Chapter 266 Siege of Nanping Port

Liang Yi was rescued and Qi Ting was arrested. Two things that should have caused an earthquake in Jiaocheng did not cause any ripples. Everything remained the same.

That night, Qi Weihai went back to the bedroom early without waiting for Qi Ting's return. It was Qi Ting's norm to stay up all night, so he was not surprised, not to mention that the other party was dealing with Liang Yi's problem.

Liang Yi is a tough nut to crack, and he also knows that Qi Ting still has feelings for him and is reluctant to let Liang Yi die. There are still three days left, and Qi Ting needs to race against time.

Solving Liang Yi in three days is no joke, he will definitely take action, and he knows Qi Ting understands this.

"It's really adding to the chaos. Why don't you give birth to a daughter?"

Before going to bed, Qi Weihai complained and turned off the light in the room.

At this moment, at Nanping Port, a luxury car was approaching from a distance. After seeing the license plate number, the security guard quickly opened the door, and the vehicle entered the port without any hindrance.

In front of a container, the vehicle stopped, and his men stepped forward and opened the door respectfully.

"Brother Kun."


The bald Cai Baokun hummed, stepped out of the car with a cigarette in his mouth, and looked full of style.

"How is the cargo?" Cai Baokun asked. As he spoke, the fat on his face trembled very obviously under the lights of the port.

The long period of drinking and sex made him look a little vain.

The subordinate replied: "It's being packed and we expect to be able to leave the day after tomorrow."

Hearing this, Cai Baokun nodded with satisfaction: "The speed is very fast. It seems that you are not lazy and have done a good job."

The subordinates smiled and said: "It's all because of Brother Kun's leadership who is considerate of us, and the people below are very motivated."

Cai Baokun was very comfortable with the flattery. He said: "This time the old guy from Wudeshan is finished. It is finally our turn to make a fortune. There must be no problems with the first shipment, otherwise it will be difficult for the boss to explain."

Subordinate: "Brother Kun, don't worry."

Cai Baokun nodded and asked, "Has nothing unusual happened in the past few days?"


Cai Baokun: "Are there any unrelated people hanging around?"

"No, Brother Kun."

Cai Baokun: "Okay then, let's go, take me to the pier for a walk."

Under the illumination of the lights, the group walked towards the seaside.

In the distance, behind the blue container, Chen Yi looked sideways at Cai Baokun's leaving figure, raised his hand and took a puff of the cigarette between his fingers.

He already has information about Cai Baokun, the bald guy just now.

Although the other party acts in a low-key manner, his appearance is much greater than that of Wudeshan. Psychologically speaking, he is a person with a good face, which is also a fatal flaw for criminals.

"One is Wudeshan and the other is Cai Baokun. Neither of them looks particularly smart. What kind of friends do Qi Weihai have made? Who will die if you don't die? Qi Ting is still barely qualified, but it's a pity that she is a daughter."

"Pricho to boys?"

Chen Yi still had time to think about these messy things. After smoking the cigarette in his hand, he threw it away, stamped it out, and walked forward where the light could not reach.

There is a lot of surveillance in Nanping Port, but there are also many blind spots. Before coming, he had already fully grasped the situation in Shi Xin Na.

When he couldn't get any closer, Chen Yi stopped and waited quietly.

half an hour.

One hour.

It was almost twelve o'clock. Cai Baokun seemed to have finished his inspection. He returned to the car with a newly lit cigarette in his mouth, gave a few instructions and left.

From this distance, Chen Yi could already hear clearly what they were saying.

"the day after tomorrow?"

"Well done, give me a pillow if you feel sleepy."

Chen Yi was still worried that there would be a long period of silence in Nanping Port. In that case, Qi Ting's arrest would not be concealed. By then, Qi Weihai's vigilance would be at its extreme, and the illegal business might be completely cut off, which would inevitably waste a lot of time and money. He pestered.

There is a lot of criminal evidence for the Wu family, but there is no evidence for Qi Weihai's crime. Arresting Qi Ting and rescuing Liang Yi is not enough. The investigation team needs more direct evidence.

Arresting Cai Baokun in Nanping Port is the fastest and best way at present.

