Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 7 Get rich instantly, buy, buy, buy! ! !

Chapter 7 Get rich instantly, buy, buy, buy! ! !

Just when Lin Xiao was about to pick up the keyboard and counterattack.

Early summer - Jiuling's rescue path.

[Please say a few words. These feathers are not for our consumption. How do you know that no big man in this area can afford to sell them? 】

[How much money to hang is other people’s freedom, what does it have to do with us? 】

Seeing these words said by Chu Xia, Lin Xiao felt much relieved.

But judging from the tone of her words, she seemed to know these people.

As soon as the news about Chu Xia came out, several yin and yang group friends immediately fell silent.

But at this time, a group member named Qing Youyi from the Broken Dreams group suddenly came to Lin Xiao.

[Is that feather hanging now yours? 】

Lin Ameng: [It's mine, I just hung it up. 】

Seeing Qing's intention, Lin Xiao replied directly.

I originally thought that the other party also wanted to talk to me about the price of feathers.

Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, there was no movement.

Lin Xiao didn't take it seriously and continued to play the game.

Counting the end of the publicity period, he immediately clicked on the exchange.

The next moment, Lin Xiao's eyes went straight.

The feather he had hung in the mall was stolen instantly!
So decisive?

An irrepressible smile appeared on Lin Xiao's lips.


take off! ! !

Click with trembling hands to claim the benefits.

Lin Xiao's account had an extra 1.4 million copper coins.

Nishuihan Mall stipulates that as long as goods are sold, a 10% tax on equipment will be charged.

The higher the value, the higher the tax deducted.

Lin Xiao's 1.6 million Qionghua Baiyu directly accepted 1600 million, and got more than 1.4 million.

Looking at the copper coins in his hand, Lin Xiao was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

This copper coin looks very cool just by looking at it!
Lin Xiao has now truly achieved financial freedom in the Nishuihan mobile game.

1.4 billion!

Converted to RMB, it would be about 7.

Good guy.

It’s really more than enough to play for a year.

Lin Xiao immediately shared the good news with the gang group.

[Brothers, my feathers are sold! 】

Lin Xiao directly put Qionghua Baiyu's sales records in the group.

Now the group exploded again.

[Holy shit, sold it so quickly? 】

[Holy shit, the first Phoenix in the server is going to be from our Mingyue Tianya District? 】

[This is money-making ability. I spent less than 4 hours after the game was launched and I spent a small amount of money to enter it! 】

[I'm so impressed. As long as you manage these 1.4 million copper coins well, you'll have a lot of fun! 】

After attracting another wave of hatred, everyone in the crowd became curious about the identity of this big boss who wanted to become a phoenix.

[Which big shot is this? This is so arrogant! 】

[This area is not a fire area with full registration numbers before the server is launched! 】

[Is this a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger? 】

[Isn’t it possible that some big bosses from the fire area have already heard the news and turned around? 】

While everyone was talking about it, the person named Qing Youyou sent a screenshot of his warehouse.

Seeing Qionghua Baiyu and the series of zeros on copper coins and jade, everyone in the group was dumbfounded.

The sellers and buyers of feathers are actually the same group?
Or are you in the same group as us?
It's too dangling!

The group of friends immediately called 666.

[The boss is great, the boss is in good health! 】

[Qingyi’s boss is awesome!The number one boss in Mingyue Tianya! 】

[From now on, I will be the younger brother of Mr. Qing You. If the boss asks us to go east, we will never go west. If the boss asks us to catch up, we will never chase the chicken! 】

[What do you call the boss? You call me rich woman! 】

The group of friends checked Qing Yi’s boss’s WeChat account and found out that it was a woman.

What's more, you can "confess" directly in the group!
[Sister Rich Woman, love me again! 】

It's hilarious to watch.However, this rich woman seemed to be quite aloof and didn't say a single unnecessary word.

After posting the screenshots, I chose to dive silently and stopped talking.

