Chapter 275 I’ll take a nap here

Downstairs where the crime occurred, a director and a detachment leader were standing here, smoking and chatting. No one came close.

"Is the problem you mentioned someone playing tricks on?" Liu Hansheng asked.

Chen Yidao: "Of course I am inclined to believe that someone is causing trouble, but the two tenants who just moved in suddenly died, while the last tenant was not harmed in any way. Is this a coincidence?"

Liu Hansheng: "Are you sure he killed the guy in the house?"

Chen Yi: "Sure, strangled to death."

Liu Hansheng was surprised: "Didn't I hear that he was not a big boy? Is he really strangled to death? Killing someone is much harder than killing a chicken."

Chen Yidao: "There are no signs of fighting. It is suspected that he was killed while unconscious. We will have the answer after a comprehensive autopsy at the bureau."

"Oh..." Liu Hansheng nodded, "That makes sense. It's difficult to kill a grown man with bare hands. Since it was a homicide, then..."

He originally wanted to use his many years of police experience to give some inferences, but suddenly found that he couldn't say anything, there were too many possibilities.

What Chen Yi said just now is correct. The last tenant was fine, but now two men have moved in. One jumped off the building and the other was strangled to death. Is it a coincidence?

If it's a coincidence, then two people are unlucky?

If it's not a coincidence, the murderer came specifically for these two people?

If it was for these two people, was it the murderer who caused the house to be haunted?

If yes, what is the purpose? Why go to all this trouble? It feels completely unnecessary.

Blame it on Li Gui for killing someone? Let the police investigate? It's a bit of a joke, the detective is not a fool.

I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out.

In fact, the fact that these questions can arise in a short period of time is enough to show that Liu Hansheng has rich experience as a police officer. It is true that other police officers may not be able to do this.

"Forget it, I'll leave it to you to investigate, I can't control it." Liu Hansheng finally gave up analyzing the case, "Just tell me what you need to do. I've brought a lot of police officers with me this time. It's okay to visit and search." .”

Chen Yi took a puff of his cigarette and said, "Look through the trash can."

"Focus on the crime scene and radiate to the entire community and surrounding streets. Carry out a blanket search and don't miss any corner. The focus is on the trash cans to see if you can find anything suspicious."

Liu Hansheng was surprised: "Something suspicious? The murder weapon? Didn't it say he was strangled to death?"

Chen Yi explained.

"Twenty centimeters of fingers? Holy shit, someone is really pretending to be a ghost?" Liu Hansheng basically understood, "Don't worry, I'll send someone to search right away."

The time came to five o'clock in the morning. The forensic doctor had taken away the body and the on-site investigation had ended. All the clues needed to be brought back to the bureau for testing and analysis.

The interviews with the field criminal police officers were almost done. Everyone said they did not know the two tenants. This community is very mobile. Most of the houses are sold and rented. Neighbors often change faces. As time goes by, There is no intersection.

Unlike twenty or thirty years ago, the entire community knew everyone, and there was no one they didn’t know.

As for the haunting incident, some residents said that it had been going on for quite some time. They had heard about it a few months ago but didn’t know the details. They thought it was a joke. However, the previous tenant made a big fuss and the whole community came over to argue. People watched and eventually called the police, so word spread.

As a result, the residents opposite 602 have temporarily moved out in the past few days and do not dare to live there again.

At this time, the technicians and forensic scientists had already withdrawn and left, and the remaining field staff joined the search team, spreading out bit by bit.

Shi Xin also came back and reported the investigation results of the community surveillance to Chen Yi.

"Nothing was found, but that doesn't mean anything. There is a blind spot."

"The blind spot?" Chen Yi looked up at one or two nearby cameras and asked, "Where is the blind spot?"

He Xin pointed to the entrance and exit of the unit and said: "Come out of Unit 1 and stick to the wall, continue walking along the door of Unit 2, and you won't be able to see it."

Chen Yi glanced at it and said, "There is no blind spot at the gate."

Shi Xin: "There is no blind spot at the gate, but no one was seen leaving. I only photographed the landlord coming in."

Chen Yi: "In other words, the murderer either climbed over the wall and left, or he hasn't left yet."

There are too many ways to leave this community. Among other things, there is a wall on the side of the building in front. It was built with bricks in the early years and has not yet been demolished. Children can climb over it.

In this way, checking the surveillance is completely meaningless, and it is impossible to determine whether the murderer is a resident of the community or came in from outside.

Shi Xin nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yigang was about to speak, when a policeman shouted: "I've discovered it, I've discovered it!!"

The voice is very exciting, and it is rewarding to participate in major criminal cases. It is a highlight moment for a police officer.

Chen Yi turned around and trotted over. He Xin followed closely behind him, and Liu Hansheng and Song Hong from a distance were also attracted.

"Chen Zhi! Suo Liu!" The policeman saluted, pointed to the trash can in front of him and said, "Here are a shoe cover and... uh, gloves, very strange gloves."

Hearing this, Chen Yi leaned closer and looked inside. It was indeed as the other party said. Inside the trash can filled with garbage, there were a pair of balled-up shoe covers and smooth and slender metal gloves quietly placed.

Upon seeing this, he waved, and two police officers from the detachment immediately stepped forward and carefully took out the metal gloves and shoe covers.

Chen Yi tapped his knuckles, and his gloves made a clicking sound.

