Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 173 The Straw That Broke the Camel's Camel

Chapter 173 The Last Straw That Broke the Camel's Camel

The effect of the LV20 Pure Heart Wooden Fish is extremely powerful, especially for the existence of the 'inner demon', it has extremely restrained effect and power.

and also.

The King Kong Dao Weapon is a sixteenth-level Dao Weapon, comparable to the 'Sixth Level of True Artistic Realm', almost equivalent to the 'Extreme Extraordinary', and can bring out all the power of the LV20 Pure Heart Wooden Fish.

and so.

The 'reincarnation inner demon' in Lan Yu and Zhou Yi was suppressed by the LV20 Qingxin Muyu, which led to such a phenomenon and the scene of boiling demonic energy.

the most important is.

Lan Yu and Zhou Yi's own consciousness was not completely swallowed by the 'Reincarnation Demon', and they still retained their own consciousness. Therefore, after the 'Reincarnation Demon' in their bodies was suppressed by the LV20 Qingxin Muyu, their own consciousness began to recover. , began to compete for control.



Extremely shocked.

Temple Master Lanke never expected that such a thing would happen, and couldn't help but said: "Fellow Taoist, you actually mastered the methods of 'Buddhism'? You..."

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !
The wooden fish sound of LV20 Qingxin Muyu continued to sound, getting louder and louder, as if endless Buddhist sounds appeared from all directions.

call out!call out!call out! ! !
In an instant.

The 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' was vibrating and had a violent reaction. The owner of the reincarnation ruins who had not yet been fully resurrected was also affected by the LV20 Qingxin Muyu.

and so.

The blood-colored chains were like wild pythons and dragons. They roared like dragons, bared their teeth and claws, and attacked the Vajra Taoist soldiers from all directions.

"Six layers of true meaning of ice!"

The Ice Taoist soldier gave a sweet shout, and she rushed forward. As soon as her mind moved, the LV20 copper coin sword appeared, bursting out with infinite sword energy, and each sword energy contained a heavy layer of energy. Thunder can destroy evil spirits, slay demons and treacherous creatures, and is extremely powerful.

The LV20 copper coin sword also has infinite power. In the past, due to Xu Qing's insufficient cultivation, he was unable to truly display the power of the LV20 copper coin sword.

just now.

The sixteenth-level ice Taoist soldier holds a LV20 copper coin sword, which is enough to truly display the power of the LV20 copper coin sword and explode with infinite power.

The powerful sword energy cut off the blood-colored chains one after another, cracked inch by inch, and shattered into blood-colored light spots all over the sky, dissipating all around.

"Cough cough..."

The ice Taoist soldiers were also injured. Although the LV20 Copper Coin Sword cut out sword energy and thunder in the sky, there were too many bloody chains. There was still a bloody chain that broke through the blockade of sword energy and thunder and penetrated A transparent hole formed in her chest, but no blood flowed out.

After all, the Ice Taoist Soldier is not a real creature, but a Taoist Soldier. Although it looks almost the same as a real person in appearance, it does not have real flesh and blood.

There is still a difference.




"Not a real human being."



Everyone's faces showed a look of astonishment, because Han Bing and King Kong were so similar to humans that they could hardly detect any difference, so everyone thought Han Bing and King Kong were real humans.

And now.

The 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' developed blood-colored chains that penetrated the chests of the Ice Dao soldiers, but no blood was shed, and no human organs could even be seen.


Everyone finally came to their senses and realized that Ice and King Kong were not real humans.

"Master Lanke just called them 'fellow Taoists', and the Master Lanke we saw is not the real deity. He is just a clone formed by a paper Taoist priest. Although he looks no different from a normal person, But not really human at heart.”

"Since the other party can be called 'Fellow Taoist' by Temple Master Lan Ke, it means that the master behind them must also be a 'Member of the Taoist Sect'. I guess this is also a method similar to the 'Paper Taoist Priest'."

"That's most likely the case."


Everyone has inferences and ideas in their minds.


"I feel that the power of the bloody chain is weakening."


at this time.

Everyone discovered something that shocked and surprised them, that is, the power of the bloody chains that bound them had weakened by about one tenth.




"It's now."


"Break off these chains."



Everyone roared again and again, even though they were bound by the blood-colored chains until now, a lot of their own strength was absorbed by the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'.


The owner of the reincarnation ruins and everyone are constantly wrestling with each other. The top powerhouses of the major forces in Yuehe City are accumulating strength and looking for opportunities to break free.


