Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 217 The Ultimate Extraordinary Principle, Law Text, 3rd Realm: Law Realm

Chapter 217 The Ultimate Extraordinary Principle, Legal Text, Third Realm: Law Realm

time flies.

Just twelve days later.

this day.



Xu Qing's consciousness communicated with the illustrated book of all things and upgraded a true intention.

【update successed! 】

[Zhiyin Zhiyang True Intention LV12: 25700000/204800000 (Mastering the six-fold perfect Zhiyin True Intention and Zhiyang True Intention!)]


After this true intention is fully cultivated, it can only master two kinds of six-level true intention. Among ordinary true intentions, it is also relatively low-level.


This is Xu Qing's true intention.


There is no overlap or duplication between the true meaning of Yin and the true meaning of Yang.

within these twelve days.

Xu Qing has cultivated three true intentions in total, namely: three true intentions, vast true intentions, and ultimate yin to yang true intentions. The three true intentions can cultivate three kinds of six-fold true intentions, and the vast true intentions can only cultivate two kinds of six-fold true intentions. , the true intention of Yin and Yang can only be cultivated into two kinds of six-fold true intention.


These three true intentions were carefully selected by Xu Qing. There is no overlap or duplication of true intentions. Therefore, after completing all of them, Xu Qing has mastered the seven six-fold true intentions.

hum!hum!hum! ! !
Since then.

Xu Qing has mastered one hundred and eight six-level true meanings, and a halo of true meanings appears around him, generating extremely powerful power.


After Xu Qing mastered the [-] six-level true meaning, he clearly felt a change in himself, as if his whole body was filled with the power of true meaning, as if his whole body had become true meaning.

Very strong.

very powerful.


Xu Qing took a deep breath, opened his eyes, carefully felt his own condition, and showed an extremely satisfied smile on his face, "One hundred and eight six-layered true meanings, carefully calculated the time, absolutely not It took more than half a year, which is about five months.”

"Back and forth."

"A total of 31 different true intentions have been cultivated, and among these true intentions, only one true intention has barely reached the level of 'elite true intention'."

"of course."

"It's all worth it."

Xu Qingdao.


at this very moment.

Xu Qing has cultivated one hundred and eight kinds of six-layered true meanings, and all of them have reached perfection, laying the strongest and toughest foundation.


After the number of true meanings mastered reaches one hundred and eight, it is actually the real limit, and it is impossible to continue to master more true meanings. If we continue to master more true meanings, there will be a conflict between the true meanings. Produce confrontation and produce a kind of consumption.


Mastering one hundred and eight six-fold true meaning is the most perfect state.

"It's time to start."

Xu Qing's thoughts moved, and he sat cross-legged. In the depths of his consciousness, the secrets and methods of the 'Law of Reincarnation' began to emerge.

just now.

Xu Qing began to practice the 'law of reincarnation method'.

in fact.

This kind of practice is a kind of imaginary meditation. In Xu Qing's meditation, he realizes the mystery of the 'Law of Reincarnation' and comprehends the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'.

They are: the hell realm, the hungry ghost realm, the animal realm, the asura realm, the human realm, and the heavenly realm.


Also known as circulation, reincarnation, and reincarnation, it means that all living beings are born and die. After death, the soul reincarnates and becomes another person, spinning endlessly like a wheel.

It is difficult for all living beings to transcend reincarnation, and they are all trapped in reincarnation and cannot extricate themselves. This is a law, or even a law, of the movement of heaven and earth.

The practice of the Law of Reincarnation is to understand and understand the laws of the movement of heaven and earth, and to grasp the power of the law of reincarnation.

As long as it works.

You will go one step further, transcending the so-called "extraordinary", realizing more powerful power from the law of "reincarnation", and you can also become the incarnation of the "law".

It can be said.

When you reach this state, it is no longer something that can be described in common words, and the various powers that you can control are extremely incredible and indescribable.


The 'third realm' is called: the law realm.

among them.

In the 'Law of Reincarnation', after just cultivating it, you can understand the 'Law of Reincarnation' in the movement of heaven and earth, understand the secrets of totality, comprehend the 'Power of Law', and evolve into the 'Hell Realm'.


After cultivating the first level of the 'Law of Reincarnation', it is called: the Hell Realm, and mastering the 'Power of the Law of Reincarnation in the Hell Realm'.

hum!hum!hum! ! !
Xu Qing's meditation on the Law of Reincarnation made him feel as if he had entered the underworld, saw the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and understood all kinds of mysteries.

In fact.

When it comes to the method of 'Law Method', the secrets contained in it can no longer be described by simple language and words.

Generally speaking.

After this kind of "law" is involved, the laws running between heaven and earth will form "laws". This kind of "laws" is like runes, more like ghost-drawing talismans, like Taoist patterns.

