Chapter 185 The Ye Family’s Crazy Blood
"Ye Langtian, what's going on here?"

Xu Qing looked around. As time entered into the night, the deserted village had undergone great changes, and many villagers suddenly appeared.


Xu Qing found that the faces of these villagers were stiff, and each of them had a fake smile on their face. They did not look like real living people at all.


Even inside 'Strange: Deserted Village', there can't be any living people.


Ye Langtian has already walked over. His face is a little pale, his aura has become a lot weaker, and there are a lot of injuries on his body. "This subordinate can't bear it anymore."


Ye Langtian carefully told Xu Qing about the situation here.

"As night falls in Yejia Village, various wild beasts, monsters, and ferocious beasts that have entered a state of rage will appear in the mountains outside the village."

Ye Langtian said in a solemn tone: "And we are going to resist the attacks of these wild beasts, monsters, and ferocious beasts that have entered a violent state, and help Yejia Village survive the beast tide."


"If we fail and Yejia Village is captured by the beast tide, or if we are killed by the beast tide, everything around us will start again."


Xu Qing's expression pondered, "You mean, even if you are killed, it will not be a real death, but starting from scratch?"


Ye Langtian nodded, "Although you are killed or fail, although you will not die, you will lose one year of life every time you die and are resurrected."


Xu Qing took a look at Ye Langtian's hair, and indeed found that Ye Langtian had a few strands of white hair on his temples. Apparently, he died too many times and failed too many times during this period, which led to the shortening of his lifespan. passage.

Continue like this.

Ye Langtian will definitely die after failing again and again, and eventually his life will be completely exhausted.


Xu Qing nodded.

"the most important is."

Ye Langtian continued: "The old man in the village also told me that this is a test just for me. As long as I pass the test, I will get corresponding rewards."


Xu Qing pondered.

in fact.

to now.

Xu Qing has basically guessed why Ye Langtian was suddenly pulled into the 'Weird: Deserted Village'. It was precisely because Xu Qing's second level secret method of Devouring Demonic Skills entered the 'Sixth Transformation Demonic Pill Realm'.

'Weird: Deserted Village' must have sensed that Xu Qing had entered the 'Sixth Transformation Demonic Pill Realm' where the second secret method of devouring magic skills was found, and then approached Ye Langtian and pulled Ye Langtian into the 'test' .

As for why he approached Ye Langtian instead of Xu Qing, it was probably because the jade slip inherited from the 'Devouring Demonic Skill' was in Ye Langtian's body.

As for whether this is the case.

You just have to wait until the beast tide starts to find out.


Roar!Roar!Roar! ! !
Thinking room.

Xu Qing felt the ground shaking. After listening carefully for a while, he felt the feeling of thousands of troops galloping towards him.


There are also various roars of different beasts in my ears.



Xu Qing took a deep breath and looked outside the village.


Ye Langtian said: "The beast tide is coming."


Xu Qing nodded.

"The beast tide is coming, the beast tide is coming..."



The villagers in Yejia Village were panicked.

"Don't panic."

"All the young people in the village came over and went to the fence to stop the tide of beasts."

"The old, weak, women and children stay in the village."


At this time.

Xu Qing saw the village old man appear, as well as the village hunting team captain. The captain was a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, a tall and muscular figure, and quite powerful.


There are 38 young people gathered in Yejiacun, most of them are members of the hunting team, and they all have a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

of course.

After all, these people in Yejia Village are villagers. Even if they have a certain fighting ability, it is limited. If they want to resist this terrifying beast tide, they still have to look at the strength of Xu Qing and Ye Langtian.

"Master, they are here."

In front of the fence in Yejia Village.

can be seen.

The entire Yejia Village's fence is made of tough ironwood and does have certain defensive capabilities, but after all, it is just a fence and cannot be compared with a city wall.

Such a fence is simply like paper in front of the beast tide.


Xu Qing took a deep breath. He stood in front of the fence in the village and looked straight ahead. He saw beasts, monsters, and ferocious beasts with scarlet eyes.

first.Those at the forefront were ordinary wild beasts such as forest wolves, mountain bears, and forest pythons, but each beast's eyes were scarlet and entered a special state of violence.

Behind the beasts, there are monsters one after another. These monsters have begun to undergo extraordinary transformations, such as the wind wolf that can breathe out wind blades, the rock bear that can condense rocks, and the wild python that has grown a single horn. etc.

And at the rear.

Xu Qing saw extremely large beasts. Each beast was at least a hundred meters in length. Each beast was a giant beast and contained a terrifying aura.


At the very back of the beast tide, there was a thick gray-black mist. Faintly in the thick gray-black mist, there was a ferocious beast as huge as a mountain.

"Get ready to fight."

Xu Qingdao.


Ye Langtian responded.

Roar! ! !
The beast roared.


