Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 17 Another gift from God, Galaxy Star Veil!

Chapter 17 Another gift from God, Galaxy Star Veil!
Suddenly, at this time, someone in the group suddenly @ him, it was the group leader Tonggui.

"Ameng, seeing that you are online, would you like to form a team and explore together?"

Compared with previous MMORPG mobile games, Nishuihan has a large number of treasure chests distributed on the map.

Various skills, internal strength, appearance and other things can be obtained from the treasure chest.

Lin Xiao's previous Qionghua Baiyu was opened from the map treasure chest.

"Let's explore together?"

He hesitated.

Lin Xiao is actually not very interested in this exploration.

But after taking a look at my warehouse, I saw that all the materials were basically spent yesterday.

There's nothing on board now, it's empty.

Lin Xiao thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Come on, you can join me directly!"

Sleepy on the other side of the screen was overjoyed. She didn't expect that Lin Xiao would actually join her team.

Then the captain hurriedly sent a team invitation to Lin Xiao.

As soon as Lin Xiao entered the team, there were already four people in the team.

They were Jiuling Chuxia, Xuehe Chiyan, who were chatting in the group yesterday, and Su Wen, who called her to join the team, and others.

"Our lucky man is here!"

Xingxing typed directly in the team channel.

"What lucky man?"

The corner of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched. Why does this title sound so weird?

Blood River Chiyan replied.

"Didn't you give birth to Qionghua Baiyu yesterday? We all call you the lucky man."


Lin Xiao was a little helpless, his eyes wandering, and then he sighed quietly.

"Call it whatever you want."

Although the lucky man sounds strange, at least the word "male god" is used in it, which has something to do with his real appearance.

If you don't accept the title of this lucky man now, you will have to call him lucky boy in the future, which will be even worse.

"How many points do you have now?"

Su Wen was trapped in the team channel and asked Lin Xiao.

"Me? Early 21000!"

Lin Xiao glanced at his rating panel and replied in the team channel.

Then, four question marks appeared in the team channel

Chu Xia, who had been silent, asked in the team channel.

"Is that number on the zero krypton ceiling your idol?"

"Yes, that is my divine form."

Lin Xiao replied affirmatively.

Four more were sent out on the team channel.
After yesterday's flashy live broadcast, the official directly used Lin Xiao's account Lin Ameng for promotion.

This number really interprets the word "Europe" vividly.

Zero Krypton has 5 heavenly stones and hundreds of millions of copper coins. At the same time, his rating is 18012, ranking third in the entire server!
Compared with the accounts of several rich people, Lin Ameng's account is really European.

Lin Xiao has two of the rare internal powers with aura that others would have to spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars to acquire.

Chu Xia and Chi Yan had already seen this tweet yesterday, and now they asked the real owner.

Although he didn't say it on his lips, he couldn't help but feel sour in his heart.

There was no one talking in the team channel for a long time, so Qiao Chuan quickly praised him in the team channel.

"Ameng, you are so lucky!"

Lin Xiao touched his head in embarrassment and replied in the team channel.

"It's just luck. Maybe I will be a little gangster today."

Lin Xiao is quite humble. After all, this is not his skill, it is just luck.

Who can say clearly about luck? One day it looks like a prosperous person, but tomorrow it will look like a non-chief.

"Let's explore first. After that, I will continue to play 33."

A Broken Dream named Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang in the team said in the channel.Lin Xiao nodded.

Sure enough, what was said in the forum was correct. Players on the Immortal Island were all 33 crazy demons. As for love, friendship, bonds, etc., it would only affect the speed at which they drew their swords.

Afterwards, Jiongjian led everyone to explore the entire map.

Just when he started exploring, Chi Yan opened a box on the side of the road.

A golden inner strength came into his eyes.


Chi Yan quickly posted a message in the WeChat group.

And sent a screenshot of the golden inner strength he just obtained.

"Look, I got a golden inner skill! I took it out of the box on the ground!"


Totally confused!

This exploration has just begun, and you have obtained a golden internal power?
What a joke!
The group chat exploded instantly.

"Damn it, can I feel the golden inner strength even when I walk?"

"Chi Yan's luck today must be too good. Normally he can't even find a blue internal energy!"

"This golden inner strength is so awesome!"

At this time, in the team, not only Chi Yan, but also Chu Xia and Xing Xing had touched the golden internal energy.

"Wow, we are so lucky today!"

"It's exactly like a golden inner strength. Could it be that golden inner strength is produced here?"

“It was an explosion of luck.”

Several people in the team expressed their excitement in the group one after another.

Although it is just ordinary, it is already extremely rare.

Take screenshots to share your joy and sigh in the group.

I have much better luck today than yesterday.

During the whole night of exploration yesterday, there was not a single golden inner strength. There were even few purple ones. They were all red and blue dog food.

"What's going on!"

"Good guy, all golden internal energy?"

"It's too European. I'm so stupid. What's going on!"

No one else in the WeChat group knew what happened.

Why did so many European emperors appear at once?
Later, Chi Yan took a screenshot of a team list and posted it in the group.

Only then did everyone in the group suddenly realize.

"It turns out we formed a team with the lucky man!"

"Good guy, I also want to have the European spirit of the lucky man!"

"Have you sucked all the European energy out of the lucky man? He hasn't taken any screenshots yet?"

"The lucky man just cried to death, you sucked all the European energy!"

Looking at the content of the group chat, the boss also realized that something was wrong.

Indeed, they all more or less developed a golden inner strength.

Only Lin Ameng didn't post anything.

Thinking of this, I curiously @林小.

"Ameng, have you come up with anything good?"

When Lin Xiao received the news, he just opened a new treasure box.

He was just about to send out the more than ten golden inner skills he had picked up, all with initial ratings of over [-].

At this moment, something familiar to him appeared in the center of the screen.

A gift from heaven!

Galaxy star yarn!

I posted the screenshot to the group, and the WeChat group exploded again!


[PS: Newcomer and new book, I beg for recommendation votes and monthly votes. This subject matter is too niche and there are not many authors writing about it. I hope all readers will vote and support the author. This book has been signed. , the process is ongoing, so it will definitely not be cut. Please rest assured, readers, and beg for your votes!Also, don’t keep books!Never raise a book!It’s important to follow the data! 】

(End of this chapter)

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