Forced to be a good pet, being pinched by the crazy boss and coaxed gently

Chapter 108 The wedding of the second son of the Fu family

Chapter 108 The wedding of the second son of the Fu family

After Bo Yi left after saying those words, Feng Qingwu didn't see him again for several days.


Feng Qingwu has been looking for an opportunity to see Fu Sijin again.

The answer she was supposed to know was delayed by Fu Sijin.

She stood on the balcony in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the third floor, looking at the Bo family as far as the eye could see.

The fog is hazy.

No matter what I looked at, I couldn't seem to see clearly.

After staring quietly for a while, Feng Qingwu lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to search for information about Yinhai Securities.

One of the three major domestic securities company giants.

Mr. Fu asked for 30% of the shares of Yinhai Securities, which gave him a considerable say.

In two months, if Bo Yi hires top-notch traders and has a Yinhai Securities account to cover the bottom line, it is not impossible to earn 50 billion.

The key is——

The 30% shares in Fu Sijin's hands were compensation from the Bo family to Fu Yao.Unless there is something wrong with Fu Sijin's mind, he will return 15% of the shares.

Feng Qingwu's hand holding the phone tightened slightly.

Is there any way to get Fu Sijin to return 15% of his shares?

The servant outside the door knocked on the door and said in a low voice, "Young Madam, the old lady asks you to come."


An ancient and sturdy sycamore tree stands in a corner, its branches are as vertical and horizontal as a dragon's coil, and its branches and leaves are dense and prosperous.The small courtyard is quiet and peaceful, with a strong sense of isolation.

When Feng Qingwu left, Mrs. Bo was in the tea room.

Seeing her coming, Mrs. Bo asked the others to retreat.

"Want to try?"

Old Mrs. Bo was dressed in a dark Tang suit, her hair was pulled up at the temples and combed meticulously, delicately and delicately.She asked warmly while sitting at the tea table.

Feng Qingwu lowered her eyes and looked at the complete set of blue and white porcelain tea sets placed on the table.Blue and white flowers twine around the branches, pure and elegant.

"it is good."

Feng Qingwu responded warmly, then sat cross-legged on the thick cushion.

There are only a few small jars of tea.

Feng Qingwu sat on the cushion with an upright posture, gently rolled up her sleeves, and held the wooden tweezers between her beautiful and slender fingers, gently picking up the tea leaves of even length.

The picked up tea leaves are as thin as needles, the inner surface of the tea buds is golden yellow, and the outer layer of pekoe is intact and bright.The tea leaves with distinct roots are placed at the bottom of the celadon tureen, and the water mist rising from the kettle next to it is lingering.

The natural movements are indescribably pleasing to the eye.

"How's the back injury?"

Old Mrs. Bo looked at Feng Qingwu making tea slowly and slowly. After a slight pause, her eyes deepened.

"It's better, it's starting to scab over."

Feng Qingwu responded with a warm voice.After the kettle next to her boiled, she started washing the tea for the first time.

Ever since she took the whip for Bo Yi, Mrs. Bo's attitude towards her had become visibly friendly.

"Then I can rest assured. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, you should tell the doctor directly."

Old Mrs. Bo had a gentle look on her face and a kind voice, "I remember the last time I came to you, you said you couldn't even save yourself and couldn't help others."

"The moment you took the whip for Bo Yi without hesitation, I was surprised. Why did you suddenly change your attitude?"

The voice fell.

Feng Qingwu's men paused in their movements.

After pausing for a second or two, she poured out the boiling water again.

There was no emotion in Qingyue's calm voice, "In the final analysis, I am the reason why my father wants to use family methods against Bo Yi. What's more, Bo Yi is my husband, so it is right for me to block the whip for him."

Listening to Feng Qingwu's words, I didn't know which word in her words touched Old Mrs. Bo, and there was a hint of smile in her eyes.

"Yes, no matter what, husband and wife are one. If you could think more about Bo Yi, I would be very happy."

"Actually, Bo Yi was very smart and obedient when he was a child, but something like that happened later..."