The beast tide has already reached the village.


Xu Qing's eyes were indifferent. He took a step forward, and the six items that reached LV20 rushed out and floated over the battlefield.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !
can be seen.


Six items.

at this moment.

Domains one after another were released, each item erupted with terrifying power, spirituality and wisdom were completely revived, and the ten domains were superimposed.

The whole crowd was suppressed.

The entire beast tide has been affected, and its combat effectiveness has been continuously suppressed. The overall combat power of the beast tide has been weakened by at least half.

"Martial Arts Divine Fist!"

Ye Langtian shouted loudly. His martial arts cultivation level, due to taking the LV20 Tianqiao Pill, had already entered the first level of true meaning, mastered the first level of true meaning of martial arts, and had strong fighting power.


Ye Langtian's demon-devouring skill is still perfect in the third level of artistic conception. He is only one step away from entering the fourth level of artistic conception, but it is still a little behind.

Boom! ! !
puff!puff!puff! ! !
The punch that Ye Langtian blasted was extremely powerful, and its power was also extremely terrifying. The bright fist seal struck and shattered the violent beasts and violent monsters one by one.

It can be said.

Ye Langtian's strength is indeed strong, and his combat experience is getting richer and richer.


Xu Qing's expression was deep in thought. He watched Ye Langtian's battle and pondered secretly in his heart, "According to Ye Langtian's strength, these ordinary violent beasts and violent demonic beasts cannot be his opponents, and they can be easily dealt with." fell, and the reason for Ye Langtian's failure is probably those violent ferocious beasts."

"And the huge ferocious beast like a mountain in the gray-black mist."

"Swallow the Dafa."

Xu Qing took one step forward. His speed was very fast, and his figure was like a stream of light. He stepped into the battlefield. With a thought in his mind, he quickly started to use the Devouring Demonic Art.


Xu Qing performed the 'Swallowing Technique'.

hum!hum!hum! ! ! !


Xu Qing raised his right hand, and in his palm, infinite demonic energy gathered. The six levels of devouring demonic energy condensed and turned into a black vortex, suspended in mid-air.

"Swallow Dafa!!!"

In the village.

The village elder stared at all this with his eyes widened, as if he had seen the most bizarre thing in the world.

"how is this possible?"

The village elder murmured, "Ye Langtian has the blood of the ancient ancestors of the Ye family in his body, and there are signs of recovery, so the 'Devouring Demonic Art' recognizes him as the master."

"in this world."

"Only those with the 'crazy blood' of the ancestors of the ancient Ye family can practice the 'Devouring Demon Art'. Moreover, even among the descendants of the Ye family who also possess the 'crazy blood', as long as one person succeeds in practicing it, the others will not be able to practice it." Maybe he can practice the 'Devouring Demon Skill' again."

"It has 'uniqueness'."


"Why? Why? Why does this person not have 'crazy blood' in his body? He is not a descendant of the Ye family. Moreover, Ye Langtian has already practiced the Devouring Demon Art. Why can he also succeed in it?"

"What's even more incredible is that."

"Ye Langtian's Demon-Devouring Technique has only reached the third-level Demonic Pill Realm, but his Demon-Devouring Technique has already entered the Sixth-level Demonic Pill Realm, and he has mastered the sixth-level Devouring Demonic Intent."

To know.

'Weird: Deserted Village' was actually created by 'Ye Canling', the ancestor of the ancient Ye family, from the 'ancient times' until now, in order to pass on the Ye family's 'Devouring Demon Skill'.


Xu Qing deduced that there was no problem. It was because Xu Qing had practiced the Devouring Demon Art to the level of the Sixth Transformation Demonic Pill, and 'Weird: Deserted Village' sensed it and pulled Ye Langtian in.


The test of 'Weird: Deserted Village' has begun, but it is discovered that Ye Langtian has not reached the level of the Sixth Transformation Demonic Pill. Ye Langtian obviously has the strength of a warrior with the first level of true artistic conception, but he has not stepped into the Sixth Transformation of the Demonic Elixir because of the Devouring Demonic Skill. The situation caused the 'test' to never be completed, causing Ye Langtian to die again and again, fail again and again, and thus lose a lot of life.

'Weird: Deserted Village' also felt that something was not quite right, but the 'test' procedure was set by the ancient ancestor of the Ye family, 'Ye Canngling', and it was impossible to change it.


If this test continues like this, Ye Langtian will never be able to pass it. He can only exhaust all his life and die after failing the test again and again.

under these circumstances.

Ye Langtian sent out a signal for help and used a special technique to knock out the jade slip. Moreover, "Weird: Deserted Village" did not stop Ye Langtian from calling for help.


Ye Langtian's jade slip asking for help fell into Xu Qing's hands.

Xu Qing came to the rescue.

(End of this chapter)

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