The owner of the ruins of reincarnation is also concentrating on absorbing the power of everyone and turning it into his own resources, in an attempt to live again.

The manifestation of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' is just a projection, an illusion. It is naturally impossible to compare with the real 'Six Paths of Reincarnation', but it is also the external manifestation of the power of the owner of the relics of reincarnation.

In the original struggle between the owner of the reincarnation ruins and everyone, the owner of the reincarnation ruins did have the upper hand. As long as he continues like this and absorbs the origin and power of all existence, the bloody dome in the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' will shatter. By regenerating life, the owner of the reincarnation ruins can be resurrected in the body of this regenerated life.

And now.

Xu Qing and Kaya controlled the Vajra Taoist soldiers and the Ice Taoist soldiers to enter the last layer of the reincarnation ruins. If they only relied on the power of the Vajra Taoist soldiers and the Ice Taoist soldiers, it would be impossible to affect this 'resurrection ceremony'.


However, Xu Qing asked the King Kong Taoist soldiers and the Ice Taoist soldiers to bring the LV20 Qingxin Muyu and the LV20 Copper Coin Sword into the Reincarnation Ruins, and they came in handy at this time.

Most importantly.

The LV20 Qingxin Muyu is designed to restrain the inner demon of reincarnation. In addition, the LV20 Copper Coin Sword is also a powerful weapon for destroying evil spirits and killing monsters.


In the process of wrestling between the two sides.

Xu Qing controlled the Vajra Taoist soldiers to ring the LV20 Pure Heart Wooden Fish, which released the sound of the wooden fish, restraining the inner demon of reincarnation, restraining the owner of the relics of reincarnation, and suppressing the power of the owner of the relics of reincarnation.


The balance of power between the two sides was broken.

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the tense wrestling process completely collapsed because of Xu Qing's appearance.

Boom! ! !
Click!Click! ! !
The powerful men from many forces in Yuehe City seized the opportunity at this moment, completely exploded, and completely released their accumulated power.


The blood-colored chains were broken, cracked inch by inch, and exploded into blood-colored light spots all over the sky, slowly dissipating between the sky and the earth.


"Break free! I broke free!!!"

"Success! Success!!"

"become free!!"


this all directions.

Many strong men from the Nine Layers Immortal Sect, Martial Arts Alliance, Yuehe Mansion Office, Jixia Academy, Dragon Elephant Sect, Blood Demon Sect, Wanxiang Demon Sect, Weiren Palace, etc. all broke free.

Boom! ! !
All kinds of powerful auras completely exploded.


I see.

The abbot of Xiaoleiyin Temple clasped his hands together, and the giant blood-colored chain shattered, revealing his true appearance. It was an old monk with a long white beard, dancing in the strong wind, like a dragon's beard.


Zhang Yang's wild laughter came out.

I see.

The blood-colored demonic energy surged into the sky, forming a pitch-black demonic cloud that covered the entire sky, making people tremble and depress.

The apostle of the Blood Demon Cult also broke free from the blood-colored chains. His black hair danced wildly, and he wore a blood-colored mask, covering his true appearance. His black robes surged with the strong wind, showing off his domineering power.

"Li Shang."


The sound of the sword sounded.

The master of the Nine Layers Immortal Sect looked like a young man. He held a three-foot green-edged sword in his right hand and cut off the blood-colored chains that bound him. His face was a little pale, but his eyes revealed the slightest hint of coldness. , looking coldly at the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' directly ahead.


The master of the Nine Layers Immortal Sect actually revealed the true name of the owner of the reincarnation ruins.

Li Shang!

"You are just a 'lonely wild ghost' who died once, but you still have such wishful thinking, trying to change your fate and reverse life and death."

The master of the Nine Layers Immortal Sect scolded him coldly: "Sure enough, even God can't stand it any longer. You will never be able to be resurrected after all."

brush!brush!brush! ! !
next moment.

The blood-colored chains reunited one after another, turned into a wild python, and rushed straight into the sky, killing the master of the Nine-layer Immortal Sect from all directions. However, the master of the Nine-layer Immortal Sect held a three-foot green-edged sword, and then used his sword energy. Chop it into pieces, and the blood-colored chains collapsed.

boom!boom!boom! ! !

