Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 193 LV22 Cauliflower Snake, Broken Ten Thousand Demon Drums

Chapter 193 LV22 Cauliflower Snake, Broken Ten Thousand Demon Drums

"Lord...the envoy of the town, what happened...?"

Seeing the angry tone of the guardian, Gao Yuetai had a vague premonition. He suppressed the anxiety in his heart, walked to the guardian, and asked in a respectful and low voice.

In fact.

Gao Yuetai didn't want to escape from the government prison. As the demon slayer commander, he knew one thing very clearly, that is, he did not kill Zhao Ming.

And now.

If he absconded from the government prison, his nature would be different. He would be suspected of "absconding in fear of crime." The reason why Gao Yuetai chose to escape was precisely because the person who assisted him in escaping was the Yuehe government envoy. .


Only then did Gao Yuetai make up his mind.


The guard took a deep breath, and black magic flames burned in his hands, burning the jade slip of information into ashes, and waves of demonic energy rose up around him.


Gao Yuetai's pupils contracted.

next moment.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Gao Yuetai turned around and ran away.

The speed has reached the extreme.


Incomparable fear.

To know.

The man in front of him was the governor of Yuehe City. His status was very high in Yuehe City, and he was equal to Duan Minggong, the head of the palace. Sometimes, he even had more power than Duan Minggong.


Such a lofty being, such an extremely powerful being, turned out to be a stranger on the devil's path, and turned out to be a terrifying big devil.

this moment.

The high platform has a feeling that the sky is falling, an illusion that the sky has collapsed, and a sense of absurdity and absurdity in which the worldview is shattered.

and so.

Gao Yuetai turned around and ran away.

Blood splattered.

The guardian didn't look back, he just raised his sword finger with his right hand, pointed it out again, and the demonic energy condensed and turned into a black finger light, which penetrated Gao Yuetai's head.

Black fingerlight shines through the body.


Gao Yuetai opened his mouth, and the body leaned forward and fell to the ground.

has died.

"Since the plan failed, you have no value."

The guard's tone was calm, as if killing Gao Yuetai was like stepping on an ant on the roadside without any emotion.

"It seems that if you want to get other 'Fragments of the Inheritance Slate', you still have to find another way. There is also Duan Minggong, who ruined my good deeds this time. Next time, I will definitely let you Repay it a hundredfold.”

The voice fell.

The guardian envoy turned into a black escaping light.

In a blink of an eye.

has disappeared.

three days later.

Gao Yuetai's body was discovered by members of the patrol outside the city, and he was quickly reported to the Yuehe Prefecture. Duan Minggong quickly sent people to investigate.

At last.

It was only discovered that Gao Yuetai was killed by a master of magic.

As for the specific information about the murderer, there is no way to find out.

"Could it really be you?"

Duan Minggong put his hands behind his back. He looked at Gao Yuetai's body with deep eyes, looking into the distance, and murmured in a tone that he still couldn't accept until now.

the most important is.

If everything was what Duan Minggong thought, he simply couldn't imagine to what extent the entire Yuehe City had been infiltrated.


Today it is today.

The other party just showed a little bit of weakness.

and so.

Duan Minggong hopes that his guess will be wrong, but he must be prepared for the worst outcome, and he must also be fully prepared to deal with this matter.

Yuehe Fucheng.

XC zone.

Tianqi Street.

In the courtyard where Xu Qing is.

boom!boom!boom! ! !
can be seen.

Xu Qing continued to practice the Baji Tianpeng Fist and the Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique with concentration. He could complete the practice four times in one second and gain four experience points.

The speed is already very fast.


There is no chaos in Yuehe City, which is also a good thing for Xu Qing. As long as there is no chaos in Yuehe City, he can continue to steadily gain experience points, upgrade his level, and improve his strength and realm.

time flies.

blink of an eye.

Another three months have passed.

this day.


Xu Qing punched out, creating a strong explosion of air. Xu Qing became more and more powerful. He had practiced the Baji Tianpeng Fist and the Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique for so long, and he also continued to meditate and meditate at night. Run the second secret method of Devouring Demonic Skill, and once again accumulate enough experience points.

You can continue to upgrade.


[Baji Tianpeng Fist LV14: 16000000/16000000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the eighth level of martial arts and Tianpeng artistic conception.)]


[Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique LV14: 16000000/16000000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the eight levels of deadly swordsmanship, the mysterious sword, the human sword, the divine sword, the earth sword, and the heavenly sword, a total of six sword intentions.)]


[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skills LV20: 400624000/262144000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the eighth level of Devouring Demonic Intent, and mastered the 'Third Level of Devouring Magic'.)]


