Illustrated Book of All Things: My martial arts can be upgraded infinitely

Chapter 136: Transcription completed, collection started

Chapter 136: Transcription completed, collection started

Xu Qing was sizing up this woman with a giant hammer on her shoulders. She was only a lolita, but she possessed powerful violence. Her seemingly thin body contained huge power.

"Xu Qing?"

The Loli woman's eyes fell on Xu Qing, "Let's fight!"


She didn't say any nonsense, and didn't even introduce herself. After she finished speaking, she rushed directly to Xu Qing. She held the giant hammer in her slender jade-like right hand and swung it at Xu Qing.

The oncoming violence made people's eyes jump, and the giant hammer brought up a strong wind, producing a kind of roar and vibration, which contained a great sense of oppression.

"Bajiquan! Collapse!"


A loud bang.

Xu Qing scolded him. He did not retreat, but took a step forward. The martial arts Bajiquan was operating, and the powerful force was condensed together, twisting all the power into one.


Xu Qing punched out with both fists, and his power exploded, producing terrifying energy and strong winds. He blasted him head-on. The power generated was extremely powerful, and he blocked the giant hammer that was coming.

This powerful force was removed by Xu Qing, and the ground where his feet stepped on cracked with cracks and gaps, which spread quickly.


The beautiful eyes of the loli woman shrank.


She was very shocked.

To know.

Xu Qing's Turtle Breath Technique has been upgraded to LV10 in order to perfectly hide his breath and his strength without being discovered.

to this end.

Xu Qing also spent some time to gain experience points for Turtle Breath Technique.

[Turtle Breath Technique LV10: 10/25600 (This is a special martial art. It was created by extraordinary warriors in the second realm to imitate the thousand-year-old turtle. It can hide its own power and its own breath. After repeated deductions again and again, a total of nine deductions, this special martial arts has reached an extreme level, and is only one step away from evolving into a 'supernatural power'.)]

supernatural powers.

This is a special ability.

Just like.

After the Cauliflower Snake was promoted to LV11, it became a first-level ferocious beast, underwent a huge transformation, completely faded away from its mortal body, and then developed the 'Supernatural Power: Devouring Stomach'.

This is magical power.

It's like a natural ability, an innate talent.

Xu Qing has mastered the LV10 Turtle Breath Technique. Although it has not completely evolved into a 'supernatural power', it can already be called a pseudo-supernatural power.


Xu Qing used the LV10 Turtle Breath Technique to hide his strength and aura, so even the old monsters at the Dapeng Martial Arts School could not detect it.

in case.

The Turtle Breath Technique at LV10 can be upgraded to LV11, completely evolving into a 'supernatural power'. Xu Qing can even disguise himself as an ordinary mortal.

"Are you really at the peak of immortality?"

The loli woman asked in disbelief.


Xu Qing answered calmly.


The lolita woman shook her head, "How is that possible? Unless you are born with divine power, how could you possibly be able to withstand my giant hammer? And with a pair of physical fists?!"

In fact.

This is the soft hedgehog armor Xu Qing is wearing. The soft hedgehog armor has been upgraded to LV16. It is engraved with six spiritual patterns and has extremely strong defense.

When just fighting.

Xu Qing mobilized the ability of the soft hedgehog armor, which quickly spread throughout his body, forming soft hedgehog armor gloves on his fists. Only then did he block the attack of this lolita woman with the peak strength of seeing the gods.

"Come again!"

Naturally, the lolita woman was not convinced. She shouted angrily and then attacked Xu Qing. She swung the huge hammer and brought up a terrifying gust of wind.

Xu Qing, who had a soft hedgehog armor to protect his body, was able to deal with her head-on. He also seized the opportunity during the battle and wounded the Lolita woman with his LV17 iron sword.


Xu Qing won this battle.


Another wheel battle.


A total of 81 matches ended.

Xu Qing never failed.

All win.


Xu Qing took a piece of fourth-level spiritual food from Kaya, ate it in his stomach, restored his energy and strength, and went to the bedroom alone.


Xu Qing continued to fight at night, copying the Heavenly Sword Technique and Tianpeng Technique. In the second half of the night, he sat cross-legged on the bed, practicing and meditating on the first level of the Devouring Demonic Art.


【Experience +1】


【Experience +1】


The experience value of the first level of Devouring Demon Skill is also slowly increasing.

In fact.

Xu Qing's ability to survive until the third day exceeded everyone's expectations, and also exceeded the expectations of all the senior elders of Dapeng Martial Arts School.


After all, Xu Qing's cultivation level is only at the peak of seeing the gods and being indestructible.

The realm is there.

As in the past.

Basically, every true disciple will suffer defeat, such as losing to a higher-level inner court student, and thus being kicked out of the true disciple position.


Every true disciple is a genius, so basically within a month, with the help of the master, they will improve their cultivation, defeat the previous strong enemies, and regain their position as true disciples.

that's it.

It goes on over and over again.

Train yourself as a student in the inner academy.