Cai Baokun quickly left the port by car. The other party said that he would come back tomorrow night for final confirmation, so tomorrow night would be the best time to arrest him.

Before that, Chen Yi needed to determine what kind of goods they were going to sell.

Although it can be guessed, it must be seen with one's own eyes to confirm it, so as to avoid making mistakes and avoid being fished for.

After hiding behind the scenes for so many years, Chen Yi would not underestimate Qi Weihai's IQ.

As time passed slowly, several lights in the port gradually turned off, everyone stopped loading and prepared to rest, and the entire Nanping Port suddenly became dim.

Chen Yi walked close to the container and approached the loading site based on the floor plan in his mind. There were guards, but they were not particularly strict.

Arriving at the rear, Chen Yi crouched down in front of the stacked boxes. This was the only blind spot for surveillance and guards.

Taking out a sharp dagger, he carefully opened one of the boxes. After opening it, there were cosmetics inside.

The manufacturer is Faisheng Group.

"Backlog of goods, no wonder you're in such a hurry."

Chen Yi took out one of the vials, opened it, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. After confirming that it was what he thought, he put it back and continued to pick up the second bottle.

The second bottle is just normal cosmetics.

He went on to pick up the third bottle.

After checking for a long time, Chen Yi finally determined that these goods were a mixture of real cosmetics and fake cosmetics. If they were caught with such a large amount, they would be shot ten times.

"Wudeshan is indeed very courageous, but Qi Weihai is really courageous."

Not selling locally, pretending to be genuine, using legal business and even Wude Mountain smuggling as a cover, this is how Qi Weihai has not had any accidents for so many years.

Even Duan Quan of the anti-drug detachment didn't know that there was a super big fish in Jiaocheng.

Smuggling is very profitable, but this thing is even more profitable, and it is absolutely profitable.

After Chen Yi sealed the box, he quietly exited Nanping Port.

Everything that needs to be confirmed has been confirmed, and all that's left is to close the net and go talk to Ma Bin and Duan Quan.

This is the last and most important time, nothing can go wrong.

The peaceful night passed.

The next day, Chen Yi called Gu Jingfeng and informed him of his investigation results, including Liang Yi's successful rescue.

Tonight, the SWAT detachment and the anti-narcotics detachment will conduct a large-scale operation.

After learning the truth about Nanping Port, Gu Jingfeng, who had experienced the storm, could not hide his surprise: "I didn't expect the matter to be so serious. How are you preparing for it?"

Chen Yi: "We are ready to solve the problem tonight. I will notify you then."

Gu Jingfeng: "Okay, I'll wait for a call. Is Liang Yi okay?" Chen Yi: "No, don't worry, Team Leader Gu. It's just a broken leg and there will be no sequelae."

Gu Jingfeng: "Well, it's the best news for us that Liang Yi is still alive. After this case is over, let him take over the position of captain of the criminal investigation detachment. I believe he can do a good job."

Chen Yi: "I have no objection."

Hard work will pay off. Although Liang Yi did not investigate the case for the position of detachment leader, the investigation team will not ignore his efforts and contributions.

Promotion is certain.

Gu Jingfeng: "Be careful, I'll wait for your news."

Chen Yi: "Okay, Team Leader Gu."


The situation in Jiaocheng is changing, night is gradually falling, and the day is very short.

When the lights enveloped Nanping Port, everyone started loading the ship. If you look carefully, you can see that each container has the words Huisheng Group printed on it.

Huisheng Group is gone now. When tonight passes, these goods will also disappear in Jiaocheng, completely erasing the traces of Huisheng Group in Jiaocheng.

In the future, no one will remember Watson Group anymore.

Under the surface of peace, there is a new pattern secretly, like leeks, coming in waves.

If you want to solve a problem, you have to uproot it.

Cai Baokun arrived soon. This evening was very important and he had to supervise it personally.

These people in the port are all his trusted subordinates. They can go through fire and water for him with a word. Among them, there are also veteran confidants who followed him to compete for territory in the early years.

When you make a fortune, you will certainly not forget them.

Of course, risks and benefits are balanced. If everything is safe, you will make a fortune together. If you encounter danger, you will be blamed.

Everyone needs to be mentally prepared for this job.

"Brother Kun."

