

What's more, for the Great Heavenly Lord, the time to wait for Yang Jian to end his retreat is much shorter than the time to wait for Jiang Qi to grow into Da Luo.


Jiang Qi exhaled silently, and quietly looked at the Heavenly Lord: Uncle, am I good at acting?

not bad.

After receiving this signal from his uncle, Jiang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, it is very simple. When Jiang Qi just visited his great-uncle, he heard his voice transmission. This is why Jiang Qi stayed for a while after saluting.

Should I say it or not, my uncle's plan was perfect.

No matter where the Nine Heavens Golden Tower Holding Talisman Five Directions Xuanhe Zhengshen is taken out, it will arouse the vigilance of Buddhists, and it is impossible for the Great Heavenly Lord to proceed so smoothly.

But only at this time, after the Haotian trial, the reward was a divine position, yes, but no one would have thought that the Great Heavenly Lord would come up with an unprecedented first-level priesthood.

This is to relax the vigilance of Buddhism, and then only need to send a message to Jiang Qi, and things will be done.

My great-uncle is always in the atmosphere.
Jiang Qi sighed in his heart.

At this time, when the gods were shocked, the Great Heavenly Lord spoke again.

"However, this level of godhood has its own owner, but the leader of the Haotian Trial has to reward it."

The Great Heavenly Lord looked like he was deep in thought, then seemed to grit his teeth and said, "That's fine, since I've already bled, I don't care about bleeding more."

When the gods heard this, they all lowered their heads, as if you had suffered a big loss. You are the one who wins the most in this wave.
The Great Heavenly Lord naturally didn't care what the gods thought and looked at Taibai Jinxing.

"Chang Geng, please order Tianshu Academy to grant Jiang Qi the title of True King and draw up a charter within three days."


Taibai Jinxing accepted the order, and then asked: "May I ask Your Majesty, which title of true king is best for Jiang Tianguan?"

The title "True Lord" is very common and vivid in Heaven. Some True Lords are second-grade or even first-grade, such as Yang Jian.

However, some True Lords are only at the fifth level, such as the True Lords of the Dharma Protectors of Leihuo Douwen and other departments.


The Great Heavenly Lord looked deep in thought, and then said: "Third grade."

"In addition, I will give you a hundred golden flowers, a hundred pieces of heavenly brocade, ten golden elixirs, ten flat peaches, a hundred catties of southern pearls, and thousands of taels of fine wine."

After saying that, he glanced at Jiang Qi.

Boy, do something for me, I won’t let you lose.

(End of this chapter)
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