Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 197 Refining completed, 6th level of Dao realm

Chapter 197 Refining Completed, Sixth Level Dao Realm

Xu Qing had already taken out the 36 materials needed to refine the 'Sixteenth Level Dao Weapon Talisman'. With a wave of his right hand, one material, 'Luo Ling Shui', flew out of the air and landed in the Xuan Weapon Heaven Refining Formation. , the green flames were calcining and tempering, and it took an hour to successfully temper the 'Luo Ling Shui'.


time flies.

Xu Qing controlled the Xuanbing Heaven Refining Formation and used the first-level cyan flame to sinter the materials. Each material took an hour.


Among the 36 kinds of materials, there are six kinds of materials, namely: Daoxuan Talisman Paper, Tianhua Spirit Water, Jiuxuan Stone, Moon Yin Dew, Millennium Stone Milk, and Ghost Flower.

These six materials are of higher quality, higher level, and contain higher energy. They need to be tempered with the second level of purple flame, and each material needs to be tempered for nine hours.

At last.

It took Xu Qing a total of 84 hours to refine all 36 materials needed to refine the 'Sixteenth Level Dao Weapon Talisman'.

"It's done."

Xu Qing looked at the 36 kinds of essence liquids in the Xuan Bing Tian Refining Formation, with a satisfied smile on his face. He made seals with his hands, tempered and fused the [-] kinds of essence liquids, and finally made a purple Taoist talisman. , this talisman is the 'Sixteenth Level Taoist Talisman'.


There are also eighteen kinds of essence liquids that are mixed to form a kind of 'Dao Mo'. This adjusted Dao Mo is the 'Sixteenth Level Dao Soldier Dao Mo'.

Xu Qing waved his right hand and took out the LV20 wolf-hair talisman pen, absorbed all the 'Sixteenth-level Taoist Taoist ink', concentrated his energy, and began to draw 'Sixteenth-level Taoist talisman' on the 'Sixteenth-level Taoist talisman' The Taoist soldiers' talisman.

hum!hum!hum! ! !
Xu Qing fell one stroke at a time, flowing on the 'Tao Talisman', injecting his own mind and consciousness, and slowly completed the drawing of the 'Sixteenth Level Taoist Talisman'.

The moment the drawing of the 'Sixteenth-level Taoist Soldier Talisman' was completed, a strong energy fluctuation was generated, which also caused a reaction from the 'Sixteenth-level Taoist Soldier Main Body'.

"it is good."

A smile also appeared on Xu Qing's face. He looked at the 'Sixteenth-level Taoist Talisman' suspended in front of his eyes, showing a purple-gold color with a strong Taoist charm.


The drawing of the 'Sixteenth Level Taoist Talisman' has been completed.

Before and after.

It took seven days.


Followed by.

Xu Qing took out one more batch of materials, and there were a total of eight refining materials, which could be used to refine eight more 'Sixteenth Level Dao Weapon Talisman'.

Xu Qing began to concentrate, formed seals with his hands, and manipulated the Xuanbing Heaven Refining Formation. The cyan and purple flames jumped one after another, and he began to refine and draw the 'Sixteenth Level Taoist Talisman'.

time flies.

Just 56 days later, almost two months later.


brush!brush!brush! ! !
Xu Qing murmured softly, with a slightly tired look on his face. He looked at the nine 'Sixteenth Level Taoist Talismans' suspended in front of his eyes and showed an extremely satisfied smile.

"The next step is to proceed to the third step."

Xu Qing looked thoughtful and spoke calmly, "Put the 'Sixteenth-level Dao Weapon Talisman' into the 'Sixteenth-level Dao Weapon Main Body', so that the two can be integrated, and then combined with the remaining nine precious materials, the three can be integrated. As one body, we can completely refine the 'Sixteenth Level Dao Weapon'."

"The Mysterious Armament Heaven Refining Formation!"

Xu Qing formed a seal with his hands, shouted softly, pointed his right hand forward, and turned into a magic seal finger light, which quickly shot through the air and opened the Xuanbing Tiantian Formation.


The Xuanbing Tiantian Formation directly entered the third level, and black-purple flames appeared. The terrifying temperature of the flames almost distorted the space.


Xu Qing waved his right hand, and a 'Sixteenth-level Taoist Soldier Main Body' flew through the air and landed in the center of the Xuanbing Tiantian Refining Formation.

The third-level black-purple flames are tempering and calcining the '[-]th-level Taoist main body', further refining wisps of burnt black smoke.


The 'Sixteenth Level Dao Soldier Main Body' became more and more crystal clear, and was gradually tempered into a transparent crystal doll, which appeared in front of Xu Qing's eyes.

"It's now."

Xu Qing's eyes lit up slightly, and with a thought, he had already taken out the 'Sixteenth Level Taoist Talisman', and held the 'Taoist Talisman' between the index and middle fingers of his right hand.


Xu Qing waved his right hand, and the 'Sixteenth Level Taoist Talisman' in his hand turned into a stream of light. He rushed towards the 'Sixteenth Level Taoist Talisman' that had been tempered into a transparent crystal doll at an extremely fast speed. The main body of Taoist soldiers'.

can be seen.

This 'Sixteenth-Level Taoist Soldier Talisman' was just stuck between the eyebrows of the 'Sixteenth-Level Taoist Soldier's Main Body', and the black-purple flames around it were slowly burning and tempering.


The 'Sixteenth-Level Dao Weapon Talisman' and the 'Sixteenth-Level Dao Weapon Main Body' began to merge.


The fusion of the two creates a kind of resistance.