To know.

Each inner court student only has one chance to challenge.

till the end.Basically, all the students in the martial arts hall have taken it once, and the true disciples no longer need to face the challenges of the martial arts students, and they have completely secured their position as true disciples.

"This Xu Qing is indeed good. He has extremely strong combat power, and he also has a lot of spiritual weapons in his hands. He is obviously only at the peak of the Immortality of Gods, but he has defeated many powerful inner academy students one after another."


"I just don't know how many days Xu Qing can hold on. I guess Xu Qing will be defeated when the inner courtyard students who have mastered the 'secondary artistic conception' take action."

"To be able to make it to the third day is a testament to his talent."

"Not bad."


There are many senior elders in Dapeng Martial Arts Hall talking about Xu Qing.


Xu Qing's performance exceeded everyone's expectations.


Fourth day.

Xu Qing still defeated all the powerful enemies, but on the fourth day, a strong man who had entered the "second level of artistic conception" appeared, and Xu Qing had to summon the Youlongjian to fight against the enemy.

At last.

Xu Qing won a great victory.


Day [-].

Xu Qing encountered strong enemies again, but instead of revealing his extraordinary cultivation, he showed off his powerful weapons and defeated all the enemies Wu Tiao encountered.

Still no defeat.


Day [-].

Xu Qing faced off against the master students who had reached the peak of the 'secondary artistic conception'. The inner courtyard students who had reached the peak of the 'secondary artistic conception' were all strong men standing at the top of the inner courtyard.


They still lost to Xu Qing.


The cultivation strength Xu Qing displayed was already "half-step beyond the ordinary". After mastering the "First Level Sword Intent", all he had to do was complete the transformation and transform the Gang Qi into True Qi.

and so.

Xu Qing won again.


Seventh day.

This time.

Xu Qing no longer hid, and displayed his "Second Realm: Extraordinary" strength. The powerful Qi overflowed, and he used the Thirteen Deadly Swords of LV11. With superb swordsmanship and sword intent, he defeated all enemies.


Seven days.

Seven full days.

Xu Qing fights every day. He needs to fight 81 times every day and accumulates a lot of combat experience. In the eyes of many people at Dapeng Martial Arts Hall, Xu Qing has transformed step by step in these seven days. Everyone has witnessed Xu Qing's transformation. Step by step, he condensed his sword intention, faded away from the mortal body, and entered the 'second realm: extraordinary'.

In fact.

Xu Qing's cultivation level has not improved. At most, he has only gained more combat experience. He is just bringing out his true strength step by step.


on the seventh day.

Xu Qing did not use all his strength. Xu Qing's "Martial Arts Concept" had not yet been displayed. He only used a heavy sword intention.


in the bedroom.

"Come on, come on..."

Xu Qing's expression gradually became excited. He concentrated his energy and carefully copied the Tianpeng method and Tianjian method on his desk.

Do the math.

This can already be said to be the eighth day.


Late night comes.

this night.

Xu Qing did not practice the first level of the Devouring Demon Art, nor did he meditate on the Demon Art to rest. Instead, he stayed up late transcribing, without resting all day long, until the sun rose the next day.


Xu Qing let out a breath and slumped down on the chair. The brush in his hand fell to the ground. He looked at the pages on the desk with a relaxed and satisfied smile on his face.

"It's done, it's finally done."

The corners of Xu Qing's mouth raised, and there was a hint of excitement in his excited tone, "For eight days, for eight whole days, I have to fight with the inner courtyard students every day. For me, it's all if it can really be useful."


"At most, these battles can only increase some combat experience, but they prevent me from practicing martial arts for eight days, and my cultivation and strength have not improved at all."


"I finally finished transcribing all the Heavenly Sword Techniques and Tianpeng Techniques."


Xu Qing laughed out loud.

To know.

If Xu Qing fails in the competition with the inner courtyard students, the Heavenly Sword Technique and Tianpeng Technique in his hands will be taken back by the True Transmission Tower.

and also.

The Heavenly Sword Technique and the Heavenly Peng Technique are not Xu Qing's possessions, and he cannot use the Illustrated Book of All Things to record the original versions of the Heavenly Sword Technique and the Tianpeng Technique in his hand.


Xu Qing could only copy Tianpeng Method and Tianpeng Method word by word. In order to complete the transcription of Tianpeng Method and Tianpeng Method, Xu Qing could not fail or lose his position as a true disciple.

just now.

Now that Tianpeng Technique and Tianjian Technique are in hand, Xu Qing no longer needs the position of True Disciple, because the various conveniences and rights brought by True Disciple are no longer of much use to Xu Qing.


Xu Qing looked at the Tianpeng method and Tianjian method that he had copied on the table. The smile on his face became more and more obvious. With a thought, his consciousness communicated with the illustrated book of all things.


The illustrated book of all things is flashing with quite strong fluorescence.


The Tianpeng method and Tianjian method on the desk are also shining with bursts of silver light.

Collection is in progress.

(End of this chapter)

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