Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 190 The new second-in-command of the Blood Demon Cult branch continues to make breakthroughs

Chapter 190 The new second-in-command of the Blood Demon Cult branch continues to make breakthroughs!Eight levels of artistic conception!
time flies.

Although he continued to practice the Baji Tianpeng Fist and the Life-Destroying Heavenly Sword Technique every day, as well as meditating and running the dual secret techniques of Devouring Demonic Techniques at night, it was relatively boring because he was repeating the same life every day.


Xu Qing can see the experience value increasing at a stable rate every day, and he feels a sense of satisfaction when he sees the increase in experience value.

and also.

As the experience points slowly accumulate, there will be a sense of anticipation for the upcoming upgrade.


In this world, there is no shortage of hard-working people, but for many people, you have tried your best, worked hard every day, and your efforts and diligence every day, but you cannot get equal rewards at all.

Every day is endless work, never-ending diligence, never-ending efforts, but you can't see your own growth or your own gains.

under these circumstances.

You will feel boring, you will feel deeply powerless, and you will feel that no matter how hard you work, you will never be able to catch up with other people's lives.

Some people are born in Rome and enjoy all the glory and wealth, but they work hard and diligently all their lives, but they can never reach Rome.

Although Xu Qing works 24 hours a day every day, he has almost no rest. He practices the Baji Tianpeng Fist for eight hours, the Life-Destroying Heavenly Sword Technique for eight hours, and meditates and operates the second secret method of Devouring Demon Technique for eight hours at night.

down all day.

That means there is no rest, only time to eat level six spiritual food.


Xu Qing can see his own growth every day, he can see his gains every day, and he knows how long it will take before he can level up and become stronger.


Xu Qing became stronger very quickly, surpassing those so-called geniuses and monsters. He knew what kind of gains he would gain when he became stronger.


Xu Qing is full of expectations every day and full of hope for the future.

There is.

Xu Qing also knew that if he didn't work hard to become stronger, if he didn't work hard to practice, and if he didn't work hard to improve his cultivation and strength, what awaited him would most likely be 'death'.

in this world.

Nobody wants to die.

this day.


inside the yard.


Xu Qing took a deep breath, stopped practicing, and exhaled another breath of turbid air. With a thought in his mind, his consciousness communicated with the Illustrated Book of All Things, "Unconsciously, another seventy days have passed. Baji Tianpeng Fist, killing people." The Heavenly Sword Technique, as well as the second level secret technique of Devouring Demon Technique, have accumulated enough experience points and can be upgraded again."


[Baji Tianpeng Fist LV12: 4048000/4000000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the seventh level of martial arts and Tianpeng artistic conception.)]


[Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique LV12: 4048000/4000000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the seventh level of deadly swordsmanship, the mysterious sword, the human sword, the divine sword, the earth sword, and the heavenly sword, a total of six sword intentions.)]


[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skills LV18: 93232000/65536000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the seventh level of Devouring Demonic Intention, and mastered the 'Second Level of Devouring Magic'.)]


"Upgrade them all."

Xu Qingdao.


The Illustrated Book of All Things was shining brightly, and the light was more intense than before. Countless little black figures seemed to appear in front of Xu Qing's eyes, and then they continued to practice mysterious martial arts, showing the secrets of the method.

Xu Qing's consciousness was shaken, and there was a roar in his mind, as if he was pulled into a mysterious space and entered a wonderful state.

time flies.

In this mysterious space, there is no concept of time. It seems as if a moment has passed or tens of thousands of years have passed.

It wasn't until Xu Qing further practiced the dual secret techniques of Baji Tianpeng Fist, Life-Destroying Heavenly Sword Technique, and Devouring Demon Technique in this mysterious space, and understood more mysteries, that his own consciousness began to change from this mysterious space. came out of the space.


【update successed! 】

[Baji Tianpeng Fist LV13: 48000/8000000 (Mastered the seventh level of perfect martial arts and Tianpeng artistic conception.)]


【update successed! 】

[Leading Heavenly Sword Technique LV13: 48000/8000000 (Mastered the seven perfect sword intents of life-threatening, deceitful sword, human sword, divine sword, earth sword, and heavenly sword, a total of six sword intents.)]


【update successed! 】

[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skills LV19: 195696000/131072000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the seventh level of perfect Devouring Demonic Intent, mastered the 'Second Level of Devouring Magic'.)]


for a short period of time.

After three upgrades, the three major techniques of Baji Tianpeng Fist, Life-Destroying Heavenly Sword Technique, and the Second Level Secret Technique of Devouring Demon Techniques have all been upgraded to one level.


Xu Qing took a deep breath. With the improvement of the three major skills, Xu Qing's cultivation and realm also improved, from entering the seventh level of artistic conception to reaching the peak of the seventh level of artistic conception.

among them.

