Chapter 103 Breaking into Jiang Mansion Alone
"Don't worry about Goshawk Martial Arts School."

Xu Qing pondered and looked towards the inner city of Qingbei Town, "It's better to go to Jiang Mansion first and rescue Master and Senior Sister as soon as possible."


Xu Qing adjusted his mentality and walked towards the inner city of Qingbei Town.


Xu Qing has already stepped into the realm of immortality. Although he is just a newbie, he is so powerful that even if he is at the peak of immortality, Xu Qing is not afraid.

and so.

Xu Qing's mentality is completely different.


The inner city of Qingbei Town.

City gate.

"There is actually a city gate."

Xu Qing frowned and looked at the inner city gate, which was even grander and taller than the outer city gate, "It can be seen from this point that Qingbei Town's class is lower than Qingfeng Town's. It’s even more obvious, at least in Qingfeng Town, there is no such wall separating the inner city from the outer city.”

"Qingbei Town has such a huge wall erected between the inner city and the outer city, as if it separates two different worlds."

city ​​gate.

Xu Qing walked over.


Two guards blocked Xu Qing's path, "Please show your proof of residence in the inner city. If you don't have one, you need to pay an entrance fee of one tael of silver to enter the inner city."

"A tael of silver!"

Xu Qing's expression remained unchanged. The asking price was indeed high. For the people at the bottom, such a high city entry fee would prevent them from entering the inner city for almost their entire lives.

of course.

It's not that these people at the bottom can't afford a tael of silver, but it's impossible for them to be willing to give a tael of silver to pay the city fee, just to take a look at the inner city.


After entering the inner city, if you accidentally offend a certain big shot, the people at the bottom will definitely die and will not be able to survive.


The inner city is not accessible to those mud-legged people.


Xu Qing took out a tael of silver from his arms. He had no intention of causing trouble here. He was going to Jiang Mansion with the purpose of rescuing his master and senior sister.


The guard weighed it and determined that there was nothing wrong with the one tael of silver, so he gave Xu Qing a temporary token to enter the inner city, "Take the token, don't lose it. If you lose it, if someone checks you inside, there is no order." If you have cards, you need to add another tael of silver, do you hear me?"


Xu Qing nodded.

"go in."

The two guards stepped aside.


Xu Qing remained silent. He used the evil ghost mask to change his body shape and breath, turning into an old man with much whiter hair and walked into the inner city.

The inner city of Qingbei Town.

Xu Qing looked around and saw that it was indeed much more prosperous than the outer city, and the inner city had magnificent and spectacular buildings.

and also.

People who can live in the inner city are basically rich and powerful.


Some people looked at Xu Qing for a few times, but quickly looked away. They did not take Xu Qing too seriously, and Xu Qing's dress was not eye-catching.


Xu Qing went to an inn in the inner city.

Inside the inn.

Xu Qing casually ordered a bottle of wine and a plate of beef.

"Sir, your wine and soy sauce beef are here."

The waiter came over.

"Little two."

Xu Qing took out a piece of silver from his arms and placed it on the table, "I want to ask you something."

"Sir, you can ask. Although I dare not say that I know [-]% of the things in the inner city of Qingbei Town, I know [-]% to [-]% of things."

The waiter's eyes lit up, he put the money into his arms and said in a respectful tone.


Xu Qing nodded gently, "I ask you, where is Jiang Mansion?"


The waiter was stunned for a moment, "Sir, do you want to know what's going on with the Jiang family? The Jiang family is one of the three major families in Qingbei Town. Everyone in the inner city knows about it."

Xu Qing knocked on the table and glanced at the waiter indifferently.

"I'm asking you, why are you asking me instead?"

Xu Qing shouted softly.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The waiter nodded and bowed one after another, "It's the villain's fault. Jiang Mansion just keeps going forward along this street, turn left, and then go forward..."


The waiter told Xu Qing the location of Jiang Mansion.


Xu Qing nodded, waved his hand again, "Go down."

"Good sir."

The waiter nodded, "Please use it slowly."

next moment.

As soon as the waiter turned around, Xu Qing had already left the inn. Because he was so fast, in the eyes of ordinary people, it seemed as if he had suddenly disappeared.

"Huh? What about people?"

The waiter looked back again, but Xu Qing was nowhere to be seen.


The waiter rubbed his eyes and said, "Is there no one here? Could it be that I just imagined it? That's not right! He touched his arms and saw that the silver he just got was still there, but no one had eaten the wine and beef with sauce on the table."

The screen turns.