Visual inspection showed that the length of the finger was 20 centimeters, which was completely consistent with the pinch marks on the neck of the deceased.

Shi Xin observed it for a while and said, "Isn't this thing for sale? Did you make it yourself?"

Chen Yi took the glove handed over by the police officer, picked up the metal glove and looked over it. It was not light. The material of the palm and half of the fingers was a relatively thin iron sheet, which was hollow, and the remaining half of the fingers were solid. .

Perfectly matching the desired crime effect, it must be self-made.

"Thank you for your hard work." Chen Yi handed the gloves to his men and said to the police who found the clues.

The policeman stood at attention: "It's your duty, you should do it!"

Liu Hansheng looked at him approvingly. It seemed that he would have to praise him alone after returning to the institute. His subordinates had made meritorious deeds, and he, the director, had a bright face.

Having said that, this glove... is really bizarre. Are the murderers' modus operandi so weird these days? What do you think?

His first reaction was that the other party had some mental problems, and ordinary people couldn't do such a showy act.

Chen Yi did not comment on the matter and said to He Xin: "Lao He, please lead the team first and go back to the bureau to follow up on the forensic and trace inspection work. Give the gloves to Lu Yongqiang and we will contact you by phone at any time." When is new: "Okay, what about you?"

Chen Yi: "I'll take a nap here."

When is it new: "Huh??"

Chen Yidao: "Didn't Qin Fei and the others say it's haunted? Let's take a nap and check the situation."

Hearing these words, Song Hong's eyes lit up as he stood behind Liu Hansheng. This was what he was looking forward to.

As long as Chen Zhi of the city bureau also said that the house was haunted, he wouldn't have to be scolded by the director when he went back. When Liu Hansheng found out about calling Qin Fei, he was very angry.

Liu Hansheng said: "Is it necessary?"

Chen Yi smiled: "I'm sleepy anyway. It doesn't matter where I sleep. You all go back."

Liu Hansheng said: "I'm close. Just wait. I'll leave if there's no problem."

The detachment leader of the city bureau slept at the scene of the murder that day. It was unreasonable for him, the director of the district, to leave. Besides, there was a personal relationship between the two.

Chen Yi did not refuse: "Okay, it won't be long. I'll just sleep for an hour or two and come down at dawn."

Liu Hansheng: "Okay."

Later, when He Xin left with the detachment, Chen Yi went upstairs to 602 alone under the watchful eyes of Liu Hansheng and others.

Without stopping, he opened the door and walked in.

As soon as I walked in, the familiar cold feeling came again, and the temperature difference was indeed a bit wrong.

"Qin Fei said to turn on the lights first, go to the second bedroom, and then lie on the bed to sleep..."

Qin Fei told him the complete experience before, and this time he was going to repeat it according to Qin Fei's path.

When he came to the second bedroom, Chen Yi closed the door and turned on the light and lay on the bed. He looked at the ceiling above and smelled the strange fragrance again.

"I seem to have smelled it somewhere, I can't remember exactly, Datura?"

He stopped thinking about it and slowly closed his eyes.

Time passed slowly.

ten minutes.

twenty minutes.

half an hour.

One hour.

Chen Yi fell into a light sleep.

At this moment, the lights above began to flicker on and off, and there was an inexplicable whine of wind in the room. The sound was not harsh, but it went straight to the soul.

Another five minutes passed, and Chen Yi slowly opened his eyes. The light in the bedroom became dimmer and still flickering, as if it might go out at any time.

Suddenly, with a creaking sound, the door slowly opened.

Chen Yi turned around and saw a woman in white clothes with long hair floating in. Her long hair covered her face and she couldn't see clearly.

He knew why Song Hong and Qin Fei had that kind of experience. He had experienced it himself, and they didn't lie.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely be frightened to death. The last tenant asked for hundreds of thousands of mental damages, which is reasonable.

This shouldn't frighten people psychologically and cause lifelong trauma.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, sat up, and stared at the woman who was gradually approaching.

At a distance of two meters, the woman stopped. Both parties remained motionless, and the atmosphere was extremely strange.

Chen Yi watched for a while, then got out of bed and approached. This movement made the woman's figure begin to twist. He waved his hand, passing through and touching the air.

"The hallucinations of the mind. There is something hallucinogenic in this room."

Chen Yi muttered to himself, then looked up at the flashing lights.

"As for the lights... the wiring needs to be modified, which is easy to solve."

"What about the temperature? Why is the temperature so low?"

Thinking of the temperature issue, Chen Yi ignored the woman who might disappear at any time, turned around and came to the wall and raised his hand to touch it.

"It is not difficult to lower the temperature in a space. It can be achieved with heat-absorbing materials, or the entire room can be artificially transformed into a refrigerator."

"Where's the voice?"

At this time, Chen Yi discovered that the whining wind in his ears suddenly stopped.

After standing there and thinking for a while, Chen Yi looked back at the bed he had just been lying on, and then lay down on it again.

He waited patiently for half an hour, and the whining wind sounded again.

The sound slowly stopped as he moved off the mattress.

The mattress is the switch.

"What is the purpose of making the house like this? Is it directly related to this case?"

Chen Yi turned around and saw that his long white hair had disappeared.

If necessary, this house needs to be completely demolished. The premise is that the reason is sufficient. For now, we will check it step by step first.

(End of this chapter)

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