Chapter 257 Surrounding Changliu Village

Wudeshan went downstairs with an ugly face. He didn't expect that Chen Yi could know the place of Bamencang in a short period of time. It was really a bit evil.

He didn't believe that the other party found out by himself. How could he be involved in Bamencang for no reason? He had only been in Jiaocheng for a few days, so someone else must have told him.

who can that be?

Liang Yi?

He quickly thought of this person, damn it!

Liang Yi had been fighting with them for several years, and he was not surprised to get the three words "Bamen Cang". As long as he surrounded them like flies every day, he would overhear it sooner or later.

"What's wrong, Dad?"

In the living room, Wu Yong saw that Wu Deshan's face was not very good, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart. Could something go wrong?

At this critical juncture, even the slightest problem may trigger a chain reaction.

Wu Deshan came to the living room and frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Wu Yong: "The things Liang Yi kept in the bank safe didn't mention Bamencang, right?"

Wu Yong: "No, I have checked carefully. All the evidence about smuggling has been destroyed."

Takeyama: "That's really strange."

Wu Yong: "Dad, what happened?"

Wudeshan sat down and said: "After receiving the news, Chen Yi knew about Bamencang and may have found the location of Bamencang."

Hearing this, Wu Yong was startled: "No... no way?!"

Wu Deshan: "I don't think it's possible either. Be careful. You should immediately ask the people below to check the monitoring of the eight door warehouse. Check carefully. Send more people to the area to ask if there are any strangers. Asked about Bamencang."

Wu Yong took out his mobile phone: "Okay, I understand."

Just as he was about to make the call, Wu Deshan didn't know what he thought of and interrupted: "Wait, I don't feel right. Go and supervise it yourself."

Wu Yong would not refuse his father's order and stood up: "Okay, I'll go there right away."

Wudeshan: "Be careful, our position must be closely watched by Chen Yi, take more detours to ensure safety, and pay attention to mobile phone signals."

Wu Yong: "I understand."

Wu Deshan gave another instruction: "Also, if any abnormality is found, even if there is even the slightest suspicion, the processing plant will be destroyed and burned immediately."

Wu Yong's eyes narrowed: "Burned?"

Wudeshan said: "If you burn it, you can build it again, and you can buy equipment and materials again. If you lose your life, you will lose everything. This kid Chen Yi is very weird, so he can't take risks."

Wu Yong gritted his teeth: "Okay!"


Jiaocheng Bureau.

Ji Xin, who was staring at the cell phone signal and surveillance, suddenly got excited and sat up from his chair. Without hesitation, he immediately dialed Chen Yi's number.

Soon, Chen Yi opened the door and walked in.

"what's the situation?"

He Xin said: "Wu Yong moved again. He came out of the Wu family villa. His destination seemed unclear, but this just shows that his purpose was clear."

Chen Yi understood what Shi Xin meant. If Wu Yong simply went out to eat and drink coffee, there would be no need to be secretive. Being aimless was concealing the true purpose.

"We are getting closer to Changliu Village." He Xin continued.

This distance is only relative, but in fact it is still more than ten kilometers away from Changliu Village.

Chen Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at several pictures back and forth, and took out his cigarette case out of habit.

When the smoke rose, he spoke: "It is not difficult to know that I left the city alone, it is not difficult to know that I returned in the early morning, and it is not difficult to know that I went to Jiaocheng Building in the morning. With this information, will you doubt that I have mastered Where is Bamencang?"

Shi Xin turned around and said, "It shouldn't be the case, right? Are they so smart?"

Chen Yi: "What if they have already guessed it?"

Shi Xin thought for a while: "If they have guessed it, then Wu Yong went to Changliu Village this time to confirm this matter, or to prepare a backup plan?"

Chen Yi did not speak immediately, recalling the night visit to Changliu Village last night in his mind. He was sure that he was definitely not caught on surveillance. The only variables were driving and the cigarette man.

If someone says that a strange vehicle has been lingering nearby, if they ask in the surrounding villages if anyone has asked about Bamencang and the dry tobacco man.

Then, you can basically be sure that you are indeed checking Bamencang, and you have already found it.

"Just in case, act now! Don't play with them anymore."

After saying that, Chen Yi immediately turned around and left, and took out his mobile phone.

"Act now??"

Shi Xin was startled. He knew what these four words meant and hurriedly followed him out.

The original plan was for three or five days, during which time they would raid Nanping Port and investigate all the properties under Wu Yong's name, and wait until the information was almost ready before proceeding. But now because of Wu Yong's sudden departure, Chen Yi changed his mind without hesitation. idea.