After a pause.

Mrs. Bo continued, "If Bo Yi had been taught seriously since he was a child, he would never have become what he is today."

Hearing this, Feng Qingwu smiled faintly, said nothing, and just continued to wash the tea.

"I have already arranged for you to follow Bo Yi after he enters Yinhai Securities."

Old Mrs. Bo looked at Feng Qingwu and said, "I have already found someone to teach him. I don't expect him to learn everything at once, but at least when it is time for him to learn, others will exist."

"Qingqing, do you understand what I mean?"

Mrs. Bo had been planning to let Bo Yi join the group since the first day when he was found.


After Bo Yi suffered several losses in succession.

Although Patriarch Bo and Mr. Bo didn't say anything, they were still a little disappointed in their hearts.

The descendants of the Bo family must not be useless people.

——Especially the future heirs of the Bo family.

Later, maybe Bo Yi noticed something himself.No matter how she arranged it, he was not willing to work in the group anymore.

Instead, he hangs out in major venues all day long, and his behavior becomes more and more careless.


He went back to Bo's house more often.

And every time he came back, it was basically when Feng Qingwu was around.

Mind this.

Old Mrs. Bo looked at Feng Qingwu with deep eyes, and her voice sounded like she was making a serious promise:
"If you can secure Bo Yi's position as the heir to the Bo family, I can guarantee you that as long as I am here, the position of the young lady of the Bo family will be yours."

[If you can help Bo Yi secure his position as the heir to the Bo family, within my ability, I will agree to one condition. 】

What Mr. Bo once said to her strangely overlapped with what Mrs. Bo said.

Feng Qingwu paused.

She lowered her head and watched as the bud heads, as thin as silver needles, began to rush towards the water. The bud stems and bud bodies slowly sank after absorbing the water. The young buds opened slightly, like thousands of flowers blooming.

Between the floating light and shadow, the water light and bud shadows surge, sometimes sinking and sometimes floating.Three up and three down, and then erected at the bottom.

The refreshing fragrance of tea spreads little by little.
Feng Qingwu placed a cup of brewed tea in front of old lady Bo. The green and white reflected each other, creating an indescribable elegance and tranquility.

"I don't want the position of the young lady of the Bo family."

Feng Qingwu looked at Old Mrs. Bo, "If one day, I do something sorry to the Bo family, I hope the Bo family can forget about it."

"Sorry about the Bo family?"

Old Mrs. Bo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Feng Qingwu's eyes and became slightly vigilant.


Feng Qingwu lowered his eyebrows and smiled softly, "I'll just say it casually."

"You said it. Husband and wife are one. When I help Boyi, I'm helping myself. No conditions are required."

The words fell a few seconds later.

Seeing that old lady Bo was still looking at her with that look, Feng Qingwu Qingyue's voice remained unchanged, "Grandma, drink tea."


Old Mrs. Bo looked at the fragrant cup of Junshan Silver Needle in front of her and couldn't help but reach out.The blue and white porcelain cover slightly blocks the dense white mist.

Old Mrs. Bo lowered her head and took a sip. The mellow, sweet and smooth feeling spread in her throat, and the faint and elegant aroma lingered.

Old Mrs. Bo couldn't help but pause slightly as she held the teacup in her hand.

After a while of silence.

Old Mrs. Bo slowly placed the teacup in her hand on the table, and looked at Feng Qingwu with her old yet sharp eyes, "Whether you can do anything to apologize to the Bo family depends on your ability and your conscience."

"As long as you don't do anything sorry for Bo Yi."


Mrs. Bo added something that sounded like a reminder and a warning:

"I'm sorry Bo Yi, no one can protect you."

After saying that, Mrs. Bo handed a red invitation to Feng Qingwu.

"You and Bo Yi will go together to the wedding of Fu Yao, the second son of the Fu family."

The wedding of Fu Yao, the second son of the Fu family?

Feng Qingwu looked at the red invitation with the word "囍" printed on it, and her eyes froze slightly.