At this time, Lin Xiao's mind was also buzzing.

I didn't expect that a gang I randomly joined would turn out to be so crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Needless to say, sleepy and early summer.

Looking at the previous screenshots, you can see that a lot of things from Tianshoushi were changed at the beginning, and there are also a lot of clothes in the warehouse in the screenshots.

And this Qing’s intention is even more outrageous.

If Jiongjian and Chuxia can be regarded as little rich women, Qing Youyi can definitely be regarded as a fighter among rich women.

1.6 million Qionghua Baiyu was snapped up as soon as it was put on the shelves.

That’s 8 to [-] yuan!
This is so impressive, any other lottery will definitely reach the maximum level.

Compared with Qionghua Baiyu, a few heavenly stones are nothing like money.

The little casual gang is really awesome!
Lin Xiao@Liaoqing deliberately sent out a thank you expression.

The other party also responded concisely and concisely.

Qing Youyi: [I should thank you. 】

Looking at the copper coins on his account, Lin Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

To the big guys, these copper coins may not matter.

But for me, selling myself for more than 1 million copper coins is not enough!

With the copper coins, Li Xiao did not hesitate and directly bought all the fashionable clothes that could be purchased in the mall.

Tianshishi, more than 500 million copper coins, buy it!
Lin Xiao didn't hesitate at all and bought ten of them in one go!

The small 6000 million was thrown directly into it.

The two mount deer were taken directly into the bag.

Red and white hair, buy it!
Fire weapons, light kung fu special effects, let’s do it one by one!
A net is exhausted!
All ten heavenly stones were spent, but at this time Lin Xiao's account had been completely transformed from beginning to end.

Riding a deer, wearing dazzling red hair, and carrying a flame harp on his back, not to mention how cool it is!

Standing on the streets of Bianjing, Lin Ameng is the most handsome boy on the street!
Looking at the gorgeous and gorgeous characters in the game that were completely different from before, Lin Xiao felt a sense of accomplishment.

For ten heavenly stones, based on the guaranteed price of 2000 per stone, this number is equivalent to spending 2!

The key is that he didn't recharge a penny, and all the equipment he got was obtained by exploding equipment in the game.

As of now, his first deposit reward of 6 yuan is still there.

He must be considered a ceiling in zero krypton!

Just when he was admiring his account, a broken dream named Qianli Buliuxing took the initiative to chat with Lin Xiao privately.

[Boss, do you want to join our gang? 】

[We have top-notch united front work and excellent benefits. We have big and small red envelopes for the gang every week.There are also veteran PC game players to guide you and teach you how to improve! 】

Lin Xiao's mouth twitched.

Why does this Thousand Miles Traveler look so familiar?

It seems like the broken dream from before where the little krypton was not counted as krypton.
Lin Xiao thought for a moment and then replied directly.

[Has your gang found the boss now? 】

Broken Dream was a little confused, but still answered honestly.

[There is no boss at this stage. 】

[Boss, when you come to the gang, Bai Yujing will be the one who has the final say! 】

[We have dozens of brothers who are professional choppers, dedicated to serving the boss! 】

Seeing Qianli Buliuxing's words, Lin Xiao seemed to suddenly realize something.

No wonder I see him calling people on the World Channel every day.

It turns out that he is not looking for a hacker, but the boss!

This is to make money from the boss.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao was speechless at the broken dream in front of him.

He replied directly.

[There is a gang, please take your time to find it! 】

Then I blocked him directly.

Temporarily offline.

Lin Xiao went out and went downstairs, a rare reward for having a good meal.

And just when I was almost full with wine and food.

Suddenly, a special reminder message came on WeChat.

Taking a closer look, Lin Xiao's hand movements froze, and his expression was a little strange.

Wang Xiaoxiao, isn’t this his money-worshiping ex-girlfriend from his previous life?

(End of this chapter)

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