A man with a tattoo on his arm walked over.

Cai Baokun nodded slightly and said: "Let them hurry up and set off before four in the morning. Anything later will easily cause trouble. Our friends above will not allow us to mess around during the day."

Tattooed man: "Don't worry, brother Kun, we can get it done at two in the morning."

When his subordinate handed him a cigarette, Cai Baokun opened his mouth and bit it.

After taking a comfortable breath, he said: "Everyone will take a break after this time. The money will definitely be enough. I will inform you next time I work."

The tattooed man smiled: "Brother Xie Kun, I have been waiting for your words."

Cai Baokun: "I can't treat you badly."

It's not good to be a boss these days, you need to give your subordinates real benefits. Only when they see the benefits will they work hard for you.

Talking about feelings? Talk about the future?

That thing hurts money.

At this moment, police lights were dimly visible on the road in the distance, flashing in all directions, completely surrounding Nanping Port without blind spots.

When it was about to approach, the SWAT car suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the gate.

"Brother Kun has the police!!!"

When the men stationed on the lookout saw it, their faces turned pale with fright and they shouted at the top of their lungs.

Upon hearing these five words, Cai Baokun's hands trembled suddenly, and the cigarette between his fingers slipped and fell to the ground.


Before he could turn his head, the speeding SWAT car did not slow down and smashed into the guardrail of the gate, followed by a harsh braking sound.

"No! Run! What the hell!!"

Cai Baokun and the tattooed man were so frightened that their adrenaline surged, and they called on everyone to run in the opposite direction quickly.

Unfortunately, there was also a SWAT car on the other end, which directly smashed into all obstacles.

The car door opened, and the heavily armed SWAT police got out of the car one after another, pointing their loaded guns at everyone.

"Don't move! Hold your head with your hands and squat down! Anyone who resists will be killed on the spot!"

"Don't move! Hold your head and squat down!"

There were more and more special police vehicles, including vehicles from the city bureau's anti-drug detachment. More anti-drug police officers joined the siege, including Duan Quan and Ma Bin.

"Fuck them!"

Seeing that he couldn't run away, the tattooed man took out his pistol and was about to shoot.

Da da da!

The next second, the gunfire of an assault rifle rang out, and the tattooed man was beaten into a sieve before he could pull the trigger.

"Anyone who resists arrest will be killed on the spot! Everyone squats down with their heads in their hands!! Hurry up!"

Ma Bin rushed to the front and roared angrily.

Those without weapons chose to surrender, but those with weapons knew that they were facing death on both sides, so they still resisted and retreated to the container group.

There is the sea a hundred meters away, and there might be a chance of survival if you jump into the sea.



Da da da!

Gunshots rang out, and all SWAT and anti-narcotics police quickly narrowed the encirclement, not giving anyone a chance to escape.

"I say it again! Kill those who resist on the spot and put down their weapons!!"

Bang bang bang!

Cai Baokun hid in the corner of the container, holding his head to avoid the splashing bullets, and greeted Qi Weihai's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

Isn’t it said to be absolutely safe? Didn't it mean that the investigation team has left? This is asking me to die! I'm going to fuck you!

"Cai Baokun! You have been surrounded. Put down your weapon immediately and come out holding your head!"

The one who shouted was Duan Quan. Before arriving, Chen Yi had already given an order that Cai Baokun must be captured alive.

He slowly approached the container with his gun raised, and SWAT and anti-narcotics police were approaching in a fan shape around him.

Duan Quan continued to shout: "If you have meritorious service, you may still be alive, but if you resist arrest, you will definitely die. Think clearly!"

Hearing these words, Cai Baokun was helpless. After scolding Qi Weihai again, he threw the pistol away.

"Come out holding your head!"

After seeing the pistol, Duan Quan shouted.

Cai Baokun hugged his bald head and slowly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, somewhat comically.

Two special police officers stepped forward and pinned him to the ground.

Duan Quan breathed a sigh of relief and put away his pistol. He completed the task assigned by Chen Yi perfectly.

"Check carefully, don't let anything slip through the net, be careful!" he ordered.

The cleaning work continues.

Ma Bin came over. He and Duan Quan were old friends, but this was their first time working together on such a large operation.

(End of this chapter)

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