In this case, there is no point in keeping the action secret. What is important is speed, and there is no need to confiscate the mobile phone.

Even if someone tipped off the news, when Wu Yong and others received the call, the police were already standing in front of them.

"Hello? Captain Ma."

"Assemble all the special police and surround Changliu Village in an hour. Enter the house to control everyone, regardless of gender, and do not leave any room. Anyone who resists will be pinned down on the spot. Anyone who dares to attack the police with weapons will be shot directly!"

"I'll take the people from the criminal investigation detachment and I'll be there soon!"

Ma Bin's voice was solemn: "Yes, I will assemble the team immediately!"

He felt like his blood was boiling. He had been a special police officer for so many years, but to be honest, he had never participated in such a major operation.

Directly surrounding a village?

Good guy, what on earth did this village do?

"Lao He!" Chen Yi turned around, "Lead the economic investigation and security brigade to control Huisheng Group, interrogate everyone above and below, and investigate all documents! Also, arrest Wu Deshan!"

When is new: "Got it!"

Chen Yi looked at Qin Fei: "Qin Fei! Assemble the police from ten nearby police stations and control and interrogate every employee of all industries under Wu Yong's name, including the seafood market. The resisters will be cuffed with coercive measures! Do not let go of any violations of laws and regulations. Pass!"

Qin Fei didn't expect it. Before he could respond, Chen Yi went straight to Duan Quan without stopping.

He was confused, completely confused, but no matter how confused he was, he still had to work, no matter how hard he went.

In the office, Chen Yi pushed open the door and walked in: "Duan Zhi."

Seeing that it was Chen Yi, Duan Quan quickly stood up: "Captain Chen."

Chen Yi: "Duan Zhi, ask your people to cooperate with the anti-smuggling and control Nanping Port. All staff will investigate and interrogate one by one. You and the remaining anti-smuggling police officers rushed to Changliu Village! Act immediately! The anti-smuggling side will order the investigation team Moderate, anyone who disobeys will be suspended on the spot!”

After saying that, he turned around and left without waiting for Duan Quan to speak.

Duan Quan, like Qin Fei, was also stunned and didn't understand why it happened so suddenly.

He has a strong execution ability. After being stunned for a short time, he immediately took out his mobile phone and gathered people.

It can be felt that a dark cloud has begun to cover Jiaocheng. This is not just a gust of wind, but a heavy rain is about to pour.

Five minutes later, Team Chen quickly walked out of the city bureau with all the field staff of the criminal investigation detachment. Countless car doors opened, and everyone got on the car one after another. With the roar of the engine, a long line of police cars quickly drove out of the city bureau. In the SWAT detachment, Ma Bin was also very fast. Three large police vehicles were speeding on the road, each carrying fifty people, for a total of one hundred and fifty people.

Half an hour later, Duan Quan led the anti-smuggling police officers on the road at full speed. The police officers in the car had different reactions, including confusion, excitement, sadness, and fear.

The goal of the three parties is Changliu Village!

At the Wu family villa, Wu Deshan had already received the news. After listening to the content on the other end of the phone, his face suddenly became a little pale, and there was sweat on his forehead.

After the other party finished speaking, he began to curse: "Wudeshan!! What the hell did you do! That boy Chen Yi personally led the team, and hundreds of police officers went to Changliu Village. They could flatten the place with one foot! Changliu! What’s going on in the village! What are you hiding from me?!”

Wudeshan swallowed: "Changliu Village is where I store my inventory."

The other party: "Fart!! If it's a warehouse, why are you hiding it from me? Tell me the truth! Have you done anything else besides smuggling!!"

Wudeshan was also angry: "What's the use of talking about this now! Can you buy me some time?"

The other party: "Fight for your mother! What can I do?? All the special police, criminal police, and anti-smuggling police have not received any information in advance. Chen Yi has ordered them all to be mobilized. They will be there in ten minutes!"

"I don't care what happens in Changliu Village. Run away now! If you can't run away, hide first!"


The phone hangs up.

Takekuyama stood there blankly, with the phone still attached to his ear, and he had a tendency to faint and fall to the ground.

What exactly is going on?

Even if Chen Yi really found Bamencang, wasn't that what happened last night? I just went to Jiaocheng Building today. Even if it is an action, it will take a few days to prepare. This is too hasty!

You bastard, you don't play by the rules!

broken! Wu Yong is still there!

Thinking of this, Wu Deshan quickly dialed Wu Yong's number, but it showed that it was not in the service area.

