Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 311: Eradicate the stronghold, destroy the cult, and kill the leader of the Moon Worshiping

Chapter 311: Eradicate the stronghold, destroy the cult, and kill the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.
  What Xu Qing asked the Black Mountain Team to do is actually what he wants to do next. Now with the help of the Black Mountain Team, Xu Qing can also be free to do other things.

time flies.

blink of an eye.

after three days.

One of the nine secret strongholds of the Moon Worship Cult, the Black Moon Stronghold.

The Black Moon stronghold is located in the 'Landela State', one of the twelve states of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom. The specific place is located [-] meters underground, and a majestic underground city has been built.

Black Moon Stronghold.

Hu Shuping, a member of the Black Mountain Team, stood at the entrance to the Black Moon stronghold. His expression was solemn, his face extremely gloomy, and his eyes only showed anger.


In this Black Moon stronghold, hundreds of thousands of women and girls were imprisoned, and these women and girls had only one mission, which was to keep getting pregnant and then keep giving birth to babies.

Followed by.

All the babies who were born were thrown into an extremely huge "alchemy furnace". The diameter of this furnace reached tens of thousands of meters. It was completely black and had various evil ghosts carved on it. with the image of the devil.

hum!hum!hum! ! !
  The main task of the Black Moon Stronghold is to imprison women and girls, and then let these women and girls continue to get pregnant and give birth to children, and then throw these babies into the 'Black Moon Furnace', using these human babies as the main material , to refine 'Qian Ying Dan, Wan Ying Dan, Ling Ying Dan, Shen Ying Dan, Xian Ying Dan'.

among them.

The Qian Ying Dan requires more than a thousand babies to be successfully refined, the Wan Ying Dan requires tens of thousands of babies to be successfully refined, and the Ling Ying Dan requires more than [-] babies to be successfully refined.

The Divine Infant Pill naturally requires millions of babies.

The last one.

That is the ‘Fairy Infant Pill’.

Tens of millions of babies are needed.

Such numbers.

It's simply an extreme exaggeration.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!!"

Hu Shuping clenched his fists, feeling extremely angry in his heart. He almost couldn't help but take action, but he still held back and collected evidence everywhere.

three days.

Hu Shuping collected enough evidence and contacted Xu Qing, and Xu Qing secretly contacted Kira, the military prime minister of the Moon Worship Kingdom through his identity as deputy leader.


This is just the beginning.

Two days later.

Huo Que and Yang Li contacted Xu Qing and collected all the evidence of the major strongholds of the Moon Worship Sect and handed them over to Kira.

It can be said.

Impact after impact, evidence after evidence, are constantly impacting Kira's senses and understanding of the Moon Worship Cult.


in this period.

Xu Qing asked Huo Que and others to spread all kinds of inhumane and extremely vicious things about the nine strongholds of the Moon Worship Sect, and slowly spread throughout the Moon Worship Kingdom.


All this news quickly reached the ears of Lou Baiyue, the emperor of the Moon Worship Kingdom, and various evidences were constantly impacting Lou Baiyue's nerves, causing him to suppress his anger.


The Moon Worshiping Cult naturally reacted in the shortest time. They never expected that all nine strongholds established in secret would be exposed.


The Moon Worshiping Cult tried every means to clear up the rumors and suppress the evidence, and even used various methods, causing many casualties.


A month later.

Xu Qing asked the Black Mountain team to join forces to attack the Black Moon Stronghold, one of the nine strongholds. They destroyed the entire Black Moon Stronghold and rescued all the women and girls inside, as well as the living babies.

This is the end.

The Black Moon Stronghold, one of the nine strongholds of the Moon Worshiping God Sect, was completely exposed, and it was even more exposed to the eyes of the world and the court of the Moon Worshiping God Kingdom.

Since then.

The entire Moon Worshiping Kingdom was furious, the imperial court of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom was furious, and Lou Baiyue was even more furious. He quickly sent out an army to eradicate the entire Moon Worshiping Sect.

at the same time.

Xu Qing also took the opportunity to take action, leading the Black Mountain team to destroy all the remaining eight strongholds, and even destroyed the churches of the Moon Worship Sect one after another.

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!!!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was extremely angry. His face was gloomy and his eyes were full of killing intent. "Who is it? Who is it? Why was it exposed? Why were the nine strongholds exposed?!"