For example, the complete inheritance slate that Xu Qing obtained before, in the complete inheritance slate, there are 81 "laws" carved and recorded. These "laws" are like runes one by one, like It's like a small seal script and is engraved on the heritage stone slab.The ninety-nine and eighty-one "laws" form the complete "Law of Reincarnation". Only by understanding these ninety-nine and eighty-one verses can one begin to practice the "Law of Reincarnation".

and also.

"Lvwen" needs to be learned. If you don't learn "Lvwen", you will naturally not be able to see the laws and regulations, and you will not be able to understand and comprehend the "laws and laws".

Unless you are the kind of evil genius whose understanding is extremely heaven-defying, this kind of evil genius whose understanding is extremely heaven-defying can still understand the real laws and regulations even if you have not studied the law.

Of course.

Xu Qing is not some evil genius with extremely unnatural understanding. He has never studied the law. He only used the ability of the Illustrated Book of All Things to collect the inheritance stone tablets and then he understood and comprehended what was recorded on the inheritance stone tablets on his own. 'Law of Reincarnation'.

10 minute later.


Xu Qing took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and had a look of emotion on his face. He had just finished practicing the 'Reincarnation Law', which is meditating on reincarnation.


【Experience +1】



Xu Qing mused: "The difficulty of the law method far exceeds the true intention. I can practice the true intention a thousand times in one second, but it took me a full 10 minutes to practice the 'Law of Reincarnation Method' once. "

"The gap is indeed very large."


"The Law of Reincarnation is only at LV1. To upgrade to LV2, you need a full 100 million experience points, and I can only practice the Law of Reincarnation once in 10 minutes."

"That is to say."

"Even if I practice and meditate on the law of reincarnation 24 hours a day, I can only gain 140 four experience points throughout the day."

"Even so."

"That would also take more than 940 four days. If converted, it would also take more than 19 years to improve."

"It's really too slow."

Xu Qing's tone was filled with emotion.


Xu Qing simply didn't know that for many people, if they don't have enough understanding, lack of opportunities, and not enough luck, even if they practice the law for a lifetime, they can't really get started.

The 'regular method' is rare and even more difficult to cultivate.

within 20 years.

Completing the 'Law of Reincarnation' is enough for others to wake up from their dreams with laughter. 20 years seems like a long time, but for those who have reached the 'Ultimate Transcendence', it is only a short period of time in their lives. It's just a small part. In 20 years, you can definitely cultivate the 'Law of Reincarnation', which is enough to make everyone in the world want it.


Xu Qing still felt it was too slow.

can only say.

Xu Qing didn't know these situations, so he expressed such emotion.

"Continue to practice."

Xu Qing's mind moved. He sat cross-legged and continued to meditate and practice the law of reincarnation. Although it only takes 10 minutes to increase a little experience, as long as he perseveres and increases bit by bit, he will naturally be able to accumulate enough experience to upgrade. 100 million experience points.


【Experience +1】


【Experience +1】


time flies.

The experience value of the Law of Reincarnation method is also slowly increasing.

Xu Qing now needs to eat ten pounds of ninth-level spiritual food every day to meet his daily consumption. Even practicing and meditating on the law of reincarnation is a huge consumption.


Xu Qing will still spend eight hours meditating on the second secret method of Devouring Demon Skills, because meditating on the second secret method of Devouring Demon Skills can restore oneself, while meditating and practicing the law of reincarnation are pure consumption.

In this case.

Xu Qing can use the dual secret method of meditation to devour demons to replace sleep and rest.

You can have the best of both worlds.

Not only can you get enough sleep and rest, but you can also increase the experience value of the second-level secret method of Devouring Demonic Skills. In this way, you can continue to upgrade after you have accumulated enough experience points for the second-level secret method of Devouring Demonic Skills.

[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skill LV24: 36 billion/50 billion (...)]

"The Demon Devouring Skill is still 14 billion short of reaching the next level."

Xu Qing's expression pondered, "In this case, in about fifty days, the demon-devouring skill will be able to accumulate enough experience points to level up."

blink of an eye.

Fifty days later.

[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skill LV24: 50 billion/50 billion (can be upgraded!)]


Xu Qing said directly.

hum!hum!hum! ! !
next moment.

The illustrated book of all things is surging with brilliance.

Not long after.

【update successed! 】

[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skills 25nd level LV0: 100/[-] billion (Mastering the true meaning of the eighth level of swallowing, stepping into the 'Sixth Transformation Demonic Infant Realm', the incomplete 'Supernatural Power: Devouring Heaven and Earth' has reached great success, and the 'Supernatural Power: Annihilation' has been achieved Dacheng.)]


Xu Qing took a deep breath. He felt the changes in the Devouring Demon Technique. Before he entered the 'third realm', he had already cultivated the two magical powers to the level of Dacheng.

(End of this chapter)

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