He almost forgot that in order to avoid the police's location, Wu Yong now either doesn't bring his mobile phone or blocks the signal every time he goes out.

Originally he was guarding against Chen Yi, but now he was guarding against himself.

But it doesn't matter, there are other people in Changliu Village who can be contacted.

At the same time, Wu Yong, who had already arrived at Changliu Village, had already arranged two things. The first thing was to check the surveillance of last night, and the second thing was to ask the surrounding villages to make sure if anyone had inquired about Bamencang.

The men in charge of Changli Village have arrived at the head of the village and are questioning Mr. Hanyan and others who are sitting here.

These old men have nothing to do and sit here every day.

"It's really hard to see the one over there in Changliu Village. Why, are you willing to give it up?" There was a strange uncle.

The leading man said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, have any strangers inquired about Bamencang in the past two days?"

Uncle: "I don't know."

The man took out some banknotes.

Uncle: "This is too little."

The man continued to take out, there were about ten or twenty cards.

Seeing so much money, Uncle Hanyan smiled: "You're too polite. Yesterday, a young man came here. I talked with him about changing the name of Changliu Village, and it seemed that Bamencang Village was mentioned."

Hearing this, the man immediately changed his face: "Old man, you have nothing to do, right? Don't you want to live anymore?!"

Uncle Hanyan was dissatisfied: "How can you speak? The people in Changliu Village really don't understand any manners!"

Man: “I think you just don’t want to live anymore!!”

While speaking, he raised his foot and was about to kick it. At this moment, he seemed to hear something and turned his head sharply.

Not far away, a police truck was driving with its lights flashing. Although the road was difficult, the speed was not slow.

The vehicle quickly rushed through the entrance of Changli Village and rushed to Changliu Village.

Looking at the rear taillights of the police car, the man opened his mouth wide and finally spit out two words.


On the other side, Wu Yong, who was still drinking tea comfortably in Changliu Village, choked on the words of the villagers and spurted out all the tea.

"Brother Yong! Uncle De asked you to leave the village quickly, saying that Chen Yi has brought the police!"

Wu Yong was so frightened that he jumped up on the spot: "What the hell!"

Without any hesitation, he rushed out of the room and got into the car. He even ignored the driver, stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

He has 100% trust in his father. Since the other party has sent the news, it must be true!

Unfortunately, he was blocked by a police car before he left a hundred meters away.

Three special police officers quickly got out of the car with guns drawn, and pointed their guns directly at the cab as they walked quickly.

"Come down!"

"Come down!"

Facing the siege of the special police, Wu Yong looked extremely ugly. He had no choice but to open the car door and get out with his hands raised.

"Don't move," the SWAT officer warned.

Wu Yong was silent. Of course he didn't dare to move. This was a special police officer.

The vehicle continued to move forward, with three special police officers escorting Wu Yong behind, waiting for Chen Yi's arrival.

This was just one of them. The other two had already entered the village entrance from other directions. When the door opened, dozens of special police officers got out of the car one after another, leaving two standing guard before rushing into the village.

"Don't move! Come out holding your head! Hurry!"

"Don't move! Be honest!"

Some villagers were angry: "What are you doing! Why are you arresting me? Don't touch me!"

As soon as his voice fell, the special police officer in front of him knocked him down and handcuffed him.

"The police are beating people!!"

No one paid any attention to him.

The special police were extremely fast, searching every house in batches, gathering everyone they saw outside, and guarding them with guns.

At the end of the village, Wu Yong watched this scene silently. Although he was calm on the surface, the trembling corners of his eyes showed that he was extremely uneasy inside.

He didn't expect that Chen Yi actually found Changliu Village, and he didn't expect that Chen Yi would be so fast, faster than their intelligence. Just as he was about to verify this matter, people came, without giving them any reaction. time.

When his eyes swept across the three-story building in the distance, Wu Yong's eyes showed panic.

He now regrets that his intestines are green. What he did was not thorough enough. He should have dismantled and burned it long ago.

Soon, Chen Yi arrived with people from the criminal investigation detachment. The police car blocked the entrance to the village. All the criminal police officers got out of the car and joined the encirclement and search work.

Chen Yi strode over and nodded to Ma Bin without pausing. He didn't pause when he passed by Wu Yong. He rushed directly to the three-story building in the distance with a very clear goal.

Behind him, four detectives followed.

"Protect Captain Chen." Ma Bin said.

Two special police officers also joined Chen Yi's team.

(End of this chapter)

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