Chapter 74 This guy is a bit smart
"Um...what happened to Ruoyao?"

In the billiards hall, Song Minghao asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

After Chen Yi was silent for a while, he said, "Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask."

Song Minghao opened his mouth, but finally lowered his head.

He is not a fool. The police have come to the door, which means that the school or welfare home must have called the police. Does that mean Zhao Ruoyao is really missing?
Could it be that he was forced to hide by the harasser?

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible. At this moment, he wanted to take his brothers to have a fight with each other!
High school students still mostly use fists to deal with conflicts.

"Besides harassment, does Zhao Ruoyao have other problems?" Chen Yi continued to ask.

Song Minghao thought for a while, shook his head and said, "There is nothing else."

Chen Yi nodded, turned around and prepared to leave without asking any more questions.

Before leaving, he stopped and said: High school students should focus on studying, otherwise the probability of regret in the future will reach [-]%.

Although he knew it, it was probably of no use.

If you can't listen to what your parents and teachers say, how can you possibly care about a stranger?

This is not what he should be concerned about. The good news is that he asked about the direction of the case investigation.

The importance of visits is reflected at this moment.

Any detail may become the key to solving the case.

Watching Chen Yi and the others leave, Song Minghao stood there stunned for a while, and then threw the billiard cue in his hand on the table.

Of course he didn't repent, but his mood was greatly affected.

He is also increasingly worried about Zhao Ruoyao.

Where did the people go?Is it safe?
He may never know this question.

As time goes by, Zhao Ruoyao's name will gradually fade from memory. When I think of it occasionally in the future, I may sigh about my youth.

The three of them got into the car, with Chen Yi sitting in the passenger seat.


It is a very important clue to know who it is, and it is possible that he committed a cruel crime against Zhao Ruoyao because he could not get it.

Zhuo Yun said: "Chen Yi, why didn't you investigate Song Minghao's friends just now?"

"It doesn't look like a good thing, and it's very possible that I have met or even known Zhao Ruoyao. If I covet her beauty and harass her, and get a strong rejection, I might do something drastic, right?"

In theory, this possibility exists.

Chen Yi opened the car window, lit a cigarette, and said, "I've observed it, and it doesn't look like there's any need for everyone to fight."

"Besides, if the harasser is really Song Mingxuan's friend, there should be no reason to hide it from Song Mingxuan."

"This situation is more like..."

Having said this, he paused for a moment and continued: "It's more like he didn't dare to say it because of the other party's strength."

"What I mean by powerful is from the perspective of a junior high school student."

"For a junior high school student, the average adult is considered powerful."

"Also, the method of committing the crime and the behavior of dumping the body can also indirectly illustrate this point."

"Ether, cars, those young people don't have such conditions."

"I personally think the murderer is not too young."

After listening to Chen Yi's words, Zhuo Yun nodded: "It makes sense. Those young people don't look old enough. It's not necessarily whether they are 20 years old or not."

"If this is the case, how should we find someone? Check the surveillance?"

After speaking, he turned back to look at Jiang Xiaoxin.

Jiang Xiaoxin pondered for a moment and said, "We can't determine the specific date and scope. It would be a lot of work to check the surveillance."

"Qian Ningchu said it was last weekend when Zhao Ruoyao was in a bad mood, right? Then we have to start investigating from last Sunday."

"But how to determine the scope? Is it near the orphanage or the school?"

"The activities of junior high school students are quite broad, right?"

"By the way, Qian Ningchu said that he often goes shopping with Zhao Ruoyao, so he should ask her where she has been."

Chen Yi took a drag on his cigarette and said, "She didn't mention the harassment. It definitely didn't happen when the two of them were together."

"Checking the surveillance is indeed a huge workload, please wait first."

"If all the clues are finally cut off and there is no other way, we will start the Skynet inspection again."

"Don't worry, the source of ether is also a big problem."

The purchasing channels for ether are demanding, and it is not something you can buy if you want.

Case investigation must be carried out step by step.

As soon as the voice fell, the bell rang.

Chen Yi took out his cell phone and glanced at the caller ID, then answered the call immediately: "Hello? Brother Qiang."

Lu Yongqiang's voice was filled with excitement: "Chen Yi, we found it! We found the place where the body was dumped!"

"The suspected suspect's footprints, finished cigarette butts, and suspicious rut ​​marks were found at the scene!"

Chen Yi: "Where are you now?"

Lu Yongqiang: "Just getting ready to go back."

Chen Yi: "Give the cigarette butt to Fang Shuyu to try to extract DNA, and then let the technical department determine the vehicle model."

"Also, send me the exact address."

Lu Yongqiang: "Okay, I'll go back right away and send you the address to your mobile phone."

The phone hangs up.

Zhuo Yun and Jiang Xiaoxin looked over.

Chen Yi said: "We should have found the scene where the body was dumped. Sister Jiang, go back and take someone to check the surveillance. Brother Yun is driving."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yongqiang sent an address.

Chen Yi opened it, enlarged it, and looked at it carefully.