The news of the marriage between the second son of the Fu family and the eldest daughter of the Xu family spread throughout the imperial capital overnight.

Everyone knows.

The eldest daughter of the Xu family fell in love with the heir of the Fu family at first sight and followed him for more than three years.

Bottomless flattery.

Supply all the raw materials produced by his own company to Fu.In order for Fu Sijin to learn about jewelry, he participated in various social gatherings with ladies and wives, and inquired about and remembered any of Fu Sijin's preferences.

For more than three years, Xu Li worked hard every day to become what Fu Sijin liked.


She once threatened that she would not marry anyone other than Fu Sijin.

But in the end, it was the second young master of the Fu family who married her.

——That Fu Yao who usually hangs out in romantic places and doesn't do his job properly.

The crowd groaned.


As the wedding venue, Fu's house was decorated in every detail with utmost luxury.

Bright red carpets covered every corner of the Fu family.

At first glance, it is full of festive red.

"I won't marry her!"

"I won't marry her!"

In a room on the third floor of the Fu family villa, as roars fell one after another, crackling sounds also sounded.

Everything that could be smashed in the room was smashed cleanly by Fu Yao.

The ironed shirt on his body had become wrinkled, and his coat had been thrown away by him.

Fu Sijin was standing at the door, wearing a black crisp suit, with a tall and straight figure.A pair of black eyes with no emotion, looked at Fu Yao deeply.

behind him.

The door to the room was locked.

Until Fu Yao didn't have the energy to make a fuss, and he slowly slid to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Fu Sijin walked towards him step by step.

Calmly step by step.

When he was three or four steps away from Fu Yao——

"Bang" sound.

Fu Yao suddenly stretched out his hand, picked up an antique-level retro bright desk lamp that had fallen beside him, and threw it hard at Fu Sijin, who was walking towards him.


"Get out!"

"I'm not getting married!"

"Even if I don't have children in my life, I won't marry her!"


Fu Sijin, who was hit hard by the desk lamp, walked up to Fu Yao without pausing for a second.

"Have enough trouble?"

Fu Sijin looked down at Fu Yao on the ground, with dark eyes and a calm voice.

The voice fell.

Fu Yao's body trembled uncontrollably.

After being confined in the room for many days, his face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood.Even on my lips, there were a lot of dry white skin.

Fu Sijin lowered her eyes, looking deep into his eyes, and there was a hint of darkness and depth that was difficult to distinguish.

Lively, wild, uninhibited, happy, frowning, carefree...

From childhood to adulthood, he had seen Fu Yao in every aspect.

I just haven't seen him like this before.

——Embarrassed and unbearable, extremely sensitive.

more importantly.

He couldn't even reach out towards him.

"I won't care what you want in the future. But you must attend today's wedding ceremony."

After a long while, Fu Sijin's deep and hoarse voice finally fell.

Word by word, there is no room for negotiation.

"I won't marry her..."

"I won't marry her..."

Fu Yao sat in the corner, his head lowered in despair, muttering only one thing in a low voice.

The whole person is so thin that he has almost no human shape.It seems that his raised bone lines can be seen under the originally tailored white shirt.

"All the invitations have been sent out, and the guests are almost here. Fu Yao, even if I have to tie you up today, you have to go through the entire process for me."

When Fu Sijin said this, his deep eyes were as dark as the abyss.All the emotions surging deep in his eyes were suppressed by him.

Word by word, it seemed that he had used up all his self-control and strength in his life.

"You must marry her."

After the words fell, there was silence in the huge bedroom.

"elder brother……"

After an unknown amount of time, Fu Yao suddenly crawled towards Fu Sijin.

He reached out and hugged Fu Sijin's long legs wrapped in suit pants, looked up at him with red eyes, and spoke intermittently because he was too urgent and weak, "Brother, don't you always love me the most... I don't want to Marry her, I don’t want to marry her!”

"Brother! I beg you...just treat it like I'm begging you, help me..."

As if he suddenly thought of something, Fu Yao said without hesitation, "Child... we can just recognize the child..."

(End of this chapter)

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