Chapter 77 Don't be shameless
"My dear nephew, let's have some tea, haha."

In the office, after the two sat down, Bai Guoxiang was still smiling and seemed to be in a good mood, which made Chen Yi suspicious.

Is it possible that the chairman of Kangshi Group in front of me has a good relationship with his father?

Or is it that in business, Bai Guoxiang needs to kneel down to the Chen Group, so he must also express the greatest goodwill to his young boss?

He doesn't know anything about business matters.

As for business partners, there is even less understanding.

"Thank you." Chen Yi said politely, "Mr. Bai..."

When Bai Guoxiang heard this, he immediately waved his hand: "Hey! What do you call Mr. Bai? I'm a stranger. Just call me Uncle Bai."

"Your dad and I have been good friends for many years."

"I remember when I was a kid, I hugged you. Do you have any impression?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "Sorry, I have no impression."

"Mr. Bai... I'd better call you Mr. Bai. I'm here today on official business, so it's better to be formal."

He didn't know if what the other party said was true, but he thought there was no need to lie.

However, in his eyes, Bai Guoxiang was one of the subjects of the investigation, not his father's friend.

"Official business?" Bai Guoxiang seemed to have just come to his senses, "Oh, by the way, you just said you were a criminal police officer in the city bureau. Why, you became a police officer? That's a good thing! Why didn't you hear your dad mention it?"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "We just got married not long ago, maybe you haven't talked about it yet."

Bai Guoxiang nodded: "That's possible. The last time I saw your father was two months ago."

"But recently, I'm afraid I have to move around with your father a lot. There is a cooperation between the two companies recently and they are being negotiated."

Seeing that the topic had changed again, Chen Yi said politely: "Mr. Bai, let's talk about other things."

Hearing this, Bai Guoxiang smiled and said: "Sorry, sorry, I'm a little happy to see you suddenly."

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

"As long as I can help, I will do my best. Just because of my relationship with your father, I can't let you off the hook. Don't worry about that."

Chen Yi: "Thank you very much, Mr. Bai."

"Zhao Ruoyao, do you know him?"

This name made Bai Guoxiang feel strange: "Zhao Ruoyao? Who is it? I've never heard of it."

Chen Yi took out his mobile phone and turned to Zhao Ruoyao's photo: "That's her."

Bai Guoxiang leaned forward and looked carefully for a while, with a thoughtful look on his face: "It looks familiar. Let me think about it."

After being quiet for a while, he suddenly said: "Oh, I remembered, isn't she a child from the Orphanage?"

"Yes, yes, that's right, the children from Shanghe Orphanage."

"I remember there was a donation ceremony some time ago, and I personally gave her a gift."

"What's wrong, nephew? Is there any problem?"

Chen Yi put down his phone and said, "Did you go by yourself?"

Bai Guoxiang: "Of course not, there are people from the company following me."

Chen Yi: "Who is the main one?"

Bai Guoxiang: "The main one is the deputy general manager of the company. I can't name the others."

Chen Yi: "You are referring to Cui Kun, right?"

Bai Guoxiang was surprised: "Huh? How do you know? Yes, it's Cui Kun."

Chen Yi was slightly silent and said, "How do you evaluate this person?"

Bai Guoxiang raised his head and recalled: "He has been with me for many years. In the early days of my business, he was my manager."

"I've been nurturing him over the years."

"However, Cui Kun has good execution ability, but he has no overall view and is lacking in ability, so now he can only be the deputy general manager."

"Otherwise, the position of general manager belongs to him no matter what."

Chen Yi: "What about being a human being? How are you being a human being?"

Bai Guoxiang: "It's pretty good."

This answer was very broad and naturally did not satisfy Chen Yi, so he asked further: "I am talking about personality and how to deal with people."

Bai Guoxiang thought for a moment and said: "I am very harsh on my employees, and my impression is that the reviews are not very good."

"It should be that when I was young, I was afraid of being poor. Now that I have money, I want to show myself to be superior to others."

"I've told him several times about this."

Chen Yi: "Has he ever harassed female employees?"

Bai Guoxiang decisively denied: "That's not true."

"To be honest, with his current status, it's easy to find a girl. Why bother harassing employees of his own company? It's not worth it."

Chen Yi nodded: "That's true."

In fact, this has no direct relationship with the murderer's motive.

Being able to commit the act of raping and killing Zhao Ruoyao was not just because of sex.

There are many ways to vent your desires. Even if it sounds ugly, you can spend money to solve it. There is no need to go crazy and kill people. This is absolutely inseparable from a sick or abnormal mentality.

There is also a possibility that Zhao Ruoyao may have special meaning to the murderer.

These things need to be known after questioning after the murderer is caught.

At this time, Bai Guoxiang said: "Xiannephew, why are you asking Cui Kun? Is it possible that he is involved in a crime?"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "No, no, it's just a routine investigation, don't think too much about it."

"There are some things that we have to wait for him to come and ask in person."