Xu Qing quickly took out the remaining nine materials, calcined them with the 'third-level purple-black flame', and tempered them to obtain the corresponding essence, which was slowly integrated into the 'Sixteenth-level Dao Weapon Talisman' and ' Among the main body of the sixteenth-level Taoist soldiers, the resistance between the two fusions was slowly eliminated.

"Sixteenth level Taoist soldier! Done!"

Xu Qing gave a light drink, and the 'Sixteenth-level Taoist Soldier Talisman' and the 'Sixteenth-level Taoist Soldier Main Body' were truly integrated into one, in the purple-black flames.The sixteenth-level Taoist soldier was refined.

There is a powerful aura spreading.


The first sixteenth-level Taoist soldier refined by Xu Qing opened his eyes, awakened in the purple-black flames, and was reborn in the purple-black flames.

"go with!"

Xu Qing's eyes flashed, and he raised his sword finger with his right hand, drawing a blood mark between his eyebrows. A drop of bright red blood was forced out, turned into a streak of blood, and merged into the first sixteenth-level Dao. Among the soldiers.


Xu Qing took control of the first sixteenth-level Taoist soldier.


The first sixteenth-level Taoist soldier stepped out of the Xuanbing Tiantian Formation with one step, stood in front of Xu Qing, and then knelt in front of Xu Qing.

"it is good."

Xu Qing looked at the first sixteenth-level Taoist soldier he had made in front of him. He looked like a young man with black hair and he looked like he could not be more than 30 years old.

Calculate the time.

Xu Qing merged the 'Sixteenth-level Dao Weapon Talisman' with the 'Sixteenth-level Dao Weapon Main Body' and refined it for nine days before he refined the first sixteenth-level Dao Weapon.


The first [-]th-level Taoist soldier stood aside, while Xu Qing continued to refine the [-]th-level Taoist soldier. There were a total of eight [-]th-level Taoist soldiers and eight [-]th-level Taoist talismans.

You can also refine eight sixteenth-level Taoist soldiers.

time flies.

blink of an eye.

in two months.

"to make!"

Xu Qing gave a soft drink and successfully refined the ninth level [-] Taoist soldier. It was a beautiful and moving image of a woman with red phoenix eyes, small cherry mouth, oval face, fair skin, and wearing a fiery red cheongsam.

Xu Qing cut another blood mark between his eyebrows, forced out another drop of blood, and then integrated this drop of blood into the body of the ninth-level sixteenth-level Taoist soldier and controlled it.


The ninth [-]th-level Taoist soldier also stepped out of the range of the Xuanbing Tiantian Refining Formation with one step, and stood in front of Xu Qing, bowing to Xu Qing in a respectful tone.


Xu Qing looked tired, looking at the nine sixteenth-level Taoist soldiers in front of him, but a very satisfied smile appeared on his face, "Not bad, not bad."

Before and after.

It took more than half a year.

Xu Qing then refined nine sixteenth-level Taoist weapons.

even though.

The nine sixteenth-level Tao soldiers are all refined from the same materials. When the refining is successful, the 'Tao patterns', 'Tao formations' and 'Tao domains' they develop are all different.

among them.

The first sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named it: No. [-]. When it was refined, it developed the 'Gengjin Taoist pattern', which then formed the 'Genggjin Taoist formation', which eventually evolved Out of the 'sixth layer of Gengjin Dao Domain'.

To know.

Three 'Geng Gold Dao Patterns' can form a layer of 'Geng Gold Dao Array', and the power that one layer of 'Geng Gold Dao Array' can exert is equivalent to the 'First Level of Geng Gold Dao Array'.

At last.

27 'Geng Gold Dao Patterns' can form a nine-layer 'Geng Gold Dao Array', which is equivalent to the 'Nine Level Geng Gold Dao Array', and the further integration of the nine layers of 'Geng Gold Dao Array' can evolve into a 'First Level Geng Gold Dao Domain' '.


'One Level Geng Gold Realm' is equivalent to 'One Level Geng Gold True Meaning'.

'No. 54' is a sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, and his body contains the 'Sixth Layer of Geng-Gold Tao Domain', which is composed of a total of [-] layers of 'Geng-Gold Tao Formation'.

The strength that can be unleashed is equivalent to the 'sixth level of true meaning', which is the 'second level: the ultimate transcendence', but it only masters one 'true meaning', which is the 'geng gold true meaning'.


The second sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named it: No. [-]. When it was refined, it developed the 'Slaughter Tao Mark', which then formed the 'Slaughter Tao Formation', which eventually evolved into ' The Sixth Level of Killing Realm'.

The third sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named him: No. [-]. No. [-] mastered the 'sixth level of guardian Tao domain'.

The fourth sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named him: No. [-]. No. [-] mastered the 'sixth level of thunder Tao domain'.

The fifth sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named him: No. [-]. No. [-] mastered the "six major Taoist realms".

The sixth sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named him: No. [-]. No. [-] mastered the 'Sixth Level of Life Dao Domain'.

The seventh sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named him: No. [-]. No. [-] mastered the 'sixth level of psychedelic Tao realm'.

The eighth sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named him: No. [-]. No. [-] mastered the 'sixth level of death realm'.

The ninth, sixteenth-level Taoist soldier, Xu Qing named him: No. [-]. No. [-] mastered the "Sixth Level Sword Dao Domain".

Xu Qing's expression pondered, "From this point of view, among the nine sixteenth-level Taoist soldiers, the 'sixth level of Taoist realm' that each sixteenth-level Taoist soldier has cultivated and mastered is different."

(End of this chapter)

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