Chapter 276: Kill them all and achieve victory

call out!call out!call out! ! !
What Xu Qing did angered the 'Four Realms: Angler', so the angler focused on Xu Qing, and in his backhand, streaks of light came quickly, as if he had passed through time and space.

Xu Qing's expression was calm. With a thought in his mind, the realm of the twelve levels of law spread, with great power. The stream of light rushed into Xu Qing's realm of laws. He was immediately suppressed from all directions and could not get close to Xu Qing. , just when it was thousands of meters away from Xu Qing, it was already completely restricted.

Observe carefully.

These streaks of light are thin lines and hooks. The fishing lines and hooks spreading from the angler's body have been imprisoned by Xu Qingyi's law field.

"Cough cough..."

not far away.

Cang Badao was coughing up blood. His injuries were serious. A large piece of flesh and blood had been dug out from his chest, dripping with blood, exposing bones and internal organs.

It can be said.

Cang Badao was indeed no match for the strange angler from the four realms, that’s why he suffered such a serious injury. If he hadn’t immediately dug out the flesh and blood from the chest pain area, the angler’s hook would have penetrated deeply. Cang Badao's body.

By the time.

Cang Badao was afraid that he would be caught by the anglers.

"Come out here."

With a thought in Xu Qing's mind, he waved his right hand, and the power of the twelve-fold law field spread, imprisoning the fisherman's hook and line.

"Chains of Law."

Xu Qing gave a light drink, and the twelve-level law domain condensed a series of law chains. Each law chain showed nine colors and climbed on the fisher's hook and fishing line.


These legal chains spread rapidly and rushed into the angler's fishing space along the hook and line. This is to lock the angler's true self in reverse.


There was a snap.

The hooks and lines broke immediately. Just like a gecko will cut off its tail when it encounters danger, the anglers also cut off the hooks and lines on their own.


Xu Qing was also stunned for a moment.


Xu Qing didn't expect the anglers to do this either.

next moment.

All the fishing lines and hooks hanging down from the void were taken back one after another, and in the blink of an eye, the aura of "Strange Situation: Angler" disappeared.


Xu Qing looked at the disappearing blood moon, as well as the disappearing fishing line and fishing hook, and couldn't help being stunned, "The fisherman actually ran away."

"This this……"

Cang Badao was also dumbfounded, a little dumbfounded, "How could it be possible? The angler could actually run away. Is Master Ou Yezi so powerful? He could actually scare away the irrational and strange 'anglers'."


Cang BaDao was shocked in his heart.

To know.

Although irrational demons and demons are irrational, that does not mean that these irrational demons and demons are idiots. When they sense danger, their instinct of life will naturally prompt them to escape.

as it is now.

The strength shown by Xu Qing was too strong. After the "Four Strange Realms: Angler" fought with Xu Qing, he immediately felt a fatal danger.

and so.

'Strange Surroundings: Angler' ran for his life without hesitation.

Naturally, he ran away.

The sound of an explosion sounded.

Jin Chanzi revealed his true form, and he fought with the severed hand. Until now, he could not really do anything to the severed hand or save it.

The fight has come to the present.

Jin Chanzi also showed signs of fatigue.

A sword cry.

Xu Qing raised his right hand and extended his sword finger. With a wave of his sword finger, the three swords of LV40 Iron Sword, LV40 Wandering Dragon Sword, and LV40 Copper Coin Sword merged into one, turning into an ultimate sword light.

Blood splattered.

Xu Qing's sword was extremely powerful. With a devastating gesture, he directly chopped off the severed hand. Countless sword energy exploded and chopped it into pieces.

"Swallow the sky and devour the earth."

With a thought in Xu Qing's mind, he once again used his top-grade minor magical power. A black hole formed in the palm of his right hand, and the devouring power exploded, covering it inside, and then swallowed up the severed hand.


The intensity of Xu Qing's aura increased a little, and the strange law reached [-]%, and the law of will also reached [-]%.


Jin Chanzi saw this scene with his own eyes, with a very shocked look on his face, looked at Xu Qing, and bowed to Xu Qing.

To know.

Jin Chanzi tried all his means and all his magical powers, but he couldn't do anything about this severed hand. He could only be considered equally, but now he was killed by Xu Qing's sword.

time flies.

Xu Qinglu took action one after another, showing extremely strong fighting power, assisting Ye Qiuming, Cangxian Taoist, Deng Chunqiu, and Guang Lingzi, and killed all the demons and evil spirits in the four realms one after another.

Demonic Tree, Void, Fallen Angel, Hell Evil Dragon.

All four demons and evil spirits were killed by Xu Qing, and then they were devoured by Xu Qing with the 'high-grade small supernatural power that swallows the sky and the earth', refining the origin and law.

and then.

Xu Qing's strength has improved again.