Before and after.

Xu Qing spent about 140 days.

Only then enough experience points were accumulated.

"Upgrade them all."

Xu Qingdao.


【update successed! 】

[Baji Tianpeng Fist LV15: 0/32000000 (Mastered the true meaning of eight perfect martial arts and the artistic conception of Tianpeng.)]


【update successed! 】

[Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique LV15: 0/32000000 (Mastered the eight perfect levels of life-threatening sword intent, the mysterious sword, the human sword, the divine sword, the earth sword, and the heavenly sword, a total of six sword intents.)]


【update successed! 】

[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skills LV21: 138480000/524288000 (Mastered the eighth level of perfect Devouring Demonic Intent, and mastered the 'Third Level of Devouring Magic'.)]



Xu Qing took a deep breath and felt his own condition. It took more than an hour to adapt to and master the improved strength.

just now.

Xu Qing's martial arts cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth-level artistic realm, and his demonic cultivation has also reached the peak of the eighth-level magic elixir realm, becoming more and more powerful.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

Xu Qing said in a deep voice.


Xu Qing frowned slightly, "The speed at which I gain experience points is still too slow. According to this situation, it will take at least half a year for me to enter the ninth level of artistic conception."


Xu Qing currently has no good solution, because he has mastered five LV20 magic weapons. The fields of these magic weapons are superimposed together, which is the limit that can be achieved at present.


Xu Qing can only rely on time to slowly upgrade. "That's all."

Xu Qing looked thoughtful.

blink of an eye.

seven days later.

this day.

in the morning.

Xu Qing is practicing the Baji Tianpeng Boxing. His boxing skills are superb and extremely fast. In just one second, he has completed the practice four times and gained four experience points.

And at this time.

A dragon-like voice sounded in Xu Qing's mind, and this voice came from the 'Cauliflower Snake', and the 'Cauliflower Snake' was no longer what it used to be.

Such a long time has passed.

The cauliflower snake follows the 'venomous beast path' and does not take the form of a human. Instead, it hunts outside, and with its special 'devouring stomach' magical power, the cauliflower snake can eat a large amount of flesh and blood every day.

The flesh and blood eaten can be converted into a large amount of experience points.


Xu Qing can upgrade the cauliflower snake.

In just a few years.

The cauliflower snake has already grown into an extremely terrifying beast, reaching the level of a level [-] beast, which is equivalent to a martial arts master of the 'Triple True Concept'.

[Cauliflower Snake LV22: 200000/20971520 (The ordinary cauliflower snake transformed step by step into a 'devouring python'. It has a kilometer-long body of a huge ferocious beast, and has awakened the 'devouring stomach' and 'boundless giant'. Li's magical power has reached the level of a level [-] ferocious beast.)]


Xu Qing looked thoughtful as he listened carefully to the message from the Cauliflower Snake.

"The LV22 cauliflower snake was originally an ordinary cauliflower snake. It has been upgraded again and again. Now it is a level [-] ferocious beast."

Xu Qing felt a little emotional in his heart, "This is already equivalent to a martial arts master of the 'Three Realms'. Moreover, I didn't cultivate it at all. I relied on the cauliflower snake to hunt and grow."


Cauliflower Snake can be said to be the strongest member of Xu Qing's staff.

"Ten Thousand Demon Drums?"

Xu Qing looked stunned for a moment, then showed a hint of joy, and said in a shocked tone: "Cauliflower Snake actually found what I needed in the Ten Thousand Demons Gate."


Xu Qing possesses magical weapons from five paths: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Demonism, and Trickery. All of them have reached LV20 and can overlap into ten realms.

It is true that there is still a lack of magic weapons for demon cultivators.


If Xu Qing can find a suitable magic weapon for cultivating demons and raise it to LV20, he will be able to collect all six kinds of magic weapons. By then, he will be able to overlap more areas and produce stronger effects.


This will increase the speed of gaining experience points.

"Good good."

The smile on Xu Qing's face became even brighter.


Xu Qing slowly learned that LV22 Cauliflower Snake joined the 'Ten Thousand Demons Sect' one year after the 'Reincarnation Ruins' incident ended, and became an elder of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Sect'. Among the hundreds of thousands of mountains in the Demon Sect, a mountain range named 'Wolong' was obtained as its territory and habitat.

To know.

The LV22 Cauliflower Snake has grown so fast that it has even attracted the attention of the Master of the Wan Yao Sect. Just a month ago, the Cauliflower Snake passed the test of the Master of the Wan Yao Sect. Therefore, under the witness of Wan Yao, Wan Yao has The master of the sect personally accepted Caihua Snake as his direct disciple.

