Chapter 150 The inner demon of reincarnation!

Xu Qing asked Yan Gu to find Yahang and sell the yard where he lived. He found a buyer about the next day, and the buyer only paid 8 taels of silver.

and also.

Because what happened at the Moon Viewing Restaurant that night, many people on this street felt unsafe. Those who had a lot of money sold the property and left the street. Naturally, Xu Qing He is also one of these people.


Xu Qing's departure will not appear too abrupt.


Xu Qing planned to leave the DC area of ​​Yuehe Fucheng directly this time. He finally decided to settle in the XC area of ​​Yuehe Fucheng and spent money to buy a house in Yahang in the XC area.


Still spent 10 taels of silver.

seven days later.

XC zone.

Tianqi Street.

Xu Qing bought the new courtyard. This move was simpler and easier than the last time. Because it was not the first time, the move was relatively familiar.


Xu Qing has a storage ring in his hand, which makes it much easier to move things. Otherwise, it would be difficult to move so many level five spiritual foods.


"Dang! Dang! Dang!!!"


Xu Qing discovered something.

That is, in the XC area of ​​Yuehe Fucheng, many people are believers of the Buddhist Xiaoleiyin Temple. Xu Qing even met a monk twice for alms.

There are many Buddhist believers.

There are bursts of Sanskrit sounds.

The air in the entire XC area has one more smell than other urban areas, and that is the smell of incense produced by believers burning incense.

"Tianpeng method."

In the courtyard.

Xu Qing practices the Tianpeng method very quickly. Every 5 minutes, Xu Qing can finish practicing the Tianpeng method, thus gaining a little more experience points.


Xu Qing pondered.

These days.

Xu Qing did not miss practicing martial arts and techniques, and his experience points were increasing. Kaya and Yan Gu were also swinging their swords constantly, and the experience points of the Dragon Sword and the Copper Coin Sword were also increasing rapidly.


[Tianpeng Law LV3: 3000/4000 (...)]


[Heavenly Sword Technique LV3: 3000/4000 (…)]


[Secret Technique of Devouring Demonic Skill LV6: 18000/32000 (…)]


[Youlongjian LV13: 5200000/257600 (can be upgraded!)]


[Copper Coin Sword LV11: 5300000/102400 (can be upgraded!)]



Xu Qing checked the corresponding situation and said, "In about ten days, the Heavenly Peng Technique and the Heavenly Sword Technique will be upgraded, and the Devouring Demon Technique will also be upgraded soon."

"The experience points of the Wandering Dragon Sword and Copper Coin Sword are not enough to upgrade to LV20."

Xu Qing muttered: "If we upgrade now, as the grades and grades of the two swords increase, it will bring a greater burden to Kaya and Yan Gu, which will in turn reduce the speed of their sword swings, resulting in a loss of daily experience points. Get less.”


"It is better to wait until the experience value is enough to reach LV20 before upgrading together. This way, more time will not be wasted."

late at night.

It has been several days since Xu Qing left the DC area.

this day.

Yuelan Pavilion.

At this time.

Right at the back door.

Just two male turtles walked out quietly carrying a sandbag. They looked around and took advantage of the darkness. They walked out carrying the sandbag.


The two of them walked forward along the familiar road, and then came to a barren hill in the city. On this barren hill, they didn't know how many female corpses were buried.

The two turtle men casually threw the sandbag on the ground. After rolling it down for several times, the untied mouth became loose and a disheveled head was exposed.

Look closer.

Take advantage of the night to watch.

It turned out to be Lan Yu who was sent to Yuelan Pavilion by Liu Yuedong. It only took seven days. After she was sent to Yuelan Pavilion, she was played like this by those guests.


Very sad.

once Upon a time.

She stood on the main stage of the auction, attracted everyone's attention, and was coveted and admired by many people, but she could only watch from a distance and not play with it.

And today.

But because of Liu Yuedong, her life was ruined, and she was even sent to Yuelan Pavilion to sell her body. And those customers became even more crazy after they knew it was Lan Yu.

and so.

Just seven days.

Lan Yu was already half dead, her delicate and pretty face was pale, without any trace of blood, and she seemed to be dead.


Observe carefully.

You will find that Lan Yu is not dead yet, she is still alive, she is still breathing, and she still has a breath, but the two turtle men don't know, they think Lan Yu is dead.

Even if these two turtle masters knew that Lan Yu was still alive, they would just pretend that Lan Yu was dead, and then directly bury Lan Yu alive on this barren mountain.

And in this barren mountain.

Many female corpses from Gu Yuelan Pavilion have been buried. Most of them were unable to bear the perverted guests and died miserably on the bed, or were buried alive while half-dead.


It was Lan Yu's turn to end up like this.hatred!

on the verge of death.

All the negative emotions in Lan Yu's heart reached an extreme, but the two turtle men did not look at Lan Yu again, because they were turtle men, already unhealthy men, and had lost the most important lifeblood of a man, so they He has no interest in women either.