Many senior members of the Moon Worshiping Cult lowered their heads, not daring to look at the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, and could not help but show fear in their eyes.

Xu Qing stood behind the leader of the Moon Worship Cult. He used the fusion mask of LV60 to disguise himself as the 'Vice Leader of Love', one of the three deputy leaders of the Moon Worship Cult.

From start to finish.

Even the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult did not suspect Xu Qing.

It can only be said that Xu Qing's disguise was too perfect, without any flaws, so it was normal that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult could not find it.

blink of an eye.

Another month later.

War broke out.

The imperial court of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom led a large army and officially declared war on the Moon Worshiping Cult. It is bound to eradicate these demonic sects from the country, and they must not be allowed to wreak havoc and harm the people again.


The Black Mountain team also joined the court of the Moon Worship Kingdom and assisted the court of the Moon Worship Kingdom in annihilating the Moon Worship Cult. The war was one-sided from the beginning.

The reason is also very simple.

Because there is a traitor named Xu Qing lurking in the Moon Worship Sect, and Xu Qing has a very high status, being one of the three deputy leaders of the Moon Worship Sect.


Every time a war starts, the news from the Moon Worshiping Cult will be leaked first, making it known to the Moon Worshiping Kingdom. Defeat is naturally inevitable.

time flies.

blink of an eye.

Three months later.

The Moon Worshiping Cult was completely defeated. It only took three months to uproot all the churches and strongholds of the Moon Worshiping Cult in the twelve states.

this day.


Headquarters of the Luna Worship Cult.

"Faith, Hope and Love."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult put his hands behind his back, looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "I will leave the headquarters to you three to guard it. I will leave to seek rescue."

"You only need to hold on for three days. After three days, this leader will definitely lead the rescue."


"As ordered."

The Deputy Hierarch of Xin and the Deputy Hierarch of Hope nodded.

"Please rest assured, Master, even if we risk our lives, we will definitely defend our headquarters and we will never be killed by anyone from the imperial court."

Xu Qingyi said righteously.

"Good good."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult nodded with satisfaction.

  next moment.

The figure of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult disappeared out of thin air and left here quickly. In the blink of an eye, he had left the headquarters of the Moon Worshiping Cult and fled with the 'Angel Sculpture'.

Xu Qing watched the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult leave, his expression calm and without any disturbance.

After half an hour.

  Xu Qing took one step forward and left the headquarters of the Moon Worship Sect.

"Deputy Leader of Love..."

Deputy Hierarch Xinzhi and Deputy Hierarch Wangzhi noticed Xu Qing's departure. They were stunned for a moment and couldn't help but look at each other. They wanted to call Xu Qing to stop, but Xu Qing had already left.


"The headquarters of the Moon Worship Cult is here."

"Come on!"

"..."      At this time.

The imperial army has already arrived.

"Get ready to fight!"


The deputy leader of Xinzhi and the deputy leader of Wangzhi could only fight quickly, without caring about the situation on Xu Qing's side.

The screen turns.

  Xu Qing's figure broke through the air, and he flew with his sword at an extremely fast speed. Although the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult left half an hour earlier, Xu Qing still tracked the remaining aura of the Moon Worshiping Cult. It took him an hour, and he was in one place. The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was found in the Hazy Moon Mountains.

Obscure Moon Mountains.

Deep in the jungle.

There is a huge basin.

The center of the basin.

The leader of the Moon Worship Cult built an altar, and in the center of the altar was a medium-sized sculpture with the image of a twelve-winged angel.

It is the ‘Angel Sculpture’.

  The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was kneeling on the ground, muttering some scriptures in his mouth, with various law marks appearing around his body, and he was praying to the angel sculpture.

"Worshiping the Lord of the Moon."

  Xu Qing took one step forward and was already behind the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.


As soon as Xu Qing appeared, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult noticed it immediately. He stood up quickly, turned around, and saw Xu Qing.

"……It's you!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was stunned. He froze on the spot and saw the person clearly. It was beyond his expectation and beyond his expectations. He never expected that it would be the deputy leader of love that he had always trusted.

"It's really me."

Xu Qing smiled.

"You...why did you betray me? Betrayed the Moon Worshiping Cult?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult roared angrily.

