Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 201 Take action!Seek to seize the 'Inheritance Slate'!

Chapter 201 Take action!Seek to seize the 'Inheritance Slate'!
"Old guy, can we go now?"

Ye Langtian asked in a deep voice.

"of course."

The old mayor smiled and said, "Look, doesn't the way out already appear?"


Xu Qing and Ye Langtian did see a road appear at the gate of Yejia Town. This road continued to spread forward, shrouded in gray-black fog, as if there was no end in sight.

There was no hesitation.

Xu Qing and Ye Langtian turned around and left quickly.

In fact.

This time.

Xu Qing felt a trace of malice in the old mayor, although this trace of malice appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.


Xu Qing still felt it clearly.


Xu Qing took a deep breath. He knew that his two performances had attracted the attention of the old mayor. Thinking of this, the progress of the 'Devouring Demon Art' needed to be slowed down.

No matter how.

Xu Qing felt that the next time Ye Langtian was tested again, he might not be able to accompany him.

After a few minutes.

Xu Qing and Ye Langtian had walked out of the 'Weird: Deserted Village'. When they turned around and looked back, they saw the thick gray fog dissipated, and the 'Weird: Deserted Village' had also disappeared.

"Let's go."

Xu Qingdao.


Ye Langtian's tone was respectful.

Followed by.

Xu Qing and Ye Langtian are no longer on the same road. Ye Langtian is going back to the branch of the Blood Demon Sect, while Xu Qing is going back to his compound in XC District.

The screen turns.

Xu Qing had already returned to his residence.


"Congratulations on your master's triumphant return."


inside the yard.

Wu Yi, Wu Er, Wu San, and Kaya all spoke respectfully.


Xu Qing nodded and asked, "How long have I been gone?"

"Replying to the master, you have been gone for half a month."

Kaya replied.

"Half a month."

Xu Qing's expression was thoughtful.

time flies.


Xu Qing contacted the Cauliflower Snake who joined the 'Ten Thousand Demons Sect', and after joining the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and becoming the direct disciple of the master of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, the Cauliflower Snake was able to swallow a huge amount of flesh and blood every day, and the flesh and blood it swallowed The quality is extremely high, and swallowing one kilogram is enough to swallow ten thousand kilograms of ordinary flesh and blood.


Xu Qing mastered the 'Blood Curse Beast Control Technique' and upgraded this beast control technique to LV10. In addition, he used the Illustrated Book of All Things to record the 'Cauliflower Snake'.


Because the Cauliflower Snake was in the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, with the help of the power and resources of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, it devoured a large amount of flesh, flesh and essence. Through the upgrade of the All Things Illustrated Book, the Cauliflower Snake's level has been raised from LV22 to LV25.

This is already equivalent to a level [-] ferocious beast.

Reached the 'extraordinary extreme'.

[Cauliflower Snake LV25: 10000/167772160 (The ordinary cauliflower snake transformed step by step into a 'devouring python'. It has a 3000-meter-long body of a huge ferocious beast and has awakened its devouring stomach, boundless power, and space. The three magical powers of his hand have reached the level of a fifteenth-level ferocious beast.)]


The LV25 Cauliflower Snake transmitted a message to Xu Qing, "I have devoured almost all the flesh and blood resources in the Ten Thousand Demon Sect. If I want to continue to devour and grow, I can only deal with those or evil beasts, ferocious beasts, and monsters in the Ten Thousand Demon Sect." The clan has taken action."


The LV25 cauliflower snake couldn't hold it any longer.

To know.

In the eyes of LV25 Cauliflower Snake, those huge monsters, ferocious beasts, and monsters from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect are all the resources and food for his growth.

As for the 'emotion' thing.

Snakes are inherently 'cold-blooded animals'.

and so.

The LV25 cauliflower snake itself has no emotions at all. It only has a biological evolutionary instinct. This instinct prompts it to continuously devour large amounts of flesh and blood, and then use the power of the 'Illustrated Book of All Things' to continue to grow.

"I see."

Xu Qing and the LV25 Cauliflower Snake can already achieve a kind of long-distance spiritual communication. This can be regarded as a special ability. "Act in one month."

"Yes, as ordered."

LV25 Cauliflower Snake responded to Xu Qing.

in the bedroom.

With a thought in Xu Qing's mind, his consciousness sensed the 'Supernatural Power: Devouring the Sky and Devouring the Earth'. This magical power itself was absorbed by Xu Qing through the 'Swallowing Technique', and was not inspired by Xu Qing.


Even so, Xu Qing sensed carefully, but still failed to sense the true form of 'Supernatural Power: Swallowing Heaven and Devouring Earth (Remnant)', just like 'Supernatural Power: Annihilation', which Xu Qing could not detect.


Because he couldn't sense it, Xu Qing naturally couldn't include "Supernatural Power: Annihilation" and "Supernatural Power: Devouring Heaven and Earth (Remnant)" through the 'Illustrated Book of All Things'.

This is quite a pity.


If the Illustrated Book of All Things could include and upgrade 'Supernatural Power: Annihilation' and 'Supernatural Power: Swallowing Heaven and Earth (Remnant)', I believe that the power of these two magical powers would be greatly improved, even to an incredible level.In fact.

'Supernatural power' is similar to 'Dharma door', except that 'supernatural power' involves a higher level of power. Therefore, with Xu Qing's current cultivation level and realm, he is still unable to sense the essence of magical power, so naturally it cannot be included. .

time flies.