The martial arts artistic conception, the Tianpeng artistic conception, the six sword intentions, the swallowing devil intention, a total of nine artistic conceptions, all of which have reached the seventh level of perfection.

The violent fighting spirit is also the seventh level of perfection.

after an hour.

Xu Qing adapted to the improved strength and power, slowly opened his eyes, and carefully realized his own changes, his strength had improved a lot.


Xu Qing looked thoughtful and sighed: "We have already reached the peak of the seventh level of artistic conception, and we are only two steps away from the peak of the ninth level of artistic conception."

In the courtyard.

"Congratulations, master. Congratulations, master, for your great improvement in cultivation."

Wu Yi said in a flattering tone.

"Congratulations, master..."

Wu Er, Wu San, and Kaya also congratulated.


Xu Qing nodded.


Xu Qing continued to practice the Eight-Ji Tianpeng Fist and the Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique. Although he had reached the peak of the seventh-level artistic conception, the speed of the training did not change much. He could still practice the complete Baji Tianpeng twice in one second. Boxing may also be a life-threatening sword technique.

Time flickers.


in the bedroom.

"Secret method of swallowing magic power."

Xu Qing sat cross-legged, entered the state, and began to meditate and operate the two secret techniques of Devouring Demonic Skills. Demonic energy quickly rose up all over his body, as if he had turned into a terrifying big demon.

blink of an eye.

Eight hours passed in the evening.


With a thought in his mind, Xu Qing communicated with the Illustrated Book of All Things, looked at the information about the second level secret method of Devouring Demon Skill, and said in a deep voice: "Although the second level secret method of Devouring Demon Skill has been upgraded to LV19, the magic path cultivation level has also reached the seventh-turn magic pill level. Peak, but the speed of meditating and operating the two-layered secret method of Devouring Demonic Skills has not changed. It is still possible to meditate and operate the two-layered secret method of Devouring Demonic Skills 120 million times in eight hours at night."

"That's fifteen times an hour, 41 times per minute, and 42 to [-] times per second."

of course.

This speed is actually not very fast.


For example, a car's engine can spin thousands of revolutions per second, so by comparison, meditating and operating the dual secret technique of Devouring Demonic Skills 41 to 42 times per second is really not that fast.

time flies.


Xu Qing practiced martial arts and meditated on magic skills every day. As time passed day by day, Yuehe City was as calm as ever, without any major disturbances.

All forces are recuperating and studying the 'Inheritance Slate'.but.

Xu Qing could vaguely smell the calm before the storm.


One more thing.

Since Ye Langtian entered the "Weird: Deserted Village" last time, with the help of Xu Qing, after passing the test of the deserted village, he obtained the "Violent Origin" and stimulated the "Crazy Blood" in his body.


Ye Langtian's speed in practicing the Demon Devouring Art has greatly increased. In addition, Ye Langtian and Liu Ying, the leader of the Blood Demon Sect branch, have a leg up. With the help of Liu Ying, they can practice with the resources of the Blood Demon Sect branch.

and so.

Ye Langtian's demon-swallowing skill has improved very quickly. Not long ago, he broke through to the sixth-level demon elixir realm and completely mastered the real 'swallowing method'. Moreover, the 'swallowing method' mastered by Ye Langtian is even more advanced. It is strange and has a kind of madness that is difficult to describe.

There is.

Ye Langtian's status in the Blood Demon Cult branch has been getting higher and higher. At the same time, Ye Langtian has also met the apostle of the Blood Demon Cult branch many times.


Ye Langtian had never seen the true face of the apostle.


However, Ye Langtian's qualifications were also valued by the apostle, and with Liuying's help, Ye Langtian served as the second-in-command of the Blood Demon Sect's branch in Yuehe Fucheng three days ago. , he has now taken the position where he used to be with 'grey hair'.


Ye Langtian took the second-in-command position, and naturally many people were dissatisfied, because Ye Langtian's magic skills cultivation level had only reached the sixth level of the Demonic Pill Realm, and his martial arts cultivation level had just reached the 'first level of true artistic conception'.

With such cultivation and strength, many people in the Blood Demon Sect are naturally unconvinced, because among the Blood Demon Sect, many elders have already mastered the "Elixir Shattered into Infants" The true meaning of the devil's way, the nine-turn magic pill was broken, and a 'devil infant' was born, reaching the level of 'one-turn devil infant' or above.

But it doesn't matter.

In the Demonic Cult.

If you don't accept it, beat the opponent until he is convinced.

and so.

In just three days, Ye Langtian challenged the powerful elders of the Blood Demon Sect one after another, each of whom was at the 'Fourth Transformation Demon Infant Realm' or above.


Win the whole battle.

