Chapter 30 Ma Meng’s ex-boyfriend?
The atmosphere in the case handling hall dropped to freezing point.

Judging from the interrogation just now, Fu Linwang's suspicion of hiring a murderer to kill has basically reached [-]%.

As long as the employee is found, the case can be solved.

So, how to find it?
Go through all of Fu Linwang’s interpersonal relationships?
This is the most direct way.

"Xiaoxin, give me the call record between the two of you!"

Zhou Yebin reached out to Jiang Xiaoxin.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxin quickly rummaged through the table and handed over two pieces of paper.

Zhou Yebin took it, found a place to sit down, and looked at it carefully.

After Chen Yi was silent for a while, he came to Jiang Xiaoxin.

"Sister Jiang, have you found anything about Ma Meng's WeChat chat history?"

Jiang Xiaoxin is one year older than him, so she is considered young.

Regarding Chen Yi, a newcomer, Jiang Xiaoxin had no prejudice and admired him very much. She replied in a low voice: "You want to ask about Ma Meng's cheating partner?"

"It is not possible to confirm at the moment. There are several men who are in contact with Ma Meng, but there is no direct confirmation from the chat content."

Chen Yi asked: "In addition, the phone calls are obviously frequent?"


Jiang Xiaoxin was stunned for a moment.

"I'll take a look later."

After saying that, she slid the mouse to bring up the electronic version of Ma Meng's call records, and then took out the organized WeChat contact information and chat records to compare them carefully.

"There is one named Fan Shihai. Compared with the others, his chat with Ma Meng is more intimate. They should have a good relationship."

"Chen Yi, does Ma Meng's cheating partner have anything to do with this case? Why are you investigating him?"

Chen Yi remembered the name and said with a smile: "It's always good to have more information."

"Fan Shihai!!"

At this moment, Zhou Yebin suddenly shouted.

He stared at the two call records in his hand and continued: "Chen Yi Zhuoyun, you go immediately to support the investigation of this person named Fan Shihai! Our people should be visiting now. I wonder if it is his turn."

"This name appears in the call records between Ma Meng and Fu Linwang!"

"Except for relatives on both sides, he is the only one left, so the suspicion is high!"

Hearing this, Chen Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was immediately a little stunned.

He had just learned Fan Shihai's name from Jiang Xiaoxin, and Zhou Yebin mentioned it again and directly identified him as a suspect.

and many more……

Chen Yi is inevitably a little messy now.

Zhou Yebin's suspicion is certainly correct. Since they are common contacts, suspicion naturally exists.

But if Fan Shihai is Ma Meng's cheating partner, then what kind of wild way is it to pay Lin Wang to let Fan Shihai kill Ma Meng? ?
Even if Fu Linwang didn't know that Fan Shihai had cheated on his wife, then Fan Shihai just agreed?Get paid to kill your lover?
One day couples pay a hundred days of kindness.

Isn't it just for money?
Jiang Xiaoxin was also a little confused at this time and did not react for a while.

While speaking, Zhou Yebin stood up and found that Chen Yi and Jiang Xiaoxin had strange expressions. He asked strangely: "What's wrong? Didn't you hear what I said?"

Chen Yi frowned slightly, he always felt something was a little strange.

Jiang Xiaoxin said quickly: "Captain Zhou, the Fan Shihai you just mentioned be Ma Meng's cheating lover."

Zhou Yebin stared: "What the hell?!"

Jiang Xiaoxin: "He and Ma Meng had frequent phone calls, and the content of the chats was the most suspicious."

"Although there is no substantive content, it is possible that the two of them were worried about being seen by Fu Linwang for safety reasons."

"It's safer to communicate with each other over the phone."

Zhou Yebin was also confused. He had the same idea as Chen Yi.

The cheating partner of hired murderer Ma Meng, kills Ma Meng?

What kind of bullshit plot?
Is it wrong?
Before that, Ma Meng's cheating partner was only on a moral level, and before he could investigate, he discovered that something was wrong with Fu Linwang.

After the suspicion of Fu Linwang was basically confirmed, this person had nothing to do with this case.

