Chapter 42 Stepping into Danjin

Master Sun Shishi sighed and said: "The harvests in all villages today are not good. In addition, there are various demons in various places. Many people have no choice but to fall into the trap of bandits."

"Those bandits are even more vicious, burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil."


"There are more and more refugees."

"Bu Wuyun, Wei Wohe."

The county magistrate said in a deep voice.

"Subordinates are here."

"Please give me the county magistrate's orders."

Bu Wuyun and Wei Wohe bowed.

"You two didn't get things done last time. This time I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself."

The county magistrate issued an order, "The refugees outside the city will be handled by you two. There must be no trouble. If anything happens, you will be blamed."


"As ordered."

Bu Wuyun and Wei Wohe looked at each other and looked at the refugees in the outer city. Although there were a lot of them, they were just ordinary people and they couldn't cause much trouble even if they thought about it.


The only thing to worry about is whether there will be evil spirits and heretics mixed in. If these refugees are bewitched by evil spirits and heretics, that will be troublesome.

"Please help the family heads to give their full assistance."

The county magistrate said one more thing.


"Please don't worry, Mr. County Magistrate."


The heads of the three aristocratic families nodded.

In fact.

The three major aristocratic families in Qingbei Town are able to give out porridge in this situation. This is indeed much better than in other counties, because the aristocratic families in other counties do not know how to give out porridge at all, nor do they do any good deeds. They don't care about the lives of ordinary people at all.


As the behavior of the three major families giving porridge outside the city spread among many refugees and beggars, refugees from several surrounding counties gathered here.

To know.

These refugees and beggars were all unconscious and dizzy from hunger. Wherever there was food, they naturally flocked there in droves.


The number of refugees and beggars outside the city has reached about [-], and is still increasing.

in the city.

Xu Qing’s residence.

Xu Qing didn't know much about this matter, and he didn't inquire too much.

Mind a move.

Xu Qing's consciousness communicates with the illustrated book of all things.

190 days.

Six months and ten days in total.


Xu Qing practices Bajiquan every day during the day and Thirteen Deadly Swords at night. He takes time to go to Baidiao Mountain and uses the ant nest to gain experience points in the blood curse beast control technique.

just now.


[Bajiquan LV9: 12020/2560 (can be upgraded!)]


[Thirteen Deadly Swords LV5: 2160/480 (can be upgraded!)]


[Blood Curse Beast Control LV7: 2000/720 (can be upgraded!)]


"This is what I have gained in 190 days."

The corners of Xu Qing's mouth raised slightly.

"Upgrade Bajiquan!"

Xu Qingdao.

Xu Qing entered the state, and his consciousness seemed to have entered a mysterious space. In this mysterious space, he was constantly practicing Bajiquan.

update completed!

[Bajiquan LV10: 9460/5120 (can be upgraded!)]

Xu Qing opened his eyes, gave a soft drink, took another step, came to the yard, and began to perform the Bajiquan boxing routine.

the most important is.

Xu Qing's whole body was filled with energy. When the snowflakes fell, it was as if there was an invisible energy all over Xu Qing's body, blowing the snowflakes away and unable to fall on Xu Qing's body.


Xu Qing opened his eyes, and he exhaled a breath of turbid air. There was a sparkle in his eyes, and he felt the changes in himself, "This is the 'peak of energy'."

"The LV10 Bajiquan has pushed my martial arts cultivation to the peak of energy. Now my whole body has been tempered and reached a kind of perfection."


Xu Qing's strength has improved a lot.


it's not finished yet.

For 190 days, his Bajiquan can still be upgraded.

after an hour.

Xu Qing has completely adapted to and mastered the power of 'Peak Transformation'.

"Upgrade Bajiquan."

Xu Qingdao.

With a thought in Xu Qing's mind, he entered the previous state again. His consciousness seemed to have entered an extremely mysterious space. In this mysterious space, he continued to practice Bajiquan and deduced the deeper secrets of Bajiquan.

At last.

Xu Qing's mind was shaken, and a brand-new change had occurred. The upgraded Bajiquan had entered a new level.

[Bajiquan LV11: 4340/10240 (This is a profound boxing method that combines fighting and training techniques. It is also a profound martial arts that can be passed down. The movements are fierce, unpretentious, quick to exert force, and extremely explosive. , temper the muscles, bones and flesh, penetrate the muscles and bones, penetrate the whole body with strength, exercise the internal organs, condense one's own essence, energy and spirit, concentrate one's own essence, energy and spirit to a little, all concentrated in the Dantian. After practicing, you can step into The level of 'Dan Jin'.)]

"Dan Jin."

Xu Qing gave a light drink. After the upgrade was completed, Xu Qing felt as if he was enlightened and had completely mastered the Bajiquan of LV11.


As a result, Xu Qing's strength has further improved. The LV11 Bajiquan has raised Xu Qing's cultivation from the 'peak of energy' to the level of 'danjin'.

Xu Qing punched out, and all his strength was concentrated in one point. It was just one punch, and the boulder in front of him was shattered by the force of the punch.

The power of this punch is extremely terrifying.

"Dan Jin! Dan Jin!"

Xu Qing murmured.


Bao Yuan returns to unity, restrains the golden elixir, and becomes a circle everywhere.

To know.