The two turtle men quickly dug a big hole, took a few more breaths, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, dragged Lan Yu's sandbags, and were about to throw her into the big hole and bury her.

"Save... save... save me..."

Lan Yu opened her mouth. She used up her last strength to ask for help from the two turtle men, trying to seize the last glimmer of hope of survival.


What greeted Lan Yu was not the sympathy and rescue of the two turtle men, but a heavy blow from them. The shovel in their hands hit Lan Yu's head directly.



Lan Yu's head was cracked.

And this one.

Lan Yu completely fainted.

"What do you think?"

One of the turtles curled his lips, "You still want us to save you? I'm afraid if you haven't woken up, you will be worthless as you are, so you should die quickly. It almost scared me."


The other Mr. Turtle nodded, "A lowly servant like this is about to die, yet she still wants to scare us. Burying someone so late at night is already quite scary."

between them talking.

The sandbags containing the sapphire were thrown into the big pit. They buried the soil with shovel after shovel, gradually covering the sapphire and gradually burying it.

At last.

The soil was all filled in.

They also stepped on it a few times, and even used a shovel to hit it firmly. After confirming that there was no problem, they nodded with satisfaction.

"I have to say that after burying so many people, I found that my burying skills have improved a lot."

One of the turtles is fair.


The other Mr. Turtle nodded, "It used to take an hour or two to bury someone, but now it can be solved in 10 minutes at most. It's not like the technology has improved a lot."


The two turtle men laughed a few times, then turned around and prepared to leave.

inside the pit.

The soil has buried the blue jade.

hum!hum!hum! ! !

Just at this time.

When Lan Yu was dying, the negative emotions such as hatred, resentment, pain, sorrow, resentment, etc. that could not be resolved, dissipated, or eliminated seemed to be evolving in her heart.

the most important is.

Just on the private part of Sapphire, there is a jet black tattoo, like a blooming black lotus, with a black ring around the lotus.

just now.

The hatred, resentment, pain, sorrow, hatred and other negative emotions deep in Lan Yu's heart that could not be resolved, dissipated or eliminated turned into an extreme dark energy and poured into this black lotus. This black lotus is in full bloom.

In an instant.

Lan Yu's consciousness vaguely entered a strange state, and in the deepest part of her heart, she nurtured an extreme inner demon.

"Is it painful? Is it resentful? Is it sad? Do you want the power to take revenge on everything? Then accept me, become me, and merge with me!"

The inner demon of reincarnation reappears.

This is the inner demon that emerged from the deepest part of the 'Relics of Reincarnation'. This inner demon of reincarnation infected Zhou Guo and then Wu Daoming more than 20 years ago.


It actually appeared on Lan Yu's body.

"I...I want to!"

Lan Yu's consciousness responded, "As long as I can survive, as long as I can take revenge, as long as I can kill everyone who has brought me endless pain, I am willing to give everything, I am willing to give everything..."

In an instant.

Lan Yu's consciousness and soul are completely integrated with the inner demon of reincarnation. This is a fusion that abandons everything, a combination that abandons everything.

and so.

The fusion between Sapphire and the inner demon of reincarnation is the highest. This fusion even surpasses Zhou Guo more than 20 years ago, and even surpasses other creatures that have been corroded by the inner demon of reincarnation.

This breath, this fluctuation, this power.

hum!hum!hum! ! !
Not only that.

In this barren mountain, many female corpses from Yuelan Pavilion are buried, and the female corpses buried here were also filled with extremely strong resentment before they died.

just now.

Lan Yu became the trigger, and the resentment and accumulated resentment of all the female corpses, as if they had found an outlet, all poured into Lan Yu.


In the process of merging with the inner demon of reincarnation, Lan Yu is constantly absorbing the resentment and resentment around her, and absorbing the negative emotions of all the female corpses around her.

for a short period of time.

The intensity of Lan Yu's aura continued to increase, and she stepped directly into the path of evil and transformed into a reincarnated succubus. In the midst of endless pain and resentment, she realized the artistic conception of resentment and pain.


In addition, the inner demon of reincarnation has the artistic conception of reincarnation.

this moment.

Lan Yu has mastered three artistic conceptions.

"what happened?"

"It seems like the weather has suddenly gotten colder?"


The two turtle men shrank their necks. They felt the slightest chill. When they came back to their senses, they found a faint black mist appearing around them.

next moment.

The two turtle men were all excited. A female ghost with disheveled hair appeared in front of them, which frightened them into letting out ear-piercing screams.

Blood splattered.

A black shadow flashed past.

Two horrified-looking mummies appeared on the barren mountain, as well as large pits one after another, and in these large pits were worn sandbags one after another.

Some sandbags have become rotten over time.

As for the corpses in these big pits, all of them have disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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