Chapter 229
Bo Yi leaned over, kissed Feng Qingwu's lips, and said softly, "Didn't you teach me a lesson before?"


The warm and strong breath sprayed on the sensitive ear bones, and Feng Qingwu couldn't help but tilt his head.

"You said that if you want others to know how ruthless you are, you can use your weapons without losing any blood. You can attack your heart without losing any blood on your hands."

"I never meant to kill you either."

Feng Qingwu didn't look at Bo Yi, but said calmly, "I just want to leave."

The voice fell.

Bo Yi paused slightly while holding Feng Qingwu's hand.

One second heaven, the next hell.

She has a habit of grasping people's hearts.


After Bo Yi said a few words without anyone's warmth, he walked to sit across from Feng Qingwu and reached out to push the cooked red bean porridge in front of her.


Feng Qingwu said nothing more, just lowered his head and slowly drank the porridge, spoonful after spoonful, feeding it into his mouth almost mechanically.

She couldn't taste anything, because the expression on her face didn't change.

Boyi sat opposite Feng Qingwu, staring at her constantly.Deep in the bottomless darkness of his eyes, there was a depth and darkness that even he himself could hardly discern.

He left no one behind.

I don’t know how to retain people.

The only thing he could do was to hold Feng Qingwu tightly and not let her leave his sight for even half a step.


After dinner, Bo Yi talked about finding a psychiatrist for guidance.

Feng Qingwu refused, "It's not necessary."

She didn't feel it was serious enough to see a psychiatrist.

Bo Yi looked at her, obviously this was not a discussion, just a notification.

He knew better than anyone what kind of shadow would be caused by being locked up in a small dark room.

"You are familiar with the psychiatrist." Bo Yi said calmly, "When you first came to Bo's house, the old man came here specifically to provide counseling for you."


After a pause, Boyi looked at Feng Qingwu's excessively fair cheeks and asked casually, "Why did the old man find a psychiatrist for you in the first place?" Boyi asked casually, but Feng Qingwu was His expression changed instantly.

She didn't reply, but said calmly and quietly, "Since you have already found people, why bother asking me for my opinion again."

The voice fell.

After a moment of silence, Bo Yi said lightly, "I probably hope you won't be like me."

Feng Qingwu was stunned.

She met Bo Yi's dark and deep eyes, and her fingers on the table curled up slightly.

Feng Qingwu was caught off guard and remembered that Chang Ning once said that Bo Yi suffered a long period of abuse at the hands of the fisherman when he was a child.

During the day, he worked hard and did harsh things, and was beaten or scolded. At night... was he locked in a small dark room at night?


About half an hour later, the psychiatrist from the Bo family came.

Xi Chu.

It was the psychiatrist that Mr. Bo found for Feng Qingwu before.

Wearing a simple dark gray long coat, he has a tall and tall figure. Around 30 years old, with outstanding appearance and a refreshing and gentle aura.

He is gentle and modest, making it difficult for people to feel distant.

"Eldest Young Master, Young Madam."

Xi Chu was led by Lin Nan to the living room. When he saw the two people on the sofa, he stopped and nodded slightly.

On the way to Xi Chu, Lin Nan probably explained why he came to see him.

So after saying hello, Xi Chu said straight to the point, "If you want to provide psychological counseling to the young lady, you need to find a quiet room. During the counseling process, no other people can come near..."

"You guide you, I'm just watching."

Bo Yi said expressionlessly.


Xi Chu was obviously in a dilemma, "According to the rules..."

"I said it's not necessary, it's not necessary."

Suddenly, Feng Qingwu said coldly, "Even if it leaves a shadow, aren't you doing the same thing now?

(End of this chapter)

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