Chapter 264 Preparing to Arrest Qi Ting

Yan Zhe still needs to be used. He has nothing to do with the Wu family, but that doesn't mean he has nothing to do with the Qi family.

"Yan Zhe?" Liang Yi was slightly stunned, "No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with him. I have tried several times and he is worthy of trust. is he doing now? Did he help Captain Chen when he investigated the Huisheng Group?"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "It's a great help. This young man has done a good job. Because of your disappearance, he has taken your place and is now the captain of the Investigation Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Jiaocheng City Bureau."

Hearing this, Liang Yi also smiled: "That's it, that's good. It seems that you didn't disappoint me. Did Captain Chen find the letter I left?"

Chen Yi nodded: "I found it. You are good at hiding and very cautious. It's better to be cautious. This group of people is really pervasive."

Liang Yishen felt the same way: "Yes, I had discovered that someone was following me at that time, so I made several copies of the evidence I had. One of them was placed in the bank safe. I knew that the Wu family would definitely get it, and the other was buried I told Yan Zhe in the park and stuffed a copy into my car."

In the car? One more?

Chen Yi and Shi Xin were surprised. The latter said: "There is another copy? Where is it in the car?"

Liang Yidao: "It's in the corner of the engine room. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it."

He Xin gave a thumbs up. Because he had already found the letter, he didn't search Liang Yi's car, and even if he searched, he might not be able to find it.

Liang Yi did not make two preparations, but three preparations. He anticipated many possibilities in advance and raised the error tolerance rate very high.

Faced with He Xin's gesture of praise, Liang Yi was a little embarrassed: "It's a small trick, but it's embarrassing in front of Captain He and Captain Chen. You guys are amazing. You can really understand my intentions. To be honest, at first thought, I don’t even understand it myself.”

Laughter rang out in the car, and the atmosphere became relaxed.

Liang Yi is still alive, which is good news for the investigation team, and Liang Yi can wait until the investigation team arrives, which is also a surprise.

Everything is developing in the expected direction.

At this time, Chen Yi said: "Since Yan Zhe is trustworthy, please ask Captain Liang to call him and bring the two newcomers to come here immediately. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's chat on the phone first."

When it came to business, Liang Yi's face became solemn: "Captain Chen means..."

Chen Yi: "Qi Ting will definitely come again, right?"

Liang Yi understood: "She will come. She said she would give me three days to think about it. Captain Chen wants to arrest her?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Well, wait and see, secretly arrest Qi Ting, or kill her on the spot, extend the time for Qi Weihai to discover the investigation team's return, and wait for Nanping Port to reveal its flaws."

After the words fell, He Xin glanced at Chen Yi and said the words "kill on the spot" without any hesitation and no sympathy.

He had no objection. He heard the gunshots just now. When he went in to copy the surveillance video data, he also saw the bodies on the ground. He also noticed that everyone had a gun in their hands.

Desperados, no exceptions.

Even his subordinates are so dangerous, let alone Qi Ting and Qi Weihai themselves.

If there is resistance, they can be killed directly, otherwise they will definitely die.

Liang Yi was silent for a while, but stopped talking.

Chen Yi: "Captain Liang can speak directly if he has anything to say. We are all our own people, and besides, we have a fate-telling friendship."

The rescue just now did involve some danger. After all, bullets don't have eyes. If Chen Yi fell, Liang Yi wouldn't be able to survive, and he would have to die here.

Liang Yi said: "Captain Chen, there is no balance between good and evil. I have no mercy for Qi Ting, but...she did not kill me immediately. If possible, I hope she can face the trial alive."

Chen Yi: "If she accepts trial, she will also receive the death penalty... Okay, I'll try my best."

He understood Liang Yi's psychology. If Qi Weihai was the one to solve this matter, then Liang Yi's death time would be not far different from Wude Mountain, and he would not be able to wait for him to save him.

To a certain extent, Qi Ting can be regarded as a "life-saving grace".

It's a bit ironic to say that it was the Qi family who caught Liang Yi here, but now they want Qi Ting to feel grateful.

Life is full of ironies sometimes.

Liang Yi: "Thank you Captain Chen. I'm just talking about a possibility. If Qi Ting violently resists arrest, Captain Chen doesn't have to hesitate."

Chen Yi hummed, took out his mobile phone and checked the signal, and found that it had returned to normal.

"The shielding is off, right?" he asked.

Shi Xin nodded: "It has been turned off. It is in the main control room and can be turned on at any time."

Chen Yi dialed Yan Zhe's number and then handed it to Liang Yi.

Liang Yi took the phone, took a deep breath, and put it to his ear.

At this time, Yan Zhe was working overtime at the Municipal Bureau. Although the investigation team had left, there were still many small cases left behind. He needed to deal with them as soon as possible and completely solve all the subsequent hidden dangers of Huisheng Group.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Yan Zhe picked it up and took a look at it, then quickly answered the call.

"Hello? Captain Chen."

He thought Chen Yi had arrived at the Imperial City.

"Yan Zhe."

The familiar voice frightened Yan Zhe. He was stunned for a few seconds, looked around, then stood up and found a corner where no one was.