"Datura flowers."

Xu Qing took one step forward, and his figure was like light, rushing into the sky, and came to Wang Miao's side. He raised his right hand, and the LV20 Black Dragon Cauldron returned to Xu Qing's hand. "Back off."

Xu Qingdao.

"Yes, as ordered."

Wang Miao's expression was extremely respectful.

Wang Miao retreated to the rear.

"Twelve levels of law domain! Suppression!"

Xu Qing took a step forward, raised his right hand, and seven LV40 items flew out, forming a twelve-level law field, which instantly suppressed the mandala flower.


Xu Qing used his high-grade magical power again, and a small black hole appeared in the palm of his right hand, swallowing the mandala flower abruptly.

All of them have become the material for Xu Qing’s growth.

At last.

There was only one ancient war corpse left. This ancient war corpse fought with the LV42 Cauliflower Snake, and finally lost. It lost to the LV42 Cauliflower Snake, and was defeated by the LV42 Cauliflower Snake with its 'high-grade minor magical power: Devouring Space'. It was devoured and became the experience value for the growth of the LV42 Cauliflower Snake.

"It's all settled."

Xu Qing stood with his hands behind his back, standing over the battlefield. Wang Miao stood respectfully behind Xu Qing, like the most loyal servant.


Roar! ! !
The LV42 cauliflower snake also hovered beside Xu Qing, releasing a terrifying aura. The king beast's aura spread and shocked everyone.

"Cauliflower Snake, you can go back now."

Xu Qing said lightly.

"Yes, Master."

LV42's Cauliflower Snake transmitted messages to Xu Qing's consciousness.

"Supernatural power! Space travel!"

Space laws surge.

LV42's Cauliflower Snake opened up a space wormhole, and its extremely huge body rushed into the space wormhole and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

just now.

Xu Qing has killed all the demons and monsters from the fourth realm who invaded the Cangzhou capital this time. Although there are still many irrational demons and monsters on the battlefield, they are all existences below the fourth realm and have basically become Without the weather, victory is only a matter of time.

"Everyone, why don't you take action quickly to eliminate all the demons and evil spirits?"

Xu Qing shouted in a deep voice.


"As ordered."

"I will obey the master's decree!"



Cang Badao, Jin Chanzi, Guang Lingzi, Cangxian Taoist, Ye Qiuming, and Deng Chunqiu all sounded extremely respectful. After hearing Xu Qing's words, they all saluted and followed Xu Qing's instructions.

Time flickers.

three days later.

This war that threatens the entire Cangzhou Prefecture is over. Because of Xu Qing, and because Xu Qing single-handedly destroyed numerous demons and evil spirits in the four realms, Cangzhou Prefecture has taken out a comprehensive The victory won the fruits of victory in this war.

Since then.

Cangzhou Prefecture is about to usher in a long period of peace. At least in a short period of time, there will no longer be irrational demons and evil spirits threatening Cangzhou Prefecture.


In the land of Kyushu, as long as the matter of the emperor's dragon energy is not resolved, irrational demons and evil spirits will continue to appear.

By the time.

Destruction is only a matter of time.

this day.

Cang Badao and the others ordered many of their subordinates to clean up the battlefield. The corpses of these monsters were precious materials that could be used to refine magical weapons and elixirs.


If the battlefield is not cleaned up, strange things may even breed in the battlefield.

The screen turns.

Hou Wangfu.

Right in the main hall.

hum!hum!hum! ! !
three days.

Xu Qing has stabilized his own cultivation, and the strange aura around him has been suppressed a lot. Although some evil and strange auras will emerge from time to time, they can no longer affect Xu Qing.


Xu Qing took a deep breath, feeling his own state, and mused: "The little magical power of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth is indeed very powerful and domineering, even a little unreasonable. It can directly swallow and refine the origin and laws of the enemy, and will It is refined and becomes something of its own.”


"I have not yet been able to refine the 'Fourth Level Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skills', nor have I mastered the 'Law of Devouring'. In addition, the strange law has reached ten percent."


"I have been faintly affected by the 'weird law', and I am even changing towards 'weird'. If I cannot control the strange law, but am affected by the strange law, then I will change the law and become an irrational monster. The surroundings are strange.”

"Just like the dark dragon that I devoured before, that dark dragon failed to control the laws of darkness and was affected by the laws of darkness, so it was swallowed up by the laws and became a puppet of the laws."


Xu Qing thought in his mind, feeling his own state, and muttered: "The dark magic skill that I major in has reached LV40, and I have only mastered [-]% of the dark laws."

"On the contrary, in this battle, I used the domineering power of the 'Swallowing Heaven and Earth Devouring Little Divine Power' to swallow up many monsters and evil spirits from the four realms, and then mastered many laws."

(End of this chapter)
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