"The reason is very simple, because I am a human being, a human being, and I can no longer stand the things that the Luna Worship Cult does that are outrageous to both humans and gods."

Xu Qing shrugged.


The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult took a deep breath.

"All right."

Xu Qing calmed down his expression and said in a deep voice: "Please ask the leader to go on his way."

"Don't think about it!"

  The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult roared angrily, a terrifying aura erupted, and the law mark rose into the sky, condensing into the dark moon, and like a sickle scimitar, it quickly killed Xu Qing.

  A sword cry.

Xu Qing was holding the LV10 Heavenly Magic Sword, and the perfect law realm Xiaocheng's strength was fully brought out. With a thought, he displayed powerful swordsmanship.

  Blood splattered.

Xu Qing struck down with his sword, and the terrifying sword light tore through time and space, shattering the black crescent scythe of the Moon Worshiping Cult leader. The residual power of this sword further chopped off the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader's head.

  at this time.

One item after another appeared around Xu Qing. Each item exuded an extremely terrifying aura, and each item reached LV60.

Eight items in total.

They represent eight different paths: Taoism, Buddhism, Immortal, Martial Arts, Confucianism, Demon, Demon, and Creepy. The items in each path are upgraded starting from the first level LV1.

Now they have all been upgraded to LV60.

of course.

In order to upgrade these items, Xu Qing deliberately consumed some more Law Stones, purchased a lot of materials, and refined ninety-nine perfect Taoist weapons.

Every perfect Taoist soldier has reached the fourth realm of physical law, and is comparable to the existence of a 'body of law' condensed into it.

Eight LV60 items.

Eight different pathways.

overlapped together.

Naturally, sixteen levels of law fields were formed again.

Xu Qing took advantage of the increase in the field of sixteen levels of law, coupled with the power of the LV10 Heavenly Magic Sword, and the power of the Shushan Three Thousand Swords.

"Do not!!!"

Screams sounded.

With this slash of his sword, Xu Qing defeated the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader's magical power with a devastating gesture, and then chopped off the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader's head.

A sword.

It is a sword.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, whose cultivation and realm had reached the perfection of the Law of Perfection, had already been beheaded by Xu Qing's sword.

It was cut off with a single sword.

It was a complete fall.

  The headless corpse fell to the ground.


Xu Qing looked at the body on the ground and took a deep breath, "We are finally close."



There is.

Before upgrading, these eight items from different paths were still at LV1. Although they were all first-level items and equipment, they all reached the level of 'unique'.

and so.

After these items and equipment are upgraded to LV60, they are enough to explode with extremely terrifying power, and the sixteenth layer of law field formed is even more powerful, even more powerful than the previous Jingxin Dao Bell and other items.


Xu Qing heard a sound like a beating heart, and the sound was so loud that it even made Xu Qing's heart beat together.

"not good!"

  Xu Qing looked startled and gave a soft drink. The field of law spread again, quickly isolating this strange fluctuation, and the heart beat returned to normal.


Xu Qing looked forward.

Just at this time.

Following the death of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader, the angel sculpture in the altar suddenly opened its eyes, and their eyes were scarlet, with blood and tears flowing out.

Incomparable pain.



Xu Qing's scalp felt numb, as if there was an invisible force that suddenly grabbed Xu Qing's heart, as if it was about to break Xu Qing's heart.

A heart-wrenching feeling.

Xu Qing's breathing became rapid.

Emergency moment.

  Xu Qing quickly took out a golden magic sword from the Shushan outer disciple identity token, and this golden magic sword was actually the item for this mission.

For example.

The last time Xu Qing went to the Ice Moon Dynasty to complete the task of rebuilding the dynasty, there was a corresponding task item, which was the 'True Name Emperor Compass'.

It was with the help of the ‘Compass of the Right Emperor’ that Xu Qing found the real emperor ‘Ji Ruming’ and completed the task of rebuilding the dynasty.

This time.

Xu Qing accepted the extermination mission. The content of the mission was to destroy the Moon Worship Cult and find the angel sculpture to destroy it. The mission item he obtained was this 'Destruction Sword'.

The purpose of this 'Destruction Sword' is to destroy the 'Angel Sculpture'.

"go with!"

  Without the slightest hesitation.

Xu Qing has already used the golden magic sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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