Xu Qing followed the waiter's guidance and arrived in front of the Jiang Mansion. The Jiang family is indeed one of the three major families in Qingbei Town. The huge mansion is located in the inner city, like a creeping beast, but it is far away. Looking at it gives people a feeling of intimidation.


Xu Qing took a deep breath. With a calm expression, he walked towards Jiang Mansion and saw two huge stone lions located at the gate of Jiang Mansion.

Feel everything carefully.

These two stone lions seem to have been illuminated and have the effect of suppressing evil and exorcising demons.


As soon as Xu Qing approached, the Jiang family's servant came over quickly and stopped Xu Qing before he was about to approach.

"who are you?"

"This is Jiang Mansion, no one can get close to it!"


The two servants scolded.

"The old man is looking for someone."

Xu Qingdao. "Who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment in advance?"

the servant asked.

"I'm looking for the head of your Jiang family."

Xu Qing said again.

"Please show the owner's appointment certificate."

One of the servants said: "The Jiang family has a lot of things to do, and the head of the family is a very busy man, so naturally not everyone can see him casually."

"No appointment."

Xu Qingdao.


"Old man, are you looking for death?"

"Or are you just using the few of us for entertainment?"

Several servants yelled angrily.

"It seems like force is still going to be used."

Xu Qing shook his head, "The head of the Jiang family is very assertive! You have to make an appointment to see him!"

The voice fell.

Xu Qing took a step forward, and in an instant, with him as the center, a powerful shock wave burst out, generating a powerful force.



There were several screams.

The few servants who stopped Xu Qing were thrown away, vomiting blood, and fell to the ground. They obviously lost their fighting ability and could not get up for a while.

"you you……"

Several domestic servants looked horrified.


Xu Qing had his hands behind his back with a calm expression. The Gang Qi was surging around his body, and the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was also surging, creating a terrifying power.

A loud bang.

Xu Qing raised his hand and slapped the door of Jiang Mansion in pieces.

Boom! !

A vibration occurred.

It can be said.

Such a movement was not small, and many people around were startled. They couldn't help but widen their eyes and looked straight at the location of Jiang Mansion.

"My goodness!"

"Who is that old man? Does he want his life? This is the Jiang Mansion! He broke the door of the Jiang Mansion with such arrogance!"

"Dead! This old man is dead!!!"


The crowd exclaimed.


In Jiangfu.

Xu Qing had just walked into the gate. The sound of the courtyard door being smashed alerted many servants of the Jiang Mansion, as well as the private soldiers of the family who had spent a lot of money to train Jiang Mansion.

blink of an eye.

Dozens of people stopped Xu Qing.

"who are you?"

"You are so brave, you dare to smash the door of our Jiang Mansion!"

"you wanna die!"

"No matter who you are, you will never get out of Jiang Mansion today!"

"Do it!!"



I don’t know who gave the order.

next moment.

Many servants of the Jiang Mansion and the family's private soldiers rushed towards Xu Qing quickly amid roars, and even shot him with sharp arrows.


Boom! ! !
Xu Qing's eyes were indifferent. He just roared and took another step forward. The extremely terrifying power burst out, creating a terrifying shock wave.


"This is……"

"Puff puff!"


The screams sounded one after another.

can be seen.

The servants and private soldiers who rushed over flew backwards at a faster speed, and they all lay on the ground, vomiting blood and being seriously injured.


Xu Qing's eyes were indifferent.


Xu Qing put his hands behind his back, as if walking in a courtyard, stepped over the servants and private soldiers lying on the ground, and walked towards the depths of Jiang Mansion.

"Quick! Go and notify the Patriarch!"

"Someone broke into Jiang Mansion without permission!"

"The person who came here is very strong, and he has probably entered the realm of innate strength! Let the general soldier and the general manager come over quickly!!!"


the crowd shouted.


Xu Qing ignored all this.

at this time.

Xu Qing continued to walk towards the deep courtyard of Jiangfu. The surrounding servants and private soldiers were watching eagerly. Just now, several masters who had entered the second step of martial arts and reached the outer and inner gangs were attacking Xu Qing. But all of them were seriously injured by Xu Qing, lying on the ground and unable to get up.

just now.

No one dares to move forward.

at this time.

Xu Qing felt two powerful forces. He looked up and saw an old man with white hair and a big man with a flat head blocking him.

"You are?"

Xu Qing asked.

"Mo He, the head servant of Jiang Mansion."

The white-haired old man said.

"Xu Qingfeng, the chief soldier of Jiang Mansion's private army."

The big man with a flat head said.

"You two are no match for me. Let your family master come over. I have something to do with him. Of course, if you are dissatisfied and really want to fight me, you can ask the ancestor of your Jiang family to show up."

Xu Qing said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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