Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 254: People’s resentment, emperor’s dragon aura, military evil aura

Chapter 254: People’s resentment, emperor’s dragon aura, military evil aura

With a thought, Xu Qing began to operate and meditate on the 'law of life and death'. He held a top-quality law stone in his right hand and absorbed the energy of the top-quality law stone.


【Experience +1】


【Experience +1】


Within six seconds.

Xu Qing has already meditated on the 'Law of Life and Death' a million times. The LV100 Law of Life and Death also accumulated 1 million experience points in just six seconds.


[Law of Life and Death Law LV1: 100 million/100 million (can be upgraded) (…)]


in mind.

Corresponding information appears.


Xu Qing nodded slightly, "Upgrade the 'Law of Life and Death'."

The voice fell.

The illustrated book of all things shines with a rather strong light.

in mind.

Xu Qing's consciousness seemed to be pulled into a mysterious space. In this mysterious space, he understood and practiced the 'Law of Life and Death' and realized the mystery of the 'Law of Life and Death'.


【update successed! 】

[Law of Life and Death Law LV2: 0/200 million (comprehend the Law of Life and Death, enter the first level of the Law of Life and Death, 'Vivibirth', initially master the 'Supernatural Power: Rhythm of Life', and then master [-]% of the Law of Life and Death, Mastered the 'power of the law of birth and death'.)]


Corresponding information emerges.

The upgrade has been completed.

The law of life and death has been upgraded to LV2.

Xu Qing naturally cultivated the law of life and death and mastered ten percent of the law of life and death. The 'law of life and death' is the third law of law practiced by Xu Qing.


Xu Qing realized the mystery of the "law of life and death". He raised his right hand and left hand. The palm of his left hand was filled with death energy, and the palm of his right hand was filled with vitality. The two were in opposition, but they formed a cycle.


There seems to be some similarities between life, death and reincarnation.

The screen turns.

late at night.

The ninth floor of Cangzhou Prefecture.


"grown ups."

Yue Yun has changed her outfit. She is no longer a graceful and luxurious concubine, but has become a cold and seductive woman in black.

at this time.

Right in front of Yue Yun, stood a middle-aged man of unknown origin and identity, also dressed in black, his figure hidden in the darkness.

"Is it done?"

The middle-aged man, whose origin and identity was unknown, asked in an indifferent and cold tone.

"Reporting to your lord, the matter has been completed."

Yue Yun nodded, "In the entire Cangzhou Prefecture, there were originally only eight blacksmiths who had reached the peak. With the appearance of Ou Yezi, she is the ninth blacksmith who has reached the peak."

"Everything is as you expected, sir."

"The eight blacksmiths who have reached the peak have accepted the 'laws' given by you. These eight laws are: the laws of heaven and earth, the laws of yin and yang, the laws of light and darkness, the laws of sorrow and joy, and the laws of square and circle. , the law of movement and stillness, the law of large and small, the law of dryness and prosperity."

"The last 'Law of Life and Death' has been handed over to Ou Yezi."

"it is good."

The middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction, "You did a good job."



The middle-aged man's expression was startled, and he couldn't help but reveal a hint of horror on his face. He looked towards the direction of Xu Qing, "Just now..."

"The breath of the law of life and death."

"Are you sure you handed over the 'Law of Life and Death' to that Ou Yezi today?"

The middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.


Yueyun nodded firmly.


The middle-aged man took a deep breath.


The middle-aged man was extremely shocked. If Yue Yun was not lying, it meant that this mysterious Ou Yezi had actually mastered the 'Law of Life and Death' in just one day.

such speed.

Such qualifications.

Such a monster.

It is simply indescribable.

It's really shocking.

"Ou Yezi."

The middle-aged man had calmed down and said in a deep voice: "No matter where you come from or what your identity is, since you have fallen into my trap, it is impossible for you to escape."

"Send someone to keep an eye on that Ou Yezi."

At last.

The middle-aged man gave an order.

"As ordered."

Yue Yun nodded respectfully.

The voice fell.

The middle-aged man disappeared out of thin air. From the beginning to the end of their meeting, the middle-aged man never revealed his true appearance.


Being able to order the concubine of a marquis, this middle-aged man's identity and origins are certainly not simple, and he dares to target eight blacksmiths who have reached their peak in Cangzhou Prefecture.

and so.

This middle-aged man must be a high-ranking figure in the capital of Cangzhou.

time flies.

blink of an eye.

A month later.

boom!boom!boom! ! !

