Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 301 All integrated, a glimmer of hope, purple-gold apple

Chapter 301 All integrated, glimmer of hope, purple-gold apple
  Xu Qing's expression was solemn. After hearing Cang Lingzi's screams, his mood completely sank. He knew all the living creatures in the entire Great Zhou Wu Kingdom.

Including demons and evil spirits.

I'm afraid I'm the only one who's still alive.


Xu Qing was just hanging on for breath, because a few minutes had passed, and cracks appeared on the LV10 Cangzhou Dao Bell.


It can't last much longer.


Xu Qing took a deep breath, and lines of law appeared in his eyes, and this pattern of law was the 'law of weapon refining'.

"There is only one last option left."

The rules of weapon refining.

  With a thought in Xu Qing's mind, he was running the power of the law. The mystery of the weapon refining law was constantly flowing in his heart, and he had completely mastered it.

To know.

Xu Qing had previously used the power of the Devouring Demon Art to kill the Blacksmith and thus mastered the weapon refining rules. Among the more than [-] rules that Xu Qing mastered, there was the weapon refining rule.

of course.

Xu Qing had never learned to refine weapons, but because he used the power of the Devouring Demon Art to master the rules of weapon refinement, Xu Qing naturally mastered the weapon refinement.

In fact.

As long as Xu Qing is willing, he can refine magic weapons and weapons, but because he has never learned to refine weapons before, he has never thought of refining weapons himself.


There is no other way.

First of all.

With a thought in his mind, Xu Qing took out all the items currently in his hands.



There is also the LV30 Black Dragon Cauldron and the LV30 Sword of Law.

as well as.

LV10 Cangzhou Dao Zhong.


There are also LV1 Yuanwu Sword, LV1 Dazhou Longque Sword and so on.

These are all the weapons and equipment in Xu Qing's hands. They are all included in the illustrated book of all things and become Xu Qing's belongings.

The lowest is LV1.


Xu Qing mused: "After all this time, various items and equipment have accumulated some experience points, and they can basically be upgraded by several levels."

"As the level of items and equipment increases, their power will naturally become stronger."


"This alone is not enough. Even if all the items and equipment on the body are upgraded to LV60, which is the ultimate law realm, it will not be able to withstand and confront the completed sacrifice formation."


"Now there is only one way left."

"With the help of the weapon refining rules and the fusion rules, use the Great Fusion Technique, and use the tool refining method to integrate each item into the 'LV50 Mask of Thousand People and Thousand Faces' when the level of each item increases."

"By the time."

"As long as the Thousand Persons and Thousand Faces Mask can be improved to an incredible level, we can also use the properties of the Thousand Persons and Thousand Faces Mask to hide from the sky and avoid the power of the Tao Sacrifice Formation."


Xu Qing already knew one thing clearly. It was unwise to confront the Dao Sacrifice Formation head-on. Instead of confronting it head-on, it would be better to pretend and cross the sea.

just now.

This is Xu Qing's only choice.


This is the only way.


Xu Qing took a deep breath.

"here we go!"

  There was no hesitation.

As soon as Xu Qing's thoughts moved, he began to activate the power of the weapon refining law and the fusion law with all his strength, and without hesitation, he displayed the 'Great Divine Power: Great Fusion Technique'.

  First of all.

Xu Qing took off the LV50 Thousand People and Thousand Faces Mask.

Since then.

Xu Qing also truly revealed his true appearance.


There was no longer a living creature around. As for Zhou Di, who was in the center of the sacrificial array, at the top of the fifth-floor altar, he seemed to have entered a special state, sitting cross-legged, with all kinds of light and mist filling his body. He paid no attention to Xu Qing's situation at all.


  First of all.

Xu Qing took out the LV50 Iron Sword. He had accumulated a lot of experience points during this period. He communicated with the Illustrated Book of All Things in his consciousness and began to upgrade the LV50 Iron Sword.


【update successed! 】


【update successed! 】


【update successed! 】

[Iron Sword LV55:...(omitted)]


for a short period of time.

Xu Qing has actually upgraded his LV50 Iron Sword to LV55.


  In the process of upgrading.

Xu Qing used all his strength to activate the weapon refining rules, coupled with the power of the Great Fusion Technique, and slowly integrated the LV50 iron sword into the Thousand People and Thousand Faces Mask.

can be seen.

The scene is like an iron sword slowly blending into it...

"Wandering Dragon Sword."

  Followed by.

Xu Qing began to incorporate the Dragon Sword into it,
  The Wandering Dragon Sword has been upgraded to LV54.


The LV50 copper coin sword has been upgraded to LV53, and is also integrated into it with the help of the weapon refining law and the fusion law with the 'Great Divine Power: Great Fusion Technique'.

time flies.

After a few minutes.