Zhou Yebin, of course, has no interest in him.

Why did it suddenly appear now?

Zhuo Yun on the side did not speak. He was even more messy than Zhou Yebin.

"Team Zhou, since there are doubts and unreasonableness, let's talk about it after meeting the person."

At this time Chen Yi spoke.He thought about cheating Lin Wang, and he would definitely get the answer through facial expressions, but he felt that it was torture to extract a confession, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Fraudulent confessions and induced confessions are both illegal.

Having said that, Fan Shihai's position is indeed a bit strange. He is in frequent contact with Ma Meng and is among Fu Linwang's acquaintances.

It would be remiss of the police not to investigate this.

Zhou Yebin nodded: "You and Zhuo Yun go find Fan Shihai immediately."

"As for how to ask, you decide for yourself."

"I'm going to see Director Zhang and apply for temporary detention of Lin Wang. He won't even think about leaving."

"Xiaoxin, print out Fan Shihai's detailed information and give it to them."

"Also, follow the route Fu Linwang took to withdraw the money and check the surveillance cameras near the bank to see if we can find out where he went after withdrawing the money and who he met."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

Chen Yi and the other two: "Yes, Team Zhou."


Fan Shihai's address is relatively far away, in the old city, and it takes more than half an hour to drive.

They didn't call ahead just in case.

Fan Shihai and Fu Linwang Mameng obviously have a close relationship, and the suspicion of being employed cannot be ruled out.

There is another important piece of information that Jiang Xiaoxin discovered when she printed Fan Shihai's information.

"This Fan Shihai has a criminal record, which is consistent with the characteristics of the murderer who has anti-reconnaissance capabilities."

While driving, Zhuo Yun spoke.

Chen Yi opened the car window, spitting smoke from his mouth and dissipating in the strong wind. He responded: "It's not a very clever technique, and it has no reference, but stabbing the victim to death with two knives is indeed more cruel than a normal person."

"Brother Yun means that he learned it in prison?"

About three and a half years ago, Fan Shihai was sentenced to three years in prison for gathering a crowd to fight.

He was released after two years because of good behavior in prison.

As for the working status three years ago and the current working status, the police background has no information.

Whether an individual's work information is entered into the police system depends on whether the individual is registered in the household registration.

This is not a mandatory requirement unless it is a national unit.

So this question needs to be asked after meeting Fan Shihai before we can know it.

Nowadays, occupations are diversified, just like online anchors. It is impossible to go to the household registration section of the police station and fill in the anchor occupation in the job column.

Zhuo Yun said: "There are everyone in the prison."

Chen Yi was noncommittal: "But he paid to kill Ma Meng, do you think it's reasonable? Why does it feel weird to me?"

Zhuo Yun: "Some people will do anything for money."

"Those with a criminal record will find it difficult to find a suitable job after they are released. This is the price and cost of crime."

Chen Yi scratched his head and said, "It depends on your personality."

"If Fan Shihai is a person who has no profit and can't afford to be early, and he and Ma Meng are just having fun, then that's right."

"But now we don't know whether he is Ma Meng's cheating partner."

Zhuo Yun hummed: "Let's talk about it after we meet."

During the chat, the vehicle sped away.

When they arrived in the old city, they went upstairs and knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response. It seemed that they were not at home.

So, they walked around and inquired about Fan Shihai's work and whereabouts.

The search lasted for more than two hours, and it was already evening.

According to feedback from the interview, Fan Shihai seems to be a deliveryman, but he has not been found. It is not clear where he went. Everyone is nodding and not very familiar with each other.

At a certain moment, Chen Yi's phone rang, it was Zhou Yebin calling.

"Hello? Captain Zhou." He answered the call immediately, and Zhuo Yun on the side also looked over.

Zhou Yebin: "Chen Yi, have you seen Fan Shihai?"

Chen Yi: "Not yet, I'm looking for him, there's no one at home."

Zhou Yebin: "Find him immediately. The people who visited Guanhao sent news that he is Ma Meng's ex-boyfriend!"

Chen Yi was immediately surprised: "What?"

(End of this chapter)

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