Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 88 Top internal strength with 3200 points

Chapter 88 Top internal strength with 3200 points
Lin Xiao didn't notice Ji Tiantian's sudden loss.

He continued with a smile.

"I really feel like that's it."

"What do you think I can do after I graduate from college? It's just news, reporter, anchor, or editor."

"I make money from those jobs. I'm so excited if I can earn 1 yuan a month!"

"It's not like now. The money I make in one month is as much as my salary in the previous year!"

"Thanks to you, without you, how could I have taken the road of being a substitute?"

Lin Xiao really regarded Ji Tiantian as his guide.

He still remembers the first time Qing asked him to help with the lottery.

At that time, he only thought that his luck was pretty good, and he never thought about drawing a lottery for others.

But once they are strangers, the second time they are familiar, and the third time they are friends.

Qing Xinyi's first and second substitutions confirmed his decision to take this path.

Even though Qing Yi has become his future wife.

But he was still very grateful to Ji Tiantian.

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Ji Tiantian smiled sweetly.

She recalled her high school days.

At that time, although Lin Xiao was his childhood sweetheart, Ji Tiantian didn't have the kind of impulse towards Lin Xiao that a boy or girl would like.

I just think Lin Xiao is very handsome and outstanding, and he is the prince charming in the hearts of most girls.

Ever since that incident, their friendship began to deteriorate.

It was a sports meeting when I was a sophomore in high school.

As one of the few boys in the liberal arts class, Lin Xiao was forced to sign up for eight projects.

High jump, long jump, 100 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, boys and girls mixed 400 meter relay, boys 400 meter relay, boys 5000 meter run.

She still remembers every project clearly.

Lin Xiao became the boy who participated in the most projects in the entire sophomore year of high school.

But even though there are so many projects, Lin Xiao takes every project seriously enough.

Second in the 5000 meters, third in the 100 meters, second in the 400 meters, first in the 800 meters, and second in the mixed relay.

The more I watch, the more I feel that Lin Xiao is a serious and responsible boy.

Even though I was forced to participate in 8 projects.

But he still works hard for victory in every project, and his attitude is really heartwarming.

It was at that time that Ji Tiantian began to have different feelings for Lin Xiao.

At this time, Lin Xiao could not guess what Ji Tiantian was really thinking.

He came to Daxiangguo Temple and continued to prepare for the lottery as before.

After Zhi Tianming got a good fortune, the lottery started.

This time, luck was not as explosive as the previous times.

The first ten consecutive draws were all blue sky and white clouds, and not even a single sky ornamental stone was seen.

Lin Xiao's expression was a little stunned.

What's happening here?
Why is he so unlucky this time? He doesn't even have a single Heavenly Prize Stone!
Lin Xiao, who did not believe in evil, was like the second time he had been beaten ten times in a row. The result this time was no different from the last time. He still didn't see a single stone.

Lin Xiao's eyes widened in surprise.

"Damn it, what's going on! What the hell is the blue sky and white clouds!"

This situation was really confusing to Lin Xiao.

He didn't know why it was so dark this time and couldn't see anything.

Lin Xiao's third ten-stroke draw, well, this time there was still nothing.

He was really convinced now. The good luck he was so proud of finally came to an end, and the goddess of luck finally stopped siding with Lin Xiao.

Unwilling to give up, Lin Xiao decided to go solo.

Just draw out the miracle.

Maybe it will take off just by pumping it alone!
Thinking of this, Lin Xiao decisively pumped them one by one.

But after more than 20 consecutive draws, the result was no different from before. It was still blue sky and white jade, and not even a hair on the sky was seen.

Lin Xiao sighed helplessly and pumped him ten times in a row.Don't worry about your luck, finish all ten draws first!

Soon, Lin Xiao had drawn out all the jade and all fifty heavenly stones.

In the end, Lin Xiao did not lose or make any money. One heavenly stone happened to be 1600 per stone. The boss did not lose any money either. Lin Xiao did not make any money at all.

This time I really acted as a conscientious substitute.

Lin Xiao sighed helplessly.

Although he didn’t make any money, he still had to develop [-] internal skills. If he developed a few double spiritual skills in this area, he might be able to take off!

Lin Xiao opened all the internal skill boxes on his account.

Five hundred internal skills appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

He began to cut the internal energy, starting from the first one, and with one stroke, a line of words with orange light appeared at the bottom.


The first cut cut out a soul, earning 600 blood!

"Sure enough, practicing inner strength is the best thing for me to do today!"

A smile appeared on Lin Xiao's lips and he continued to practice his internal skills.

However, what happened at the next moment blinded Lin Xiao.

An internal strength of 3200 points appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

"I'll wipe it, 3200?"

Lin Xiao was stunned. How could there be such a highly rated internal strength? He had never seen it before!

Taking a closer look, Lin Xiao now understood why the score was so high.

Underneath this internal strength are clearly written two words of internal strength!
In other words, this Fudo Myooh is a top-notch internal power with dual auras!
Lin Xiao was dumbfounded.

What is this concept.

You must know that double aura can already double the effect of triggering.

His own Double Soul Internal Skill is only 28000 points when fully calculated.

I have never seen such a situation with a score of 3200!
You know, 3000 points is a watershed for internal strength.

No matter how good your internal strength is, it is basically impossible to break through 3000 points.

But now, Lin Xiao has really developed a top-level internal skill with a score of 3200 points.

He hurriedly sent a message to Boss Qiuyi.

"Boss, boss, look at this internal strength!"

Boss Qiu Yi was a little confused and then replied.

"Isn't it just a dual spirit internal skill? What are you curious about?"

Lin Xiao quickly replied.

"That's not what I meant, Boss Qiuyi."

"Look carefully at the rating of this internal strength."

Seeing Lin Xiao's words, Boss Qiuyi took a serious look this time.

The next moment, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"3200 points? How did you cut it?"

A smile appeared on Lin Xiao's lips and he replied slowly.

"Boss, I just have better luck."

"This 3200-point aura is the highest-scoring internal power I've ever seen, bar none!"

Boss Qiuyi laughed and then replied.

"This internal strength is worth 3 yuan. It's awesome, brother, you can produce such good internal strength!"

Boss Qiu Yi is also heroic.

This internal strength is definitely the number one internal strength in the Nishuihan mobile game. Thirty thousand is not much at all.

On the contrary, being able to develop such internal strength is truly powerful.

Thirty thousand is nothing, the same thirty thousand cannot produce 3200 points of internal strength!
(End of this chapter)

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