The master of the Dragon Elephant Sect, the master of the Wanxiang Demon Sect, the master of the Weird Man Palace... all the top strong men broke free one after another and gained freedom.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !
Xu Qing controlled the Vajra Taoist soldiers and continued to strike the LV20 Qingxin wooden fish. The invisible sound of the wooden fish spread and enveloped the entire battlefield.

"I...why am I here?"

At this time.

Lan Yu opened her eyes in confusion. She looked around and at her hands, her eyes filled with confusion and ignorance.


The inner demon of reincarnation was suppressed by the LV20 Qingxin Muyu, so Lan Yu's main consciousness gained the upper hand and took control of his body.


next moment.

A large amount of information and memories appeared in Lan Yu's mind, which were all the things that happened during this period.

"Reincarnation... the inner demon of reincarnation..."

Lan Yu reacted, having sorted out the thoughts and memories in her mind, and knew everything, and there was an extremely complicated expression on her face.

To know.

If it weren't for the inner demon of reincarnation, Lan Yu wouldn't be able to master extraordinary power, let alone take revenge and kill all the enemies who had done violence to her.

and so.

The 'Reincarnation Demon' is kind to Lan Yu, although the purpose of the 'Reincarnation Demon' is not to avenge Lan Yu, but to control Lan Yu and turn it into his own puppet.

"But I don't want to die."

Lan Yu took a deep breath, and the gaze in her beautiful eyes gradually became firm, "Besides, Samsara Heart Demon, I have already repaid your kindness."

To know.

Before Xu Qing entered the ruins of reincarnation, Li Shang's negative will evolved into the 'reincarnation demon' and controlled six demon puppets, namely Lan Yu, Zhou Yi, Wu Daoming and others.

It was precisely because of the help of Lan Yu, Zhou Yi, Wu Daoming and other six inner demon puppets who were comparable to the 'Pseudo Three Realms' that they were able to suppress the entire audience.

That's why Lan Yu said that she had repaid the kindness of the inner demon of reincarnation.

and also.

If this continues, after Li Shang is completely resurrected, Lan Yu and the others' consciousness will be completely swallowed up and they will become completely puppets.

That is death.

Lan Yu naturally didn't want to die.

"Reincarnation Demon!!!"

Zhou Yi woke up, his consciousness returned, and memories of more than 20 years came to his mind. After a brief daze, Zhou Yi let out an angry roar.


If the inner demon of reincarnation still has some kindness towards Lan Yu, then for Zhou Yi, in Zhou Yi's heart, there is only endless hatred for the inner demon of reincarnation that cannot be washed away.

It was because of the inner demon of reincarnation that Zhou Yi became possessed and what happened 20 years ago happened.


Zhou Yi has a deep hatred for the inner demon of reincarnation.

Followed by.

Wu Daoming and the other two inner demon puppets were also affected by the LV20 Pure Heart Wooden Fish, and their consciousness began to revive.



Among the other two demon puppets, there is a blood-haired ancestor with flying blood hair, and the blood-haired ancestor himself is a practitioner on the devil's path.

"I didn't expect that my blood-haired ancestor would still be here today."

The blood-haired ancestor laughed wildly, and his powerful aura continued to flow, looking at the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' that Li Shang had evolved, as well as the bloody chains in the sky, and the bloody giant egg.

"Your Excellency."

The Blood-haired Ancestor knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' and the bloody dome in the center, and shouted loudly: "Your most loyal servant, the Blood-haired Ancestor, kowtows to you, your most loyal servant. I am willing to serve you as my Lord, and I am willing to give up everything for you.”

"Please grant your most loyal servant supreme power. Your most loyal servant is willing to clear all obstacles for you."

The last inner demon puppet was a beautiful woman, but she did not wake up because the consciousness of this beautiful woman had been completely swallowed up by the inner demon of reincarnation.

In other words.

Just dead.


Wu Daoming's consciousness also woke up. After digesting the memory of this period, he noticed the blood-haired ancestor next to him.

Especially after hearing the madness of the blood-haired ancestor, Wu Daoming's eyelids jumped, he could no longer care about anything else, and he quickly looked back and retreated.

puff!puff!puff! ! !
next moment.

In the bloody dome of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation', there are blood-colored chains, like needles, piercing into the body of the blood-haired ancestor one by one.

Vast energy poured into the body of the blood-haired ancestor.


"kill him!"



Everyone had also broken free from their restraints and slowly regained their strength. Amidst the roars and shouts of killing, they joined forces to attack the owner of the reincarnation ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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