The level of 'Dan Jin' is already the last step of the first step in the martial arts. What is important is to hold the pill and sit on the hips, so that the whole body's energy, energy, blood and marrow are concentrated, just like in the early days of Hongmeng. Open, that small dot that evolved into the vast world.

This level of kung fu is so mysterious. In fact, it is to condense the energy of the whole body into the Dantian, and then burst out. The tighter the concentration, the stronger the ability to explode in an instant. Once the elixir is successfully held, then you can Reaching the state of controlling qi and blood with thoughts, physical ability breaks the limits of the human body.

"The Bajiquan of LV11 is indeed extraordinary. It has pushed my realm to the 'Dan Jin' level and entered the final level of the first step in martial arts."

Xu Qing pondered, "However, it will not be so easy to upgrade Bajiquan at LV11 in the future. It requires a full 240 experience points." "If you practice Bajiquan continuously every day, you can probably get five points." Ten experience points, 240 experience points, will take nearly half a year."

"The further back you go, the more experience points you need to upgrade."

after an hour.

Xu Qing has mastered and adapted to the power of Dan Jin.

"Upgrade the Thirteen Deadly Swords."

Xu Qingdao.


[Thirteen Deadly Swords LV6: 1680/960 (can be upgraded!)]


[The Thirteen Deadly Swords LV7: 720/1920 (…)]


Also upgraded two levels in a row.

After the Thirteen Deadly Swords reached LV7, the deduced 'No. 15 Deadly Sword: Sword of Destruction' has been completely perfected, with one hundred and eight variations of sword moves.

"it is good."

Xu Qing opened his eyes. He realized the mystery of the Thirteen Life-Destroying Swords, and there was a vague sense of sword power and intent, "It is indeed the No. 15 Life-Destroying Sword."

Realize carefully.

Xu Qing discovered that with his current Dan Jin cultivation level, he could not completely use the fatal No. 15 sword, and at most he could use the 'Deadly No. 14 sword'.


This is already very good.

Xu Qing couldn't even use the life-threatening sword No. 14 before.

"Upgrade the Blood Curse Beast Control Technique."


After Xu Qing fully mastered the Thirteen Deadly Swords, he began to improve his blood curse beast control skills.


[Blood Curse Beast Control LV8: 1280/1440 (...)]



The Blood Curse Beast Control Technique has only been upgraded by one level, from LV7 to LV8. However, the upgraded Blood Curse Beast Control Technique can already enable Xu Qing to control 120 eight-headed beasts.


Xu Qing has obtained the Blood Curse Beast Controlling Technique. Until now, he has not actually controlled the first beast. He has always used ant nests to gain experience points.

blink of an eye.

the next day.


Yu Hu arrived early.

"Disciple Yu Hu, come to see the master."

Yu Hu kowtows and salutes.


Xu Qing nodded, "Starting from today, I will teach you more advanced boxing techniques."


Yu Hu kowtowed again, "Thank you so much, Master."

"Get up."

Xu Qing raised his hand.


Xu Qing began to teach Yu Hu LV3 Bajiquan. Yu Hu practiced LV2 Bajiquan and became a Mingjin martial artist at the age of 15.

This achievement is already quite good.

Time flickers.

An hour has passed.

"Go back."

Xu Qingdao.

"Yes, Master."

Yu Hu bowed and saluted.

To know.

According to the evil goddess, a 'curse' has been planted deep in Yu Hu's mind, and this 'curse' has become deeply ingrained and difficult to remove.

"I don't know when this 'spell' will break out."

Xu Qing pondered.


Xu Qing went to Goshawk Martial Arts School.

Because master Du Cangying asked the students of Goshawk Martial Arts School to send a message to Xu Qing, asking Xu Qing to come to Goshawk Martial Arts School at noon. Not only Xu Qing, but all the disciples of Goshawk Martial Arts School also wanted to come.

Goshawk Martial Arts School.

The inner court.

can be seen.

The seven true disciples of the Goshawk Martial Arts School, all the official disciples, and even the outer disciples of the Goshawk Martial Arts School, were all present.

Thousands of people gathered.

"Disciple pays respects to master!"

"Disciple pays homage to Master!!"


All the disciples shouted in unison.

The momentum is quite majestic.


Du Cangying stood directly in front with his hands behind his back, looking calmly, looking at everyone present, "I have something to announce today."

"This year's cold winter, extremely low temperatures, and this year's crop harvest are too small, have led to widespread refugees throughout the county. Now, there are thirty to forty thousand refugees gathered outside Qingbei City."


"The Yamen issued an order for us, Gosying Martial Arts School, Ruishi Martial Arts School, and Yinghong Martial Arts School, to lead other martial arts schools, gangs, escort agencies, etc. in the outer city to form patrol teams outside the city to maintain the safety of the refugees in the outer city. To maintain order and prevent the refugees from rioting until the end of this winter."

"To know."

"With so many refugees gathered here, if not handled well, demons can easily breed. If 'weird' and 'evil' are born, it will be a disaster for our Qingbei Town."


"let us go?"


"Where's the policeman from the Yamen?"

"What does this have to do with us!"



The crowd became slightly noisy.

"All right."

Du Cangying raised his hand, and everyone quickly shut their mouths, "This is paid. Students from the outer courtyard can get one tael of silver for every patrol day, and regular students can get [-] taels of silver every day."

"True disciples can discuss it with the Yamen on their own."

(End of this chapter)

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