LV50的软猬甲、LV50的清心木鱼、LV50的静心道铃、LV50的书院戒尺,总共四件物品融入其中,并且都提升到了LV53。    但是。

The Thousand Faces Mask of LV50 shows signs of collapse.



The LV50 Thousand Persons and Thousand Faces Mask has also accumulated a lot of experience points, and can at least be upgraded a few levels, just when there are signs of collapse.

There was no hesitation.

Xu Qing upgraded the LV50 Thousand Faces Mask.

After the upgrade.

LV51's Thousand Faces Mask stabilized.


  Xu Qing took a deep breath. He felt that the LV10 Cangzhou Dao Bell was becoming increasingly unable to hold up, and more and more cracks appeared on the bell body.

"Hurry up……"

hum!hum!hum! ! !
  The fusion continues.

can be seen.

Xu Qinglu took out various items one after another, quickly blending in the LV50 uncanny gong, LV50 beheading demon blade, LV50 broken demon drum, etc.


LV51 is the ultimate version of the mask with thousands of faces.

and so.

Xu Qing upgraded it to LV52.

Followed by.

Naturally, Xu Qing continued to integrate the LV30 Black Dragon Cauldron, the LV30 Sword of Law, the LV1 Yuanwu Sword, etc. into it, tempering the masks of thousands of people and faces.


【update successed! 】


【update successed! 】


【update successed! 】

[Mask of Fusion LV55: 0/[-] (originally a unique mask of thousands of people and thousands of faces, after upgrading and transforming forty-nine times, and under extremely special circumstances, with the help of refining The Law of Instruments and the Law of Fusion, as well as the 'Great Divine Power Technique: Great Fusion Technique', as well as the supreme power of the Illustrated Book of All Things.


The Black Dragon Cauldron at LV30 and the Sword of Law at LV30.

The LV1 Yuanwu Sword, the LV1 Da Zhou Longque Sword, etc.

After five more upgrades, in the process of upgrading, it perfectly integrated the abilities of these items and became the 'Mask of Fusion'.


He has the ability to hide the truth from others. )】


Xu Qing's face showed joy.

  Almost at the same time.

Xu Qing's LV10 Cangzhou Dao Bell exploded.


Also almost at the same time.

Xu Qing put on the LV55 Fusion Mask. After the mask was put on Xu Qing's face, invisible fluctuations spread throughout Xu Qing's body.

  at this moment.

Xu Qing was clearly standing in his original position, but he seemed to have disappeared, as if he had merged with everything in the world around him, unable to be sensed, noticed, or found...


The invisible power of sacrifice washed over Xu Qing's body over and over again, but was blocked by the LV55 fusion mask and could not affect Xu Qing.

of course.

This kind of resistance is not a head-on confrontation like the LV10 Cangzhou Dao Zhong, but a kind of resistance and deception that goes beyond the sky and deceives the Dao Sacrifice Formation.


Xu Qing can feel it.

As the invisible power of sacrifice brushed through Xu Qing's body over and over again, although the LV55 fusion mask resisted and deceived the sacrifice array, the LV55 fusion mask was still consumed every time it was washed. the power of.

and so.

The power of the LV55 Fusion Mask will eventually be exhausted.

"I hope I can resist it."

Xu Qing took a deep breath, he had exhausted all means, if the fusion mask of LV55 was destroyed.

Xu Qing will definitely die.

  time flies.

Xu Qing has disappeared. Even in the perception of the Dao Sacrifice Formation, Xu Qing has disappeared, as if he has been swallowed and refined.


There is no living thing on the land of Kyushu.

It has completely become a desert.

The center of the grand sacrificial array.

on the altar.

"Zhou Di..."

Xu Qing took a deep breath. He looked at Zhou Di and saw Zhou Di's back. Zhou Di was already shrouded in purple-gold light.

At this moment.

All the sacrificial energy was blessed on him.

Looking from afar.

An extremely absurd feeling emerged in Xu Qing's heart, because Zhou Di, who had integrated all the energy of the sacrificial path, sat cross-legged on the altar, his whole body wrapped in purple-golden light.

The whole feeling.

Zhou Di seemed to have turned into a fruit, a purple-gold fruit, like an apple, placed casually on the altar.

It was as if he was waiting for some kind of existence to come and take away the sacrifice, and the sacrifice on the altar was naturally the 'fruit' of Zhou Di.



above the sky.

There were countless black clouds filling the air, and it was unknown what changes had taken place. But among the black clouds, a jade-white hand stretched out very abruptly.


This jade-white hand grasped directly towards the purple-gold apple-like sacrifice in the center of the altar.

And this sacrifice was Zhou Di.

In addition, the sacrificial energy formed by blood sacrifices to the entire Jiuzhou Continent, the entire Great Zhou Wu Kingdom, and countless living beings.

blink of an eye.

This jade hand grasped this purple-gold apple...

(End of this chapter)

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