Chapter 115 Gang War
Lin Xiao opened his eyes drowsily, it was already the next morning.

Last night I stayed at YY4452 until one o'clock in the morning, but my ex-husband refused to come out. They didn't leave until everyone in the YY was almost gone.

They probably won't be able to eat any more melons later.

However, the ex-husband has also been ruined. Zhou Zhou is his girlfriend in real life and knows all his information. The ex-husband cannot hide it even if he wants to.

It is said that the host later directly sent the PDF file, which was more than ten pages long, to his teacher and the school forum.

My ex-husband is really cool now.

Lin Xiao opened his eyes and started packing his things.

They had to drive home today. They had stayed at Disneyland for two days and had to check out.

Ji Tiantian slept until noon. When she opened her eyes, Lin Xiao had basically packed everything away.

After the two of them had lunch at the Disney restaurant, Lin Xiao went to check out.

The waiter helped Lin Xiao carry the large and small bags, and they carried the things directly to the car.

Ji Tiantian took small sips from the cone and said reluctantly.

"Honey, let's come to Disneyland again sometime!"

"Wait until we return to Dragon City."

Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"We will come again at the end of September, and we will go home directly during the National Day."

Ji Tiantian had a happy smile on her face.


Then she handed the cone in her hand to Lin Xiao's hand and said with a smile.

"Husband, you can eat. I won't eat. My aunt will be here in two days."


Lin Xiao picked up the cone and started eating it while chatting with Ji Tiantian.

"One thing to say, there are really many melons in Nishuihan mobile game. I saw a melon from Top of the Forbidden City last night when I was checking my phone while I was sleeping."

Ji Tian nodded sweetly and said with some doubts.

"Is it the cheating girl? The girl is about to get married, but she found a relationship in Nishuihan and cheated on her."

"I remember that melon made a big fuss, and the forum was full of photos of that melon."

Lin Xiao nodded with a smile.

"Yes, it's the one you mentioned. The hero posted the photo on the forum."

"Let me tell you, that girl's conversation is really big. Just looking at the chat history makes me feel a little hot."

While eating melon last night, Lin Xiao also looked at the chat history of the cheating girl.

Just looking at the chat records of those people, Lin Xiao felt as if his body was on fire.

Ji Tiantian seemed to notice Lin Xiao's discomfort.

She stretched her right hand directly towards Lin Xiao's lower body and asked in a low voice.

"Is it hard, husband?"

Ji Tiantian deliberately chatted with Lin Xiao in a sweet voice.

Lin Xiao held the steering wheel tightly, swallowed hard, and patted Ji Tiantian's restless little hand with his right hand.

"Be serious and stop fooling around!"

"Look, you can get off the expressway over there, don't you want to?"

Ji Tiantian lay in Lin Xiao's ear and whispered softly.

Lin Xiao couldn't bear it any longer. He turned on the turn signal and turned directly to the right. There was a way to get off the expressway on the provincial road.

About two hours later.

Lin Xiao took the somewhat weak Ji Tiantian and sat in the car again.

Ji Tiantian simply put the backrest down and said a little tiredly.

"I'm so tired. Why do you feel like a cow? Don't you feel tired?"

Lin Xiao showed a smile, touched Ji Tiantian's face and whispered. "It's not like you don't understand me, baby!"

After saying that, he hummed a little tune and continued driving towards home.

Ji Tiantian sat in the passenger seat and flipped through her phone to see if there was anything new today.

The speed at which they typed up the books was so fast that they finished all the stuff early, and now they are bored.

Today is the 19th day of the launch of Nishuihan mobile game.

There is no new content, it is mainly just checking and filling in the gaps in the previous content.

Ji Tiantian operated two accounts by herself and completed all the Qingya Book tasks for the two of them, and Lin Xiao drove to where they lived.

"Baby, I'll take the things up. You go back home and wait for me."

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"I'm going to wash the car and return it. You go home and rest for a while. I'll be here soon!"

Ji Tian nodded sweetly and went home to finish all the things on the Lin Xiao Statue.

Lin Xiao took another mobile phone and went out.

After working for about an hour, Lin Xiao returned home. He was almost exhausted from all the busy work.

As soon as I got home, I lay down directly on the sofa.

"It smells so good, honey, have you cooked?"

Lin Xiao shouted towards the kitchen with some confusion.

Ji Tiantian walked out of the kitchen with a spatula and an apron. She looked at Lin Xiao with a smile.

"Husband, please take a rest first. Dinner will be served immediately."


Lin Xiao picked up his mobile phone, looked through the chat history in the group, and waited for the meal to start.

In the gang's WeChat group, another message of 99+ was posted.

Lin Xiao looked directly from the beginning, and it took him a long time to realize what was going on.

There are too many people in the gang now, and since they are a gang, there are even more players applying.

But when there are more people, there are more problems. It seems that when their gang's Dream-Shattering Sword Zhan Tiangang attacked Wuyang City, they got into a quarrel with others.

When Jian Zhan Tiangang got angry, he directly used red to kill people in Lianyun Village.

One man slaughtered half the regiment, and the result was outrage.

The other side also called people from his gang to come to Lianyun Village to kill.

At that time, the third leader of the family, Yakult Online, saw that one of his people was killed in Lianyun Village, so he led a large gang group to Lianyun Village indiscriminately.

There are too many people online at four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

Yakult immediately called two regiments of people to raid Lianyun Village. As a result, many innocent melon-eating people were accidentally killed.

Now the fourth and fifth gangs in Group B, Fengxuelou and Tingyuge, have united, and a total of more than 200 people are fighting Bai Yujing in Lianyun Village.

Even the first and second tiers of Yunzhai couldn't get in, and the people on the third tier started fighting again.

Lin Xiao's mouth twitched, feeling helpless.

Good guy, this person has been sitting there for less than a week, and he's already starting to cause trouble.

In the gang channel, messages are still passing by.

"Damn it, I've been beaten into inner demons. What the hell is this chanting Buddha? Why is it so troublesome!"

"Team up with me and we'll help you fight together!"

"It's over, it's over, the front line can't hold it anymore, why are there so many people on the other side!"

"Where's A Meng? Isn't he online yet? Our group is going to be bulldozed!"

"It would be embarrassing to lose!"

"Damn it, it seems like there are not only people from Tingyu Pavilion and Fengxue Tower across the way, but people from the bustling city are also here!"

(End of this chapter)

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