Ye Langtian's strength was too strong. While cultivating both magic and martial arts, he also mastered the 'six levels of violent fighting intent'. In addition, Ye Langtian also had two terrifying weapons, the Devouring Blade and the Furious Halberd.


Ye Langtian defeated all dissenters.

He has completely secured his position as the second-in-command of the Blood Demon Cult branch.

That night.

Xu Qing received the message from Ye Langtian.


Xu Qing took a deep breath, looked at the jade slip in his hand, and browsed the rest inside. He couldn't calm down for a long time, "This is simply..."


Xu Qing was speechless.

Never thought of it.

Ye Langtian was able to thrive so well in the Blood Demon Sect.

"This is also a good thing."

Xu Qing had calmed down, "You know, the Blood Demon Sect's power is spread throughout the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, and the one here in Yuehe Fucheng is just a branch."


"Ye Langtian's status in the Blood Demon Sect is getting higher and higher. When the time comes, Ye Langtian will be able to use the power of the Blood Demon Sect to bring him enough convenience."

"Just for example."

"There is a lot of internal information within the Blood Demon Sect that I don't know about. These things can be investigated by Ye Langtian within the Blood Demon Sect."

"Not bad."

Xu Qing nodded with satisfaction, "It's not in vain that I went to 'Weird: Deserted Village' personally and rescued you from 'Weird: Deserted Village'."


Xu Qing's adventure was worth it.


Xu Qing became more and more satisfied with Ye Langtian's performance.


Xu Qing used the upgraded Tianqiao Pill and Sheofan Pill, etc., and indeed conquered many subordinates and servants, plus the dead Yan Gu.

Only Ye Langtian brought the greatest help and benefits.

The only reason.

That is, there is a high probability that 'Ye Langtian' is the 'Son of Luck'. Although we don't know what extent Ye Langtian's luck can reach, for now, it is indeed a great help to Xu Qing.

this day.



Xu Qing took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and had withdrawn from the state of practicing martial arts. With a thought, his consciousness had communicated with the Illustrated Book of All Things, "Unconsciously, the specific upgrade from the last time to now has passed. It’s been more than 140 days.”


"I have once again accumulated enough experience points in my three major skills and techniques to be able to upgrade again. There is no need for me to delay any longer."


[Baji Tianpeng Fist LV13: 8112000/8000000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the seventh level of perfect martial arts and Tianpeng artistic conception.)]


[Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique LV13: 8112000/8000000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the seven perfect levels of life-threatening, deceitful sword, human sword, divine sword, earth sword, and heavenly sword, a total of six sword intentions.)]


[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skills LV19: 195696000/131072000 (can be upgraded!) (Mastered the seventh level of perfect Devouring Demonic Intent, mastered the 'Second Level of Devouring Magic'.)]


"After reaching level 19 of the second secret technique of Devouring Demon Skill, the experience points required to continue upgrading have exceeded [-] million without even realizing it."

Xu Qing looked thoughtful and said.

"Upgrade them all."


With a thought in Xu Qing's mind, his consciousness communicated with the Illustrated Book of All Things, and he upgraded the three main skills again. The first upgrade was still the LV13 Baji Tianpeng Fist.

boom!boom!boom! ! !
There was a roar in Xu Qing's mind, and the picture in front of him was distorted. Countless little black figures appeared, and they were constantly practicing the Baji Tianpeng Fist.


Xu Qing's consciousness was shaken and he was pulled into a mysterious space. In this mysterious space, he practiced and understood the Baji Tianpeng Fist.


【update successed! 】

[Baji Tianpeng Fist LV14: 112000/16000000 (Mastered the eighth level of martial arts and Tianpeng artistic conception.)]


【update successed! 】

[Deadly Heavenly Sword Technique LV14: 112000/16000000 (Mastered the eight levels of deadly swordsmanship, deceitful sword, human sword, divine sword, earth sword, and heavenly sword, a total of six sword intentions.)]


【update successed! 】

[Secret Technique of the Second Level of Devouring Demon Skill LV20: 64624000/262144000 (Mastered the eighth level of Devouring Demonic Intent, and mastered the 'third level of Devouring Magic'.)]


for a short period of time.

Xu Qing has been upgraded three times, and all three major skills have been upgraded by one level. After three enlightenment-like improvements, Xu Qing's cultivation and realm have once again broken through.

among them.

The martial arts cultivation level has reached the "First Entering the Eighth-Level Artistic Realm", and the Demonic Path cultivation level has also reached the "First Entering the Eighth-Level Demonic Pill Realm". Unfortunately, the violent fighting spirit is still the seventh-level artistic conception perfection, and the accumulation in "Weird: Deserted Village" has been It was all consumed when I broke through to the 'Seventh Transformation Demonic Pill Realm' before.

(End of this chapter)

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