His words cheered up Zhuo Yun and Jiang Xiaoxin. This was their first day of investigation, and they had gained quite a lot.

If the scene where the body was dumped is found and the model of the vehicle where the body was dumped can be determined, the suspect vehicle can be identified through screening of nearby surveillance cameras.If we then check the DNA of the car owner, wouldn’t the case be solved?

Good news!

This is the cost of crime under the Internet big data. If you are not careful, you will leave clues and be caught by the police.

Zhuo Yun started the car, but Chen Yi was still looking at the map.

The location shows that the site is still very remote and has even been separated from urban roads, which is why there are ruts left near the site.

It can be seen that the suspect is very cautious, so the first crime scene is probably far away.

After a long time, Chen Yi put down his phone.

Next, we have to look at the results of the investigation of clues. I hope there will be a breakthrough.


At night, Fang Shuyu left the forensic room with an identification report in his hand.

"Chen Yi, you are the suspect."

As he spoke, Fang Shuyu handed the report to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took it and glanced at it. The other party was pointing to the cigarette butt.

Instantly, a dynamic picture emerged in his mind: the suspect drove a car to the wilderness, carried the suitcase containing Zhao Ruoyao's body, and threw it into the river. When he returned, he smoked a cigarette and finished it. Then threw it away and left in the car.

Fang Shuyu sat down and said, "The hair you gave me does not match the suspect's DNA. It is not him."

"Whose hair is that?"

Chen Yi: "It belongs to the director of the welfare home."

Hearing this, Fang Shuyu's eyes narrowed slightly and he said to himself: "Fortunately it's not him."

The director of the welfare home has a huge advantage in committing crimes. If it were really him, Zhao Ruoyao would probably not be the only victim.

The children in the orphanage must still be in awe of the director and dare not disobey him in any way.

This position is very important.

On the other side, the vehicle model corresponding to the rut marks has been determined. It is relatively easy to identify the vehicle model through the tires. Jiang Xiaoxin is leading people to conduct inventory and monitoring.

Whether it can be found or not is not certain.

I might have to work overtime tonight.

"Shuyu, please go back and rest first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow." At this time, Chen Yi spoke.

Next, there is nothing forensic to do.

"There's no rush." ​​After saying that, Fang Shuyu hesitated and said, "Chen Yi, how about I take someone to the orphanage tomorrow to extract the DNA of all the male staff? It will be quick."

Chen Yi: "Don't do this yet."

"Based on the existing clues, I think the possibility that the murderer is an insider of the welfare home is not very high."

Fang Shuyu looked around and then whispered: "Do you have a rough outline?"

Chen Yi was surprised: "Profile? You mean psychological profiling?"

Fang Shuyu hummed. She knew that Chen Yi had profound knowledge in criminal psychological profiling.

Having profiling skills is a huge weapon for a criminal police officer in investigating crimes.

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said: "Shu Yu, profiling can only assist in investigating cases and cannot be used indiscriminately."

"Wrong profiling direction will seriously affect the investigation process."

"In this case, it is not suitable to use profiling to identify the suspect."

Hearing this, Fang Shuyu smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I just... really want to catch the murderer."

Chen Yi smiled back: "Don't worry, didn't I say before, he can't run away."

"Go back and rest quickly, leave this place to us."

Fang Shuyu nodded: "Okay, then don't be too late. Sharpen the knife and chop wood."

Chen Yi: "Yeah."

After Fang Shuyu left, Chen Yi came to the Internet Surveillance Section and joined the surveillance investigation work.

Because it was impossible to determine the exact time for dumping the body, and it was scattered at multiple intersections, Chen Yi directly started the double-speed screening, watching four surveillance screens at the same time at eight or even sixteen times the speed.

This scene almost shocked Zhuo Yun and the others.

By the way, can you really see clearly? !

Zhuo Yun wanted to ask this question, but seeing that Chen Yi was very serious, he refrained from asking.

The time came to eleven o'clock in the evening.

At a certain moment, Chen Yi's pupils shrank slightly and he suddenly pressed the pause button.

Then, go back ten seconds.

He looked closer and saw a white car on the screen. The time was three forty in the morning.

"Sister Jiang! Check the license plate number!"

Chen Yi spoke in a deep voice.

Hearing the sound, everyone around them rushed over and were immediately surprised.

"Yes, it's this kind of car." Lu Yongqiang said and looked at Chen Yi in surprise.

Originally, he was skeptical about Chen Yi's speed at watching the surveillance, but he didn't expect to find it!
The most powerful brain again? ?
"Wearing a mask, you can only tell it's a man, so be suspicious and cautious, my mother must be this bastard!"

Zhuo Yun looked at it carefully for a while and said.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaoxin immediately entered the suspected license plate in the background with anticipation.

She thought that the case would be solved immediately, but the result that popped up made her expression freeze.

"Chen Yi...the deck and the car are wrong."

These words made everyone curse inwardly after being stunned for a moment.

Chen Yi was much calmer, but his brows were also slightly wrinkled.

"This guy is a bit smart."

(End of this chapter)

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