"Team Liang??"

Liang Yi smiled and said: "Yan Zhe, long time no see. You did a good job and you didn't disappoint me."

Yan Zhe was a little excited: "Captain Liang, you are really alive, what's going on? Why did you use Captain Chen's mobile phone to call me?"

Liang Yi: "It was Captain Chen who rescued me. Without further ado, take two new police officers and set off immediately. Don't alert anyone. Grab your gun. The address will be sent to your phone shortly."

Yan Zhe: "Yes! Captain Liang!" He didn't ask about the purpose, let alone why Chen Yi returned to Jiaocheng. These were not his business.

All he has to do is obey orders unconditionally.

After hanging up the phone, Liang Yi returned the phone to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi smiled: "So soon, no more chatting?"

Liang Yi: "After Qi Weihai is dealt with, we will have plenty of time to chat."

Chen Yi nodded: "That's very good, Lao He. You take Captain Liang to go first and find a remote hospital to recuperate. During this period, keep an eye on Qi Weihai and Qi Ting's movements. We will contact you by phone."

"Leave it to Qin Fei at Nanping Port. He will keep an eye on it and notify us if there is any abnormality."

Shixin: "I understand, don't worry."

Liang Yi stopped talking. He had a broken leg now. All he could do was not to help. He could only wait until the leg healed, but maybe by then... Qi Weihai had been brought to justice.

He eagerly awaits the arrival of this day.

Chen Yi opened the door and got out of the car. Shi Xin also came to the driver's seat and the three of them waved goodbye.

Watching the vehicle gradually disappear from sight, Chen Yi took out his cigarette and lit it. Listening to the chirping of insects and birds in the wilderness, he turned and entered the yard.

He didn't know how long he had to wait here, but of course the longer the better.

The longer the time went on, the more Qi Weihai moved.

Just now Liang Yi said that Qi Ting gave three days, so there is a high probability that it will be three days later, but he cannot leave midway to prevent Qi Ting from suddenly appearing.

In these three days, he needed to dispose of the body, and the rest was waiting.

On the other side, He Xin drove Liang Yi to the hospital. Liang Yi had just given suggestions. Their destination was a small hospital in the suburbs. Not many people usually go there. They heard that it was about to merge with other hospitals. .

On the way, the two chatted, and Liang Yi asked the most about Chen Yi.

Only then did he know that Chen Yi came to Jiaocheng to bear all the pressure of investigating the Huisheng Group, and the Qi family could be regarded as an extra gain because of the other party's clear knowledge.

"As long as there is any doubt, Chen Yi will be able to catch it. To be honest, I only found out when I was leaving." He Xin said with a smile.

Liang Yi: "It turns out that Captain Chen has investigated so many big cases. No wonder he was given the important task by the investigation team. The result is the most important, and he did it."

Shi Xindao: "You're not bad either. You haven't given up on the investigation for many years. The most talked about thing during Chen Yicheng's time in Jiaocheng is that it's your life or death. He cares a lot about you."

Liang Yi was silent for a moment and said, "It's really an honor for me to know Captain Chen. My efforts are not in vain."

If it were anyone else who had dealt with this case, it would have been nice if the Wu family could be solved. It would be difficult to raise suspicions about the Qi family. And I would also die in the wilderness without anyone to collect the body.

Oh no...Qi Ting might collect his body.


Thinking of Qi Ting, he sighed again. He didn't know how many times he sighed.

It would be great if she were an ordinary girl.

While driving, Ji Xin looked at Liang Yi through the rearview mirror and guessed what the other person was thinking.

A girlfriend who has a good relationship suddenly becomes a life-and-death enemy, and there is no possibility of turning around. It is difficult for anyone to accept it.

Good luck tricks people.

It was not Liang Yi who was wrong, but Qi Ting.

Isn't it nonsense that a cat and a mouse fall in love?

It is true that white can become black, but black can never become white.

Dead end.


Qi Ting returned home. It was already late, but Qi Weihai had been waiting.

"Dad." Qi Ting paused.

In front of the sofa, Qi Weihai flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said, "Surrender, or are you dead?"

Qi Ting said nothing.

Qi Weihai snorted coldly: "Young boy, Tingting, remember, you still have six days. After six days, I will either see Liang Yi kneeling down or Liang Yi turning into a corpse." , there is no third option.”

Qi Ting said expressionlessly: "I know, if he is destined to become an enemy, I will personally send him on his way."

Qi Weihai was satisfied: "This is my daughter. You should take care of Liang Yi's affairs first. You don't need to interfere with the business for the time being. Lao Cai and I talked on the phone and will hand over some of the goods to him tomorrow."

Qi Ting walked over: "So urgent? The investigation team just left, don't you want to wait any longer?"

Qi Weihai: "If we wait any longer for customers, we should start yelling at them. After playing with them for a month, our losses are not small. It's really uncivilized."

"Don't worry, this time we will use our own friends to take delivery of a batch of goods first. If there is an emergency, it doesn't matter how long we wait."

Qi Ting nodded: "That's true."

(End of this chapter)

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