"I heard from the front desk of your company that he will be there in about an hour."

Bai Guoxiang glanced at the time and nodded: "Yes, he has been coming to the company late."

After saying that, he shifted his gaze and focused on Fang Shuyu next to Chen Yi.

"Who is this?"

Chen Yi introduced: "This is the forensic doctor of our municipal bureau, my colleague." Bai Guoxiang nodded with a smile: "So that's it, are you in a relationship between a man and a woman?"

Fang Shuyu's expression remained unchanged. Chen Yi felt embarrassed and said, "No, you misunderstood."

When it came to Fang Shuyu, he got down to business: "By the way, Mr. Bai, would it be convenient for my colleague to extract your biological information?"

"It'll be quick, you won't feel anything."

Bai Guoxiang's physical characteristics are very different from those of the suspect under surveillance, and it is basically certain that he is not the same person.

And there is no possibility of getting away with it, because Bai Guoxiang is taller.

The height is faked by going up, not down, unless you saw off a section of your leg.

Chen Yi knows that anything can happen in the world, so he will not let any situation go.

What if there is more than one murderer?
What if the person who dumped the body was only responsible for dumping the body, but the murderer was someone else?

It sounds extremely unlikely, but in theory it does exist.

This is why he still wants to investigate the owner of the love donation ceremony even though he is very suspicious of Cui Kun.

It was originally a incidental matter, and the investigation of Cui Kun was not delayed. Naturally, it was necessary to consider everything comprehensively.


Bai Guoxiang was stunned.

"My dear nephew, what's going on? Has something serious happened?"

Chen Yidao: "I can't answer this question. I hope you can cooperate. Thank you."

Seeing this, Bai Guoxiang shook his head with a smile, stretched out his hand to roll up his sleeves: "Come on, come on, who told you to be Chen Zhiyao's son."

"If it were anyone else, I would definitely have a lawyer come."

In and out of words, he kept getting closer to each other.

Or, he really has a very good relationship with Chen Zhiyao.

Either that, Bai Guoxiang is the weaker party in the cooperation between the two companies.

These big business people are basically all-pervasive in handling interpersonal relationships.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai. I will mention today's matter to my father."

Chen Yi spoke.

People talk about this, and if you don't show it, it will appear that your emotional intelligence is quite low.

Later, Fang Shuyu came forward with the forensic box and extracted Bai Guoxiang's biological information.

Just go back and compare it with the DNA remaining in Zhao Ruoyao's fingernails to confirm or rule out the suspicion.

"Mr. Bai, I'll leave first, not to bother you with your time."

Bai Guoxiang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, they are all our own, so I won't give it away."

The two said goodbye and left, closing the door of the office.

After taking the elevator back to the first floor, Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu chose to stay in the lobby and wait.

"That guy just now must have something to ask your dad for." Fang Shuyu said with a smile.

It's all so obvious that even a fool can see it.

If it was purely a friendship between the fathers, it wouldn't be so deliberate.

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "I guess so."

"I don't know much about business matters, so whatever."

Time passed slowly, and half an hour later, a middle-aged man was seen at the door, striding in carrying a briefcase.

Judging from the face, there is no doubt that it is Cui Kun.

Cui Kun is much shorter than Bai Guoxiang, but he is full of energy, has a resolute look, and has a vigorous pace. He seems to exercise regularly.

After Chen Yi saw it, he stood up immediately.

At the same time, Cui Kun also saw Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu.

The two looked at each other for a second, then Cui Kun suddenly stopped, turned around and left the company.

Although he was not running, his pace was obviously accelerated.

Seeing this, Chen Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Remember what I told you in the car."

After saying that, he quickly chased after him.

"Mr. Cui! Wait a minute!"

Ten meters outside the company door, Chen Yi stopped Cui Kun.

Cui Kun stopped, turned around and said, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yi stepped forward and said, "Interpol from the city bureau, I would like to find out some information from you. Is that convenient?"

Cui Kun shook his head: "It's inconvenient."

This answer made Chen Yi narrow his eyes: "Mr. Cui, we are currently investigating a major criminal case, and you are obliged to cooperate with the police investigation."

"Please understand this."

Cui Kun shook his head: "Sorry, I don't understand."

"The company has a legal department that is responsible for related matters. This police officer, please go talk to my lawyer."

Hearing this, Chen Yi raised his eyebrows and said quietly: "Cui Kun, if I can only bring the forensic doctor to you, it will give your company face, and it will also give face to my leader."

"You, don't be shameless."

Cui Kun frowned, took a deep look at Chen Yi, and then turned around to leave.

"Shuyu, call someone."

Chen Yi's face darkened, and after leaving a few words, he took out the handcuffs from his waist.

Since you don't want to be polite, don't blame the police for being rude.

 Please explain the plot issues. The author never deliberately breaks the text. It is based on the number of words. 3, 3, 4 every day, a total of [-]. Once the number of words is reached, it will be uploaded.

(End of this chapter)

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