The army of the Qing Kingdom, led by King Yingtian, was confronting the Yuanwu Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Eight Prefectures Allied Forces. A war broke out that could affect the entire world...


This war has lasted day and night.


I thought that this war would be a devastating war, and the Qing Kingdom's army would definitely be defeated by the Eight Prefectures Allied Forces and the Yuanwu Army.

It turned out not to be like this.

in the dark.

There are many forces supporting the Qing Kingdom, and the Blood Demon Sect has mobilized a lot of resources from various states to assist King Ying Tian.


Even so.

Qingguo's defeat is only a matter of time.

Logically speaking.

The footprints of the Blood Demon Sect are almost all over the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is impossible that the leader of the Blood Demon Sect does not know about the problem of shooting the first bird.


The leader of the Blood Demon Sect still asked the Qingzhou branch of the Blood Demon Sect to assist Qingzhou Longzi to ascend the throne and establish the 'Qing Kingdom', and even called himself 'King Yingtian'.

As long as the Qing Kingdom is established, it will definitely be severely attacked by Emperor Yuan Wu. It will not last long before it is destroyed by the Great Zhou Dynasty.


The Blood Demon Cult did this anyway.

The screen turns.

The Imperial Palace of Wu Kingdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The imperial palace is located in the center of the territory of the Wu Kingdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is independent of the nine states. It can be said to be the tenth state, also known as: Huangzhou.

The center of Huangzhou.

A majestic palace was built.

It's centered around the palace.

Four more 'imperial protecting cities' were built in the four directions of east, south, west and north. In each of the 'imperial protecting cities', a large number of troops and soldiers were stationed to protect the safety of the palace.

and also.

Just inside the palace, the 'Yuanwu Forbidden Army' is still stationed. The 'Yuanwu Forbidden Army' only obeys orders from Emperor Yuanwu. Only Emperor Yuanwu's imperial warrant plus the imperial edict can mobilize the Yuanwu Forbidden Army.

Qingzhou rebelled and attempted to found a country. After the news reached the palace, it naturally caused a huge shock inside and outside the court, and even made Emperor Yuanwu Zhou Di furious.

then.Zhou Di issued twelve imperial edicts one after another, and the Yuanwu Army was dispatched. The Eight Prefectures Allied Forces took action. The national protector general Hong Dingtian personally led the Yuanwu Army and pointed directly at Qingzhou.


Zhou Di wanted to use the power of thunder to destroy this fire of rebellion, and he also wanted to let the entire world know that the world of Zhou Di was still under the Zhou Dynasty.

Roar!Roar!Roar! ! !

It was nearly two months after the Yuanwu Army set out.

Inside the palace.

A terrible battle broke out.

It was a five-clawed golden dragon with overwhelming power. The emperor's aura surged and suppressed all laws in the world. Any way or method that entered the palace would be suppressed and unable to be used in the face of the emperor's dragon aura. If you exert any power, you will become an ordinary person.

and so.

The emperor has the emperor's dragon energy to protect his body. No demon or monster can seduce the emperor, because when he gets close, he has been suppressed by the emperor's dragon energy and changes back to his original form.

"Blood Demon!"

The roar echoed in all directions.

The angry shouts of Emperor Yuanwu Zhou Di spread throughout the palace.

"His Majesty!"

"not good!"


boom!boom!boom! ! !

Masters such as the Imperial Master of Zhou Dynasty and the General Manager of the Great Internal Affairs Bureau immediately rushed over.

Roar! ! !
can be seen.

Boundless blood surged into the sky, accompanied by endless resentment.

"This is……"

"Public resentment..."


Everyone present had their eyes widened, and they were extremely shocked and stunned. They couldn't help but stop, and they were extremely shocked to see this scene.


The source of the emperor's dragon energy is the people of the world. Without the people of the world, there would be no so-called country, let alone a so-called dynasty.


In order to practice the "Immortal Way of Immortality", Emperor Yuanwu Zhou Di caused the emperor's dragon energy to backfire, which in turn caused great chaos in the Kingdom of Zhouwu. All kinds of evildoers breed, and the national destiny cannot protect the people.

Since then.

The people of the Wu Kingdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty were displaced and had no food to eat. There were dead bones on the road and they exchanged their children for food. All kinds of human tragedies occurred.


People all over the world have cultivated endless "public grievances".

It can be said.

This kind of 'public grievance' may not cause any harm to powerful people in other ways. At most, it is just a cold wind.


The "common resentment" cultivated by the people of the world is the nemesis of the "Emperor Dragon Qi". "Public resentment" can destroy the "Emperor Dragon Qi", causing the "Emperor Dragon Qi" to collapse and unable to exert any power.