A month has passed.

In the courtyard where Xu Qing is.

A stream of light came through the air and quickly fell into Xu Qing's hand. It was the jade slip of information sent by Ye Langtian. Xu Qing opened the jade slip with a special seal.

The information in the jade slip emerged.


The information jade slip projected Ye Langtian's face and image, and reported to Xu Qinghui: "The branch of the Blood Demon Sect and the Wan Yao Sect have confirmed that they will reach an alliance. In order to show their sincerity, the sect leader of the Wan Yao Sect and the Blood Demon Sect The apostles of the Demon Sect will bring their respective 'Fragments of the Inherited Slate' and meet at the 'Wan Cun Mountain' outside Yuehe Mansion City."

"By the time."

"The Master of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect and the apostle will jointly comprehend the 'Fragments of the Inherited Slate' at the 'Wan Cun Mountain'."


next moment.

The jade slip of information was shattered, then collapsed into ashes.

"it is good."

Xu Qing stood up, "After waiting for a month, I finally waited for this day."

In fact.

Because Ye Langtian was already the second-in-command of the Blood Demon Cult branch, he naturally knew these things, so Ye Langtian informed Xu Qing in advance. This is why Xu Qing had to wait a month before taking action.

First of all.

Given the nature of the branch of the Blood Demon Sect and the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, it is impossible for them to form an alliance easily, because Ye Langtian also made an insinuation. The apostle of the branch of the Blood Demon Sect, he just used the excuse of alliance to take advantage of the opportunity. Attack the owner of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect and seize the "Inheritance Slate Fragments" of the "Ten Thousand Demon Sect".

To make sure nothing goes wrong.

The branch of the Blood Demon Cult seems to have joined forces with the Palace of Strangers.


The LV25 Cauliflower Snake is the direct disciple of the leader of the Ten Thousand Demons Clan. The LV25 Cauliflower Snake also learned about the master's plan from the sidelines.

The owner of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect has no intention of studying the inheritance slate fragments with the Blood Demon Sect branch alliance. He also wants to snatch the inheritance slate fragments from the Blood Demon Sect branch under the pretext of the alliance.

Not only that.

The Wan Yao Sect actually joined forces with the Wan Xiang Demon Sect.

This time.

Among the nine major forces that have obtained fragments of the inheritance slate in Yuehe City, four major forces have been involved, and there may even be more than four fragments of the inheritance slate.


Xu Qing took a deep breath. His two subordinates, Ye Langtian is the second in command of the branch of the Blood Demon Sect, and the LV25 Cauliflower Snake is the direct disciple of the master of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, and is also the elder of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

It can be said.

Xu Qing's two men have already penetrated deep into the enemy camp and sneaked into the depths of the opponent's territory. Xu Qing naturally knows the overall situation well.

This time.

Xu Qing's purpose is very simple. He also wants to capture the 'Fragments of the Inherited Slate'.

"Because of 'Weird: Deserted Village', I feel that the old mayor is targeting me. If I enter 'Weird: Deserted Village' with Ye Langtian next time, I'm afraid I will be targeted by the old mayor. .”

Xu Qing said in a deep tone: "So, I must slow down the practice of the 'Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skills' now. It is best not to surpass Ye Langtian."

"By the time."

"Ye Langtian can go to 'Weird: Deserted Village' by himself, pass the test of 'Weird: Deserted Village', and get benefits from 'Weird: Deserted Village'."

"Although the Baji Tianpeng Fist and the Life-Destroying Heavenly Sword Technique are inherited methods that point directly to the 'extraordinary extreme', they have complete fundamental methods, concepts, and true intentions."


"As the levels of these two martial arts get higher and higher, more and more experience points are required for upgrading. It is already difficult to increase the level in a short period of time."

"in other words."

"It's just that the upgrade is too slow."


"The 'Heritage Slate' that surpasses the 'Baji Tianpeng Fist' and the 'Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique' is what I am determined to obtain. Moreover, among the inheritance contained in the 'Heritage Slate', there is something that directly points to the 'Third Realm'" The mystery of.”

in fact.

Talk and go.

Xu Qing is no longer satisfied with the 'Baji Tianpeng Fist' and the 'Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique'. He wants a more powerful method and inheritance. The 'Inheritance Slate Fragments' obtained by the nine major forces from the 'Relics of Reincarnation' Just what Xu Qing needs.


"See Master!"


inside the yard.

Figures appeared one after another in front of Xu Qing, including King Kong Taoist soldiers, Ice Taoist soldiers, Jiuzun sixteenth-level Taoist soldiers, Wu Yi, Wu Er, Wu San, and Kaya.

They all showed up.


Xu Qing looked calm. He nodded and put on the LV20 evil ghost mask. The demonic nature in his body surged and the demonic energy around him was vast.

In an instant.

Xu Qing's appearance and figure have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Use the ability of LV20 Demon Mask.

Xu Qing turned into a big demon with blood-black horns.

"I am 'Demon Zunzunlou'."

Xu Qing said calmly.

at the same time.

The Vajra Taoist soldiers, the Ice Taoist soldiers, the Nine Sixteenth-level Taoist soldiers, Wu Yi, Wu Er, Wu San, and Kaya in front of Xu Qing all wore masks that had reached LV20.

Just a moment.

All of Xu Qing's subordinates turned into demon heads one after another exuding terrifying demonic aura, all covered in black and blood-colored robes.

(End of this chapter)

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