It can be said.

Cauliflower Snake has the qualifications to become the next leader of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.


After Cauliflower Snake became the direct disciple of the master of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, he went to the treasure house of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and discovered the 'Ten Thousand Demons Drum'.

"Then let Ye Langtian go to the Wanyao Gate to get it from the Wanyao Gu."

Xu Qing pondered in his heart.

To know.

The size of the cauliflower snake is really too big. It is obviously only a level [-] ferocious beast, but its size reaches over a thousand meters. This is indeed an exaggeration.

It can be said.

Among the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, those ferocious beasts that have reached the fifteenth level, that is, the supreme elders of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, are not as big as the Cauliflower Snake.

Such is the potential of the cauliflower snake.

After upgrading again and again, transforming again and again, from an ordinary cauliflower snake, it broke through the limits and reached the extreme, and then reached this point.


The LV22 Cauliflower Snake was too big to be dispatched easily. It was impossible for Xu Qing to go to the Ten Thousand Demons Gate in person, so he thought of Ye Langtian.

in the afternoon.

Xu Qing issued an order for Ye Langtian to set off for the Ten Thousand Demons Gate, and the LV22 Cauliflower Snake also received a message from Xu Qing.


After Xu Qing gave the instructions, he just had to wait slowly.

Time flickers.

Three days have passed.

After all, Ye Langtian is the second-in-command of the Blood Demon Cult branch. It only took him one day to reach the boundary of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, which is the 'Hundred Thousand Mountains'.


Ye Langtian spent another day secretly meeting the LV22 cauliflower snake. Especially when he saw the LV22 cauliflower snake with his own eyes, it had a gigantic body of a thousand meters and lived in the mountains. It had an extremely majestic giant snake head. They are all as majestic as a mountain peak.


Ye Langtian was shocked.

next moment.

The LV22 cauliflower snake opened its bloody mouth, and the snake vomited out, and at the end of the snake, there was a simple big drum.

"it is good."

Ye Langtian took a deep breath and calmed down as much as possible. He quickly reached out and took the Ten Thousand Demon Drum from the end of Snake Xinzi.

call out!
The LV22 Cauliflower Snake withdrew its snake letter and closed its huge eyes again.


Ye Langtian didn't dare to stay in the realm of the Ten Thousand Demon Clan for too long, so as not to attract the attention of the demon clan and cause unnecessary trouble, so he left quickly after getting the things.


No accidents occurred during this period.

It took Ye Langtian a day to return to Yuehe Fucheng.

late at night.

In a deserted alley outside the yard.

Xu Qing put on the evil ghost mask, changed his appearance, and met Ye Langtian in this deserted alley, and Ye Langtian quickly handed the Ten Thousand Demons Drum to Xu Qing.

"Master, this is the Ten Thousand Demon Drums you need."

Ye Langtian said.


Xu Qing nodded and put away the Ten Thousand Demon Drums.

"Let's go back."

Xu Qing waved his hand and said, "If there is any big event, remember to report the specific situation to me."

"Yes, as ordered."

Ye Langtian's tone was respectful.

The voice fell.

Ye Langtian had already left, and his figure turned into a black mist, blending into the darkness. In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Xu Qing also left quickly.

blink of an eye.

Xu Qing returned to his residence and entered the bedroom.


Xu Qing took out the Drum of Ten Thousand Demons, and with a thought, his consciousness communicated with the Illustrated Book of All Things. As the Illustrated Book of All Things flashed with fluorescence, the Drum of Ten Thousand Demons in Xu Qing's hand also flashed a white light.


A picture appeared in front of Xu Qing's eyes. In the picture, the Ten Thousand Monster Drum was refined by the founder of the Ten Thousand Monster Sect, the Ten Thousand Monster Snake Ancestor, who collected the skins of ten thousand kinds of monsters a long time ago. A magic weapon made from a magic weapon is a very powerful war weapon. As long as the drum of ten thousand monsters is beaten, it can stimulate the fighting spirit of ten thousand monsters and increase their combat effectiveness.


The 'Ten Thousand Demonic Drum' was damaged by a powerful warrior during a war, and as time passed, its power became weaker and weaker.


It's just an ordinary magic weapon.

Even worse.

[Damaged Ten Thousand Monsters Drum LV1: 0/100 (This is a 'War Drum' refined by the founder of Ten Thousand Monsters Sect, 'Ten Thousand Monsters Snake Ancestor', who collected the skins of ten thousand kinds of monsters, but because of the war, It was damaged and eroded by time, and it has long lost its original strength.)]

After successful inclusion.

Corresponding information flooded into my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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