That is.

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it.

"This this……"

The great national master 'True Immortal Taoist' looked shocked. His immortal demeanor was indeed like a true immortal descending to earth, extremely extraordinary, but when he saw such public resentment, he was also shocked.

"How did the Blood Demon Cult do it?"

Taoist Zhenxian couldn't help but said: "Public grievances are intangible and qualityless. I have never heard of any means by which 'people's grievances' can be collected."


Shocked indeed.



The leader of the Yuanwu Forbidden Army's pupils shrank, and he reacted, "I see, that's it, no wonder rebels suddenly appeared in 'Qingzhou', and they dared to establish themselves as a country."

"The purpose of the Blood Demon Cult from the very beginning was to anger His Majesty, so that His Majesty would send Yuanwu Army and General Hong Dingtian to exterminate the rebels."

"'Public resentment' restrains the 'Emperor's Dragon Qi', but General Hong Dingtian is the national protector general of the Great Zhou Wu Kingdom and can control the 'Military Evil Qi' of the Great Zhou Wu Kingdom's army."


"The aura of military evil can withstand such 'popular resentment'."

"But now."

"General Hong Dingtian has been sent out. Far water cannot save the near fire."

"From the beginning."

"The Blood Demon Cult wants to deal with His Majesty!!!"

Roar! ! !
this moment.

The five-clawed golden dragon also let out bursts of wailing sounds. Amidst the endless public complaints, the emperor's dragon energy was constantly weakening and weakening.


"it turns out……"

"I can cast Taoist magic."

"I can also cast magic!"

"The forbidden power of the Emperor's Dragon Qi has disappeared."



The Great National Master Zhenxian Taoist and other masters had a look of horror on their faces, because they could actually cast various spells and secret techniques in the palace.

The power of the forbidden law disappears.

and so.

There is only one possibility.

That is, the endless public resentment completely drowned Emperor Yuanwu's Imperial Dragon Qi, which caused the 'forbidden power' of the Emperor's Dragon Qi to disappear.

"His Majesty!"


"Quickly die!"


There was no hesitation.

The True Immortal Taoist, the Grand Chamberlain, the leader of the Forbidden Army and other top experts in the imperial city turned into streams of light, bursting out with terrifying power, and rushed into the depths of the palace.

Boom! ! !

The Blood Demon Sect had been preparing for a long time when dark shadows rushed out one after another. They were the supreme elders from the Blood Demon Sect's headquarters.

They blocked the top masters of the imperial city such as the True Immortal Taoist, the Chief Supervisor of the Imperial Household, and the leader of the Forbidden Army, making it impossible for them to rescue Emperor Zhou Di of Yuanwu.

"Emperor Yuanwu."

hum!hum!hum! ! !
Right in the middle of the battlefield.

Many buildings in the palace have been turned into ruins, many maids and eunuchs died, and many concubines were unable to escape and died in the aftermath.

of course.

These are not the most important things.


In a big pit in the ruins.

There is a middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe. He has a majestic face and is not angry. Just standing here makes people feel awe.

He is Emperor Yuanwu of the Wu Kingdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty, 'Zhou Di', the foolish king who vainly attempts to practice the 'immortal path'.


On his body, there is no trace of the decadence of a faint emperor. There is only majesty and domineering. He is worthy of being an emperor of a generation.

"Today is your day of death."

The leader of the Blood Demon Sect appeared. He was a young man with flowing white hair. He looked down from a high position and manifested a giant Blood Demon, overlooking Zhou Di.

"Blood Demon Divine Punishment!"

Click!Click!Click! ! !

Without the slightest hesitation.

The leader of the Blood Demon Sect roared angrily and used the strongest method without hesitation. The terrifying magical power exploded, and blood-colored lightning fell from the sky, as if tearing apart the void and the sky.

"His Majesty!"

"Do not!!"

"It's over..."




Extremely frightened.

The Taoist True Immortals were shocked.

To know.

The emperor has the emperor's dragon energy to protect his body, and the emperor's dragon energy is extremely domineering and blocks all laws. Therefore, as an emperor, he cannot practice cultivation and has only a hundred years of lifespan of an ordinary person.

just now.

Endless public resentment drowned Zhou Di's Emperor Dragon Qi, and without the protection of the Emperor Dragon Qi, Zhou Di was actually just an ordinary middle-aged man.

Facing such a terrifying magical power from the leader of the Blood Demon Sect, there is only one way to die.

(End of this chapter)
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